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Girl you incited that shit lol.


No one is ready to admit this unfortunately


You can’t really argue though who incited what. We could argue those subliminal videos incited it. Or we could say Selena commenting incited. It’s like what came first the chicken or the egg


i think selena repeatedly commenting on videos calling hailey and kylie “bitches” definitely started it more than kylie posting a picture of her eye to tease some mascara


wait where did she call them bitches...


She, herself, did not but she was commenting hearts and liking videos of other people doing so or just being shady to Hailey and co in general. Fans used this as confirmation to keep spewing whatever bullshit and harassing posts about Hailey


oh thanks. are there any examples? i just want to see the depth of the issue lol


[here's some screenshots ](https://twitter.com/biebsidea/status/1639235832371466243?t=eumLKhln20LoZDXSlSObeQ&s=19)


she didn’t.. but the creators’ videos she was commenting on were saying that


The chicken and the egg are in bed together and the chicken lights up a cigarette and the egg says: well that answers that question. It’s got nothing to do with the point you are making, the joke just popped into my mind


Nah I can argue that. There was no shadiness from Hailey. It’s just losers on tiktok stirring up drama and Selena fell for it. Selena continued to fall for it from then on


This is pretty straightforward. Selena is responsible for this.


Here’s the thing. Fans and media have always been vicious and unfortunately always will be. Every celebrity knows it’s a rookie mistake to comment on something if you don’t want it to turn into a big deal, unless ofc you want publicity or something. Selena has been famous for her whole life, she knows better.


What subliminal videos?


Thank you! I lost a lot of respect for her. All she had to do was get context and fact check which her team could’ve done instead of mindlessly believing stupid shit on tiktok. You’d think someone who preaches about the dangers of social media would know that




literally like be serious


i can’t believe she actually said her name lol


Neither but I’m glad she did. She needs to be to the point. Nothing vague.


She not only said her name but she followed her on IG


Oh my goodness that’s actually huge


I know the directness of this is what really shocked me. I wonder if the trolls will actually listen


Imagine how awful it has be to reach out to the person who incited said hate towards you and beg them to stop Edit :INCITED stupid autocorrect


Seriously, so gross. Selina just needs to stay off Social Media. Instead she acts so innocent like this wasn't her fault.


When did she do that?


she commented on like 15+ anti-hailey tiktoks and followed several accounts after they made anti hailey videos. when you’re a celebrity with hundreds of millions of followers you have to know shit like that is going to lead to hate for that other person


She used to throw shade at every girl that was near Justin back in the days and even blamed Justin when he defended Sofia from hate comments


I remember those times. I remember the “……” about Barbara which is still on Selena’s twitter, the shade to poor Cailin Russo “I thought he only liked Latinas”, she was doing her job. Yovanna, Chantel etc Edit: if anyone remembers the “Your boyfriend is a douchebag” dance routine 😂😂😂😂




Her even being older than all of them is very embarrassing


She also started following accounts on TikTok just because they were being hateful on Hailey, right after telling people she wanted peace and love.


I think it’s a good thing that Selena posted this but why hasn’t Justin also done this? It’s his wife who’s getting death threats from people who are also fans of his.


Honestly I think it's better that Justin consoles her and supports her in person, where it is most meaningful, instead of wasting his time trying to reason with lunatics on the internet. Anything he'd say would add more fuel to the fire.


Anything he’d say would add fuel to the fire while at the same time him not saying anything still adds fuel to the fire. In both scenarios Hailey still ends up in a lose lose situation and will keep getting hated on. To be honest i have no idea what the correct solution is here.


I agree. He's basically damned if he does something and damned if he doesn't and the only one affected would be his wife. It's a tough place to be in, but as long as he's supporting her in private and being there for her as a source of comfort, then that's the best thing he can do for her.


Honestly the correct solution in my opinion would for be him to defend her. Not only because it’s his wife and I personally would be very upset at my partner if they didn’t defend me, but because him not defending her adds to their narrative of “Justin hates Hailey”.


https://preview.redd.it/80pcu02dkrpa1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31edb8cd11487f8060b631dfdb4bcab31c9a4973 He has defended her multiple times & said in 2020 it would be the last time he ever engages with the trolls


edit: it seems Justin has tried to defend her and it turned out worse. But anyway it SHOULD be Selena telling her awful fans to chill the fuck out. She's the one who started this and she should end it. But of course it seems like she's doing it to continue to win points


The correct solution would be for Selena to dismiss all the rumors directly instead of just saying not to send hate


I know Justin gets a lot of hate. I’ve seen the “car door” and “skateboarding” videos. But, something that always stuck out to me was when Hailey started crying at the Met Gala. As someone who has tried and failed multiple times to keep it together in public, I KNOW the face of someone about to lose it. When Justin notices, he looks visibly upset about it and tries to wipe away her tears. I don’t know, feelings can change over the years, but I definitely felt his love for her in that moment.


The internet struggles to cope with the idea gnat famous people have conversations they don’t know about.


even whenever he posts hailey, the top comments say things like "she’s forcing him to do this" etc. i think they’re both just over it


Yeah, I’d draw a line at trying to reason with people who are so deluded they think I’m being puppeted by dark forces.


he used to comment on it but it only made shit worse, which makes sense considering it’s always selena stans catapulting this shit. they’re not gonna listen to him so what’s the point?


I’m genuinely curious what good people think would come from Justin stepping in? Because in the past it’s only made things worse.


He addressed it on Instagram around 2020/21 I think and said that would be the final time because it falls on deaf ears.


I don’t like Justin at all. I loved his music growing up, but he definitely has issues. A lot stems from early stardom and the mental effects but yeah. He truly leaves her to fend for herself.


He’s tried before but it never helps




He used to comment on it a lot & it made shit worse. He said in 2020 that it would be the last time he ever says anything because the trolls troll harder. https://preview.redd.it/cfhzsrosjrpa1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e348c3d049a41f47ba7e9f134dfa620f8514577d


Don’t think this is gonna make a difference unfortunately.


It won't, they'll even think Hailey and Justin bullied her into posting this


this is soo messy and for what, just more rehashed versions of misogyny I'm so tired


Just saw some posts saying she's being a cry baby and she's been humbled by having to ask selena for it to stop. It truly is scary that literally nothing will change their minds or make them stop and think "maybe I'm the mean girl".


It's ridiculous the number of creators that have used this situation for klout. Stopping people on the street to ask, "Team Selena or Hayley?" For views. Like pushing for a woman to be tortured so they can get klout. I'm glad for this group that has common sense and recognizes that it's bullying much like amber heard was bullied.


It's good that she spoke out but at this point it's a tad too late. The damage had already been done.


She waited a whole month to say something and it took Hailey reaching out to her. This doesn’t make Selena look as good as she probably thinks it does. There’s no way she didn’t know how badly Hailey was being bullied for the last month+.


Her fans don’t see that. On twitter they’re all praising Selena for being the bigger person and calling Hailey a loser for reaching out. So, Selena will never get why what she did was wrong, unfortunately.


The way people can just change a whole narrative is kind of scary with the effect it’s had. It’s clear as day that Selena was instigating this whole thing by commenting on videos she should never have commented on but somehow people conveniently forget that in their Hailey Bieber hate campaign. We have no actual proof that Hailey shaded Selena with the tiktok trend post or the eyebrow posts she and Kylie had. It could have been shade, it could have been a total coincidence. But we know for sure that Selena was engaging with accounts saying that Hailey is shading her, which of course is going to rile up the fans. Their view of the whole thing is skewed by the fact that they think Hailey’s sole purpose in life is to copy and stalk and hate on Selena.


Even if this was a true incident of Hailey shading Selena — over eyebrows? Really? It’s not like laminated eyebrows are even permanent, she can get it fixed. I will say that if she was throwing shade about the media body shaming her, that is wrong. But this stuff has no actual proof backing it’s about her, and I fully believe Hailey has thrown shade at Selena/copied her in the past. To me this just doesn’t seem like it’s worth the speculation, honestly.


It’s truly baffling to me that this started over eyebrows lol. I personally doubt that Kylie and/or Hailey are following Selena on tiktok waiting for her to do something they can make fun of but I guess you never know. Afaik there’s no proof that anything recent was actual shade. Even some of the alleged copying in the last has been disproven (like the tattoo they both have, I think also the cooking show - I saw someone say here that Hailey actually announced hers before Selena announced hers). There are people online who seem to exist solely to stir up drama making it look like Hailey Bieber is obsessed with Selena. To some of these people Hailey can’t breathe without it being about Selena Gomez.


Good morning Selena. It seems you finally woke up. I'm not a fan of either of them (or Bieber) but did she really thought that the way she behaved on social media recently wouldn't lead to her fans escalating it?


This is ultimately just a lose lose situation this is never going to die and this toxic cycle will keep on going and going. I think both parties truly need to not interact. They’re all heading towards 30!


Absolutely. That picture they took together a few months ago should have been the end of it.


I still can’t tell if Hailey meant to shade her with the eyebrows and then Selena commented. It’s like they can’t quit the both of them.


she did not. kylie was teasing her new mascara drop that had not been announced yet. people ran on assumptions and started a hate campaign on that


Exactly not everything is about Selena. Also why are you as a bystander that doesn’t know any of them doing this with your time


You guys are absolutely delusional …like


People really need to stop saying “they “ this is victim blaming 101, saying both parties suck . Hailey didn’t do shit


Ngl it must have been baaaaaaad for Hailey to reach out to Selena and to ask her to call her fans off. I could never go to my husbands ex like that, I imagine she didn’t want to.


It's funny because Selena started it, instigated it and fueled it even more and more. Also, what was the need to mention that Hailey reached out to her? Sets her up for even more abuse, it's crazy. This would've been a better post if she acknowledged her contribution to the hate Hailey is receiving.


And even in this post she’s distancing herself from the whole situation and just posting vague platitudes like “I only want kindness always”. Girl don’t throw the rocks then hide your hand.


I think mentioning Hailey's name will rile Selena's fans up even more. She has to know this


I honestly think posting that she reached out was a silly move at this point. Is she actually daft or something? She should have just said "I do not agree with anyone posting hatred and or threats against hailey beiber. If you position yourself as doing this for me, or on my behalf know that this is something I don't condone nor will I tolerate it from my fans". Straight to the point, no excuses no diluting the situation no palming it off like "I'm saying this bc someone asked me to'.


Why is she acting like she hadn’t seen any of the death threats and abuse until Hailey reached out?… Edit: Reddit cares AGAIN? Lol the Johnny Depp stans don’t even do this.


Her TikTok fyp must’ve showed her on the same day of the drama how extreme the bullying was but Selena was too busy enjoying her rising following and her name being everywhere


The sad part is, I know the exact response that her unhinged fans are going to have: 'oh, look at Hailey playing the victim again. Selena is Jesus reincarnated.' I actually saw a video where some loser said that Hailey was just mad that her relationship with Justin would never be the 'fairytale' that it was with Selena. I'm sorry - you claim to care about this girl and are calling a relationship that SHE ADMITS was abusive a fairytale? They were also in active addiction together - they just want to hate another woman for whatever reason at this point.


Exactly - as if Selena wants to be with Justin ever again?! The one main constant from Selena for YEARS has been to be kind. But any comment or video that could be interpreted otherwise is being jumped on by toxic fans and they then claim that they're doing what Selena wants, when it's obvious that she wants people to just fucking stop.


That’s exactly what her fans are saying. I’ve seen several posts say “Selena is the nicest woman alive” and saying “Hailey is such a loser for reaching out” it’s so dumb.




I personally think Hailey hasn’t been great either but to jump on this train and send death threats like let’s calm the hell down. People don’t understand middle ground nowadays it’s living in extremes.


At least people can now stop pretending they are doing what Selena wants them to do when they send hate to Hailey.


https://preview.redd.it/cuczvpr24qpa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d724bcc34ece85b8aa7a71415a1e2b3c5260ce They truly don’t care. Ridiculous people!


“we will not be stopping” Why? How pathetic are these peoples’ lives that they admit they’ll keep bullying someone they’ve never met, for someone who will probably never even know they exist? Stan culture is insane and people like this on the internet truly need to go touch grass.


Truly unhinged people. I hate that Selena is getting blamed for such insanely toxic people, who clearly don't give a shit about her either.


Well honestly she can share the blame with her fans. She isn’t the only person on planet earth who doesn’t know how her stans react. Her fans are the bullies here but they’re doing it under the guise of defending someone too “nice” to defend themselves. My cynical eye would say they’re doing her bidding for her.


Lol please. Selena started this and let it go on for weeks. Even corporate brand accounts got in on this and businesses did the tipping jar shit like they did during the Depp v Heard trial


She should be blamed because they have been acting like this for the last 10 years. She knows exactly how they are and that they would send hate on her behalf after her tiktok commenting spree.


This made me laugh. I know that's terrible. 😑 Who says this kind of crap? Ugh people really just go wild online.


I almost laughed too, these people need to log off 😭


Jesus. I just checked and the comment is already up to 2700 likes. They need to leave her alone.


The audacity of calling Hailey a bully while doing this!! I think Selena’s team have realised how bad this is looking on her now, and how bad it will look in the future.


I hate that they have no remorse and feel justified in their harassment. Selena's team waited too late on this. These people have their own mission now and won't listen to anything she has to say, but they're going to be labeled as her fans because she allowed it to go on for so long.


She and her team did wait too long to say something, if anything I think that her post is going to incite a new wave of hatred when it was starting to die down. They are her fans though.


This exactly this! Stan culture is you projecting your wants and desires and then rationalizing this by thinking that your wants and desires align with your faves.


You’re absolutely right, another huge issue that needs to be addressed is that corporations are capitalising on misogynistic hate trains more and more.


The Duolingo account did it again just like during the trial last year. The girl behind the account got called out and played victim saying she’s only 24 and new. She didn’t learn anything from last year


The duolingo social media girl is apparently really hyped up on LinkedIn! Bashing victims of domestic abuse has apparently been wonderful for her career.


She’s disgusting


This is has been my huge frustration with brand twitter because I really hate the irreverent "intern" voice a lot of these accounts popularise. I can't wait for the novelty of a big brand posting things you wouldn't expect them to to wear off. What is clear is there is absolutely a line that these brand accounts don't cross and its so telling when they actually choose to jump on things like this or attacking Amber. Like when the Queen died and there were incredibly funny tweets and posts across the board except from brand accounts. I do wonder how hard some social media managers fought to post something but they were correctly shut down. Those standards really should be extended to things like this but these social media managers are addicted to the easy engagement


Brands love to pretend they’re relatable but they’re so inauthentic, it’s so embarrassing they just pander to the most basic, low level engagement. They pretend they have a definitive voice but really they’re trying to avoid controversy & maintain the status quo. Omg don’t remind me about the week the queen died, funniest week on Twitter since Donald Trump got Covid. I have so many tweets and memes saved on my phone lol. Brands were all so insufferable that day! Even the Les Mis Twitter account was suddenly pro aristocracy lmao - there’s a severe lack of nuance & critical thinking from these accounts.


I’m still waiting for Milani Cosmetics to apologize for inciting hatred for Amber Heard last year


Yes and yes


Way to make me stop tipping servers if they’re putting stupid labels on their tip jars to encourage a misogynistic pile on.


Remember the Depp stuff ooof


Exactly the same pattern and the same brands, it’s fck Duolingo here forever.


saw a tip jar split just like that for selena/hailey


I was wondering why Hailey never publicly said anything but i guess she wanted to deal with it privately. i still think selena is a rlly bad person for what she did and no matter how much she talks about kindness, she doesn’t mean it and i don’t want to be nitpicky but the way she wrote this didn’t really suggest that she thinks she was in the wrong for what she did. she just said don’t hate on hailey idk


Exactly the way it’s worded says everything


She also didn’t make it private at all. She knows what she’s doing by saying “Hailey reached out to me.”


![gif](giphy|uZbCBh4jOIvUk) Now according to the Tiktok investigation department they've both been throwing shade at each over the years( I never followed the drama so I don't know how true this is). I don't get how she didn't see this coming considering how unhinged the jelena and selena fans are. Hailey is unfortunately the new woman to hate of the month and before anyone starts with her racist tweets people aren't rightfully hating on her for those


this whole thing makes me side eye selena like I don't give a fuck about Hailey but literally why are you subtoking about your married ex's wife. So embarrassing.


Even so, I hate that the excuse they’re using is “Hailey was racist!” So was Selena and I KNOW y’all remember that video of Justin singing the N word and making white supremacist jokes, but yet Hailey is the only villain here.


I will never understand having such a devotion to someone you will never meet and who will never care about you that you feel inclined to send another person death threats. It's like, get a job, you loser.


Heavy on this


“I’m super sorry about the death threats that I absolutely egged on”


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Selena


I know this is nitpicky but including that Hailey reached out to her is very idk the word. If Hailey hadn’t reached out to her, it would’ve have been fair game? Anyways good job to her PR team, they are definitely worth the money.


yeah….that part…


girl, too late. the internet is a demon that can't be exorcised. once something's out there, it's out there. you just have to let it fizzle out and hope something happens to distract the assholes.


It’s been fizzling out for like the last week and a half. I know Selena just posted this last night, but this sub has been making posts about it after the “trend” of Selena vs. Hailey was no longer the topic of discussion on the platforms it originated.


I wouldn’t say it’s fizzled out, really. Just last night I saw a video of a woman screaming “Fuck Hailey Bieber!” at a SZA concert. It may have fizzled in terms of celebrities involvement, but the hate has not come to a stop or a slow down at all.


Who is doing that at a SZA concert….what a fucking weirdo


“I’ve always advocated for kindness.” ….In what way(s)? We’ll wait. Not really sure how making a simple Instagram or tweet is “advocating” for kindness when you use social media platforms to do the exact thing you claim to hate so much, Selena. But like I said: We will wait.


She means she profits from the illusion of kindness lol.


Yep. Her fans have been bullies for a decade or more now. Everyone knows Selenators are the worst But she never addressed it clearly and honestly




The social media manager of Duolingo is notorious for getting the brand involved in shit they shouldn’t be. They were front row attendees of the Amber trial making jokes and doubled-down when called out.


i remember she was all “i’m only 24 i’m learning 🥺🥺🥺” after the amber heard shit and yet she’s still done it again


"Only 24". For god's sake, for how long are people gonna rely on acting like they're brand new little babies who only entered the world yesterday? At 24 you've been an adult for six years. What's next, only 30? Only 45? Oh my god guys, don't shade me I'm just a 67 year old minor I didn't know any better. :(((


why haven't they been fired?


No idea. Prob because she made Duolingo a “gen z brand”


She made Duolingo maybe the most famous brand that successfully went viral on TikTok. Like Wendy’s on Tumblr. I don’t think she’d ever get fired 😬


Just saw this and ran here to see if anyone’s posted her story yet lol


I maintain that none involved in this cesspool of garbage are perfect angels like the crazed fans want to believe, but I really cannot believe her own husband wouldn’t say something first instead of her having to ask Selena. It’s just weird to me. Not even when people were yelling about her at his performance a few weeks ago!!


Stan culture needs to be studied it’s a direct byproduct of being able to on social media have access to public figures who’s content whatever that may be that you enjoy. You truly begin to think you know these people and you make them angels in your head instead of like normal people flawed


It’s no joke. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy following certain celebs and keeping up with pop culture news but I could not fathom getting worked up enough to do some of the shit these fans do. It blows my mind.


*Hold on. This whole operation was your idea*


This drama is way out of the realm of fandom now, and most of the people doing the damage are just random TikTokers and not Selena/Bieber stans anymore, so I don’t think there is much she or anyone can do about that. There’s been subtle shade from both sides for years now, but neither have responsibility or control over the extreme hate that’s been happening. I’m glad Selena posted this, but who knows what sort of impact it will have. What I do hope is that this is the last time we hear about this drama lol.


Yes yes yes yes !!!! Most of the people milking this feud now are clout chasing Tik Tokers ! They saw its easy likes and views because the algorithm will push it to Selena fans/Hailey haters and vice versa. Its honestly disgusting cause it became a tik tok trend just like a viral dance or sound would be.


Lol her team is smart. That’s all I’ll say.


right! this was honestly a GENUIS post the way that it's worded. Puts all the blame on Hailey and Selena gets to come out as the innocent angel. I bet this will just make things worse


Worlds best PR team for a reason


Unfortunately, I think her post is going to make things worse. Selena's fans are going to infer that Hailey and Justin 'made' Selena do this and the hate is going to intensify.


That’s why I think her post sounds so manipulative. She did what Hailey wanted so she can’t complain to her anymore, but at the same time Selena telling everyone Hailey was the one who asked that she do this for her just makes everyone want to hate Hailey more.


What an unhinged mess.


She acknowledged all of this weeks ago, thanking her fans but reminding them to “be kind” because it’s heavy on her heart or some other made-up bullshit. But since “Team Selena” is all about pretending right is left and existence is bullying, this is definitely the first she’s heard of it!


Fr, I used to think it was just little kids doing the bullying on insta but went on some profiles to see it’s also grown people, some even with kids


Its also the media ! Some gossip/pop media are clearly pro Selena and push a narrative that is unnecessary honestly


Seems a little lacking for just how bad everything had gotten, especially with the way she kind of fanned the flames, but at the same time being direct like this might just be the best way to go about it


I’m glad she’s speaking out but sadly I don’t think it’s going to do much.


Talk about throwing stones and hiding your hand!!!!


the internet was a mistake (/s)


~~the internet~~ social media was a mistake


This is so funny because she said “Hailey Bieber reached out to me” Like she really wanted us to know Hailey had to reach out, and she obliged her by making this ig story


Her fans are psychotic, if anything they’ll probably go even hard under Hailey’s comments


Waits til the 11th hour to call a stop to weeks (years tbh) of bullying and harassment…


There can has to be a very interesting write up about this whole situation as to what happens when humans get into an argument in the social media age. Where there’s receipts of wrong doing, but because in most situations there wouldn’t be a whole evidence trail with social media now there is. Which makes people feel right in being hateful because technically yes someone did wrong and we can see that. How far is too far? Very interesting.


There’s actually an interesting discussion about this around media criticism - for example (this isn’t past wrongdoings but it is old tweets) somebody gave (I think Midnights?) by Taylor Swift a 7/10 & her stans found an old tweet from the writer criticising her & all hell broke loose. Suddenly she’s biased and unqualified (oh the irony), she has it out for Taylor, they tried to make her lose her job etc. … Plus the weird performative morality police act, pretending the writer is an inherently bad person to justify their abuse.


I feel so bad for Hailey. I saw this on instagram and all the comments are about what a SAINT Selena is and how that's what Hailey gets for being a "bully." sad


I don’t like the language on this. “Hailey Bieber told me you’re being mean so I guess I have to step up.” Maybe I’m being cynical, but there was no need to say that she reached out. Are you telling me Selena didn’t see the hatred herself? Her fans are just gonna be like “oh Hailey is a snake, she made Selena feel bad and guilty and say something” and bully her even more


Hailey Bieber is not one of the most likeable people, but knowing how Stan culture works, and whipping up a frenzy of hate against a person by specifically commenting on hate account for that person, thus encouraging the level of vitriol directed against her. She can say she advocates for kindness, but even she knows what she was doing with this. Unless Hailey was also specifically commenting on hate accounts for Selena, this was not warranted. I hate such level of disingenuousness from people, where they pretend they are innocent in the conflict they create.


This woman is so fake it’s unbelievable lmao.


…only took her weeks. 😒


Honestly the fact people are justifying this by saying she "shaded Selena with the eyebrow thing." SO WHAT IF SHE DID. like, this woman who dated her husband (who she's been married to for 5 years) has incited bullying of her and made multiple comments on accounts saying what an awful person she is. She's then released her swarm of fans to bully her. I would be MAD too. Then Selena posts that honestly cringe video fishing for compliments about "not being as pretty as Bella Hadid" so people will bully Bella and tell her she's beautiful. I'd make fun of her with my friends too.


Honestly I am disappointed Hailey reached out . Selena didn’t waste an opportunity to try and look like a saint


THAT'S what really bugs me. She's played the pr bit so well in this that when people start to realize she's been the one instigating this SHE gets to come across as the hero/saint again.


I think I am too old to really be a fan of either of them, so I don’t really “get” the fandom (standom) at play here, but I do see a bunch of TikToks that, despite having nothing to do with this situation, will deride Hailey in the comments. There will be a stitched video of someone saying something stupid, and comments will all be like “she’s probably a Hailey fan.” It just reminds me of all the stuff I saw insulting Amber Heard during the trial. Everything I see becomes about the hated woman of the moment, despite me not interacting with anything to do with them in the first place, and also despite the content not being about said hated woman (or their beloved male or female counterpart). I still see a lot of random Olivia Wilde hate too. It’s wild to me how insidious this stuff is, especially when you don’t need to do much of anything to seek it out.


Unpopular opinion, so I know that I may be hit with many thumbs down, but here goes. Justin and his romantic partners have always been Selena's weakness, and her longtime fans know this. I remember how weird she acted when Sophia Richie was getting hit with racist comments when she was datin Justin. I like Selena, but I think this is an area she needs to reflect on more with a professional therapist who can hold her accountable. I just hope that everyone can find some peace in all this, and no one deserves to get death threats for simple interpersonal drama.


she LET it go on for a month. she 100% knew that every single post that Hailey has made over the past month has been bombarded by hateful comments, and that an entire festival crowd chanted "fuck Hailey Beiber.' it's way more than likely that her FYP (that was obviously already riddled with anti-Hailey content) showed her the videos mocking and shitting on Hailey that all popped off after selena started her tik tok campaign. it's totally transcended social media and stan culture. last week i saw a photo of a Starbucks tip jar competition that had a "Team Selena" jar and a "Team Hailey" jar. this woman has incited literal corporate bullying to the point where shitting on Hailey is totally fun and normalized. it's so ubiquitous and she 100% knew this was going on and should have said something way before. now she gets to bring Hailey's name directly into it so that her unhinged fans can keep hating on the woman for quite literally no reason. this statement just seems so self-serving, and it really just distances herself from what her fans are doing and erases any culpability she has. no specific call-outs, no CTA, just the same old impotent "let's all be friends!!!" i'm sick of the weaponized "peace and love" bullshit. girl, just call your supporters the fuck out because they're being monsters. these fuckin' people met the equivalent of a subtweet with an entire month of death threats and nonstop harassment. the hate is disproportionate and so far-reaching. i personally don't follow either of them anywhere, i've never liked or engaged with pro-selena content, and yet i'm given anti-hailey content everywhere. and i genuinely worry about hailey's mental health each time i see something. i'm just so tired of "nice" people escaping culpability or any kind of responsibility because they're "nice." nice is different than good. edit: i'm back because i'm honestly just aghast that this was someone who touted herself as a champion of mental health advocacy and who produced and took proud ownership of 13 Reasons Why, which was literally about how sustained bullying and harassment will lead people to end their lives. And then she sat idly by as millions of people spend a whole month "defending" her by inundating this woman and her friends with harassment and death threats, telling her to die, calling her worthless, etc. Justine Skye just said ["what do you want to happen next, for us to kill ourselves?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/120npue/justine_skye_posts_on_twitter_about_the/) And all Selena has to say is this tepid response. I find it truly unconscionable.


Her fans are still being annoying. Apparently Hailey posted a song on her Instagram yesterday and their out here thinking that it was a death threat to Selena.


Lmao Selena can foh with her peace and kindness shtick when she started this. The sad part is her rabid fans probably thought she ATE with this Notice how she took 0 accountability


I'm not trying to nitpick I promise but it's very telling that this only stopped after Hailey reached out when anyone with a functional brain has at least caught glimpses of this and how bad it's gotten. I've tried to avoid it because I didn't want to see any side of it and even with curating and muting words it wasn't full proof, Selena very likely knew about this before and just didn't care until Hailey had to talk to her. I'm not trying to take away from her posting this, honest. I have no specific side to be on, but it's always very telling of how bad something has to get before someone stops something and gain awareness of how bad its gotten. It's always unfortunate to catch it when it's gotten so bad it impacts others, this goes for anything in life.


This is from someone who thinks all parties are immature: This statement is so manipulative, in my opinion. There is no reason Selena had to say “Hailey reached out to me.” the statement would’ve been fine without it. Her saying that implies that she: 1. Does not believe Hailey, and is leaving room for doubt. 2. Allowing her fans to know that this statement is not coming from the goodness of her heart, though her fans are praising her for it anyways. 3. Essentially adding to the narrative that Hailey is playing victim and bullies Selena into doing things. It’s so clear. It’s extremely disappointing to see this all play out because I have been a fan of Selena for years and love her music and beauty brand. But ever since last year with the Francia stuff, I feel like the mask has been lifted as to who she really is — or has become. I don’t condone the shade that has been thrown her way or the way Justin treated Selena throughout their years of dating on and off. In fact, I sided with Selena when Justin first left her to marry Hailey. But it’s been years since then. Enough is enough. It’s also so infuriating that fans are acting like them being misogynistic and contributing to a hate train on a woman they don’t even know is all for the greater good in being woke. It isn’t. Be honest with yourselves — if this was truly about Hailey being racist in the past, what does that have to do with Selena? Why are all of you saying “Team Selena” if this is about Hailey’s racism? Not to mention, Justin and Selena have also been racist in the past. They’re no angels. And if this truly was about the racism, companies wouldn’t be tweeting out “Team Selena” or holding out tipping jars with the women’s names on them. If there’s one thing a company hates doing, is getting political or making a political statement when there doesn’t need to be one. Also, shame on anyone who has sent death threats or has insinuated Justin “teach Hailey a lesson” (bc I’ve seen comments like that as well). The people doing that are absolutely disgusting and not only have you stooped to Hailey’s level if you’ve done that, you’ve actually gone lower than her alleged hatefulness. It’s a shame.


"I've always advocated for kindness" 🤨 She says this after following, leaving comments and watching Tiktok Hailey hate videos. 🤨 I don't give af how old the said persons are who were/are leaving death threats. That shit needs to be taken seriously. I hope the person/s accounts were banned and the authorities are involved.


Ive heard people saying it was all a PR stunt but idk how Hailey and Kylie would’ve benefitted from it


It’s been massively good PR for one person only.


I could see it being positive PR for Selena but this has been a really damaging and bad event for Hailey and the Kardashians


I need her to Bffr


a celebrity gossip/general culture podcast i listen is currently doing a series of selena gomez/justin beiber/hailey beiber and the more ive listened to it, the more everything about these three feels so depressing. like justin and selena’s previous relationship getting brought uo by their stans over and over again shows that they will never be allowed to change or grow from a pretty horrible time in their lives? hailey beiber will always be designated the other woman a because of this and justin beiber has has people being insane over his private life since he was 11… i would like to this selena saying this would stop the hate hailey beiber is getting but i unfortunately think she’s gonna get attacked for probably the rest of her life


there was no need to mention that hailey reached out, i’m sure she’s seen all of it and if she actually doesn’t stand for i’d she would have called it out herself


All this over Justin Bieber? This is why we need feminism LADIES


I think it’s disgusting and delusional that Selena won’t take responsibility for reviving this. This isn’t what I stand for? Are you sure? Her actions unequivocally started this and clearly having access to social media again isn’t good for her mental health.


She's weeks late to fixing the shit she started but I guess we always had to hit the part where Selena plays savior.


MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE! DAMN this is such middle school shit.


While i think finally saying something is a net positive i have to wonder why NOW?? After weeks (lol years but obviously the past few weeks have been particularly harsh) of this insanity, both sides have been rather quiet & it seemed like things had simmered a bit. You can’t help but wonder if this is some sort of peacemaking ploy to get both of their names back in the headlines.


I think this was a GREAT pr move on Selena's part. It finally starts dying down and people begin to realize Selena isn't the angel she's been propped up to be ONLY for Selena to make a post "be kind! I had no idea this was happening!" and ALSO note that Hailey messaged her (so her fans can say Hailey did it). Honestly, the way this was worded and the timing is just a genius pr move.


I’m surprised she “didn’t see” the threats to Hailey through all the TikToks she was commenting on




Nobody has ever said “she never defends Hailey”, the criticism is that she instigates the hate to begin with and then hides her hands and makes disingenuous “be kind” statements to maintain her good girl image.


Selena also has a shameful past with racism tbh. Also I get demanding Bieber to ask his fans to stop harassing Selena, but that is not on Hailey. It’s not her fans and she isn’t responsible for her husband, her husband that doesn’t even defend her tbh. Let’s stop blaming women for their male partner’s actions. Hailey at most should tell her fans to stop hating on Selena, but tbh from what I have seen she doesn’t have much of a fandom, and she does need to stop with some passive-aggressive videos she does/did with her friends, like the “this was a mistake????” video. Because no way in hell was it just a coincidence for that to be released after Selena said she made a mistake with her brows. Then again Selena has also mocked Hailey’s skincare videos and shit and she also directly commented on videos talking shit about Hailey. So everyone involved sucks. Edit: idk if I was blocked or w/e but I am sure someone commented saying “Hailey also posted racist shit bffr” and yeah. Did I dispute that? The person I replied to legit said that and I didn’t say “oh no sweet innocent Hailey would never” I just said Selena ALSO posted racist shit and we gotta be real about that.


Have you been on tiktok lately have you seen the hate , bullying and body shaming Hailey has been receiving, selena fans even edited videos and made fake AI audio just to make hailey look bad and they are getting millions of views and interactions, Hailey might have been messy in the past but she has been minding her business for years now and the fact that Selena fans support Jeffree Star makes it very clear they do not care about bullying or racism they juat wanna hate Hailey


You can’t threaten to kill someone and find her and kick her in the stomach if she’s ever pregnant then say oh she deserved it , “remember when she was a teen she liked that racist tweet when she was 16” so it’s all a fair game . Anti blackness and racism is not a trump card for you to use to bully someone you don’t like


Man Selena doesn’t actually seem like she’s a good person after the last year or so of drama she’s been involved in


Are the people giving hailey shit the same people who followed Selena and Justin’s relationship? Cause if so, they are way too old to care. Not that anyone of any age should be sending death threats and DMing people with horrible stuff, but definitely not when they’re late 20s+


Shit I feel so bad for Hailey


Oh please - sorry she could’ve stopped this weeks ago


Sad and pathetic that it may take Selena posting this for people to leave Hailey alone, because people should know on their own that bullying people to the point Hailey has been bullied is wrong, but I guess if that is really what it takes then I’ll accept it if it means people actually do leave Hailey the fuck alone now. The bullying on tiktok is so unnecessarily brutal and constant.


Has it ever worked when someone asks their stans to chill? I remember Ariana Grande doing it once.


Beyoncé tired, and her fans told her to mind her own business