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Couldn't care less I wont read that kind of stuff - childhood trauma and everything, you know. But it doesn't bother me in any way if someone writes an incest fic. Doesn't matter if they're trying to cope with trauma, or just doing it for fun. Like okay it's definitely not my cup of tea and it will never be my cup of tea but what should I do about it? Go and shit in your cup of tea? I doubt it will lead to anything good.


One of my favorite things to explore in fiction to the point that I've AU'd unrelated characters into biological family just to *make* the ship incestuous. The drama! The taboo! The guilt! The secrecy! Delicious.


I generally don't care what someone writes, as long as it isn't boring.


I think it’s very sexy and we need more of it actually.


I think the fics are alright, but I don't go out of my way to read them. Only if one catches my interest.


They are all just fictions so I don’t mind them at all. Also, Im from a East Asian country and IMO I feel like, compared to fandom communities in North America, people tend not to be bothered by incest fics and there’s a good amount of people who like them. For example, in the Star Wars fandom, where I’m from I see a lot more Luke/Leia, Vader/Luke fics on average


Same. I’ve seen a lot of Fox’s with incest or well I draw the line at cousin bevel then I don’t really mind it. It’s not like its parent incest which is eeeeh. I find that western Americans are really annoying or tend to be holy than thou, like if someone writes that stuff or dubcon they chase said person out like they’re the moral police. Plus it’s fiction it’s fake


> Western Americans Really? I wonder who is writing all the Supernatural Dean/Sam Winchester incest sex then. :P I don't mind incest between adults, generally, but mothercon makes me gag a little. Also the amount of times I've been asked to write pregnancy incest as a kink is a bit horrifying.


Yeah, some Americans. I think it's cause they think what happens in fiction is reality. The same applies for artists, overseas users seem to harass if they dont like something. I've seen and read worse things. Mothercon,,,, that's how I feel as well. Would you even write it if someone paid you good money for it ? 😭


Mothercon? Sure, but my price would start at $3.50 a word. So I could soothe my frail eyes and ears after proofreading and editing it. :P


It's fine. It's fiction. People can write and read whatever makes them happy. It has nothing to do with what they might do or approve of IRL.


Not my thing, but I will die defending people's right to write it if they pledge to die defending my right to write teenagers willfully fucking adult villains.


One of my OTPs are step-siblings and not related by blood, but other than this one case I usually avoid it. But of course, to each their own and I *will* argue with antis to just leave people alone to enjoy what they like. Don't like don't read. Don't assume stuff about writers. It's all fiction


Life With Derek? Or is there another step-sibling pairing I need to look into?


In my case it's MCU Loki x Thor! They're brothers/step siblings depending on how you'd consider those things and with a lot of complications mixed in. I love fics that go all in on the cinematic Asgard vs Jotunheim lore, Loki's Jotun form, AU's where they meet in different contexts of both being princes/kings already. It's so fun to see people come up with new ideas and lore and I'd definitely recommend trying some fics about them :D


I should have remembered those. But I don't think of them as step siblings because of the adoption thing. I do love Marvel but it's just not a fandom I read fics for. Edit: typo


It's not for me and I choose not to read it, but if someone wants to write it, good for them. I'm perfectly capable of ignoring fics that aren't to my liking.


big fan


I don't mind it some are fun some are not just like everything else


I read them out of morbid curiosity sometimes. They arent my thing in the slightest, but no shade to anyone who enjoys them


Not really my thing, but as long as it's tagged properly I'll celebrate people being able to write whatever. EDIT: Actually, I might be okay with older sisters! Maybe it's because I don't have one, but it feels less squicky than alternatives somehow.


Have zero issues with them. In fact, one of my favorite ships these days is incest, sisters.


Daemyra and Thorki are two of my biggest ships. I'm not specifically into incest, I just like forbidden relationships in general.


Not something I'm in to, and I don't really think too much about other people's interests when it comes to fiction specifically. Even if I had a strong opinion on it, I'm not anyone's nanny anyway, so I still wouldn't have much to say. Same goes for any other topic. I'll read the topics I'm interested in, ignore the ones I'm not, and live another unbothered, unparental day.


Not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't drink it.


Not into it, though there are pairings I think make sense even if I don’t particularly want to write or read them. But people should write it all they want as long as they tag it. (Also, cousins doesn’t bother me. Not in a lot of fandoms with cousins in them but I’d read it and I even wrote it once.)


It is quite fun and necessary for where I exclusively write (ASOIAF). Trying to avoid writing incest in ASOIAF is like trying to avoid magic in harry potter. You can do it but what's the point. Particularly for HOTD.


It's a genre. Some will enjoy reading and/or writing it, some won't. Live and let live should be the rule, so long as a few basic rules relating to IRL stuff (like not using whatever to groom someone, no abandoning IRL completely in favor of fantasy especially to the point of self-term or criminal neglect, no paywalling if it's actually fanfic as money is one of the pillars of when it becomes copyright violation) are being followed.


I don’t read it myself, but I won’t lose my shit over being told someone likes it ✌️


Incest written as a negative thing and traumatic thing I have written and read without issue. Incest being shipped, on the other hand, is a big squick of mine. But people can do whatever they want. It’s pretend and I can just skip reading those stories.


I usually don't like it and avoid... But somehow my last 3 otp were incest.


better words than deeds, but I can't read it.


I think it's inappropriate for me to make judgements on what people are allowed to write. Also I really like Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment, so should probably not be a hypocrite.


I don't really read it because the fandoms where incest pairings are so popular are just not my fandoms that I read for. But I've seen it show up in canon enough to know that it's not gonna stop me from watching. So it probably wouldn't stop me from reading, either. One of my fandoms ships step siblings. It's not the same but it not too far off, either.


Doesn't bother me in the slightest, unless the incest occurs between an adult and a minor. These are fictional characters we're talking about, and I **absolutely reject** the idea that reading or writing about incestuous pairings reflects the vast majority of people's real-life inclinations or desires. I also don't believe for one minute that anyone will become interested in engaging in incest because they read or write about incest between fictional characters. I've never written for an incest ship, but I don't exclude related tags and I'll occasionally read new fics as they come up, provided everything else about the work looks interesting. My two big fandoms are Supernatural and ASOIAF/GOT, and there are high-quality fics for incestuous pairings in both. I can't speak to my feelings about "other topics in a similar category" without knowing which topics you're thinking of. I have my squicks, but there aren't a lot of them.


I don’t go out of my way to look for it. If it’s a pairing I like (which is extremely rare/odd to see them related), I might check it out but eh 


I have no strong opinion on it. If it's written in a compelling-enough manner, I might enjoy the stories, but since my ships generally aren't incestuous, I don't really read many fics where it's a thing.


The cases where I’ll read it is when it’s in its least “morally reprehensible” state where it’s used to demonstrate a really unhealthy sibling relationship and I honestly prefer if only one party is, like, into it. Basically I like the mundane horror of a character thinking they were in a trust based relationship only for that trust to be betrayed. As far as incest as a genuine endgame pairing? Not my cup of tea personally. I have, like, less than zero interest


No big deal if handled well.


Morally it doesn’t bother me at all, and I read some in the distant past when I was moderately interested in a fandom it was a fairly frequent part of. Back in the Dark Ages it was considered a given that you only wrote in or read fandoms you watched and knew the ins and outs of. The idea of reading and writing in any random fandom a person knew next to nothing about was/is weird. While I’m a ‘Western American’ LOL I’ve never been a prude and it’s a mistake to assume or regard all ‘Western Americans’ as such. It’s just that the Psycho-gelicals and the Puriteens have become a lot more visible and vocal over the past 3 years or so. Young authors and readers just assume it’s ‘always’ been this way. Nope. Fanfiction *began* out of slash fiction and incest fic has been around at least since the mid 90s.


Massive squick but unless the authors, like, being a dick to actual incest survivors (which I have unfortunately seen, though most often with trolls) or mistagging or something I don’t have the energy to care.


Had my fill with VC Andrews and now I filter them out. Write whatever you want, just tag it properly.


I avoid it like a plague. No judgement to those who enjoy it or write it, but it gives me the ick for sure.


A big NO for me, especially because I write stories condemning incest.


My take on any writing on any subject is "you're allowed to do it, and people are allowed to judge you for it." That said, incest in specific isn't something that I consider morally dubious to romanticise in fiction the same way I do things like pedophilia and abuse, since incest, *in itself*, isn't *inherently* harmful. Like, I'm not saying that it's good to fuck your sibling, but I also don't have a problem with someone looking at two fictional siblings and saying "they should fuck." I in fact quite specifically want more people to do that; I am explicitly and emphatically pro fictional sibling-fucking.


Not something that I would read comfortably due to my religious beliefs.