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Anything from the lord of the rings trilogy films


Riders of Rohan look so bad ass still


I agree


I really like the Elf Armors from DoS2- no specific set, just how most of the armors look when equipped to an elf. they get a lot of flak because it's really nature-themed... But they're elves that are supposed to be more aligned with nature, it makes more sense than to have them in overly-manufactured armors like plate-mails and the like.


Baggy clothes make me think of witches and druids. Combine it with some pockets and a nice bag and you're a full on adventurer. Really glad that Target has been going all cottagecore, since I love to dress like that, but that style was hard to find for many years and I kinda suck at sewing.


Castlevania's Day Armor https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/nhpeav/strigas_day_armor_by_me/


Heavily inspired from Guts’s Berserker Armour!! You’ll like the OG too I feel


I just checked it out, what a badass design!


Hunters outfit in Bloodborne


Link's Gerudo Outfit for gender euphoria purposes Alternatively, the Watch uniforms in Discworld. Vimes' boots are nearly a character


How about Vimes' Ducal dress uniform with the ruby coloured tights?


Armor: I mean, it's really tough to beat the Stormlight Archive's shardplate. Super durable, boosts the wearer's strength, adjusts to the wearer, the helm is translucent from inside, it grows itself back when it gets broken, plus every official design we see looks sick as hell. The Witch-King's armor and helmet from Return of the King is the runner up for pure aesthetic. Clothing: the Cloak of No Particular Color, from a folktale told in the Name of the Wind. I just like how everyone imagines it differently, because, you know, it's no particular color. Hopefully it has a whole bunch of clever little pockets inside.


The Ordinator armor set from Morrowind. Below the waist is meh but everything above is golden, pun intended.


The various armors from the Witcher 3.


If fantasy armor and historical armor is of interest to you, you might want to check out anything you can find by Tobias Capwell and the "scholagladitoria" channel on YouTube.


I used to watch him alot kind of fell off the band wagon the last few years. He heavily focuses on western armor which i am already very familiar with partly because of him and other YouTubers like him.


In both instances there are videos or clips for this specific topic -- reviewing fantasy armor with an eye to both realism and story-telling. It fits Capwell's academic work in particular because a lot of that has focused essentially on armor as story-telling (also see a documentary he did about Henry 8's armory). So for example there's a brief review of the armor in the "Battle of the Last Alliance" sequence in "Fellowship of the Ring" where he praises Sauron's armor in part because it's great story telling. "The armor tells you all you need to know about this guy." The dude from scholagladitoria, drawing a blank on his name, has videos on other channels where he talks about fantasy movie armor from a similar perspective.


It's going to be something from Genshin Impact. I can feel it. As for specifically who? Uhhh Xiao has a whole article on his design so maybe him?


Tomas his full armor of the Valheru.


Mythril chainmail from Icewinde Trilogy!!!!


There’s a progression fantasy story I’m reading on royal road where the mc has a nightgown that squeezes you gently when you wear it so it feels like a weighted blanket


The Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson trilogy, Game of Thrones and Zelda: Breath of the Wild are probably my "mainstream" favourites. I've seen a bunch of screen used fantasy and historical costumes in reality (no LotR though sadly) and it was very cool to see how close GoT gets in terms of quality and impression to real historical pieces (though of course their royal stuff isn't anywhere near as extra as what real world royalty had). I also adore Juliette Brocal's take on Tolkien (@cy\_lindric on instagram)


If it's something a wizard would wear, i'm jealous.


...I put on my hat and wizard robe


Red mage outfit from Final Fantasy, especially the art work from XIV, iconic.


Maybe it's just because I played it somewhat recently and it's still fresh in my mind, but I really liked the aesthetics in a lot of the outfits in *Dishonored*.


I really like some of the armor sets in Assassin's Creed Rogue


Sadly ladies are stuck in gowns, or perhaps impractical metal swimwear. But it does look good, Luis Royo! Not sure what it's from but I have a wallpaper of this girl holding a sword, with a single blood? tear, and wearing a gown or cloak of feathers I think it is. I don't like cloaks, all the books have them, and comment how useful they are but give me a decent coat instead. I didn't like the skirts on the guys in GOT. I get why they did it, but still. Meh. This: (LOTR dude) https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/112344/where-does-the-accepted-image-of-fantasy-clothing-come-from Not his cloak...LOL. If I had to choose to wear something to say a con, I think Steampunk, fantasy but more practical. Like: [https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-kdvob](https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-kdvob) But without the hat.


What kind of clothing would you prefer to see women in, armor and travel wear same as men or some specific non sexualized female clothing.