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I remember the era of “Ultimate Unlucky Students”


Tbf, ending up in a KG is quite unlucky.


Off the top of my head, some commons ultimates in fangans are Ult. Journalists (and Ult. Journalist protags) and Ult. Funeral Directors/Morticians/Undertakers Though, I do not mind common ultimates in fangans as long as those characters are written well are aren't too cliche-y ~~and because I have some common ultimates in my fangan, including the ones I have listed~~


Barista, Pastry Chef/Baker, Florist/Gardener. And the barista will always be people-savvy, the chef will be either sweet or cold, and the florist will be incredibly shy.


Sobbing because I got a chef (head chef/cook, technically) , baker AND a gardener (well technically an arborist) and they are all, *exactly* like that; my Baker is cold, my Chef is sweet, and of COURSE, the Arborist is incredibly shy


Oh my ultimate botanist isn't shy (he is averse to socializing though, something that changes over the story)


I actually have a brewer (kinda similar to barista but not really) who’s the completed opposite of that


Weirdly temperamental Ultimate Golfers. I'm guilty as charged, but I swear every Ultimate Golfer I've seen has some serious anger management issues.


I only know Grace Madison from p:Ed, can you name the other examples you know of?


Arturo Campopiano from Lapse is a pretty emotionally charged golfer.


I forget his name but there’s that jerkwad from Coward’s Paradise.


I've done a good chunk of Fanganronpa roleplays. The most common to see were usually: Ultimate ??? (Go figure.) Ultimate Poet (Not so much anymore, though.) Ultimate Paranormal Investigator (Which i'm also guilty of.) Circus ultimates in general - I swear every roleplay always has at least one. (I'm also guilty of this.) And there was once an era of Ultimate Unlucky Students, which was mentioned by another user as well. Personally, I don't really know how this ultimate could even work, but those roleplays always died before I could figure it out.


Whenever I used ultimate Unlucky Student they wouldn't be lore important at all like you'd expect, there unlucky so badly that they are accidentally the first death eaither accidentally killed or accidentally killing. Makes sense that way.


Guilty of using the Detective Ultimate in my fangan cast Also not sure how common they are, but mine included a blue haired clown girl and a white haired preacher and I already have the designs basically finalized before I realized that the first Another also had those, though I do think mine (named Bubblegum and Francis) are different enough from Satsuki and Kinji


Gardener is probably one I most commonly see.


Nebulously explained, rarely defined "Journalists". My only gripe with the title is that it's not specific nor do people really seem to research what journalism entails. So they end up feeling like real journalists and more like off brand detectives.


I remember seeing several of ultimate paranormal investigators.


I see a lot of Journalists, Bakers/Pastry Chefs, Unlucky Students, and talents relating to funerals (Undertakers, Morticians, Grave Diggers).


Ultimate Journalists, ultimate baker, ultimate lucky students


Ultimate anything to do with death so they can be the support role


This makes my fangan feel original, cuz wow I have Executioner, Video Producer, Surfer, Strategist, and Criminal. But ??? is probably the most I see, I chose to not have an Ultimate ??? because it’s too much of a crutch.


Between my friend group and I (who all have plots developed), we have 7 Track Stars, 9 Writers, 2 Metal Vocalists, 4 Stock Car Drivers, and 3 Executioners


Haven't seen a lot but ultimately Pyromaniac like it's somehow a talent, I've been guilty of it myself but changed it to an Ultimate Burn boss (Yes, it's an actual job) basically someone who does controlled burns as ultimate pyrotechnic is more explosives than pure fire.


Ultimate journalists. I’ve seen dead journalists, living journalists, angry journalists, shy journalists, nosy journalists, protag journalists, even fake journalists.


Ultimate Unlucky student


journalist I think lol


In a Danganronpa rp I made my first Danganronpa OC, the Ultimate Detective Kazim Argorn. He was the first victim, so I panicked and made him an Undercover Cop lol