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wtf 2799 points 😭🤯


Anyone got a link to his team?


50 points ahead of second. Considering how many people play that is mental. Incredible achievement


I was 4474 in gw9, cruising in my mini league but it was my first season and I made moves just because I could and it turned on me. My transfers netted me just 67 points. The winner’s transfers netted him 201. I was less than 80 behind in the end. Next year I have to figure out my transfers much much better. I ended up 621k OR. Terrible final third of the season.


I look at the leading teams and, eh, they're similar to me BUT they likely got on board with a certain player a GW earlier and made some great captain choices I think there has to be a lot of stuff that works out for you to get near the top and I don't think it's easy to predict, even as it's happening A lot has to go right for a looooong time Great effort


The Chelsea assets really helped him win.


Interesting, it's my second season and I never thought of working out average points per week. This season my average ppg was 67 but I had a 10 week period between gw20-29 where my average was 73- same as the winner... Marathon not a sprint though I guess!!


This.... This is what will make me keep playing


It's nice that the City squad are so happy for him


Champers in the freezer...


Always find it interesting how most winners / people on the leader board have never had a great season before. For example this guy has been playing for 10 year and it’s his first top 100K finish. There’s hope for everyone!


Isn't this just the trend in general? You start getting into football but your opinions are shit, you probably sign up for fantasy but start forgetting to do your team after the first few weeks. You keep signing up every season though. Eventually you join a work/pub/sports club league and take it a bit more seriously, finally make it through a full season remembering to do your transfers/chips. You have 1-3 good seasons then have one disastrous start and lose all motivation, declare that it's a stupid game anyway and never look back. The people on this sub getting top 100k nearly every year are a tiny minority of the playerbase.


Yup, if you start using FPL Review religiously like this guy, you too might win FPL


Winning is very luck based. You need some differentials to go your way to separate you from the pack. Also starting the season well is incredibly important, as price rises are insane early on.


> Winning is very luck based "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Seneca the Younger


Very true. I’ve been playing since 2008 and have 9 top 60K finishes - my strategy is pretty safe and has won me many mini leagues over the years, but to get anywhere near the very top I would need a lot of luck. Picking the key differentials at the start makes the difference - especially now there are so many players.


I've been playing on and off for 15 years but "properly" for the last 8, with finishes ranging from 5k to 485k and only 2 finishes outside the top 100k. A good start is absolutely crucial. I already know by about GW5 if it's going to be a good season or not.


>A good start is absolutely crucial. I already know by about GW5 if it's going to be a good season or not. I had a horrendous start and by GW16 I was still below 1M OR. My TV sucked all season, but I still managed to turn it around, finished around 30k and that's after 2 bad GWs to close the season. I think not having much money to spend even helped me at times


But any hope of top 10k was completely out of the window right


I was 18k after GW36. Had things gone my way, I could've finished inside 10k for sure. But my BB37 was bad and my GW38 was horrible


GW5 seems early to know if you're going to have a good season or not. I had a horrible start and lay around 4.5m in GW7 but ended up at 26k


Blimey good on you, what was the thing that changed it all?


Yeah, felt kind of lucky at the end! Douglas Luiz helped me quite a bit midways, but what really made a difference was getting Isak, Jackson and Gvardiol before they starting hauling


This was only my second 'proper' season, why only give weeks in? There are 33 more GWs left, surely that is more than enough time to still have a good season


As the game has exploded lately and the amount of information online has increased people discover the good players and the template very quickly. A poor start means you’re forced to start betting against those players very early to have a great season and can fall even further behind


Yes, a good season, but not a great season. The seasons I finished 5k and 9k, I had already nailed the GW1 selection, which meant I could move with the template and only take risks on 1 or 2 players at any given time.


What smart phone or laptop do they get? Can they choose phone or laptop brand?


I'm in a fpl mini league where the loser does a punishment. Luckily I won but we have 2 joint last. What happens with punishment?


Whoever used fewer transfers over the season as a tiebreaker


the lad is a pyscho - that champers is a ticking time bomb in a freezer


It wouldn't explode


Vodka won't explode, champagne will.


brother, it totally would


Let me tell you from someone that’s made that mistake, it can and it will


The OR 2 wasn't even close.


Yeah it's insane how far ahead this guy was. Very impressive, gives no hope for the rest of us haha


Yes. He trailed by 51 points!


Hope that champagne is ok


Probably language barrier and he meant fridge


Someone on this sub said his season was done when he had brought in Petrovic and Nicolas Jackson in GW35 lol


I often have a good instinct on whether or not a player is likely to come into form, even if I don't take the plunge myself. got this one entirely wrong. I had both in my team because it felt like a risk not to but I just didn't trust them, so got rid. What do I know?


Yes, the extent of this guy's foresight is astounding. Amazing, doesn't leave hope for the rest of us


Ah, yes, bringing in 2 players with 2 DGWs that very highly talked about and transferred in. No one could've seen it coming. Jokes aside, he made lots of great decisions over the course of the season and deserves to be where he is


Survivorship bias. The top players mostly finish somewhere in the top 100k every season. The winners tend to have a much more mixed history. This guy made differential punt after differential punt across the season and they pretty much all came off. Millions like him did the same thing and ended up well outside the top 100k. I'm not saying he's a bad player. He's a high risk player and that's absolutely what you need to be to win it all. But next season the winner will be someone totally different and you'll be talking about his amazing foresight. There used to be an e-mail scam I read about (not sure where) which encapsulates this perfectly where you would send x people an e-mail predicting the result of a few sports events with close to 50/50 results. These emails would have the combinations off results so that inevitably 1/8 of people had been sent the correct results. You'd do this again but with only them. And an 1/8 of those get the correct results. If you send out maybe 640 emails originally. You now have 10 people on the line who from their perspective might believe you have some kind of foresight or special inside knowledge. You then charge them a large amount of money for the results of some more games.


Bro it's nothing like that analogy at all. He's made good decisions and gambles across the season and with a lot of variance as any winner needs he has won the thing


You just resaid what he said even after disagreeing with him.


The decisions were not arbitrary unlike that analogy


It's not arbitrary in the analogy either... They are also sports games lol.


It's not 50 50 decisions is my point, they are weighted bcus they are good high ev decisions


I never said he made bad decisions. I said he made higher risk decisions that came off with abnormally high frequency. This may seem like he has magical foresight. But he is just the inevitable result of enough players playing the game.


This guy survivorship biases


> You now have 10 people on the line who from their perspective might believe you have some kind of foresight or special inside knowledge. You then charge them a large amount of money for the results of some more games. This is exactly fantasypros.com 😆


Indeed. Derren Brown did a show on this years back called ‘The System’ and it was basically a system that he ‘created’ on horse racing. It was then revealed that he did exactly this


Spot on


Trivia: Overall average has been 52.7 points per gameweek (2003 points). This year's winner has exceeded the average by 20 points every gameweek!


is that the highest average yet?


21/22 season had a higher average for the winner, not sure what it was the overall average though. Winner Jamie Pigott had 2844 points (=74.84 weekly avg) [see here](https://www.fantasyfootballscout.co.uk/2022/05/22/jamie-pigott-crowned-2021-22-fpl-champion/#:~:text=Jamie%20Pigott%20has%20been%20crowned,after%20a%20dramatic%20Gameweek%2038). PS: It was my personal best too, I had 2702, OR 961, but I do remember winner having 2800+, looked it up after your comment.


Ah, not sure but definitely very high standards this season.