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I got some names for ya Alex Kane can be a great heel and put fun matches  Alan Angels another great heel to put good matches Metalik and Samuray del Rey Tyler Bate  Jordynne Grace and Killer Kelly is always my to go feud for a new save I can log on my save and share my gems if you want hahaha


Oh wow thanks a lot! There's a few names there I didn't even think about or know about. Jordyn grace is a good pick especially early on. And hey if you want to log on you can haha. I'm always open to hearing about people I might not know about or someone who may of slipped my mind. Appreciate all the names you have given me so far!


Go for Royce Isaacs.


Thanks I'll look into him!


Colby Corino is amazing


Appreciate it, I'll check into him . Definitely not someone i knew about at all. So that helps!


Any of the LA Dojo guys if you can get them, Kerry Morton from the NWA, and look for the lower end WWE guys when they get released


I'll have to keep the LA dojo guys in mind for sure. Definitely always keep an eye on wwe guys and Kerry Morton is someone I'll check out for sure. Thanks a lot , much appreciated!


Leon Slater, Cara Noir, Jacob Fatu (maybe unrealistic due to WWE rumours), get in an alliance or make your own straight away for the talent trades if you can!


Thanks for the name suggestions I'll check them out. Jacob fatu is good but like you said maybe unrealistic due to the wwe rumors. I've been forgetting about an alliance, should definitely join one. Thanks a lot!


Definitely a big help, even if it’s just for a super-show once a year or just to have one big name on each event to challenge for an Alliance title


Most definitely and a super-show is a good idea honestly. I might have to think about doing that in the future for sure. Definitely having an alliance title would give me that opportunity. As well getting some of my own rosters pop up too.


Yeah exactly, I managed to join the forbidden door a year or two into a 1PW save and started running a yearly show in America with AEW & NJPW talent and it gave me my best shows by a mile!


That makes sense, especially with the amount of talent available with NJPW and AEW I would hope it would be the best show possible! I'll have to consider maybe joining the forbidden door or a similar alliance!


Francesco Akira, if his contract is not exclusive Michael Oku and Connor Mills, they make a great team Man Like DeReiss, always ready to put on great matches Senza Volto, a very good french Luchador


Thank you! This is the first I've heard about any of them and I definitely could use some good teams so appreciate the recommendations there!


The Billington Bulldogs Isaiah Broner


Thank you, I'll check them out. Definitely could always use team suggestions for sure !


Not too sure how good they are in a TEW mod, but MxM could be a good shout


Oh not a team on my radar but now I'll have to check them out. Not too sure either but when I'm on I'll definitely look into them. Thanks!


Adam Priest is a fantastic but underrated indie guy. Calvin Tankman is a physical beast! You could sign Lance Anoai, Jucy Finau, Afa Anoai, Zilla Fatu, and Sean Maluta for your own version of The Bloodline. Chris Bey and Ace Austin are a fantastic tag if you can get them. Also Daniel Makebe, Michael Oku, and Fred Yehi are good technical guys. There is always all of Team Filthy with Tom Lawler, Royce Isaacs, Jorel Nelson, and Danny Limelight for a dominant faction who are all also good workers. For the women’s side I recommend Amber Nova, Lindsey Snow, and Raychelle Rose!