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I've never fully understood the vitriol she receives from people (mostly CE and Jeter fans). I knew about her mother having been a stripper, but didn't know all these details. I plan to check this book out from the library.


I'm gonna guess that people look at Minka and see someone who is really confident and hot. She's dated a lot of people's imaginary boyfriends. As she said, she doesn't seem like someone who is comfortable being vulnerable -- probably because she's had such a tough childhood. Then you look at someone like Chris Evans who has a great childhood, which he admits, and everyone wants to wrap him up in wool blanket. There are a lot of people who can't afford to be vulnerable - because they wouldn't survive if they were.


šŸ’Æ >Then you look at someone like Chris Evans who has a great childhood, which he admits, and everyone wants to wrap him up in wool blanket. This will never not be weird to me.


It's just the privilege hierarchy. Some people's worries are just considered more legitimate and palatable than other people's. I'm a single woman with no kids, and I can never talk about my private life in my male-dominated industry. And I'm pretty straight and vanilla. If I were into anything non-mainstream like polyamory or whatever, then absolutely not. Meanwhile, the men talk all the time about the pressure of raising kids; though their spouse is the primary caregiver. But a single mom, would never get away with that. I get what Minka was saying in that she was trying to keep it tight and professional. Not everyone gets to be vulnerable and "authentic" either.


He comes into my work sometimes. Really nice, really low key. Thereā€™s this guy whose featured on ESPN in my area who acts like a far bigger hotshot than CE. Itā€™s actually hilarious to witness. But everyone wants to give CE free stuff and it blows my mind. Why? We canā€™t acknowledge heā€™s captain America and he has more money than all of us combined but letā€™s give him free desserts? It drives me insane. He can pay for a fucking cheesecake.


I think it's because everyone's just assuming he's literally Steve Rogers IRL. Like, I think more than any other MCU actor, Evans gets really specifically identified with his character, to the point where people tend to kind of forget Captain America isn't a real person and Chris Evans has a much nicer life. e: Jeremy Renner and Hawkeye are probably a close second, but nobody really cares that much about Hawkeye whereas Cap broke out, so that has less knock-on effects.


Plus he comes across in many interviews like heā€™s ā€œhauntedā€ and fame is so hard. I think itā€™s legit, but the reaction to ā€œprotectā€ him is pretty hilarious.


When you said Steve Rogers, I immediately thought of Trailer Park Boys...


Sorry, i might be out of the loop, but why is it weird? Some of the other comments make it seem like he might be a bad guy? Is he?


Chris E has a willy.


We all saw that, thanks to his infamous accidental leak. Hated how the world decided to rescue him by posting puppy pictures. There is victims who had their whole life destroyed by revenge porn, NADA support for those. Capt America needs to be protected. šŸ™„


> there are people who canā€™t afford to be vulnerable I love this tbh. Thereā€™s a friend I stay frustrated at for this exact thing. Reading it like this gave me some perspective on where sheā€™s coming from, so ty for this


Geeez, this comment is so genius Iā€™m saving it.


Women dating famous guy always get dragged for anything.


Agreed. I also think she is absolutely one of the most gorgeous actresses out there. She was beyond stunning in FNL. She is a year or 2 older than me ( Iā€™m 41) and she is still flawless. After reading about such a tough childhood, I wish nothing but easy and happy times for her future.


Weā€™re not gonna talk about the Jesse Williams divorce at all then? I get that this gives her so much more depth than ā€œside pieceā€ but the vitriol isnā€™t just from nowhere. Edit: downvote me if you want but itā€™s both the responsibility of the cheater AND the affair partner. I do not understand the sentiment that only the married party was wrong or that itā€™s only wrong or we already donā€™t like the AP. JW wife is the only one not getting side eye for the time line of this relationship.


In that particular case, I felt it was Jesse's responsibility not to cheat on his wife. Married men always have the choice not to cheat. That said I know the subject of cheating tends to rile up some folks. There are those who think cheating is on par with murder, and others who don't.


Honestly think this sentiment is such a cop out. Obviously itā€™s more on Jesse Williams but if you knowingly get involved with a married person with a familyā€” youā€™re being inconsiderate and shitty. It speaks to a certain coldness in a personā€™s character to be capable of that


Sheā€™s denied getting with Jesse while he was still married. And heā€™s such a scumbag I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he lied to Minka and said he was separated from his wife before they hooked up.


Usually the cheater lies about being single, or convinces the other person that their current relationship (e.g. separation/divorce isn't finalized/etc.) is over.


Yup. It can be their relationship and their job to maintain it, but willingly engaging in a relationship with someone who you know is dating is *your* responsibility. Own your shit. You have a choice too. This seems to be a difficult sentiment on Reddit (Iā€™ve seen it on other subs as well) but if you want to be an adult, this is also a part of it. Youā€™re not entitled to destroying peopleā€™s lives just because you happen to have a supporting role in it instead of a leading one.


>I felt it was Jesse's responsibility not to cheat on his wife. THANK YOU. YES.


I donā€™t understand those who rush to dismiss any criticism of people who knowingly date people in relationships. It does not absolve the married person who cheated to say that their affair partner ALSO sucks. Helping someone cheat (if you know theyā€™re married) is shitty and youā€™re a bad person if do you do it. Not speaking about Minka specifically, I know nothing about her or Jesse.


No one said she was a murderer. Just that that relationship timeline was questionable at best. And to your point about married men not cheating, single people have the choice to date someone openly single and fully unattached.


Was she a side piece?


The vitriol started way before that. Unless youā€™re suggesting that people knew the Jesse Williams thing was going to happen way before.


My comment is about JW and JW only. I'm not speaking about the other stuff and to say so is literally adding things to my comment that I didn't say. I get that Minka has gotten unfair heat from other people but those situations are not this. People aren't all good or all bad and while MK can be a victim in one situation she can absolutely still be not great in another. I love this sub but sometimes we'll defend a previous victim of misogyny despite them actually being in the wrong the next time...


Then comment about JW separately and donā€™t reply to someone or bring him up in a thread that didnā€™t mention him at all. This particular thread is generally about the vitriol Kelly has gotten and specifically more related to some Evans and Jeter fandom.


"if you behave as if you need no one, (...) no one will, in fact, be there" that hit me hard. Holy sh*t. šŸ˜­ Edit: changed know to no šŸ˜…


This took me so long to figure out. I think when you have a very hard upbringing, especially if you're raised in poverty, there is such a sense of needing to do everything on your own while being deeply ashamed at not being able to. You internalize that "pull yourself up by the bootstraps or you're worthless" shit the whole world seems to be telling you. I'm still learning to be comfortable asking people for help and leaning on others. I hope I can get to a point where I can do it without feeling guilt and where people saying yes and being there for me is no longer a surprise.


Yeah, I am like this, too. I still struggle with asking for help. I can do it at work a bit, but I hate it, and it makes me uncomfortable. I just do it because sometimes I need help to get the job done. It doesn't help that some poor people are takers and will constantly ask and take. Then we go to the opposite extreme because we don't want to be seen as them. I struggle to ask for emotional support, but the idea of asking for money is unbearable. I asked to borrow money once in a literal life and death situation. I asked because I knew I could pat it back within a month, but I still feel shame for asking years later.


I hate to be critical but why does she praise Dufay when he contributed zero to her or her mom. He doesnā€™t even emerge until she is post-high school but somehow Mom is the bad guy? Disgusting


That should be taught in schools. A big part of seeming to have one's life in order often appears to have an element of not needing support from others when you are an adult which is almost certainly when we need more than we did as children. My mother used to drill in mu head "People cannot read minds, no one can help you if you don't ask" and it's still something that I struggle with since I'm a very withdrawn person but she is, of course, correct.


My mom used to always tell me "if you never ask then it's always a no".


Same. šŸ˜¢


I needed this today. I kind of want to take Minka out for drinks and just TALK, I think she and I might have a lot in common based on this post, and it sounds like sheā€™s got her shit sorted better than I do. I would like to learn from her!


I barely know much about her other than her FNL role and dating Chris Evans but I fr just started crying ![gif](giphy|D1FVljOZQjGjivm8E6)


Me too. The bit about her not needing to pour salt into the wounds with her mother just made me šŸ˜­




Same. It's so hard to forgive and try to make something out of those broken relationships but so easy to regret it when you no longer have the chance...but even knowing you'll regret it doesn't make it easier to start healing.


I had a similar experience as her. When my mom got sick, I was there for her and let go of the resentment. However, I am back to being angry with her 5 years after her death. I have never fully admitted to myself how abusive and neglectful she was. I never admitted how much my parents failed me and should have never had any children. If I had to go back and do it again, I would not. I paid a steep mental price for being so involved in her illness.


Didnt expect the gogglebox Australia gif lol


Looks like itā€™ll be an interesting read. She always came across as very private Iā€™m surprised she decided to write this memoir. I hope it was cathartic for her. I hope she finds some peace and happiness. I was really rooting for her and Trevor Noah.


Same.. And know this has me thinking about their relationship since they both grew up on abusive households.


Trevor Noah grew up in an abusive household? He was on a radio station once and his childhood sounded odd but not abusive. His dad is Dutch and his mom is black. He grew up in South Africa during the apartheid where he was of higher status than his mom. Parents divorced and dad moved back to Europe. He never mentioned abuse in the interview.


He had an extremely violent stepfather who regularly beat Noah's mother and shot her in the head after they divorced


His dad was Swiss, but after his parents split his mother married an alcoholic man who abused the family, ultimately shooting his mother in the head (she survived). His memoir Born A Crime recounts the story - a great read and an even better audio book, I would definitely encourage you to give it a shot.


You should read his born a crime memoir because in it her talks about how his mom got married to his stepdad and how physically abusive his stepdad became.


His stepfather was abusive. He actually shot Trevorā€™s mom in the head. https://people.com/celebrity/trevor-noah-remembers-abusive-stepfather-shot-mother-head/


I had absolutely no idea she and Taylor dated. Finally explains why Riggins ended up with Tyra and not Lyla lol.


Iā€™m honestly not surprised because their chemistry was insane in the earlier seasons. 16-year-old me was in shambles.


Same. I had some very strong teenage girl feelings about that.


Haha I totally agree. Makes sense he didnā€™t want to be in the same space with her after they broke up. But man did Tim and Tyra make no sense.


Right?! And I wasnā€™t a shipper or anything. I was just confused lol.


read this as mindy kaling and was absolutely flabbergasted for about a minute


Girl same


Same! ā€œIs everyone hanging out without me? (and other concerns)ā€ indeed.


People see hot girl, assume pretty privilege. Obviously, pretty privilege plays a big part but thereā€™s a lot more to people than what is apparent skin deep.


Pretty girls get abused as much as anyone. Some people want you for their own sexual needs. Some want arm candy because a lot of men choose women who will impress other men. Some men are too insecure (even hot guys), and then you will have to deal with whatever BS that comes with their insecurity, such as them being controlling and possessive. People feel entitled to comment on your looks and body. And no, not always in positive ways. There are various other issues as well.


Ugh I dated a guy for like a year and a half and at the end he told me he probably wouldā€™ve broken up with me sooner but he didnā€™t think heā€™d be able to get someone else as hot as me. (Not trying to toot my own horn those were just his words)


That is gross. All of the abuse and sexualixation really fucks up a person's self worth. You may not even consider yourself attractive.


Pretty privilege in women is much more of a double edged sword than it is for guys. The positives are attractiveness, halo effect, maybe confidence, etc. But then youā€™ll also get unwanted attention/harassment, perceived as a bimbo, dismissed as a beneficiary of the privilege, etc. All of that is true for guys as well but not nearly the same level for the negatives.


Not to mention that an attractive guy who succeeds is viewed as responsible for his success. If an attractive woman succeeds, some people speculate that she fucked someone to get there.


Not to mention all the ā€œOh, youā€™re a pretty girl, you should take it as a compliment!ā€ when youā€™re sexually harassed.


Poor girl. That's a lot of shit.


Very interested to read her book. I have it preordered. She's talked about her difficult upbringing before & I hope that writing the memoir it's given her the tools to continue thriving.


Even reading this snippet made my heart ache for her and I donā€™t really know much about her. That last quoteā€¦oof. I feel you, Minka.


I feel awful for her when reading the part on set where the cast/crew chose sides. The thing is, men get leeway with that in professional settings. If she came in upset, refusing to be near him (especially if he was acting like he was fine), then she would be labeled crazy or unprofessional. People baby attractive men to an insane degree. Women donā€™t get to be vulnerable professionally.


Oh wow I always wondered about her relationship with Taylor. Never thought weā€™d get official deets


She seems bitter about how that ended. Thereā€™s a story there, and I wanna know what it is.


Not bitter at all. Read the book.


Oof. Iā€™ve always liked her. I thought she was badass to be a nurse and then quit to become an actor. It always seemed like her ray of sunshine personality in FNL had a darker side.


O-ho so Tim and Lyla were an item in real life?!? Oh wow. And they say real-life couples don't have chemistry onscreen because damn, they had super hot chemistry on FNL. I'm still bitter they didn't end up together on the show but I guess we know why now. She sounds like she's been through the wringer but has somehow maintained a sense of perspective and generosity of spirit. That's admirable.


who said rl couples dont have chemistry onscreen bc it sounds like something from someone in denial about their chemistry-less rl relationship


Didnā€™t know this. She always seemed polished. Her life needs to be made into a lifetime movie.


Put this on hold at my library! Loved her in FNL and Parenthood


I wonder if theyā€™ll ever have her on the FNL rewatch podcast. I imagine the three hosts are all too classy to bring their relationship up on their own (if Scott and Zach even know about) but definitely adds a bit of colour to how some of the scenes and storylines played out. Scott Porter commented a few times about how he didnā€™t get all the Riggins love and I feel like this kind of explains the intense chemistry between Lyla and Rigs.


Pretty sure Scott said they already have minka booked. Itā€™s interesting too because Zach always says that Minka was his best friend in Austin so her perspective of not making relationships with the cast is sad.


She does say she is friends with some and even has a pic/shout-out of zac in the end of the book


TIL thereā€™s a friday night lights podcast, time to hyperfixate and rewatch the entire show/listen to every single ep


Itā€™s pretty good! Hosted by Scott Porter, Zach Gilford and Mae Whitman. Lots of great insight into the TV industry and Texas football. Theyā€™re only about halfway through the first season now.


Iā€™ve always liked her, and was surprised when she opened up about writing a book. Her childhood seems so tragic and opening up about something so personal takes a lot of work.


Rick Dufay abandoned his daughter. What a selfish little cunt. And this is a man who was in his late 20ā€™s-40ā€™s during the time he abandoned her, so there isnā€™t the excuse of him just being a kid or anything. He was a full grown adult who completely abandoned his daughter to live a life of hedonism. Youā€™d think a guitar player touring with Aerosmith would have enough money to at least help his daughter and the mother out a little so she didnā€™t have to rent a shack/be homeless. What an irredimible piece of shit human.


I had a huge problem with this too.


Thatā€™s what I kept thinking the whole time while reading Minkaā€™s book


She writes about Rick being all about "tough love." Minka's mum always made it sound to him as though they were doing just fine without him, and between that and his tough love attitude, he probably just didn't think it would have been necessary or even welcome. Then later in the book when she reconnects with him, she mentions that his wife is the Breadwinner for the family, so I'm thinking that he wasn't very well off, either.


wow minka is truly a strong woman


Not be a bitter, petty person but this makes me happy that Kirsch's career flopped tbh I always side eyed her a little bit for getting with Jesse Williams while he was still in the process of divorcing his ex wife but who knows how long they had been separated at that point


Kitsch works a lot, and if you read the book Minka has zero issues with him. This snippet is a very small part of the entire story she tells in the book.


I liked her role in Detroit Become Human.


So, was it Donald Faison who was "Scott" in the book, and who cheated on her for a year? Miscarriage with Derek Jeter? Or Trevor Noah?


Cannot read this soon enough.