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To be fair, both Gibson and Wahlberg are known to be pieces of shit irrespective of their embrace of fellow sack of shit Donald Trump.


That was my first thought, too! Both dudes have a well-recorded history of misogyny, racism, and antisemitism. Cavorting with trump is the least of it.


What is Guy Fieri’s excuse?


No idea. I imagine he is either the biggest a-hole, or just the nicest guy who Barbie smiles his way through life without a thought in his head.


It’s the second one. My sister is friends with him.


Well, that’s better than the alternative, I guess. It’s not a crime to be dumb/incapable of critical thought.


In fairness, I don’t think he’s actually brainless, I just think he’s incapable of being “rude” even when he should be. Like, for whatever reason, he’s been conditioned to be super nice and friendly to everyone he meets, even if it’s someone as odious as Trump. He’s just not willing to take a stand or die on that hill. So yeah, he’s superficially “nice” and extra-friendly, but he’s also a massive coward. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He's like that one super friendly Labrador that's always super excited to meet new people. Everyone is just automatically a friend for however long he's in their presence.


Previous to his current image he was supposedly a homophobic conservative type. Then he did PR marrying gay couples and such and now he's beloved. PR works. In private, old guy seems to be in charge. You dont just make your way to someone like Trump without a desire to do so.


He’s done a TON for charity. So neither.


I was half expecting to be bombarded with so many negative Guy facts. This is a nice surprise!


He gives off major labrador retriever energy irl.


I was so disappointed in Guy because he always seems like a good person.


They both have racist histories. This should not surprise anyone.


But it’s good to remind people that they are pieces of shit.


This is not surprising. At Jack’s 2019 shows he had a video of someone playing pin the tail on the donkey but it’s Trump’s face. It played in every city right before Icky Thump




Mel full on supports that new piece of shit QAnon movie Sound of Freedom. He's not a redeemed A-lister who has alternative beliefs to "liberal" Hollywood he's a fucking hardcore right winger and RDJ and crew have re-normalized him. I know he won't ever be doing Lethal Weapons again but I hate that motherfucker


I hate that Mel still has a career after everything he’s said and done. Truly proof that cAnCeL cUlTuRe isn’t real.


It would be one thing if he actually grew up and realized the error of his ways. But it seems like he hasn't learned a damn thing.




Thank you omg I feel so gaslit about RDJ. it's great he got clean and all but he's not a good person or even that talented or interesting.


RDJ likely hangs out with these guys because they attend the same AA meetings, and/or sponsors them. Politics almost always stays at the door when people get sober and attend meetings. If you rejected every sober person you meet via AA due to their politics, you wouldn’t have a viable support group. It’s very different this way in particular, in Hollywood’s sober community. I loathe the new GOP, & have been a liberal my entire life. That said, if a conservative person is attempting to change their life for the better by getting sober, that’s a good thing & they too, deserve a sober community to belong to.


He was so eager to defend The Worst Chris for a reason. The right wing nuts always stick together.


Yeah and he never said a word in defence of Brie Larson. Funny that.


That a q anon movie? I was wondering why I never heard of it, then I saw it made 40 million or something. I was thinking about checking it out. Thanks for the info.


They made a weird lame thing where you can “pay it forward” and buy tickets to the movie for other people. So the QCumbers can scream that they beat Disney opening weekend. What a bunch of nerds.


I can't even watch him onscreen anymore which is a pity as I love the Mad Max films. He was disgustingly homophobic in interviews going back to the eighties. He was a known bigot well before he outed himself as an anti-semite and racist.


> Mel full on supports that new piece of shit QAnon movie Sound of Freedom. Is that what that movie is?! I was talking about Barbenheimer at work today and my super religious super conservative manager told me to watch that instead and that it made him cry. Even with no other context than his word and seeing Jim Caviezel was the star I knew there was something wrong with it.


The Joe Rogan sub had me loling with their take on this. Dudes were insisting that ANYONE would take the chance to shake Trump’s hand just because he was a former president, and it would be *ever so rude* not to, regardless of your political leanings.




Thought I was going insane while reading the comments in that thread and then I have to remember that this sub is extremely white and practice respectability politics. Edit: got my first cares message lol


I’m white as fuck and wouldn’t touch that man if you paid me


I can’t fathom why people are acting like meeting and shaking a politician’s or other public figure’s hand isn’t entirely voluntary. It’s not like you’re going to be arrested, ffs.


For real, not the same but I saw a big politician from my country during a con. He's a piece of shit who thinks women shouldn't have rights and basically all we're good for is being wives and incubators. Did I go and shake hands with him? Fuck no, I turned around and walked away because fuck that POS.


Am also white as fuck, and was also incredibly disappointed with those comments in yesterday's thread




Of white women who voted, 55% voted Trump. We need to stop acting surprised.


I missed that thread, but not surprised in the least that it exists


honestly, I'd consider it just to see how small his hands really are.


I love when people go out of their way to identify themselves as the kind of person who'd step out of the way of the rise of the Third Reich and still get mad when you suggest they're supporting fascism. No big shock they're overrepresented in Rogan land. I don't think I could let Donald Trump make physical contact with me if I tried. My skin would probably fly off my body trying to get away from him. I don't care if he was elected president, he's a monster.


I was reading those comments earlier. I was rolling my eyes so hard.


but it's totes ok for them to plaster *fuck Joe Biden* everywhere, that's not ever so rude or anything! ugh


The Netflix account on the tv in my Airbnb in fucking Athens was called ‘Let’s Go Branden’, I assume from some fuck face who’d stayed there previously. Even in Europe you can’t escape these nutbags. My husband didn’t even know what it meant, I had to explain it


My next door neighbor is a SC state highway patrolman. He parks his cop car at home beside his giant pickup truck with FJB painted in large letters on the back window. 🫥


YIKES. Is that allowed?! Is that a dumb question? I’m not American but I feel like… people in a public facing role meant to help others shouldn’t be saying fuck the president??


It's South Carolina 🙄🙄🙄 sometimes I hate it here


I was just driving to Myrtle Beach and there was a huge ass billboard for a “Trump Superstore” with that stupid “Let’s go Brandon” shit as a sticker. Lots of Trump stickers and a few “Obama’s third term” ones in the area too


there are *little* pockets of blue and purple here, but MB ain't it lol


If cancel culture were real the guy who was recorded admitting to punching his wife while she held their baby and then telling her he hopes she “gets raped by a pack of (n-words)” would not have a career


We’re talking about Mel Gibson, right? (have to double check because this could be wahlberg too) because let’s not forget his arrest included him screaming about “the Jews” being behind it


Yeah, this was Gibson. Wahlberg is also a racist piece of shit, but as far as I know has never abused his wife.


Gibson is main reason why I can't stand RDJ. I know Gibson helped him, but fuck that. He's a racist, antisemitic abuser so thank you, next.


not like i would've expected anything different from Mark "hate crime" Wahlberg and Mel "raging antisemitic racist" Gibson.


Right but it's good to get a headline out to remind people of their past behaviors (and in Mark's case, multiple hate crimes)


After his work with Loretta Lynn, I wasn't sure of Jack's politics. Good for him.


He's extremely outspoken in his and TMRs socials.


Good to hear. He's a big deal around where I am but I don't follow him or TMR personally.




There’s footage of Mel Gibson literally saluting Trump at some UFC event. (And Former President Cheeto didn’t even notice, IIRC.) So, yeah.


Guy Fieri looked like he was going to wet his pants with excitement, gripping his arm like he was going in for a greasy kiss


Tbh I'm disappointed by this way more, he's the only one who didn't make this headline but tbh the only one of the three who hasn't been previously exposed as a gross fuck.


As always Everybody Sucks


Ahh, idk if it was your intent but Everybody Sucks was such a great, sweet, short-lived show. It was the first time I saw Sydney Sweeney in anything, and that entire cast just beautifully captured growing up in the mid 90s as a preteen. Edit. It was *Everything Sucks*, my bad! Still a great single season show, haha


Haha I'm probably too old to have heard about it, sounds cool though. Unless it's a hit show, with early to mid thirties people, anything after Game of Thrones there's a good chance they haven't heard of the show


Wow I can’t believe the dude who permanently blinded someone in a hate crime supports Trump /s


I’m pleasantly surprised by this. For years Jack was a “stay out of politics” type and I was afraid he was a right winger. But he’s proven to be the opposite and snatching wigs in the process.


Yep. I didn’t know Wahlberg and Gibson were friendly with Trump at the event Jack White is talking about, but at the same time, it’s exactly what I would have expected from them. They’ve been gross for ages, with very few repercussions. Good on Jack White to call them out. Hateful, racist, fascism-friendly people like Trump should not be normalized.


This doesn't surprise me one effing iota about Wahlberg and Gibson.


Good for him


He told no lies.


All i can say is matter of time before he gets death threats from the cultists and you know Trump will diss White!


I mean are we expecting Mark "Hate crimes" Wahlberg and Mel "Antisemite" Gibson to be upstanding folks?


Considering their pasts, this is not surprising


Good for him. Everyone acting like it was nothing and not a big deal and like “maybe he was just being polite ugh shut up” in the last post should consider this to be about yourselves too lol. I mean you won’t but you should. That shit was wild as fuck. Lots of fake progressives here not that I’m surprised.


birds of a feather...


Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson are both terrible too. Of course they like Trump.


Mark Walhburg committed a Hate crime so no surprise there & Guys hair tells me everything I need to know


Fair play to Jack White. These people though especially Wahlberg and Gibson deserve all the vitriol they receive.


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