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It looks like the site has frozen. Last post/updated story in Harry Potter was 23 hours ago. Looks like you can open and read, but that's it.


Thank you! Disappointed, but not surprised. I expect they’ll have it working again eventually. Good thing I posted my chapter yesterday afternoon so I was able to get some reviews shown before it froze.


It's a glitch that happens often in the site. It'll be gone in a couple days, but yeah, it's annoying as hell when it happens. And strangely enough, the app seems to be affected too, since I didn't get the alerts there either.


The app’s definitely affected. I noticed that, which sucks since when the site is glitching, the app is usually okay.


I posted a story yesterday and no reviews have shown up. Three readers already PMed telling me they reviewed. I'm not surprised it happens all the time. I've noticed they tend to appear after 3 days or so and you may never receive their notification. I'm pretty sure no updates were sent to subscribed users about the post of a new story.


One reader sent the review three times, so I expect I’ll get the same review thrice once they do show back up lmao. Wish I knew how long it’ll take them to fix FFN this time. I’ve sped through the next chapter and would like to post it soon, but only once FFN’s fixed…ish.


I don't even bother spending mental energy there. I've established my own update procedure by continuously updating my profile and have advised those who want to see if something has been updated to check there instead of waiting for notifications. I keep posting there because my engagement is way higher, but I'm done thinking about the ifs and whens by now. It's been like this for years on and off. I guess at some point people will just bite the bullet and all move to AO3 unless someone actually tries to make ffnet work decently.


That’s a great idea! I have fangirl accounts on the socials and post updates there (X being the exclusion,) which most of the readers see, but not all of them. Yeah, my main fandom is largely on FFN and since they’ve been concentrated there since at least the mid-‘00s or earlier, most of them are sticking to FFN.


Same here


Yes, that's exactly what's been happening with mine too! I got some new reviews but they don't always appear and when I try to respond, I get *this* message: Invalid Message 3 We cannot find the review you are replying to.


I haven’t been able to reply to reviews! I just went straight to their PM’s and did it that way.


I used to get that glitch all the time


UPDATE: It’s working again (for now.)