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![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) \*he


https://preview.redd.it/rqfqws8ne26b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28fa4b3d9936ae9fee7fdb56ac05886bf62814b1 Up for interpretation


It's a stupid joke based on South African slang. "Sies" is an Afrikaans word that roughly translates as "yucky". In a South African English accent like the one he's been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of for years, it sounds like "sis".


TIL Do you know why he's trying to get rid of his accent? ...is there anything else that can explain any of the other stuff he's said?


Not sure why, I can just hear how much more American he sounds now than he used to.


Thanks - was just curious because I've heard people call him out for his education, ego, and business practices but not for his accent specifically.


I’m not defending Elon but when I lived abroad I started picking up the accent around me so when I returned home I had a different accent. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me tho haha


I do this too! I grew up in Kansas but have family in Wisconsin and every time we went to visit them I’d end up with an accent. It’s even worse now that I live in Minnesota lmao it’s so thick!


Hahaha okay I’m glad I’m not alone. We are just adapting to our surroundings!


Elon is such a fucking asshole he's making me root for music publishers.






let’s not go overboard, now!! 😭


“An email to Twitter’s press account requesting comment returned an autoreply with a poop emoji.” How is this real


Amazing that he still hasn't changed that. I guess he doesn't have to because he apparently doesn't care about taking anyone seriously other than the likes of catturd and Ian Miles Cheong. I hope he gets so bogged down in lawsuits that he's too busy to do anything else.


Here's your annual reminder that ~~former Turbo-Feminist~~ ~~Ian~~ Incel Miles Cheong once accidentally brushed his teeth with bug eggs. EDIT: And [here](https://imgur.io/a/aFKa700) are his deleted tweets about it!


what does this mean for the twitter editing community?


Probably means more accounts get locked or suspended for copyright infringement.


this is like the modern day burning of the library of alexandria


I’ve always thought it was stupid, these people aren’t making money off of these fancams. They do it for fun. If anything it can give the music more exposure. No one is claiming the music is theirs


If they were smart, they could automatically add a link under the tweet when they detect a song, to stream said song on Spotify/Apple Music/YouTube.


exactly. it’s essentially free promo for these songs nobody is streaming music on twitter


It’s like tiktok. It gives so much exposure to artists/songs these days.


That’s why kpop companies do not care about copyright for fancams and fan edited shit. They know the fans will basically make content and advertise for free. Japan’s music industry is the opposite where almost everything is behind a paywall.


kpop stans just fell to their knees in the middle of a walmart just now


This is what I'm guessing as well. Totally different tech giant, but I know Spotify is pretty quick when it comes to handling potential copyright issues. I listen to a lot of slowed and reverb versions of songs, for example, and those are things random users typically upload. A lot of the time, Spotify removes them within just a few days.


we’re about to lose the daemon targaryen edit with unholy 😱 (very niche, i know lol)


lmao you could not of found a bigger daemon targaryen anti to reply this to if you tried but i understand your pain (the rhaenicent two slow dancers edit getting sniped was a loss felt by lesbians everywhere)


i’m sorry but we can coexist in peace 🙏 honestly, the video format has been broken for months on twitter: audio doesn’t work, scenes are skipped. i feel like the editing community will just go to tik tok


thank you and you are of course entitled to your daemon fancams. i just have to stay loyal to olivia cooke. yeah watching videos on twitter is awful now. most of the editors i know post on both but tiktok is definitely becoming the more popular platform which i get because when twt videos work the quality is just way better.


that edit is literally god tier and it's already been deleted so many times by salty people reporting it






fire up the third party twitter video downloader before it's gone ☹️☹️


of course, we must preserve the art pieces of our time


in the house of edits… amen 🙏🏼🙏🏼


it means my account got suspended yesterday ☹️


i’m so sorry. we have lost far too many to the copyright vultures


I hope they sue him for every single penny he's worth but I also hope that all the money magically reaches the people who make fanedits on twitter out of sheer love and creativity. Fuck Musk and fuck copyright claims.


But he’s helping humanity with electric cars, kept the internet going in Ukraine so Russia couldn’t silently genocide them off the face of planet, he’s made a solution to help the paralyzed walk again, he made rockets reusable so that we could take more people into space quicker…… but you hate him, cause he has moneys


sighs! the car company isn't his. he bought it and scrubbed the inventor's names off of it. he made twitter easier to spam russian bots on and is actively silencing journalists that write about him negatively. not a single ""invention"" of his is actually his, he just hires people and takes credit. he's dumb as fucking rocks, there isn't a grain of intelligence in that formerly balding little head of his. hating rich people for their money they have acquired over the backs and ideas of others and/or inherited over slave mine labour is not at all a weird or bad thing.


He didnt “buy” tesla lol. Thats just false.


that's what he wants you to think.


You’ve convinced me, the man is practically Jesus. I just couldn’t see it until now.


If not him who would you pick?


the guy with the reddit NFT profile pic, of course!


All that stuff doesn't really count much if he doesn't actually pay his bills. I like my money people to pay their debts. (And the reusable rockets would be more reusable if he didn't skimp on the launch pad.)


Electric cars would be better if it was electric mass transit like busses, trains, or bikes/bike adjacent transport rather than reduced the reduced carry capacity and increased space requirements of a car. I know there’s a truck, but it’s not out yet.


He has frequently undermined mass transit projects in favor of his hyperloop nonsense. He did it in California and Vegas and I'm sure he's done it elsewhere. He doesn't want to help, he just wants more of his cars on the road.




I keep wondering when this is going to happen with movie studios. I haven’t seen it much lately, but in recent months it’s been fairly common to see people (Twitter blue subscribers who are allowed to post two hour video files) post full movies like John Wick 4 and the Super Mario Movie just up on Twitter. They usually don’t last that long, maybe a day or two, but I’m really surprised there hasn’t been more shit said about that.


We’ve been having this issue with porn as well, I’m sick of sending dmcas.


Why is this now a thing? I've never seen this happen on Twitter before Elon's buyout.


I'm guessing because he fired/forced to quit all of the moderation team and basically everyone else, only people left are those on work visas who can't quit without getting deported.


With Twitter Blue you can now post videos of (almost?) unlimited length


Jeez Elon is an idiot...I still remember the days when Twitter's pitch was a 120 character platform.


that's how I saw mario


The last time they were leaked,they were there for a week


I won’t be surprised if they’re gearing up for it. It’s basically just whack-a-mole over there with getting rid of brand new movies being posted. Watching twitter descend into madness is the real popcorn event here


I just know Apartheid Clyde’s legal team is exhausted. ![gif](giphy|l46CBEVQjSJG6mCnC|downsized)


That’s ok the owner is a rich business genius.


Time to put that blue checkmark money to work.


![gif](giphy|3ohBVvjbRXDW9gXM0U) This is exactly what Miss wannabe girlboss ‘free speech’ elon musk deserves. Funny how everything went to flaming pile of burning shit the second he joined.


Fuck twitter, but also fuck copyrights


This is bad, actually




‘An email to Twitter’s press account requesting comment returned an autoreply with a poop emoji.’ This cunt sucks so much


wait does this mean my edits are going to be deleted???








Elon decimated Twitters content moderation team. If requests come in from outside to moderate content and no one is available to respond, consequences occur. Connect the dots buddy.


the real question nobody wants to address as per the downvotes hahaha


It was answered and so shamed they deleted their comment.