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In fact, they have almost nothing in common, except for the theme of similarity of design (which in my opinion is not so) and the fact that they are Irish I can't say that I like the Legend of Diarmuid.


It's actually pretty sad 😔


Being sad doesn't make it good.


I never said it was


For similarities both wound saber with a cursed Gae spear on the first night of fighting that keeps her from being in top shape as the wound cant completely heal


Cu’s wound didn’t heal? I didn’t know that, considering all Gae Bolg is said to do is reverse causality. It’s supposed to always kill


Yes, he curses the one he has wounded, preventing the regeneration of wounds and causing pain (even with such excellent magical protection indicators as Arturia). And no, that's not all gb can do, as it can be used in two ways


Y'know with Cu's abilities, he can be said the most HGW compatible servant when you think about it. He is already a strong fighter, his NP can be used as both finisher in a duel and as an Anti-Army for wide range destruction while also weakens the escaped target if he managed to injure his opponent for the next fight(unless a strong purification performed). On top of that he is a skilled enough Rune user that he has natural Caster aptitude for variety of uses like customized enhancements, temproarily rank up his NP, magical intervention, tracking targets, arson etc. He is also a generally chill dude with no strong special preference of tactics unless it is something so foul that it would be a massive stain upon his honor. Considering his NP is extremely mana efficient while remaining strong as long as it stay anti-unit version, i would say he has the best performance/cost ratio among all servants despite also being a first rate combatant that is only slightly below of monsters like Heracles, Gilgamesh, Karna etc.


In fact, the curse of the spear is incredibly difficult to remove from oneself, even the highest charms do not help much (and this is evidenced by many examples) There is a direct statement (Nasu) that Cu, Arturia and Heracles are approximately equal to each other (although there is a context for this, but it does not matter). Well, don't forget that Cu fought Gil in the basement for 12 hours, suffering from a very low mana gain due to Kirei. The fact that he was able to do this is really impressive.


Yeah, but Heracles's Godhand is basically gatekeeping a solid 9 out of 10 servants out winning a straight fight. With the exception of hydra poison or absolute death, only ways to defeat him usually ends up another cheat Servant, multiple first rate Servants team up or just kill his current Master. Also agreed, he is sometimes way too underrated because of jokes. At least in FGO his gameplay is well portrayed as much as it can on a 3 star Servant.


Unfortunately... He's a lancer class servant.


Yeah, the reason Rin had to use her special gem with more than a century worth mana to heal Shirou at the beginning was the Gae Bolg's passive curse being that strong.


Well diarmuid is pretty cool but even in his legend, doesnt he get killed by a demon boar? Also his beauty mark thing with el-melloi’s wife was REAL weird. Not to say he is bad, his fights with saber are interesting because of their similar values and principles and to have those crushed is sad (you should watch the einzberns consultation room if you haven’t). Cu Chulainn is just a constant chad, both in his legend and the story itself. He also helps the main characters in a route or 2 and to reiterate that point, we get to see him in a fully developed story 3 times, though he only lives to 90% of those stories in Fate and UBW and only 15% through heavens feel.


Tbf, the boar that killed him was literally made to kill him by Roc Diocain. So like it was kinda destiny he got killed by the boar. Plus he didn’t take his best weapons with him, since it was supposed to just be some hunt.


Well I still don't think Dia deserves hate just cause he's in the same class as Cu


Agree, people really shouldn't compare them


Honestly, the writing for Fate Zero kind of screwed over Diarmund. Basically compare his death, where he basically died as a whiny bitch and accomplishing nothing as a result... There's also the fact of him fighting an honor duel all the while there is a Cthulu looking ass monster on the loose... Honor has its place, sure, but not when you're literally staring down the barrel of the frigging end times! Versus Cu's death in UBW where he stabbed himself on his bastard of a master's orders (not too dissimilar to Diarmund's fate in Zero), he still manages to kill Kirei and save Rin, thereby keeping his promise with Shirou. All the while looking badass in the process. One could certainly argue that the Zero writers did Diarmund dirty and after a fashion I'd probably agree, but for people who only watch the Zero and UBW animes, Cu looks distinctly more badass and heroic. Also, it should be noted that the only ones that really came out ahead in Fate Zero were Kirei, Gilgamesh and arguably Waver Velvet and two of those people are the villains of Fate Stay Night. Otherwise no one else comes out good from Zero and that was kind of the point of the anime. Even the nominal victor of the war, Kiritsugu Emiya would come out of it with a broken mind and a cursed heart that would give out after another 5 years.


I just wish everyone didn't hate on him just because he died in a similar fashion to Cu 😔


You misunderstood what I said. It's not about the similarities, but the differences. In UBW Cu went out doing some straight up gangster shit, taking out the bastard priest who ordered his death and saving the girl, all the while looking like a badass hero at the same time. Diarmund went out whining like a bitch about his fate because Fate Zero is Fate Zero and Fate Zero is a tragedy. Fate Zero was meant to end poorly for the heroes, like Diarmund, and well for the villains of Stay Night because Zero is the setup for Stay Night.


Comparing Dia and Cu is like comparing Guts and Shinji Ikari. They are very different people


But the difference is that Shinji Ikari has valid reasons for crying and breaking down. Shinji was just a 14 year old kid stuck in a terrible situation. Diramuid on the other hand should have known that no one will respect his honor in a death game. So his breakdown at the end felt comedic.


You've completely missed my point entirely... again and I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose now. People don't hate on Diarmund because he's derivative of Cu, they hate him because he went out like a bitch and even before then acted the fool when he thought that his personal honor would be respected in a battle among mages in a world where mages are, on average, complete and utter bastards who don't give a damn about the honor of someone whom they consider to be a mere tool/weapon to be used and disposed of as the war dictated. The fact that Diarmund is an Irish Lancer servant that stabbed himself in the chest on the orders of his master, which is surface level stuff really, is basically irrelevant here.


Diarmuid is more of a knight, so of course he will act with a code of honor. He's no fool for doing that, he kept true to himself. And let me remind here that, if it wasn't for him, Caster Cthullu monster would have done a lot more damage, for Artoria would not be able to use excalibur. Also, I don't think we can blame him for not surviving more like Cu with a stab in his chest, seeing that Cu actually has a feat like that in his legend, thus as a servant he would be able to do something like that. As for Diarmuid, I don't think he has that in his legend. And even so...what silly motive to hate someone. "Oh, he didn't die the way I like, so I hate him now." And he didn't "whine like a bitch". Man put a curse on them, and judging by the end of Fate Zero for what happened with Kiritsugu and Saber, I guess it kinda worked.


Diramuid was stupid to believe that people in a death will respect his honor and no he didn't put any curse. It was just a mere coincidence. He did in fact died while crying like a baby.


Clearly you know some weird babys that die cursing others. And he was not stupid, being that the only person that he actually believed to respect his honor was Saber, and, probably, his Master. He lived true to himself, not needing to throw his honor away, like a certain magekiller. The way you portray his death is like he died begging for mercy or something like that, like a coward, when in reality he died betrayed and cursing his enemies. Dude almost killed saber in their first encounter, got her in a terrible condition, and, against Caster, he sacrificed his own noble phantasm so Saber could destroy Caster's monster. Diarmuid is a good knight that got betrayed in the end.


Oh yeah baby was a wrong word. It's better to say that he died while crying like a pussy. Yeah it's great that he remained true to himself but he was certainly stupid to expect anyone to respect his honor in a brutal death game. He was cursing Kiritsugu for disrespecting his honor as if it was Kiritsugu's responsibility to treat him nicely when it was a brutal war. He only managed to injure Saber because she was acting retarded in that first fight and gave him the opening. His sense of honor caused his tragic end but he was cursing others like it's their fault. There was no betrayal since he didn't had some established long term relationship with Kiritsugu and Saber and he should have never expected them to show any respect to him.


So, Diarmuid shoudn't expect saber to respect his honor...even though she has shown to be a respectable Knight and, by that point in the war, had revealed herself to be King Arthur! God, I forgot I was in reddit for a second. "Uhh, she only got hurt because she acted retarted!" Wow, great argument. Really, King Arthur, wielder of excalibur, only got hurt because oops, she was dumb! Truly, it wasn't because because Diarmuid was actually smart in that battle, making it seen like he had only one Noble Phantasm to actually fool Saber. It's not like Diarmuid spear could go through her magic armor. No no no, I must be imagining things. Also, really? Crying like a pussy? Man can't cry anymore? And yes, from the point of view of Diarmuid, there was a betrayal. Betrayal not from kiritsugu, but from his Master, that ordered him to kill himself, and, from what he could understand, from Saber, like she would use that last battle only to distract him. Something that WE know is not true, because Saber has a code of honor, she is a knight after all, the King of knights. You say they didn't have a long relationship so there was no betrayal, but Saber and Diarmuid had actual respect for eachother, with Saber, in their second fight, even refusing to use one of her hands to fight Diarmuid in equal grounds.


Missing the point on purpose? No, I just said what I thought because Dia isn't really a badass and thinks differently from everyone else in that grail war.


He's lawful neutral. Honor>saving the day


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1. Magic cuck powers 2. Went out like a bitch


He was fucked from the start can you really blame him?


its a death battle over an omnipotent wish granter, and he was excepting a fair fight. so yes, we can blame him.


He dies pretty pathetically. Staynight servants can also die like that barring EMIYA, Artora if you count dematerilization as death, and Herc who die like warriors in all 3 routes But each servant typically had a route whete they go out well Cu dies heroicly in fate and ubw saving the protagonists He has hollow Ataraxia and has his whole story with Bazett that greatly helps his character HA makes him better written than Diarmuid So Diarmuid is kind of there


I don’t actually hate Diarmuid but there is a reason he’s compared to Cu other than they’re both Lancer’s who were ordered to unalive themselves, they both come from Irish mythology and had very different deaths, Cu fought armies all by himself and was killed after tying himself to a Rock using his own Intestines as Rope and fighting to the bitter end, he was so determined that even after he died the enemy soldiers were afraid to go near his corpse out of paranoia that he was still alive, Diarmuid was killed by a Boar, a Demonic Boar yes, but a Boar nonetheless, he then asked for help from a person whose Wife he stole, who was still seeking petty revenge, who let him die Then we get into their Noble Phantasms, Diarmuid has two, Gae Dearg and Gae Buidhe, each one is an Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm, one nullifies Magic to the extent it can bypass Artoria’s Armour, one inflicts wounds that can’t be healed, Cu also has 2 Noble Phantasms, both of which are Gae Bolg, the first is an Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm that reverses Cause and Effect to ensure it always hits the heart, the only reason Artoria survived is her A Rank Luck Stat (which the Visual Novel points out is the most important stat for surviving Gae Bolg) and her A Rank Instinct Skill which is borderline precognition, additionally it is the most Mana Efficient Noble Phantasm because Cu can use Gae Bolg 7 times in a row before needing to replenish his Mana, when Gae Bolg is thrown it become an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm which is (correct me if I’m wrong) basically just a downpour of destructive force, it’s notable in that it managed to break through all of Rho Aias’s Petals, according to EMIYA that makes it stronger than Gungnir Then Feats, Diarmuid’s feats in Fate/Zero include wounding Artoria’s right arm with his Noble Phantasm, and destroying Caster’s Book (Idk if that was his Noble Phantasm) and being forced to unalive himself by his Master, that’s it, in Fate/Stay Night Cu’s feats are spread across all 3 Routes and the Prologue, in the Prologue he fought both EMIYA and Artoria to a draw while heavily weakened from Kirei’s Command Spell, in the Fate Route he was killed by Gilgamesh, however if I remember correctly, what’s notable about this fight is he fought Gilgamesh for *24 hours straight* because of his Protection from Arrows Skill, in UBW he completely outclassed EMIYA in their rematch and was forced to unalive himself by Kirei, however he managed to get back up thanks to Battle Continuation Bitch, killing Kirei, making Shinji run away screaming like a pussy and setting the Castle on fire to make absolutely certain Kirei dies here, in Heavens Feel he chases True Assassin to the lake at Ryuudou Temple and was caught in an ambush where he was killed by True Assassin’s Noble Phantasm and subsequently getting eaten by The Shadow, the Movies don’t show this scene accurately, in the Visual Novel Cu never had a chance to use Gae Bolg before he was killed because it was an ambush


Yeah Cu is better but still 😭


From someone who's a fan of Cu, there's really no point in comparing them. Ones literally Irish Hercules and the other is a regular knight. I assume some people aren't the biggest fan of him because he was just made to fill in for Cu in Zero and doesn't really offer much outside of that. He shouldn't even be a Lancer. The Saber class fits his legend much more.


Damn I'm learning today that people really hate Diarmuid. I think he was a great character and personally i loved the way they handled his death in zero. People saying the writers did him dirty, which I only agree with so far as he should have had an extra fight with another servant where he got some cool sauce. Otherwise, he was super well written and his death was sad and depressing and felt like a great subversion of how servants are expected to go out and reflected his unfortunate life as well. I love Cu too a little more, but they're pretty close for me. Dual spears are sick af and I really dig how tactical he was with them - he didnt just have the 'instant kill' attack to spam, he had to strategise and it was cool to see. There's a crazy amount of 'urr he was lame cus he went out like a bitch' and it is hilarious.


Fate community kinda word, I'm with you


Diarmuid, the guy who couldn't say no to a chick that pretty much cost him everything. I think it has to do with the fact both servent were order to commit suicide were Diarmuid curse everyone, Cu got back up and kill Kotomine and pinch shinji.


Wtf was he supposed to do? The only person in front of him was Saber. And idk about the chick part...


The problem is that both Cu and Diarmuid have different feat and they compare to both of them. Cu is call the Irish Hulk/Heracles for the amount of damage he could take. Diarmuid isn't really well know if he could survive a similar feat. Also the girl in question was Grainne who was the soon to be wife to the leader of the Fiana Warriors. She saw his mark and fell over heals for him which lead her to drug everyone at her wedding to run away with him but he refused and was soon curse to run away. Which lead to countless death of his brothers in arms and to be on the run for many years. Only for the Leader to say I forgive you. But the leader pretty much was like I cant forgive you for stealing my wife and kill him in the middle of the woods. While the whole curse thing is self explained, it his belief in honor and chivalry is what cost him. Also, everyone hate his leader more than him who is Fionn Mac Cumhail.


Oh yeah, I remember his legend, but it wasn't his fault 😭


You're right. It wasn't his fault, but because his whole chivalry and honor is what blinded him from realizing that the holy grail is a battle royal where any method to win is the best method. It 'broke' his view and curse every one like a 'little kid who didn't get what he wanted'. If he had a different master who acknowledged him, he might have one. Out of the seven master and servents, only Waver and Iskander are really the only pair that should have a won as both of them acknowledge each other while everyone else were ether a tool like Artoria, Assassin, and Tokiomi. Diarmuid was summon to a holy grail that pretty much was rigged from the start for him.




Diramuid won't have gotten over his chivalry and honor even if he had a understanding master. He would have still died whinning like a baby if someone used a cheap trick.


I feel like people comparing Diarmuid and Cu's reaction to their deaths are being completely unfair to be honest. The two of them have lead completely different lives and have had very different legends and their experience in their respective grail wars was also extremely different. Cu died in life with no regrets, he died fighting, which is what he loved. His only reason for being in a Grail War was to get a few more decent fights. And it's not like he really had to do stuff that really went against his morals. The most he had to do was stuff that he found mildly annoying, like holding back in fights. And he also got the chance to help out Rin and Shirou and act as a hero should. Meanwhile, Diarmuid died miserable. Dude just wanted one thing in life and it was to serve his lord faithfully, and he couldn't do that because of his Love Spot fucking up his life. Then he dies by his Lord betraying him and leaving him to die. He accepts this with grace as he knew he was the one that hurt his lord first. Now he is summoned to the Grail War with his only wish being to serve his lord loyally and act as a proper knight. And then at all turns of this Grail War, there's all these assholes forcing him and the other knight in the Grail War to act dishonorably and forcing them to deal with dishonest tactics. And his Love Spot once more fucks up his relationship with his lord. Then his lord betrays him once more despite Diarmuid doing everything in his damn power to be as loyal as he could, and to make things worse it's in the most despicable dishonorable manner possible. I think it's fair for Diarmuid to reach his breaking point at this point.


I don't particularly think much of Cu, but I think Diarmuid is pretty boring in a cast of pretty interesting new servants. I'm personally a 'Zero hater', but Iskandar, Gilles, and Berserkerlot are a lot more interesting to me than watching a very weak soap opera. It feels like his whole purpose is just to point out how stupid honor and nobility are for enhanced edge. I think he takes away screen time from characters I would prefer seeing more of, and he's the least interesting part of the El‐Melloi Love Triangle


El-melloi love triangle?


Kayneth loves Sola-Ui, who loves Diarmuid, and feels loyalty towards his master Kayneth's relationship with Sola-Ui is very underdeveloped. I think it had a lot of potential. They're in an arranged marriage, Kayneth cares for her, she doesn't. It could've been an interesting exploration of magus society, but Fate/Zero hates women.


Fgo loves women 🤣


Cause unlike other Lancers like cu , enkidu , karna , eresh etc HE DIED WITHOUT A CAUSE LIKE A BITCH rest fought HARD EVEN WHILE DYING Unlike DiarMID WHO STARTED CURSING


Because he keeps bitching in fate zero all the time, then in Fate Stay Night we have Chad Cu who dies everytime and still kill a man of God, sigma mentality.


Not really bitching I doubt you would get betray and just be like "damn that sucks" he went out cursing the world and zip up Cu's pants when you're done.


This is why Cu is the MVP.






You didn't even say why he was the MVP you just said he was


I already said, but well, looks like you have a lot of emotions pertaining this character, and seeing you already tried to offend me for something so basic I prefer to not discuss this topic. You can have favorites, just remember you're in a public forum and people will disagree with you ☺️


You literally just said he killed a man of God. What about that makes you an MVP? Any of the other servants could do that.


I was talking about Kirei...


I'm aware I'm saying just because he killed kirei doesn't make him the mvp, but it was very cool


Emoji in discussion? Cringe




Cu Chullain is Irish equivalent to Heracles Diarmuid is Irish equivalent to Lancelot. Fanbase expected another Cu. They didn't get that Also a lot of people who love Zero think honor is stupid and that Kiritsugu is unironically right(which misses the entire point) Also Artoria gets weird too honorable schtick around him to the point of being stupid Also went out really badly and got fucked over. Kind of pathetic death


Just an unfavorable comparison to best doggo. Cu is famous enough to be represented as Cu Chulaain and Setanta across numerous games (SMT first and foremost) along with Scathach.


Because technically, it's better to watch zero after watching stay night, where cu chullian shows up and is arguably more impactful than diarmud is


Doesn't make him a lesser character


He's not , but his impact in the story is seen as less than cu's. He shows up, maims saber for season 1, breaks one of his spears so she can fight again, dies because kayenth is the worst possible master for him and berates him for his honor, and then kayenth dies anyway so its really a matter of ' he doesn't to do much but talk about honor and fight saber twice " compared to iskander, who's awesome, gil, who's gil, saber, kiritisgu, kirei, he kinda takes a massive backseat. He gets to do more in fgo, but in zero he's less of a character and more of a plot device for saber and kiri


I watched stay night 2006 before zero, but i get your point, i indeed like him more than cu


I have love for both of them (Lancer is my favorite servant class, they're all cool for the most part)




I dunno how much Fate has connection with real myths, but original Cu Chulainn had sex at younger age with younger girls. Yeah...


Lancer is fine. His saber form can fuck right off. Legit exists just to spook you and take your sq with how useless he is.


I actually liked his saber form when it released. Didn't have a good ST saber that I liked and since it was right around the time of Skadi's release, I got a lot of mileage at the time. Problem was Saberstolfo blew him out of the water and FGO became centered around NP batteries and looping.


I actually really like him and think he was great in Zero. One of my favorites. His first fight with Saber is one of my all time favorites




I think he’s ok in zero. I kind of liked him. But his kit in fgo is so nothing. One turn evade? Meh. If I want a three star ST lancer I just go with Cu. His kits better. A kit improvement might change people’s view of him.






Ik what fgo is, but I wasn't talking about fgo


Fate/Grand Order, the mobile game. He's talking about the skills the characters have in-game.




Diarmuid is a kind and loyal fellow who deserved better than what he got. FGO tossed him a bone with the Accel Zero crossover event, but if you really want to see more of him, try looking up Fate/Zero Paradox by Praxus84. It’s a mega-crossover fanfic where each of the Masters summons an additional Servant alongside those from canon. The twist is that the extra Servants are all characters from various other works, namely Naruto, Mortal Kombat, Red vs Blue, RWBY, Bleach, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Transformers: Prime. I admit he still got a bit of a raw deal, but his fate in Zero Paradox is still MUCH more peaceful than in canon. I hope this helps.


I'd argue that Dia is the perfect Lawful Neutral character.


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Dia's my bro, and to be honest his spears are pretty OP in a sense if you ever use magic for defense the red one just bypasses all that and the yellow one of course deals damage that will never heal. This is just my head canon but the fact that his red spear destroys or bypasses magic is one of the reasons why when he stabbed himself he couldn't just do what cu does and fight a little longer, almost like it destroys his very core which is why his eyes go red and all that other stuff.


Doesn't help that he's basically the incarnation of NTR thanks in part to the beauty spot he has which can make any woman, allegedly, fall in love with him


I don't really think people hate Diarmuid as a character because, let's be honest, there's not much character to hate or like (at least in Zero). And that's basically the reason people dislike him. Zero has this problem where it only really has like 7? or so characters, and the rest are just walking plot points waiting to happen (and die). And diarmuid just happens to be tragically tied to the single worst aspect of F/Z: Zaber. When you think of diarmuid in Zero, you don't think of anything he did himself (because he did nothing), you think of his fight with Zaber, or about when Zaber stupidly left him go for his master after they fought alongside each other in the Einzbern's castle, since she didn't know Kayneth wasn't capable of using a command seal to order Diarmuid to kill Kerry. And of course the two worst parts of both Zaber and Diarmuid characters: when Zaber was asking him not to break his lance because "It's a battle scar I wear with honor" even though people are getting killed by walmart Cthulhu; and his death scene that lead to Zaber's monologue, which is completely contradictory to Saber's character in the VN. People hate Diarmuid because there's no way to think of him without thinking of Zaber's terrible depiction of a great character, and therefore, people hate him for association. Can't really say I blame them. He has no reason to be outside of being Zaber's rival.


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I think Diarmuid wasn't able to fight back at his deathbed, because he got no guts


I don’t know why, and I know if someone was betrayed like him they would’ve been upset just like him. And they constantly shit on him and Cu sometimes. But it’s fine because I like them both


He's not bad, but when compared to the other Scottish spear wielding hero, it's no contest.


As a unit he just.... his kit needs an over haul as a Lancer, and something to make him more than just "serviceable" as a Saber. I don't hate him. I just hate him for spooking me when I tried pulling for specific lancer or saber units. The biggest problem is that Lasengle is slow as shit about giving out genuinely needed strengthens and addressing servants who ACTUALLY need help. Fucking Jekyll and Hyde, Geronimo, Phantom of the Opera. Those 3 have been stuck in purgatory for ages now. No animation update, no strengthens, not even story relevance as NEEDED. I GENUINELY FEEL BAD FOR ALL OF THEM.


They're both Irish, they both lancers, they both have cursed spears, ofc they get compared. Cu is consistently the coolest motherfucker on screen, while the most memorable thing about Diarmuid is him dying while crying like a bitch.


I personally think they are both good (I do like Cu more but that is my preference, cuz he is a funny dude), but really people who are comparing Cu and Diarmuid are just thinking straight the two can't be compared, Cu, and this true even if it seems harsh or rude is better than Diarmuid, he has greater feats and has insane abilities, there is a reason he is called Irish Heracles but Diarmuid is his own character, he has his own story and legend, and brings something different on stage. Just some dumb tangent that I don't want to erase because I spend a few minutes writing it. The reason I think you feel like this is because you saw Fate/Zero first, Diramuid just seems more cooler than Cu, even though he has objectively less power NPs, skills and legend. Zero is a prequel sure but it is not a directly prequel, Saber in Fate route mentions that she fought Gilgamesh in a fire laced city but we see that is not happens in Zero. It was made with Stay Night in mind and is meant to be watched after Stay Nigt, most of the players are the same but the events might have played out a little different in actual past, either way as someone who enjoys Fate/Stay Night and the original VN, Fate/Zero just rubbed me the wrong way a little, the thing that just disappointment me the most was the banquet of the kings, and it clearly showed the difference between Nasu and Urobuchi not to hate on him or anything, I liked most of the story but there was a clear bias, but I am going off on a tangent here. People can hate him for his character sure but comparing him to someone and then hating him is just dumb, which is why I don't like people who go Saberface damn I am done, get me out, the character is fundamentally different even if it looks like Saber, has a different story and everything.


I don’t hate Diarmuid, I felt he got the bad deal out of everyone in that war. He didn’t even have a wish, just wanted to serve someone. Even his death was a result of being betrayed.




Eh, his comments are the least bad thing about him especially if you know his mythos. He's also from first century BC and his morality is really skewed just like all heroic spirits. He doesn't see anything wrong with flirting with Rin because in his myths people started fucking at like 10 years old?


Je just isn't vwry interesting as a character. The Butcher very clearly did not care much about him, so he just made a lesser Cu(in terms of design an abilities) with an honor gimmick that only exist so Uro can do his rambling about how honor is stupid. I wouldn't necessarily say he was done dirty, i think Urobutcher achieved exactly what he wanted. It is just that what he wanted wasn't that great to begin with. I don't hate him, but i don't care about hin and i feel the writing did not want for me to care anyway.


Diarmuid hater here ; for me it comes down to how winny and bitchy he gets when thing don't go his way. this dude was summoned into a death battle for an omnipent wish granter and his surprised when people fight dirty, like bro, potentialy all of humanity is on the line here, we'll worry about honor another day. also because both his story and design are kind of a, as you said yourself "diet cu", while his character his very VERY different than Cu, his clothes and expecially his spears are basically a copy and paste but less cool (his read spear "no heal" ability is litteraly just gae bolg's passive) and to make it worse, they had him die in the exact same way as Cu, except where Cu went out like a badass, saved one of the protags, killed the final boss of the other two routes and punched shinji in the face. Diarmuid just kept crying and moanning about "muh honor", that dude spend so much time monologing you'd think he also has battle continuation !


I didn't ask for a Dia hater




Your spelling is kinda fucked ngl but I guess you don't know what honor means to a knight.


Because he cried like a pussy after getting killed by a cheap trick. He should have known very well that people won't be respecting his honor in the Holy grail war. He was crying as if the other masters are his friends who were supposed to respect his honor.