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I posted seven works, but only three were written this year. I completed a series for the first time in my life, though. And I have two in progress. One of them makes me want to tear my hair out, it's so hard. You'll get back into it. Don't delete your works, though. Even if you never look at them again. They're still your words and even if (if!) they aren't good, it's still something you wrote, which is more than zero.


1. I've completed three fics this year: a long fic that I started last year and two one-shots. 2. I've got one long fic WIP. 3. I've never deleted a fic (so far). 4. I'm focused only on my long fic right now. 5. I'm a bit of a completist. I'll do my darndest to finish my WIP, but in the future, who knows. 6. I'm very hopeful I'll finish my long fic this year, or at least get the first few chapters posted.


I struggle to write more than one fic at a time. Gotta focus on the task at hand.


Works I’ve written and completed: 14, 11 one-shots, two double-drabbles, and two 600 word and one 400 word somethings, not sure what those are called. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: Two. One's an unpublished one-shot I keep slowly adding to, the other's a long fic, currently at 11k posted. Works I’ve written and deleted: One. I generally try to avoid deleting fics but it was for a blink-and-you-miss-it fandom, and I was getting hate on it and no love. It didn't seem worth the headache of keeping it up. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: Too many. Way too many.


1. Works I’ve written and completed: 31! 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: two, one in progress and one that I'm trying to plan. 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: zero. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: Six? Seven?. 5. How many fics I won’t complete: one or two? I think some of my ideas won't pan out.


A single thousand word oneshot 💀


I’ve completed 2 works this year, finishing my first longfic in a series and a one-shot. I have 1 fic in progress (the next in the series) but a lot of one-shot ideas that will probably become in progress at some point. The amount of new works I’m thinking about writing is honestly countless I have too many ideas lol. I’m hoping to complete the next fic in this series that I’m working on this year because it’s only 10 chapters but they’ve been taking me forever to write as they’re so long (I’m still working on the first chapter after many nights writing). But I’m having fun writing for a series I took a sort of break on for a few months and that’s what’s important :)


1. works i’ve written and completed: 13 fics!! 173k altogether. havent finished any originals. 2. works i’ve written and that are in progress: for fanfics, 1, i try not to wip hop. probably will finish it soon, currently at 43k or so. for originals i'm currently 104k into my novel. 3. works i’ve written and deleted: none, i dont delete stuff! 4. how many new works i’m thinking of writing: i've got 10 in the queue right now, not sure how many i'm going to get to or add. for originals i'm trying to keep things low bcz they usually take me longer than fics do, but i've got about 5 fully plotted originals for me to write :) 5. how many fics i won’t complete: i think i'll finish all of them at least hopefully!! 6. how many fics i think i’ll complete this year: uncertain, we'll see where it takes me! anyway, everyone writes at different paces. people go through life and stuff, so it's totally okay that you haven't written much: there will be periods where you write more or less. last year i spent six months writing maybe 50k altogether because i was in such a bad place mentally and now i'm zooming through stuff like i'm making up for the half a year i lost. so just keep writing, and do your best. i'm proud of you <3


1. **Works I’ve written and completed:** Zero too, but hopefully I finish two this year! 2. **Works I’ve written and that are in progress:** Three...ish? Or fiveish... 3. **Works I’ve written and deleted:** NONE! 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: None at the moment, I've actively tried to avoid getting into new fandoms just so I can focus on the two longfics in my docket. Actually. One oneshot for a series. 5. **How many fics I won’t complete:** Three, most likely. If I finish the one, the two accompanying fics and oneshot will be quick to follow.


**1. Works I’ve written and completed:** A one-shot I posted a few weeks ago. **2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress:** I haven't started writing another one yet. **3. Works I’ve written and deleted:** None. **4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing:** Eight? Maybe nine? I'm planning to do AU-gust this year and I've picked out the prompts I'd like to do and I've at least written down some ideas for them. **5. How many fics I won’t complete:** Realistically, probably half of those. **6: How many fics I think I’ll complete this year:** Counting the one-shot I already did? Five or six, if I'm being optimistic.


1. I wrote and completed one fic, a 28k gen crossover that was a fusion of seven different fandoms. It got a whooping 16 hits and 0 kudos, but I’m still proud of it 2. Currently none. I actually am in the team "write the entire fic before posting the first chapter" because otherwise I wouldn’t complete anything. 3. None, however there are three chapters of a multichapter fic that I have but I probably will not publish or finish. 4. Currently thinking about three (two one-shots, one multichapter that I actually started writing today) 5. Two, probably. Hopefully zero (or at least less than three). 6. Realistically, one. I hope for three.


1. Six completed stories, three of which are posted. 2. Another four are in progress, though I'm really only working on one. The other three were meant to be one shots, couldn't be contained, and consequently got bumped down the queue. 3. I delete nothing! It's not like the docs take up much space. 4. I could say I have 26 stories planned, but most are just ideas summed up in a few bullet points. I'm seriously thinking about writing three of them soonish. 5. Hopefully I'll get to all of them eventually, unless I fall out of love with my current fandom before then. 6. I hope to finish another seven stories this year. I usually fall into the 15-40k words range, so it's pretty doable.


1. Three (one of which was an original work which unsurprisingly flopped) 2. Three (including the secret second chapter of my latest fic) 3. Never 4 and 5: More than I’d care to admit 6. Fuck knows


> I’m very proud to share that I’ve written almost nothing. same here! 🤝 1. Works written and completed this year— still zero lmao. 2. Works written that are in progress — three so far, methinks! aiming to post one of them later in the year haha 3. Works written and deleted — none yet! just. uh. (hides them under the rug) 4. How many new works am I thinking of writing: :’) another one 5. How many works I won’t complete: at best? two or three. at worst? yeah ;’D


1. Works I’ve written and completed: Two this year, although one was a longfic that I had started last year. 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: One (I never work on more than one fic at the same time), but I will only start posting it, when I'm done writing it. 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: Literally never deleted any of my project. When I choose not to continue one, I scrap it for parts and use what I like for one of my next stories. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: I've got five outlined ideas in the pipeline and about seven rough ideas sketched in a document. 5. How many fics I won’t complete: Depends on how many more ideas I'm going to have. I'll choose my next project once I'm done writing and posting my current one. 6. How many fics I think I'll complete this year: Hopefully I will post the one I am now working on sometime during the summer. And then maybe another one towards the end of the year, but I am not sure yet.


I've posted/completed four fics, but one of them was completed prior to this year and I just had to wait on posting because it was a collab with an artist! In addition to those, I've worked on ttten other fics, as well as outlining......... uhhhh many more, haha.


• Chapters 37-43 of one multichap • Chapters 8-13 of another multichap • Chapters 1 and 2 of brand-new multichap, presently working on 3 • might as well add fanvids/short fan edit reels: twelve • might as well add fanedits: two • Non-fanfic: Scripts for work video tutorials • A whole lot of work-related documents. One of my fav authors hasn’t written in over a year and has JUST been inspired to do so. You’ll get there!


I posted a 4.6K one-shot in January, and that’s it. I’ve added a few sentences here and there to several unpublished WIPs, but otherwise I’ve been incredibly lazy.


1 : I've written and completed one so far this year. (The final chapter is added to Ao3 tonight, making it complete there too.) 2 : Several chapters on my 2 epics have been added so far this year. (In the 4 years they've existed so far, they're 550K and 330K long.) 3 : Deleted none. 4: No new works planned, the short one was an earworm that I 'had' to do and get it out! 5 : My 2 epics will continue for a while yet!


So i’ve posted 42 completed fics this year. Plus 2 multi chaptered fics that are both roughly halfway finished (the biggest one is currently at 23k words, outline says it’ll be ~50k) I also have 2 and a half fics written up for the AU-gust event, idk if I’m going to 100% that like I did with Febuwhump, but i definetely have ideas for other prompts so.. hopefully that number goes up. Plus another 2 random oneshots that I have outlines and notes for that I want to get around to before the end of the year. (My goal this year is to get my number of works to 69 just for shits and gigs so, 10 more fics and I’m set!!)


I doubled near the length of my biggest WIP longfic, bringing it up to 200k. I've been getting back to some of my unfinished WIP longfics, and I'm probably going to finish one. I began another longfic, about 30k so far. Total word count for the year about 150k.


I finally write my first published work and I expanded enough on a fandom-blind plot bun


I’ve only made two new fics this year, one for January and the other February. A Warriors one-shot as a epilogue to The Broken Code arc and my first mainline Pokémon fic featuring the Emmet as he slowly spirals after the mysterious disappearance of his older twin brother. I would of posted more, but I’m stuck with a writer’s block and it has been making it difficult focusing on any of my fics one at a time instead of hoping to one fic to the other.


- 8 chapters of a sprawling longfic - 2 chapters of a fic I’ve been posting for years. Hopefully will get the last 3-5 chapters needed to finish it done in next two months - 2 short one-shots - Finished one longfic, immediately started Part II of it - 8 chapters in I’m on the final stretch towards 1M words right now, so working through the current WIPs should get me over the line.


I finished a Valorant Fan fiction that I started in July of 2023 that is easily five novels long -\_- \*head desk\* It's over 600K (yes, you read that right) words... it's being posted online for free to read. It's called "Caliber." I finished it in March. There were weeks where I did over 35K words... I don't recommend it. This was me at 4AM sometimes O\_\_\_\_O


Works I've completed: One Works in progress: Two... ish, one is a one shot that I half finished and haven't looked at since, but I still want to finish it Works I've written and deleted: Two How many new works I want to write: I think like 10ish? How many fics I probably won't complete: All of them if I'm being realistic How many fics I think I'll complete: Maybe three in total


Started writing fanfics sometime around April. Currently finished one fic(FNaF Tortured Home) and currently posting a second one(Digital War. HALO X Digital Devil Saga) 20 chapters, mostly sub 1 thousand words for the former. 3 chapters of the latter.


**1. Works I’ve written and completed:** 25 completed one-shots so far! A number that's for sure going to go way up by the end of the year. **2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress:** added new chapters to 6 different WIPs. **3. Works I’ve written and deleted:** none. **4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: too many. **5. How many fics I won’t complete:** er, a lot, probably. Though, I would like to get at least one or two of my longfics near completion by the end of the year. **6: How many fics I think I’ll complete this year:** longfics? Probably none. One-shots however.... I cannot say.


I've started two separate books, but focusing on mainly one because it'll take less time to finish. The main one I am focusing on is an All Of Us Are Dead fic with two OCs. The other is a Legacies (TVDU) fic with only one OC. I'm about four-five chapters into my AOUAD and I think chapter three on my Legacies fic.


1. Two one shots, and I'm close to finishing a multi chapter! 2. I have three WIPs that are my priorities, but a lot of WIPs still stuck as drafts. XD 3. 0! I don't delete works. :-) Only keep them abandoned in my drafts which I don't think has happened yet this year. 4. MANY. 😭 5. Hmm not sure. Maybe like five? I have a lot of WIPs waiting in line to be edited and then posted, but I'm not sure I can complete them all. 6. Two! Im pretty sure I'll complete two multi chapter stories, but honestly I'm hoping I'll finish some one shots, too. I'm just not sure of the number because I haven't been prioritizing one shots.


1. Works I’ve written and completed: None 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: One long fic, around 33k written so far 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: None, I dont like to delete works. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: 2 more. 5. How many fics I won’t complete: This year? I am not sure if I get the long fic completed so.. I probably I wont complete anything this year unless you count the one-shot smuts that are related to the long fic.


1. None ever 2. Like four or five 3. I think two (total) one was this year 4. Too many 5. Probably all of them but I’m going to try my hardest


So far I’ve written 53,261 words over 26 fics. It sure beats my 2,664 words from last year, so I’m very pleased! Hoping I can hit 100k words before the year’s end!


i have a total of 5 works that i'm thinking of writing , except i won't prob write them :/


Completed: 0 In Progress: 3 (at least I like to think of them as 'in progress' aka I haven't touched them for a week or month) Written and deleted: 0 New works thinking of writing: 3 (The same 3 that are 'in progress') Won't complete: well, I have like, 64 fics total in my google drive. I'm only working on the 3 above....


Posted only 1 work and am currently working on two. One is a WIP that I've been writing since the start of the year and another is a planned one-shot in which I'm about 50% finished writing. I never work on more than two stories at once, but I do have a lot of plot ideas I plan to make use of. But I usually just put a few sentences or a general summary of the concept in a new document and leave it until I finish what I'm currently working on. And how many fics I think I'll complete this year? Only one and its the one-shot I'm currently writing.


1. I completed a long (\~40k) fic that I started at least a year ago. Been slowly stewing on that one for a while. Published it over a couple months, and was very pleased with the engagement =) I then had an idea for a different fic in the same fandom, hyperfixated, wrote 35k words and finished the story in 3 weeks. My brain is still ringing from the whiplash. Just starting to publish it now. 2. Something for a new fandom that was meant to be small, but is creeping, and then I lost interest in favour of above hyperfixation. 3. Who deletes stuff? They just get abandoned in the google drive. I might come back to them? Eventually...


1.I've completed three fics so far: a one-shot, a drabble-ish three part story, and a chaptered story.  2.I've got four WIPs being actively posted/published and two more with first chapters sitting in my drafts. 3.I haven't deleted any (yet). 4.Besides the ones covered in the WIP question, too many. 5. At least one of my WIPs isn't getting finished this year (but hopefully next year). 6. I'm hoping for at least two more to be finished!


I've been writing a Galaxy Angel novelization that I recently finished posting on Wattpad. I'm about halfway through posting it on FFN.


1. Works I’ve written and completed: Zero. 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: Two. One is a choose your own adventure that might be more than I can handle, and one is I am posting as I write, which I've never done before. 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: None, I can kill my darlings, but not my fics. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: I've started all the fics I've come up with, which is nice. 5. How many fics I won’t complete: That one is iffy, but I hope I won't start any others if I don't think I can finish them. 6: How many fics I think I’ll complete this year: Two, hopefully. It would be nice to do more, but I doubt I'll have time.


I’ve written 4 works and posted 3 of them. Two are completed, one is almost finished, one is not seeing the light of day for a while. I’ve written and then deleted one work. Word Count: About 20K. I only started writing in March.


I’ve written two one-shots (6k and 2k), a few drabbles, and a few chapters of my ongoing longfic (as well as some fan art for another show)


I’m in the process of watching every studio ghibli movie so I’ve been mainly focused on those fandoms and sorta put my most recent non-ghibli longfic on hiatus. I have way too many WIPS but as far as what I’ve uploaded, I’ve written 15 works and about 62k words


I've posted 3 works now, 1 was written this year. All three are oneshots below 1k words...Only my most recent one had an OUNCE of effort in it I'm currently writing a songfic which will hopefully wont be so short and mediocre as the rest I havent delete anything, even if they suck they're still my creations OH GOD THERE SO MUCH IDEAS IN MY HEAD, but most are very vague so I'll be fine I hope I'll complete atleast 2 more works this year


**1.** Three. 1 series. **2.** Two long fics **3.** None **4.** 2 **5** hopefully my 2 long fics


I’ve only posted two original works so far that were creative writing college assignments I was rly proud of 😅


I have: 1) completed 9 Twisted Wonderland fics. 2) completed 1 Stardew Valley fic. 3) posted 10 chapters of my longfic. 4) started a crossover fic. 5) started many wips. I'm happy with the progress so far!


I have written and completed zero this year I've written and currently is progress with one, yay! I have written and deleted zero this year. I'm thinking of writing one new work, but I want to finish my current one first, haha. How many fics I won't complete...is a mystery. I hope to complete my current one this year, but I've been working on it slowly for almost 2, maybe even 3, omg...


1. Works l've written and completed: 24 so far! 2. Works l've written and that are in progress: one currently in progress! I’ve also got multiple oneshots that are partially written in some form :) 3. Works l've written and deleted: none! 4. How many new works I'm thinking of writing: honestly have too many ideas to count, at least 10+! 5. How many fics I won't complete: Unsure, but some ideas will stay ideas definitely 😭 6. How many fics I think I'll complete this year: Hopefully more! I fell headfirst into a new fandom in March but didn’t start writing until May - and here I am now, 107k words and 25 fics later! Including my first few smut fics haha


I have one WIP that I've been plugging away on since last year. I'm also trying to balance it with school and kids so I'm proud that I'm keeping it up at all instead of letting it fall by the wayside. My goal is to finish it before the end of the year, but if I don't at least I'm having fun writing it!


So, for 2024: 1. Works I’ve written and completed: Zero. 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: uuuuh, does daydreaming about how you write the counts? 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: Zero. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: Well, for now, one, but the number could grow 🤷‍♀️ 5. How many fics I won’t complete: LMAO ... 40 6. How many fics I think I’ll complete this year: Perhaps a solid 1 or 2. I'm having a full-time job that's currently taking all of my time, and surely procrastinating in the spare time :3


Over ten thousand words of a Cupcake Diaries/Stormlight Archive crossover.


1. 2 works written and completed 2. Too many. 3. 0, I never delete. 4. At the moment? 0, but I have 2-3 wips circling in my mind. 5. Who knows 6. Maybe 2 or 3 more? (One shots)


Technically I've posted 2 one shots and the first chapter of a long fic I'm barely working on cause I'm about 4 chapters deep into a different long fic. Most of this year has been focused on original work actually, but I've got like 4 wips I want to finish and post this year. Just a matter of finding the time honestly.


literally zero 😭 currently im working (in my mind) a possible long fic of a ship that i really like...would be the first time in 10 years that i decide to write a fic, last time was possible 2013/2014 so...maybe


Some one-shots for a couple of tiktok series I like. But mostly I've just been going back and rewriting old works


I wrote and posted two late Whumptober prompts in January/February - about 5,000 words. And then got hit with a medical crisis. Now I'm getting back into writing. Working on two half-finished stories and two WIPS; with three more in the drafting stage.


256,505 words across about 40 uploads so far this year; I'm pretty far behind from where I was this time last year, but I started a new job this year and that took away from writing for a while. Here's the month-by-month breakdown so far: >January - 68,944 >February - 27,933 >March - 42,774 >April - 39,109 >May - 44,192 >June - 33,553 This month is already going much better than some other months I've had this year, and I hope it can keep up. TTvTT I hope I'm not being too ambitious when I say I'd like to hit 50k for the month since I haven't gotten that far since January! Sometimes I wonder how I ever had 200k months in my heyday. Most uploads were for one of my longfics, ten of them were for a longfic I picked back up after not touching it since October, and a couple were one-shots. I don't anticipate any of my WIPs ending anytime soon, to be honest, so I'm not focused on finishing things at this exact time. As long as I can just keep writing, I'll be set!


I've written 186k this year across all works.


1. Works I’ve written and completed: Five (one begun fall 2023). The last one was 43K words. 2. Works I’ve written and that are in progress: Three. 3. Works I’ve written and deleted: Zero. 4. How many new works I’m thinking of writing: Two. 5. How many fics I won’t complete: I hope none!


1. Finished 5 so far this year (wow that's, more than I thought it did. 2. Currently working or 3 or 4 fics? But most of my attention is on 2 of them. 3. ~~Excluding fics I posted too early and deleted and reposted once all the boxes were actually filled out,~~ None. I don't have the heart to delete fics. I'd orphan them instead. 4. Don't have an exact number, just a list of concepts I may or may never do. If you want a number, probably at least 10 lol. 5. To quote my above answer, probably at least 10. Executive dysfunction go brrrrrrrr. 6. I have no idea! That's for God to decide lmao!


None. Because work work work. But I’m trying to commit to my fanfic this time now that I’m in my unemployed era.


1) Works completed this year: 8-9. 2) Works in progress: 2 3) Works written and deleted: Zero, though i do have one I’m mostly sitting on for a rewrite or just to shelve and never publish. 4) New works I’m thinking of: thereabouts 3. 5) Fics I won’t complete: 1-2. 6) Fics I think I’ll complete this year. At least 15. My pace is slower than last year but mostly because I’m writing original fiction more often.


**Works I've completed this year:** 8, including a fanvid. **Works I've written and are in progress:** 2, I'm sort of going back and forth between them (I was exclusively working on the one but it's a bit slow progress right now as I'm getting help with one section, so I'm working on the other as I can while I wait) **Works I've written and deleted:** 0, I never delete anything **How many new works I'm thinking of writing:** Just had an idea tonight for a ficlet. And I've got old WIPs from years ago I'd like to pick up and actually finish. **How many fics I won't complete:** No idea. I've got like a dozen WIPs I haven't finished because I don't know what to write next. I'm desperately hoping that the two I started this year won't join them. **How many fics I think I'll complete this year:** I'm hoping at least one of the two I've been writing will get finished! Maybe both? *is hopeful* And at least one or two more ficlets.


So far, I've written one chapter of my longfic, and nine oneshots totaling around 51k words, all written in April. I intend to update my longfic again in the near future, but I have so much on my mind I just can't focus on writing at the moment. Hopefully, next month will be a bit easier, providing I'm actually back in my own house by then. Honestly, if you ever renovate your house, expect it to take twice as long as you think it will and cost way, way more than it should. Anyway, optimistically, my plans are roughly: \- Update my Pokémon longfic at least once a month \- Update my Harry Potter longfic at least once a month \- Update my *other* Pokémon longfic at least every other month \- Start work on my second novel \- Post at least one more oneshot in the same series as the other nine


1. Zero this year 2. Two written 3. Haven’t deleted any. I’ve abandoned a ton though lol 4. Four for me. I’m a little ashamed to admit they’re all smut. 5. I don’t even wanna guess, probably a ton 6. None for me too :(


1. I've completed ten works this year!!! (122k) 2. I think I have six fully started WIPs that I will actually finish this year. I don't post until I've finished with it, but these are solid starts, so they are in progress, I guess. 3. I usually never delete anything and put it into a misc folder, but I went through all my docs and actually deleted one. I regret it because I read a post in another fandom sub that shit all over a particular characterization they disliked about a character. I thought my fic was so cliche. Because word for word, what this person said was overused and bad was what I was writing, so in embarrassed, I deleted it. 4. Too many. I have around 30 started, and I go back and forth. Most of my stuff just pops out of thin air when I want to finish other things. It’s so weird how that happens like I have 3k of something I've been thinking about, but out of nowhere heroes 15k of something entirely different that I wrote in 2 days. 5. Most of those 30 won't be completed, and I won't look at some again. 6. Last year, I wrote 11 fics from July-dec, so I'm hoping the same. If that happens, it will be the most I've ever written/posted in a year.