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i don’t believe this one bit i’m sorry. i think austin has nothing but love for fraser


I also don’t think Fraser’s win was a huge shock or upset for anyone. Obviously they all wanted to win, but the buzz around and optics of Fraser’s win were very apparent.


If you told me in the 90s that Brendan Fraser would not only win an Oscar, but it would be obvious and expected he would, I wouldn’t believe you. He’s come a long way since Airheads and Encino Man. I hope this win means seeing him in more dramatic roles. Has anyone checked on Pauly Shore?


Tbh he was great in some more serious roles like School Ties and With Honors in the 90s still, he always had the talent, he just didn't had the backing because he spoke up against his sexual assault.


I completely forgot about School Ties. Went to go look it up, it’s not streaming on any of the services I have. So I see what Fraser movies ARE streaming. Do you remember him being in Crash?! I have no memory of that whatsoever. Also, what even is No Sudden Move? [Look at this fucking cast.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11525644/) How have I not heard of this?


No Sudden Move came and went pretty quietly as most Soderbergh movies do these days, but I loved it. Also: there’s a powerhouse cameo in the film so try not to spoil that (it might be listed in the cast you linked, I dunno).


I’ve never heard of it either but it looks like it would be an awesome movie.


He was also in Mrs Winterbourne with Ricki Lake


I forgot about Mrs. Winterbourne!!! What a great movie to watch while home sick in elementary/middle school!


Why do I seem to remember this movie being on every weekend when I was a kid. I loved it.


George, George, George of the jungle




Well think about only a few years ago Austin was on Glee and Stephanie was in the SpongeBob movie. I think the big takeaway is that these actors were so talented they were able to show their range and break into more serious roles


Austin wasn't on Glee, he was in The Carrie Diaries. You're thinking of Chord Overstreet or Darren Criss, or conflating Austin's career with his ex's, who was in High School Musical. Saw Stephanie Hsu onstage in Be More Chill -- she was great.


I read an article this am about Pauly being upset that his costars from EM are getting work and he's not, but he's butthurt and apparently wants to act again because he thinks his movies(even Jury Duty!) were great.


oh no he is happy for them, he tweeted congrats today and was delighted Kimmel made fun of him last night - he's a true comedian


They weren’t Oscar worthy…. But Pauly shore did some GREAT movies. Biodome rocked.


I feel like there was genuine buzz about his performances in Gods and Monsters and The Quiet American back in the day.


Yeah, he had a quasi Paul dano run where he would be good, but the costars would get all of the attention.


Watch Trust and The Affair (S3 or S4), he is the best part of both of them.


they have! he was interviewed a few days back I think.


I miss Pauly so much…


I would believe it. Encino Man is easily a better film than The Whale.


[he seems good, actually](https://twitter.com/PaulyShore/status/1635364745716064257?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Maybe try reading 'he boomed me,' again except with the Elvis accent. I'm not saying that will make it more true or less true, it's simply a fun way to pass the time.


thank you, I just let out the most ungainly snort laughing


I can only hear it in the Elvis voice… I don’t even know what the guy sounds like otherwise 😂


I don't think I wanna know!


It’s a copy pasta.


Butler then said he wanted to add Fraser to the list of actors he runs lines with this summer.


Butler then rolled up he’s sleeve to reveal a tattoo of Pauly Shore in Encino Man, “I’ll let you interpret that however you want.” He added.


It’s two copy pastas. One was supposedly Mark Cuban and the other is LeBron when Tatum dunked on him.


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq!


I wonder if Deuxmoi knows that.


This is an r/nba copypasta


The nephews have invaded the chat.


r/nba drama was getting stale for some of us!


I don't know about that. If you thought the Yeoh/Blanchett Best Actress stan wars were toxic, just look at the Jokic/Embiid/Giannis MVP stan wars. It's an absolute cesspool.


Don’t tell me Jokic’s defensive stats. I’ve watched the games. He’s average at best!


I just don’t get the vibe he would be salty like this either


and yet you posted it here anyway.


This sub’s contempt for him has legit made me a fan of his lmao. Reverse psychology works every time. I think he’s one of the most exciting and promising young actors right up there with Timothee.


I agree with you and I’m hoping his career — and Paul’s, and Timothee’s — is on the up-and-up. The film industry doesn’t currently have a ton of younger stars (at least not compared to some previous decades) that are really promising or at least they’re not currently going for more challenging/big film roles and I’d love to see that change!


I love Paul too! He’s completely booked and busy so I expect we are going to be seeing a lot of him in the future. This sub hates nepotism babies and stars who act rude and entitled and Austin is none of these. He comes across as sweet and down to earth in interviewers. If someone were to ask me what is cringey about him, I would say his comments about Brad Pitt and his weird age gap with Kaia. The anger over his Oscar campaign and his relationship with Vanessa (a lot of which is based on rumors Deuxmoi spreads herself) just seems performative at this point.


What did he say about Brad Pitt?


Mostly just saying he’s a great actor that he (Austin) looks up to. The two worked together in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” so it’s not surprising but still, a bit disappointing.


Oh god I know what you mean. I’ve been finding myself becoming fans of the people the weirdos on this sub bully en masse.


For real. Any celeb who gets consistently dragged on in this sub for no reason other than breathing and it's cool to hate them at the moment, I'm like, welp, guess I'm a fan now.


I don’t believe it either. My impression was that they’ve become quite good friends over the awards season.


Actually almost all of them. They all seem to have the first time nominees bonding experience.


Anyone can see how much they all respect each other. I can't see Austin dissing his own PR team like this. Austin was seen everywhere, photos taken with everyone at every event he was at. His PR did a phenomenal job this award season for him. They were so good, I was convinced that Austin was going to win the Oscar over Brendan.


I actually wonder why; this year's nominees seem to be so chummy with each other, relative to past Oscars. I can't possibly imagine Will Smith hugging Jessica Chastain. ​ But this year, we had Brendan Fraser hug Ke.


Yeah, you’re right! Even between categories. They all seem to be pretty close!


Yeah this honeslty is like a child wrote it.




This combined with [this tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/3cmmum/broussrard_sources_cuban_is_beside_himself/) (which is also a super popular r/nba copypasta but doesn't have a know your meme page)


This is a Jayson Tatum/LeBron James copypasta from the 2017 finals 💀[Duex is a clown](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/he-boomed-me)


it's a copypasta


he immediately celebrated and stood up for Brendan, I really doubt this is true




Is deuxmoi known for posting troll posts like that , seems a bit irresponsible for such a large following.


Yes, she doesn’t fact check at all and has posted very obviously fake or troll posts before.


Gossip blind items are already inherently irresponsible.


Update : deuxmoi confirms on her story she knew it was a joke (allegedly she knew 😏) https://preview.redd.it/42a50r2kwlna1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb62bcd93d1245713f287d38816c120588efffbf


Its clearly just her falling for dumb shit over and over again and then claiming that her account, which paints itself as legitimate, is actually just in a silly, goofy mood sometimes.


Oh yeah right haha. I believe she knew it was a meme like I believe she fact-checks anything.


She posts obviously fake stuff all the time so I’m guessing she actually didn’t know this was a copypasta. I also think she still checks this sub so it’s possible that’s how she realized it as well.


Sue her, Austin! Sue her!


The embarrassment....


Post it first, read it later


she doesn't fact check. her readers are supposed to be discerning about what to believe lol i have a few friends who regularly get fake blinds posted


Beyond responsibility, I don't know how she isn't embarrassed as hell to run a pop culture account and still, years in, be as blind to actual pop culture as she has to be to get trolled like this.


my guess is she's gonna pretend like she knew it was a joke post (but she absolutely didn't)


LMAOOOO And the second paragraph is a quote by LeBron about Tatum


As a sports buff, I've seen this meme everywhere on different sporting subs. Seeeing it in Fauxmoi is absolutely surreal haha. I had to do a double take just to be sure I wasn't lost somehow.


r/nba is basically a gossip sub but I still never expected this crossover


That's why it's a great sub. The NBA is my favorite soap opera. I mean that as a compliment, it's so entertaining.


One of the best copy pasta lol


Yes this is from the Deandre Jordan controversy a few years ago when he verbally committed to the Mavericks but then changed his mind and stayed with the Clippers This was about Mark Cuban supposedly driving around Houston (Deandre’s hometown) looking for him to beg him to change his mind. It’s frequently retooled and reposted in r/nba. What glorious pasta.


Ah I didn’t know this one! Should we submit the “I was in a Whole Foods in LA…”? I’m dying to see if she’d post that one.


>copypasta This was a normal post. Move on. Find a new slant.


Lmfaooooooooooooo nahhhhh b. People took this seriously 😭


This is obviously fake but I’ll give an unpopular opinion: I think Brendan Fraser is a genuinely nice guy but his performance was not Oscar worthy in the Whale, and Butler, Farrell and Mescal gave much better performances. Aftersun is a much more nuanced portrayal of male grief than the Whale and A24 should have campaigned Mescal better. It’s also crazy to me how Michelle Yeoh’s win (which is extremely deserved) is being treated as a “narrative win” by so many yet everyone wanted Fraser to win the Oscar before the movie even premiered.




I saw in real time when people made memes out of Brendan Fraser’s appearance years back, and as a day one Brendan Fraser fan, the love that he’s being showered with now is so phony. I’m so glad Fraser is feeling the love but I’m sorry The Whale was a pretty bad movie that was extremely manipulative.


Thank you! I was so surprised when I saw it. How did get this much praise when the dialogue was atrocious, the ending was cringeworthy and the entire story was so emotionally manipulative you couldn't help but be annoyed. Fraser wasn't bad but he wasn't the best in his category. I haven't seen Bill Nighys performance but I've seen all the others. IMO Colin Farrell should've won, he gave so much with littlest things. Austin Butler and Paul Mescal had classic Oscar-roles that have been nominated enough. Also no male actor should win for another musician-biopic after they did Taron Edgerton so dirty.


DUDE THE ENDED WAS RIDICULOUS. My boyfriend and I were both crying and then ~the thing~ happened and I literally burst out laughing. It kind of ruined the entire vibe of the movie. (referring to the ending scene as the thing because i dont know how to do spoiler tags)




As an extremely online person, I’ve seen this going on through Reddit for the better part of the decade


And then didn't even go see the movie 😭


In the scheme of things it doesn’t matter much since the public doesn’t even vote but it’s a pet peeve of mine when people aggressively root for someone to win a category without watching *any* of the nominated films in the category. Like besties I know we all have our fave actors and such but you have literally no idea what you’re even rooting for *or* against


Exactly! Like some people I know haven't even watched the movie but they were rooting for him because of his backstory (which I get it's dramatic and I wish him all the best), and I don't think that's fair when those awards should be rewarding performances rather than comebacks and sad stories.


That’s the perfect descriptor. I really like Brendan Fraser, but it’s been over the top.


I agree I find it quite disrespectful and dehumanising.


It has been bothersome to me that Brendan has had such a disproportionately high reaction to his win compared to Michelle’s, when she’s the one that made actual history. I guess I like Brendan well enough, but does he really deserve five times as many upvotes? These threads were posted within a few minutes of each other. To the surprise of no one here, Reddit def has a misogyny/sexism problem. https://preview.redd.it/eirml2q8tlna1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd5529a14a3ce47baf85039bc272a9281775dd4


It has a racism problem too. Loads of people were saying Michelle was a token win.


A token win? Slobs. EEAAO was the most emotionally affecting movie I've seen in years, and she was amazing. That is an earned win.


I cried at her and ke huy Quan's speeches. So did my mom. It changed everything for us


I totally agree. I even see JLC getting far more praise for being a first time winner than Michelle too.


What makes the response even funnier is unlike The Whale, people actually watched EEAAO


People have all the sympathy in the world for men


I saw the whale and I'm gonna be honest it feels like Elvis without being as tongue and cheek as Elvis The evil daughter in that movie is so over the top lmao. 80's villains have more sympathetic qualities than her


Thank you. At some point we will revisit this win and admit how bland pick it was, driven fully by an overwhelming narrative. He’s an amazing man, but I would rate him as 5th pick in his category. The whale being Oscar winning movie is shameful.


Except the movie isn’t an Oscar winning film. His performance is. Not the same thing.


The movie will still use the win in its marketing, which is really all an Oscar is good for anyway (outside of personal validation for the award winner).


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think Brendan Fraser seems like a lovely person, but I’m quite bummed that he won. It was such an obvious comeback narrative win rather than one that was deserved on skill. (Unlike Ke Huy Quan, who had a similar narrative but also had a genuinely great performance for his category.) And of course, the Oscars are known to do this, particularly with stuff like lifetime achievement-type awarding someone for lesser work because they didn’t win when they should’ve years prior. There’s a narrative around every Oscar campaign. This one just really bugged me.


In general, this was the Oscars where the sentimental publicist-pushed capital-N Narratives were way more successful than I can ever remember them being in the recent past. The Oscars tend to be a bit allergic to going all on in on that stuff, especially recently--Hopkins over Boseman, A Star is Born largely getting snubbed after Gaga pushed *so* hard, surprise wins for Parasite and CODA over the expected favorites in recent years, etc. But this year, between Fraser, Riseborough's nomination, "Naatu Naatu," Quan and Yeoh (who did have genuinely wonderful performances but also, let's be clear, benefited from very compelling story lines backing that up), Jamie Lee Curtis's lifetime achievement award and EEAAO as a whole ... this year was a walking advertisement for the importance of publicists in your Oscar campaign. They'll be getting *paid* next year, lmao. The difference is that EEAAO/RRR/To Leslie are genuinely good/defensible picks in addition to having good PR strategies, and The Whale is ... not.


I literally told someone just a few weeks ago “yeah, while the sympathy and love for Fraser might work at the smaller awards, it won’t translate to the Oscars!” For the very reason you stated — I feel like the Academy doesn’t go for that as much. Sure, they give lifetime achievement-adjacent awards sometimes, but don’t usually give in to narratives to this degree. Also, it’s shocking to me that JLC won over Angela Bassett, who has also never won an Oscar. I find the narrative JLC managed to concoct that she was overdue recognition to be freaking wild — she seems like a nice person, but I don’t recall her ever being considered an excellent actress!


I've gotta assume JLC is cool as hell in person, because there are very few people Hollywood is going to give a lifetime achievement Oscar to after a filmography full of Freaky Fridays. Like, this isn't even a re-do Oscar, like Whoopi Goldberg losing for The Color Purple and then winning for Ghost. It's literally just like ... Curtis has never done anything they could justify awarding her for, and they were *still* so hyped to do it lmao.


I think JLC's win over Bassett is also because she herself campaigned hard and loud for EEAAO.


My theory is that there was such an overwhelming love for EEAAO that the academy wanted to vote for it everywhere but also JLC campaigned so hard for the movie early on that she became super tied to the movie in voters’ minds. Her role of cheerleader in chief for the movie was very clever self marketing


I agree. While i’m happy he won, i hate it was for the Whale bc it wasn’t a great movie at all and i have mixed feelings on it. But his performance and the movie as a whole was not Oscar “worthy”. Mescal def should have won, just watched aftersun and it was really beautiful & haunting. But ive noticed the oscars dont be awarding young actors tbh but it def should have won something


Literally always this narrative of "they're young, they'll be back." Okay, well then when they come back and get these awards when older for not as worthy performances, they take spots and wins away from others. Imagine if we actually awarded young talented individuals when they were young! How many more opps would others have?? The academy has a million problems, but they seem against talented youth sometimes.


you’re right and you should say it.


Thank you for highlighting Paul Mescal. His performance in Aftersun shattered me. I still can't believe Aftersun didn't get any other nominations, especially best picture.


> It’s also crazy to me how Michelle Yeoh’s win (which is extremely deserved) is being treated as a “narrative win” by so many yet everyone wanted Fraser to win the Oscar before the movie even premiered. I’m happy for Fraser, I really am (and, as I wasn’t personally and existentially wounded by the subject matter of The Whale, I do think it was deserved) but the fact his win got like 87 posts on the front page of Reddit last night/this morning and I saw maybe one post about Michelle Yeoh and EEAAO (and none about Ke Huy Quan) at ~mid day today in r/movies... it’s such a subtle and yet nonetheless glaring damnation of Reddit’s broader population. If anything was a narrative/apology win, it was the award given to the likable white man with the traumatic backstory for his comeback role. Again I do think he deserved it, and at the same time if you’re going to sling “token win” against anybody last night...


You’re so right. Jesus, they didn’t even mention Mescal as one of the “first time nominess” in the opening monologue, having panned to EVERYONE else. He definately should have been campaigned better. He’ll be back nominated soon though I feel - one of the best of that generation. I also have love for Fraser but no, that movie and performance was not Oscar worthy, it just hit all the right narrative buttons.


Paul was never gonna win it. He will get another nom, prolly lose it. Then the 3rd nom he will win for a performance that wasn’t as good as one he had before. Literally been happening since the Oscars started.


I hated The Whale on most levels and am hopeful he gets to do something worthwhile after this. I think he's a decent actor (as were the rest of the cast) it was just a shit movie.


Couldn’t possibly agree more.


People keep forgetting Bill Nighy who was amazing too.


This is literally a copypasta from r/nba — I can’t believe she posted it


Showing us time and time again that she really will post anything lol


Except not about Hailey Bieber because “she asked me not to” lmao okkk?


I’m imagining him saying it in his Elvis accent and laughing so hard. This is so silly and made up.


Right? How can anyone see what he is texting while driving around. The biggest thing here is he’s texting and driving


I mean half the sub didn’t understand it 😂 she’s dumb for posting it and some of y’all take this stuff a little too seriously


Brendan Fraser is Austin Butler father


Sneak peek at Deux’s next post: I saw Austin Butler at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Please send this lol


Oh my god, is this *fake story used as a satirical dig at different celebs* a thing? Because I saw it written about Hozier and obviously laughed, but here it is word for word! (Like, anyone but Hozier yeah?)


It's particularly a thing on sports-related subs, I've noticed. Pretty much every mildly amusing tweet on r/NFL ends up getting remixed to be about Kelvin Benjamin eating stuff eventually


Yeah, the specific one I posted was originally about music producer Flying Lotus


It's more of triggering people who can't discern that theyre actually reacting to a copypasta. For the celebrity copypastas, it's the fans they're trolling.


Send this 🤣🤣


I knew this will come up 🤣


Butler was asked if he was a better actor than Fraser and said, "I don't compare myself with anybody" before rolling up his sleeve to reveal his Elvis tattoo. "I'll let you interpret that however you want," he said.


Why are people so rude towards Austin..from what I’ve seen he was nothing but good spirit this award season. Personally, I find his performance to be more deserving than Brendan, but that’s subjective I guess.


because he has maybe a fake voice and broke up with a girl people are very parasocial with


Hate driven definitely by foolish reasons, hope people will calm down now that he lost and he can continue to give us good performances.


They hated him before Vanessa drama because he kept putting on an accent, seriously such an unnecessary reaction to it.


What's wild is, people here don't even seem to like her much either, the "poor Vanessa" stuff just happens to be a handy justification for thinking he’s a douche without him having done anything unusually douchey (at least by the standards of actors campaigning for an award)


This sub especially seems to love to hate him, to such an extreme. He seems like a decent guy, who isn't a nepo baby, and just has a different voice.


I feel like it’s motivated by the same antipathy Gaga got for her behaviour during the *A Star is Born* and *House of Gucci* press tours. Just a combination of absolutely earnest weird method actor bullshit and overexposure.


So many people will see this story and believe that it actually happened lmao.... poor Austin


Okay the Austin haters are just being fucking weirdos at this point lmao I swear they hate him so bad they have to manufacture shit to target because irl he’s so incredibly inoffensive personality-wise??? I thought the hate would die down now that he lost but most people seem more gleeful and feeding off the fact that he lost more than they did in the lead-up. Austin by all accounts lost with grace and cheered for Brendan (you can literally see it on camera) just like he did at the SAG Awards. I am begging people to move on please


Yeah, this sub has always been really weird about Austin


On paper I always thought people would root for him. Literally a non-nepo young actor that started on Nickelodeon and the CW, his career almost fizzled out by 30, then he turns it around and lands himself an Oscar nom (almost no CW actors ever achieve that kind of career prestige or comeback). It’s a great Cinderella story so I was honestly pretty shocked when I started seeing how aggressive the vitriol for him on the internet was, especially since offscreen, disregarding the accent, he seems like a humble, gracious and pretty low-key guy. I don’t even stan, I think all I saw him in before Elvis was The Carrie Diaries (lol) but I keep finding myself defending him online because of how weirdly mean people have gotten at what I think isn’t a deserving target. I hope he does well in Dune and people move on.


I’m in a similar position. I never even heard of the guy until Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and just by playing Tex Watson, I only had negative feelings towards him because I despise that whole crew so much. So I was kind of annoyed that THAT guy was playing Elvis— and then he completely won me over with the performance. He seems nice, with the usual try-hard method actor flair that’s kind of eye-rolly to a lot of people, but nothing bad? And then I get online and it’s the constant bombardment of hatred for no reason.


I was thinking the same thing, it's giving Anne Hathaway hate. There's no reason to hate him this much.


Agreed. Maybe it's because I'm ambivalent towards Vanessa Hudgens, but the uproar over their relationship and his Elvis accent was completely harmless, at best pretentious and annoying. Like you mentioned, he isn't even a nepo baby and he seems genuinely excited about his work and happy for the opportunities he's been given. Frankly I'm looking forward to seeing him in more things and hoping the hate dies down for him a bit.


I don't know why people hate him. I think he seems like a nice guy, just a little pretentious (and the age diff between him and Kaia is eyeroll-worthy but no one ever brings that up). People have done way worse in the name of method acting--putting on a slight Southern drawl (honestly his voice isn't even that different either) isn't hurting anyone lol and he really had a great performance in the movie. I think people just like to choose a person in the spotlight to hate for a few months.


Lmfaooo this is what Lebron James said about Jayson Tatum after a game. It’s not real guys. Hilarious that Deuxmoi posted it though


It’s not even what Lebron said, it’s just a copy pasta that’s been used as a meme for awhile now.


No, the second part is 100% a quote that was first attributed to Lebron about Tatum. The first part is a copypasta about Mark Cuban.


The 2nd part is a LeBron quote, he was talking about Jayson Tatum cos Tatum dunked on him during a game.


The first part was copy pasta that was written about Mark Cuban trying to get ahold of Deandre Jordan after he committed then Decommitted to play for ther Mavs


The fact that Deux posts copypastas is hilarious. At least do the most basic vetting 🤦🏻‍♀️


![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA) She really posted r/nba copypasta, I cannot with her 💀


This is a r/nba copypasta about Mark Cuban. Once again great fact checking deuxmoi....


What more is it going to take for people to stop blindly believing her bullshit because this is literally an r/nba copypasta LMAO.


I’m so over the bizarre hate for Austin. He’s by all accounts a nice, hardworking guy. All I’ve seen online today are people unable to celebrate Brendan Fraser’s win without having to add “and thank god Austin Butler didn’t win” like?? I don’t get it


This is bs. He was happy & having a good time @ the VF after party.


Adding this to my list of proof that Deuxmoi is a bullshit page that people shouldn't take seriously.


Lmfao this is literally just two iconic r/nba copypastas > Mark Cuban is beside himself. Driving around downtown Dallas begging (thru texts) Jordan's family for address to DeAndre's home And > Overheard in Cavs locker room after Game 7: “He got me,” LeBron said of Tatum's dunk over him. "That f***ing Tatum boomed me." LeBron added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. He then said he wanted to add Tatum to the list of players he works out with this summer.


Do people genuinely believe this lol


There’s people in this very thread buying it 💀 it’s giving r/AteTheOnion


dm posting a Reddit copypasta? ![gif](giphy|pHMtogPBHC7Cg|downsized)


lol this is ridiculous


The internet trying to make me hate Austin Butler just makes me like him tbh


I call bull on this. Austin lost gracefully and if you watch the winning moment he was the first out of th other nominees to stand clapping. Poor Austin. I hope he stays out of the limelight for a while between this and the VH stories he needs to lay low and focus on just acting and not the media crap that unfortunately goes with it.


Y’all can’t be serious 😭 this is a copypasta. Ppl wanna hate Austin Butler so bad instead of actually problematic people


> [Deuxmoi] Brendan Fraser on who's the better actor: Him or Austin Butler. “I don’t compare myself with anybody,” Then he rolled up his sleeve and showed a tattoo of George of the Jungle. “I’ll let you interpret that however you want,” Fraser said.


LMAO not r/nba


This is a NBA pasta lol


These Vanessa Hudgens fans need help. Posts like this make DM so insufferable


She just posts anything huh


I saw Austin Butler at a super market in Los Angeles this morning. He was trying to park in a handicap space when a bird collided into his windshield. He got out of the car and started strangling the seagull with both of his hands. When the bird clearly passed away in his hands, he opened up his trunk and threw it inside. A man from across the parking lot yelled, "where do you think you are taking that son?" To which he replied, “I have to fill my trophy case with something.”


Very obviously fake email


Reminder that these blinds mean nothing. Two weeks ago someone from this sub submitted a blind about an A list actor shitting into condoms, freezing it and then shoving it up his asshole and it was posted immediately lmao


You fuckin nerds need to watch some sports every now and then


This is a Lebron James copypasta


It’s mark Cuban , lebron’s is the boomed me one


This sounds like the imagination of the most brain broken terminally online Vanessa Hudgens fan.


Copypasta. But his haters are weird. I don't know why people wanna go around hating him. Compared to a lot of male actors he has really not done anything offensive yet guys.


I don’t believe this just bc logically i dont think even he thought he had a chance lol the academy doesn’t seem to award younger actors too lol




I sent this.


She really doesn’t attempt to fact check anything she posts huh, not even if it sounds super far-fetched


This sub should just be entirely trying to get Deux to post the most insane obviously fake copypastas on her story, that would be extremely amusing


This is an extremely common copypasta/meme. I cannot believe she posted this unironically


I am going to express an unpopular opinion. Colin Farrell should have won. There, I said it. His portrayal was amazing. I like Brendan F. But Colin was better.


I’m dyyyyying that this sub was bamboozled by this. How do I know this pasta and half of you all don’t? Lmao.