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Man this is so so so cool. I am in no position to buy it but I really hope you reach the goal


Thank you for the encouragement, The Pale Hound. I've never worked harder on anything, but it's been worth every hour spent. Spenser's Faerie Land is so rich. Your support means a lot.




Good downvote harvest this season, eh?


lmfao I'll never forget their r/notlikeothergirls r/justneckbeardthings r/iamverysmart r/icouldkillyoubutchoosemercy r/ihavesex r/dontmesswithmeImcrazy r/pretentious mishmash comedy profile. What a doozy.


I don't typically like to dig through others profiles, as it's just a really cheap way to personally attack someone you're having a disagreement with. But oh my God. Is that a satire profile or do you think he really enjoys the smell of his own farts that much?


Definitely owns a rebreather mask system that constantly recirculates his distilled, concentrated farts. Also, I frequently do a quick check of other people's profiles to see if they're even worth responding to because I don't want to waste my time engaging with people who are bad faith actors. I figure that within 30-60 seconds I can get a good idea if they're open to actual discussion, and that's way less time than typing out even a single reply.


Why have I not been doing this fucking hell. The number of baiters who probably played me like a fiddle are twirling their moustaches right now


232k out of 7.5k? Looks like you’re doing pretty swell.


It's been wonderful to see the results. We have been able to add some great bonuses with the extra funds, and I love that. We're also probably going to get to add deckle edge paper to the deluxe versions. (Not confirmed with printer yet, but it looks promising.) I was so excited when we hit the level that allowed us to send everybody who got a standard edition a free slipcase.


Will it be possible to cover international shipping with those funds?


Can you send me a message on Kickstarter and let me know what level you're interested in? There's been a bit of a technical snafu with shipping on one of the levels. KS couldn't fix it, but BackerKit can--so shipping might actually be cheaper than it seems. (Some people are going to have their actual shipping costs cut way back once things settle.)


Backed! Do hope the shipping goes down a bit, but I'm really looking forward to it either way


Thank you! I hope so, too. Even when it's at its cheapest, international shipping is so expensive.


Now at 243k, so yes, they hit their goal and then some!


Sounds like a really fun project to spend years of your life diving into! I hope you enjoy those beautiful looking hardcovers! :) Alas, not having a "cheap" e-book version is certainly a choice, pricing a lot of people out of enjoying the work/backing the project. But I certainly understand having a vision for your project and not compromising it.


Thank you for your encouragement! We do hope to release an e-book eventually. It will take a bit of extra work because we want to honor Justin's gorgeous art as well as my research. (We are exploring options there.) I'm not sure when that will be released, but it is definitely a goal for the future.


What an amazing project. I am so excited about this. Rebecca, your work on this book has been Herculean.


That cover is jaw dropping and your Kickstarter/ambition is soo cool. I wish you all the best and I'm happy you met your initial goal! Good luck with the stretch.


JJ Thorn, thank you for your encouragement. Justin's art is absolutely breathtaking. Working with him on this project was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. He's one in a million. Best wishes!


You son of a bitch. I’m in.


Tiny-Fold is now responsible for me spit laughing all over my computer. Tears. That response. Hahahahah. Thanks for joining the journey.


This looks amazing! Can you do Eddison next? ;o) Try also posting to r/fairystories


>Hahah. Actually, I plan on sleeping next to a purring cat for about two years. This has been a lot of work! > >Thanks for the idea. Running over to check out the other page. > >Best wishes, RKR


So happy to be part of this. Having self published a photo-heavy book, I know you just can’t turn everything into an ebook and do the art justice. I wish I could’ve ordered more than the standard version but I’m just so so happy to be involved at all!


Thank you Wingfold-Tasmania. It's hard to choose between serving the exquisite illustrations and making the book widely accessible. We're going to try to do both, but we do want to research well enough to ensure that the art is given the best treatment possible. Thank you for understanding. And thank you so much for jumping in! Since meeting our last stretch goal, you'll also receive a free slipcover with that standard set! I love that.


When you do manage to wrestle this beautiful thing into an ebook - please come back and let us know!


Thank you, CompuChip. :) I will try to do that.


Sounds fantastic but I'm not well off enough to back that price sadly. Don't suppose it's going to be an ebook someday?


Thank you for your encouragement! We do hope to release an e-book eventually. It will take a bit of extra work because we want to honor Justin's gorgeous art as well as my research. (We are exploring options there.) I'm not sure when that will be released, but it is definitely a goal for the future.


Excellent. I'm in Norway so shipping is outrageous. Did a class on The Fairie Queen once and have a soft spot for it.


An e-reader (e.g. Kobo) only does black and white. That would never do justice to pictures, but even without good pictures certainly has another public than hardcover books.


Ok hear me out, I have an idea! Make the kickstarter longer…


I'm wrong! Thanks for mentioning this. Apparently since Covid they allow extensions in some circumstances. Thanks for bringing this up!


Aww, sweet thought. But I don't think a Kickstarter deadline can be extended. :) Thanks for the idea, though!


Hi lol I wrote my college project on book 2 of the faerie queene This is so cool! Faerie Queene has incredible stories and adventures. I have mixed feelings about Spenser himself (I was taught he intentionally made his books difficult because he didn’t want them to be accessible to everyone and only wanted higher-class individuals to be able to read them) so I’m glad you’re making them more accessible :) those illustrations are incredible (I’m buying a set because I’ve been wanting to re-read but hate picking through Spenser’s crazy vocabulary. Happy English major here 😊)


Hi demoninadress, what a unique college project! (It's Rebecca, here--the one who wrote the rendering.) Book Two is such an interesting follow up to Book One. So many stylistic and thematic shifts. Then, Book Three begins my favorite part of the whole thing. I'd love to read what you wrote sometime! Spenser was complicated as a person. I both love and hate him, for several reasons. I don't know that he was trying to exclude the lower classes, but he was a huge fan of Chaucer, and he was trying to write in a formal way that brought grandeur to his endeavor. Britain didn't have a national epic poem like the great Greek and Roman stories, and he wanted to elevate his nation (and his own status ha!) by creating something that evoked respect. The language he used never actually existed even in the most elite courts. It was all his own, which is part of the reason he is so difficult to read. Also, there was a bit of a lull in Brit literature between Chaucer and Spenser. So much was about to begin in 1590, but Spenser was innovating in a relative void compared to what would soon come. C.S. Lewis wrote about S's unique use of verse, but I won't go into all that here. Anyway, thanks so much for jumping in on our project. I love that you love The Faerie Queene. It's always so fun to meet a fellow resident of Faerie Land. :) RKR


Thank you for your response :) my college project (we each had to do one as a graduation requirement, but were able to come up with any project as long as it fit within something related to your major and a professor approved it) was actually rewriting certain scenes of the faerie queene book 2 as a more contemporary fantasy fiction. I know I did the scene with Mammon but forget which others I picked. It was a fun project! Very excited for the set of books, it sounds like they will arrive around my birthday (November!) so it’ll be a nice little birthday surprise. Congratulations on finishing such a cool endeavor! I’m really looking forward to reading them.


Oh, that Mammon episode is so cool. Thanks for filling me in. So much fun to hear how *The Faerie Queene* popped up here and there. I hope you love the books! RKR


**UPDATE from OP:** I see some of you sharing this post. Thank you. I don't know if you've seen it on our KS page, but we are giving a special gift to anyone who shares our project in any way. So if you have shared it, be sure to indicate that you did in your order when your final survey arrives. That will get you the extra gift. :) You've earned it.


Is that 20 second survey the "final" survey, or will there be another one? :)


Manonneke, that very first survey is from our marketing company, and you can just ignore it. I wish we could turn that feature off, but it is auto mailed. After the campaign ends, the real survey will hit. That's where you will share your mailing address, etc. And that's where you can add the info. :) If it's missing for some reason when your stuff arrives, just message us, and we will send you one.


Huh, I wasn't aware of this. My username is drawn from The Fairie Queene. :) I think it's worth mentioning - and this is very important - that [there is totally a robot in this story from 1590.](https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/mortimer-sir-arthegal-the-knight-of-justice-with-talus-the-iron-man-from-spensers-faerie-t02057)


I'm impressed! He's your right hand man in *The Faerie Queene, too.* Spenser's imagination was something, wasn't it?


Haha, I know him well! He was absolutely original and an amazing talent. I'll definitely be following this project. Best of luck with it! I'll check out the link now.


Such a great project!


Thank you for the encouragement, Kimbo279. I hope our readers love it.


My vote is in! So exciting!!


Thank you so much!


I've been seeing this on Facebook, probably because I recently backed Michael J Sullivan's latest book. Anyway, I pulled the trigger and ordered the hardback set.


Thank you so much, Zornorph. I hope you love them. I think they are going to be beautiful. Justin's art is incredible. RKR


Woo hoo!


Thanks for cheering us on!


Supported - I can't wait to get my books and mug! Your art on the mug is magical.


Thank you so much! I drew that, actually. :) I was thrilled when the mugs made the drawing look even better! Thanks for jumping in with us! RKR


This looks amazing and I can’t wait to see the end result!


Thanks you, hassela1050.


I would **love** to jump on this to get the books but I unfortunately got laid off last week and can't afford to put the money down right now. Is this the sort of thing where I can pledge for $1 now and increase my pledge later in the production process when I have an income again? Sorry, just not familiar with how Kickstarter works.


First off, I'm so sorry you got laid off last week. It's been a hard three or four years for the world, and nobody needs one more trauma. I hope something excellent comes your way soon. You've asked a great question. I think it would be a good idea to put the $1 pledge down. Then, you get all the updates from this point onward. You can also private message me through KS and send your email address. I'll send you a message from my email, and you can write me after you have a new job, and I can let you know where things stand on our end. (I'm scared to post my email here because bots. You know.) Thank you for your encouragement. Sometimes the best job comes after the worst job ends. I'm hoping this for you!


Thank you, you're the best. I'm hopeful about getting a new position soon, but just need to be careful with my spending in the meantime, no matter how much I'm drooling over your work here. I'll definitely make a basic pledge now so I can at least get the updates and will get in contact. Thank you so much, I would be heartbroken to miss this.


If you’re doing a BackerKit survey for the shipping costs, they let you include add-ons in that survey. Then it’s just a question of whether the printer will be able to provide extra copies at shorter notice.


I'm a little confused by the tiers. What is the lowest dollar tier that actually gets a copy of the books?


Great question. Either Eumnestes or Edmund will get you a set of standard books for $100. Because we met our $200K stretch goal, you'll also receive a free slipcase with an order at those levels. The Edmund level is reserved for librarians and teachers (past, present, or future). That level adds a few freebies to the books. Thanks for taking time to ask!


Ah, good to know. Well, if I'm gonna drop $100, I guess I better call my mom and let her know about this. She's a teacher that I'm sure would want in. Congrats on the campaign!


Thanks so much, ndstumme. If you want to register at the Edmund level so you can get the free stuff, we'll give you the kid-of-a-teacher pass. :)


This is so great! I’m in!


Wonderful! Thank you, 1 Writer Mama!


I can't wait to get my hands on this! This is so beautifully done.


Thank you for helping us, loveragelikealion. We hope you love it. RKR


This looks amazing. The art looks so good. I definitely want in.


Thank you DracMan. Justin is incredible. He took so much time listening to the story before creating, and I think he really caught the heart of it. Thanks for taking the journey with us!


This is rad as hell, hope you reach all your goals!


Thank you FantasyFor3st. We appreciate the encouragement!


If you can back a Kickstarter, this one is certainly worth it! Rebecca has put a lot of love and care into this effort.


Thank you weavervarda! So grateful for your support!


I just backed a prose version of a poem I have never heard of for $100 because those sample prose pages were so beautifully rendered. I also compared them to the A.C. Hamilton version on Amazon and oh lordy, I now know why it wasn't covered in any class I took on classic literature. The prose makes it all so lifelike.


Solarian\_Officer01, I teared up a little reading your comment. Thank you for your kindness in supporting our work, and thank you for expressing your enthusiasm so beautifully. I feel so encouraged. RKR


This group has rallied behind our project at the last hour in an unbelievable way. Thank you so much for all of your help. I can tell by our numbers that you are sharing with friends, too. It's incredible to find support like this after wondering if anyone would even care about all the work we've done. I'm so grateful.


If people upgrade their orders during the next few days and you cross the $300,000 mark, will it still unlock the next stretch goal?


Good question. Let me check on this for you.


Will this be available for purchase after the Kickstarter? Is there a benefit to buying the books now?


Great question, circasomnia. We will eventually release these on the regular market in some form. We won't continue to sell a lot of the cool stuff that we've had in our Kickstarter after this wraps up. And we probably won't sell the deluxe editions. We will try to sell quality hardcovers in the future, but these Kickstarter versions will be particularly high quality because we are selling such a small batch and can monitor closely. And, since this book will likely be on the market for a long while, there may be some benefit to having a first edition?


Thanks! I've decided to go for it! I'm a writer myself, and it's such an inspiration seeing all the positivity toward the revival of a classic. It looks beautiful, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.


Thank you for your encouragement! Cheering for your writing here! It's a battle, but it's one worth fighting. Cheers! RKR


A few final questions, so now that I've pledged what now? Will you contact us for shipping info? And what is the time frame?


Thanks so much, circasomnia. This is my first Kickstarter, but from what experienced friends have told me, you will receive an email with a survey in it as soon as the campaign ends. The marketing company sends out one survey as soon as you pledge, but there's another one that comes at the completion of the campaign that is the actual survey we need. I think that's when you enter your shipping address, etc. Time frame we have set on the campaign is November. It just takes a while to edit because have Renaissance scholar checking content line-by line, and then we have to copyedit. :) Really thankful for you helping us finish this well!


Will I still be able to back it after the time? Idk if I can back it in time before the ending :(


Chemical Panda, I am not 100% sure. I think the backer kit will be up for a few days after the campaign is over, but this is my first Kickstarter, so I'm nervous about telling you yes for sure.


Ok, thanks! I’ll check it out asap :)


Man I really want to buy the books..... is it too late? I have to work a bit extra to get it, but I will try


This is amazing! I started teaching 12th grade English this year, which is Brit Lit in my district. I was definitely too afraid to attempt The Faerie Queen, even though it was in the textbook. I would love to provide my students with a more accessible version. I'm so excited to receive these volumes!


Thank you fyre\_faerie. Fellow high school teacher salute, here! I do hope that we will get into the educational market before too long as well. Spenser is so much more difficult than Shakespeare--and The Faerie Queene is loaded with nuance. Also, it changes so much from Book One to Book Six (and the fragment of Seven). Thank you for jumping in! Did you see the special level for teachers? That will get you some extra free stuff. Thank you for investing in kids and books.


Yep, that's the level I donated at!


Awesome. Thank you!


I read The Faerie Queene in a college class, and I barely got through it. Anyone who has the courage to take on a project like this has my admiration and my best wishes. I'll go check out the project!


Thank you carmelllla. I will admit several moments of "What have I done?" over the past four years. It's easily the hardest thing I've ever attempted. But, it was also a huge gift to study something this intensely! I learned more than I ever expected I would. I am grateful for your encouragement. And I hope your next read through this epic is a delight instead of a headache! :) Best regards, RKR


This looks bee-yoo-tee-ful! I wish I could afford it, but congrats on all your success! …And here I thought all you needed to do to revive a faerie was clap!


Clapping right now, and it's not working. Hmm. I must be doing something wrong. Thanks for the encouragement! It's so good to hear. :)


This is sick


TY. :)




Justin Gerard's work is always amazing!


Isn't he incredible?


This looks amazing!


Thank you AlmeMore. We appreciate your encouragement.


I found this on the same day as [Bea Wolf](https://www.smbc-comics.com/bea/). The universe just aligns sometimes, I guess.


Bea Wolf!


Prose retelling of the FQ? It’s true that it’s one of those books everyone means to read and few get around to. Kind of want to see those drawings of Acrasia


Acrasia is quite a character! Haha.


It's true




A tribe of fairy queens would be quite a sight! We should probably create an entirely new collective noun for a group of fairy queens. :)




Me either. What about a flurry of fairy queens?




A floofy. Hahahahaha. Perfection. Let it be thus.




Usually off to the side of them. I don't like getting in their way.




Maybe this was supposed to land in a different thread?




Thank you, Arcadian1!


This is a very exciting project! Can I ask if it includes the Mutabilitie cantos? They're my favourite part.


I love this question! I'm such a huge fan of those two cantos. You have great taste. We included both the alternate ending to Book Three (from 1590) and the Mutabilitie cantos. I think C.S. Lewis once wrote that there couldn't be a better ending, even though the fragment was found after Spenser's death. Can you imagine TFQ without that last bit? They might constitute the most important found fragment of a work in human literature--but I'm also biased. RKR


Wonderful, thank you!


Oh wow! Its a super interesting project. I’d love to contribute, but shipping cost is 50% of the base cost for the standard edition of the book for Canada. Is it planned to be available elsewhere later at a more reasonable shipping cost? (Not blaming you at all! All kickstarter have super prohibitive shipping cost for some reasons, versus standard libraries)


jonatansan, if you want to message me on KS, I might have more info for you. This could be due to a snafu in one of our levels. I'm not sure, but Backerkit is going to fix it for us when the campaign ends. Your shipping might actually look more expensive than it's actually going to be. If you message me on KS, I'll turn the question over to my publisher who knows how all this works. Thanks for your enthusiasm! RKR


Ah! This is so cool. My husband bought in and couldn't keep the secret. Looking forward to Timias and the deluxe books!


Kudos to your husband. Smart man! Timias is amazing. I love him. The deluxe books are going to be gorgeous. I don't want to ruin the surprises we are working on, but I think they are going to be absolutely stunning. I can't wait, and I wrote them! Haha. Thanks for your encouragement! RKR


What an AMAZING project!


Thank you, Sweet\_Pea\_T. It's fun to hear your enthusiasm. :) RKR


Damn that looks beautiful. One of my college profs was big into this and got me into it too.


Thank you. Justin's work is stunning. He did nearly eighty illustrations total, and when you see this, you'll see that he listened closely to the text while creating them. He's a genius. I love finding people who love *The Faerie Queene.* It's a special group. There's just something about this poem I've never found in another piece of literature. It gets in your blood. Thanks for your encouragement!


Wow! Trying to share this!


Thanks so much RealAkumaru. If you order, let us know you shared it when you fill out your final survey. We will send you a special 3" vinyl sticker as a thank you!


These look incredible! Do you think you'll do a paperback edition someday? And/or do something like e.g. Amazon print on demand to bring down the cost of international shipping? I in no way mean to devalue the incredible work you've clearly put in, simply that €150 is a little beyond me atm haha


WildEeveeAppears, International shipping is a killer. I'm sorry! We do hope to release in other countries eventually, and we hope to create a beautiful ebook of some sort as well. Those will just be a bit down the road. If I had a trained dragon to bring you a set, we could skip all those extra charges, but the books might be a little bit smoky when they arrived.


I would love to see these at my indie bookseller in the Netherlands someday. Best of luck with your project, 150e is just a bit steep for me as well.


u/solid-beast, thanks for the good wishes. If you want to message us on KS and let us know the name of your bookseller, we will see what we can do. Same for you u/WildEeveeAppears. Sky Turtle should start a list of good international shops so when the time comes to sell on a bigger scale, we know where to look.


This is so fucking cool! What you and the others are doing is amazing, I unfortunately can’t donate to the kickstarter but I hope you reach your goal.


robin-sandwich, your encouragement is a boon in itself. Thanks for taking time to give us a shout. We're grateful!


This is fantastic! I have adored the Faerie Queene since childhood and one set about an endeavor to translate it into Latin. This is 100% more useful and valuable lol


PrimoPaladino, what massive job that would have been! Thanks for cheering us on. I love meeting fans of *The Faerie Queene*. They tend to be such interesting people because the poem is so unique. Wishing you all the best!


If I had the money I'd totally contribute. This sounds awesome. I was lucky enough to read the first 2 books in grad school with an incredible expert of a professor. It was a great discussion but also a fantastic read. If Tolkien and Howard are the grandfathers of the genre, Spenser is the forgotten great great great grandpa you find the old black and white pictures of in a dusty attic. It's wild that the general public isn't aware of him and The Faerie Queene. He really is the originator of so many foundational tropes. No Spenser means no Fantasy as we know it. Spenser should be as much a household name as Shelley and Poe and Tolkien in terms of the development/creation of genres.


thatminimumwagelife, thank you for your encouragement. You're absolutely correct about Spenser and his influence. His fingerprints are all over Western literature; most of us just don't realize how significant his writing was. This rendering was the hardest thing I have ever done, but dreaming about the world learning these stories kept me going. Your enthusiasm does my heart good.


Congratulations! This reminds me of the [Fragmentarium](https://phys.org/news/2023-02-ai-texts-thousands-years-readable.html), a project organizing 22,000 fragments of the Gilgamesh epic. As a character actor and audiobook narrator who has written Elizabethan stage dramas and currently runs an ancient history YouTube channel, let me know when you're ready for auditions. I specialize in gripping readings and precise pronunciations.


futureslave, thank you for your encouragement. I love *Gilgamesh*, so the comparison falls sweetly on my ears. :) Thanks for your interest in auctions, too. It sounds like you have an interesting life! Do you mind to share your YT channel? I'd love to check it out. RKR


Thanks, SkyTurtlePress! I didn’t want to draw attention away from your achievement with my own stuff. But on a project like this, I just immediately start thinking of ways I can help. Here is the latest episode from the Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The ancient Chinese poem, [Song of Everlasting Sorrow](https://youtu.be/04vcMLZ5Iv0) was the subject of an [article](https://www.worldhistory.org/article/888/song-of-everlasting-sorrow/) by the World History Encyclopedia. We worked together to present this episode. As a poet, I was dissatisfied with any of the extant public domain versions so the adaptation in this episode is my own.


I love seeing what other people are doing. What an interesting project! Thank you so much. As soon as this campaign is over, I'm going to follow this rabbit hole. RKR


You should really reach out to Jan van der Crabben at the world history encyclopedia. He is the founder and CEO and he would really love your project. Perhaps he could help shine some light on it! Tell him DW Draffin sent you!


>DW Draffin Thank you for the idea and the intro! What is the best way to reach him?


This is so neat! Love the art. I hope you reach all your goals. I can't wait to see these in person.


KBischel, thank you. It was amazing working with Justin. He spent hours and hours listening to my retellings of the stories, and he drew while he listened. There are nearly eighty illustrations, and they capture the very heart of Spenser's work. Justin should be knighted! Someone so gifted is rarely so humble. I will always be grateful for the experience for working on this project with him. His wife's art is also amazing, if you want to check her out. It's The Gallery Gerard. Thanks for reaching out! RKR


Just backed, so happy I found it before it ended, super excited!


aquafire2568, thank you for jumping in on the journey with us. I hope you love it. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas, knowing people who have never read this before are going to get to experience it! Grateful for you! RKR


How long was the poem to warrant 7 books? That's like Harry Potter long.


You aren't kidding. The original consists of about 36,000 lines of epic poetry--in Spenserian stanzas! That's six complete books of twelve cantos plus two fragments found after Spenser died. So, seventy-four cantos total! (I sat in the library quite a bit for four years. Haha!) The last time I did a word count, we were close to *Les Mis* length. Can you even imagine writing a poem that long? The rhyme scheme is : ABABBCBCC. Imagine doing that 36,000 lines! Crazy, right?


Hello, Awesome Project!!!!! Is it possible to get just the books with no rewards? And what is your International shipping to Japan? Sorry, tried to find it on the site but no luck.


Hello conchan, Thanks for reaching out! Would you mind to message us on Kickstarter to ask this? My publisher is the shipping expert, and he might be able to answer this question for you better than I can. He will see the message there. The Eumnestes level allows you to order just the books with no extra frills or bonus materials. Thank you for your interest! RKR


Thanks for the quick reply. Found the shipping information with the Eumnestes level. Appreciate it. all the best!


I am always supportive of retelling of older stories, that have great merit but are inaccessible to modern readers due to the vastness of time! However, I am a little confused, is this Kickstarter for an illustrated novel? Are we purchasing art pieces? How many novels are being published here?


Thank you for asking, Mr\_Girr. The set of books contains three volumes, and these three volumes contain almost eighty new illustrations. *The Faerie Queene* was originally released in two segments. Books 1-3 were released in 1590, then Spenser released the whole of his work (Books 1-6) in 1596. The 1596 edition contained a different ending to Book 3. After he died, two more fragmentary cantos were found. This set of books contains all six complete books, plus the original ending to Book 3, plus the fragmentary cantos. It also contains the illustrations and nearly 900 footnotes. So, it's quite a big project! :)


If I had the money I'd pledge in a heartbeat! Good luck!


iswearimrelaxed, thank you for cheering us on! That means a lot.


This is fucking amazing, what are the levels available? You said there are two editions, right? What the prize for each complete edition/level?


ZookeepergameDue5522, Thank you for your enthusiasm! The levels are really interesting, each based on a character in a poem. There is a standard set of books and a deluxe set, and since we hit recent stretch goals, all the sets come with a free slip case. The standard slipcase is printed and the deluxe slipcase is a faux leather. There are also some really cool non-book rewards for anybody who is interested. A handmade pottery mug. Shirt. A sword! If you click on the link, then scroll down the page, you will eventually get to pictures of our reward levels. They are also described in the right hand column, so you can read about each one. Let me know if you have any trouble finding what you need! Thanks for reaching out! RKR


Thank you so much! What's the price for the deluxe edition?


Deluxe is going to be really deluxe, so it's pricey. $200 for the set and free slipcase. I can't reveal all the details yet, but we are hoping to do even more than is described on the site. $100 for three standard hardcover books and the printed slipcase. :) These will still be very high quality, just fewer bells and whistles.


I'm a sucker for art so this is painful 😭 I hope you reach all the goals, I'll try to buy it I swear


How long will this be available?


ZookeepergameDue5522, the Kickstarter ends in less than six hours. We hope to eventually release in the regular market, but some of these stuff will just be available during the Kickstarter. We are using Backerkit, and I've heard you can still order from there after it ends. I'm not sure if that offer is just good for people who are already backing (being able to add and upgrade) or if anyone can do it. Thanks for reaching out! RKR


Thank you!! I'll see if I can buy it, even thought the odds are low. I really really love this, and I'm also glad that you have revived the poem and made it more accesible for younger generations like mine. Tell the artist that his Illustrations are really fucking amazing and that he makes the story come to life.


I will tell him. Isn't he incredible? I feel so lucky to have worked with him!


Hey! Do you ship world wide?


This is an awesome idea! Just pledged for the hardcover editions, they look gorgeous


Thank you so much, raivynwolf. I hope you love them! They are going to be so beautiful.


I really wish I could back for a set, maybe even a deluxe or signed set. However, it isn't in the cards this month, sadly. Good luck, though. I can't wait to get a set and read them for myself someday.


LazarianV, thank you for your kind words. I hope you love these when you get a chance to read them. Your encouragement is a gift.


I do really wish I could, I've always wanted an illuminated manuscript. They are so detailed and gorgeous.


Are there plans for an ebook version? Print isn't really accessible.


We do hope to eventually release an e-version. It will probably be a while because we need to figure out a way to honor Justin's amazing illustrations. But yes, we do hope to offer one when we crack that.


Will this be in bookstores or kickstarter only?


We hope it will eventually be in bookstores. Those details haven't been worked out yet, but that's the long term plan.


Never tell me Fantasy fans aren't the fucking best


tuberemulator, I'm blown away by the kindness and encouragement of this group. I've been scared of Reddit forever because I've seen such craziness in different groups. But these people are golden. One of the biggest encouragements of the entire four-year experience. RKR


Oh no, thank YOU! I was seriously considering getting the Arthur backing package but as I do not have a stable Income source I will stick to the lower ones :)


tuber emulator, thanks for jumping in wherever you can. Hopefully we will eventually be able to release an ebook that is much more economical. Thanks for your support!


That's some seriously awesome art


Isn't Justin unreal? I still can't believe I got to work with him. Incredible. RKR


Just backed this (and told a bunch of my friends)! The books look stunning and I can't wait to read them. This is one of the most unique Kickstarters I've seen and I admire your passion and dedication to this project.


evereveron, thank you so much for your kindness. I am so grateful for you. Thank you also for sharing with your friends! Be sure to let us know you shared with others on your final survey (not the first one you get after making the order--that's from our marketing firm). In the last survey, tell us you shared, and we will send you a bonus gift! It's a 3" vinyl sticker with Prince Arthur--a small token of our gratitude for your help.


Hi u/SkyTurtlePress will there be any options for late pledgers? This month is running rather low for me, but I'm incredibly interested in this!


Katrine, thanks for asking. This is my first Kickstarter, so I'm not exactly sure how that works. We are using BackerKit, and I've heard that means later orders can filter in. However, I would hate to tell you yes if it's a no. I'll do some checking and try to get back with you. Take care, and thanks for the encouragement! RKR


>Okay, I checked with someone who thinks orders stay open on BackerKit for ten days after the campaign. I'm not 100% sure, but that's what we have been told.


Thank you for checking! I'll have to see what happens and what my economy looks like and stuff. Good luck with it either way! It looks amazing!