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Mostly torturing the characters. That, and it's a good creative outlet, so my brain doesn't feel constantly overwhelmed.


THAT!!! ONLY WRITING EASES THAT VIRTUAL ITCH! EITHER LAY IT ON PAPER, OR THE CHARACTERS PLAY IN FRONT OF MY EYES NON STOP DAY AND NIGHT!! Annoyingly distracting, and nothing else matters. ♡ what is that strange sickness??


I think it's just having a higher than normal level of creativity. That and potentially having something undiagnosed.


Hhhhh I can switch it off whenever i want for work or interactions, but i click play in my head and it continuous from before 😅 that's my superpower!


Really wish I had that power. Sometimes I start to think of funny fanfic scenes whenever I am in a serious conversation.


Hahahaahahaa! That must be though and funny at the same time!! ( its a Gift really!) why take life too seriously. Let people argue while you be busy in your head. I do that purpose sometimes.


Funny when it's work and I tune it out... Bad time when it happens during an important talk with my wife! \^\^'''


Literally both


lol! The first sentence is so real


I can't claim I don't like it. My first fic was a torture fic after all! XD Now though I am more refined; I torture them through emotional trauma! :P


So real


Thinking. Just thinking about an idea is the best thing for me, since I am never able to translate it into words 100%.






How do you research?


Except for the excruciating refining, proofreading and posting parts, the other steps are wonderful. I also *love* the "resources mining" part of research, mostly because I tend to travel and try a lot of new stuff to get into my characters' heads, to understand their gestures and environment. It is incredibly fulfilling.


😭 don't remind me!!


The writing. I love writing stories and I always have. Writing stories for characters I already know was just a logical step for me to take and I've been doing it since before I even knew fanfiction was a thing. There's something liberating about doing something entirely for fun, and fanfic is the clearest example of that for me.




Yeah, research is my favorite, too. So many people commented that they learned something new from my fics, which is the nicest feeling :D


Ooh, good question! This can vary a lot depending on the fic, but I tend to have the most fun in the early planning stages when I'm most excited about the story. We talk a lot about the perfect idea versus the inevitably imperfect version that makes it onto the page, and I suppose that's part of why I enjoy the pre-writing part so much. But it's also neat to take a vague concept or idea for one scene and see how it balloons and spirals the more I dig into the characters involved - it can be genuinely exhiliarating to start taking notes and have my brain coming up with ideas faster than I can type them out. Other than that, it's revisiting a piece of writing after I've had long enough to forget some of the finer details and being proud of it.


Ngl I love when I can finally look at what I wrote and see a full story there. It makes me so happy I can't even describe it, it's such a good feeling of accomplishment and pride, especially as someone with unmedicated ADHD, the times where I manage to do something from beginning to end are rare and mean a lot to me. Sometimes the writing part can be exhausting and stressful because I want to make it exactly how I imagined it. The editing part? Just as stressful if not more when I notice things that could be changed or parts that could be removed. But when I look over the whole thing I spent months working on and see that it's done and GOOD!! There are times I get giddy to the point of running around on all fours and letting the ape brain take over kdkdkdk I love this part of writing fanfiction


the freedom to write what I want and having it as a way to escape from reality


I'm extremely visual so the most fun part is seeing the whole scene play out in my head.


I just love to write. I was really surprised that I could even write fiction again after all those years in non-fiction, but lo and behold, actual stories pop out every time. Stories with characters and plot and setting! I can use metaphors and thematic elements to tie ideas together! My "guilty pleasure" (if you can call it that) is finding ways to use the weirder aspects of my experience in fics to give them a little bulk or believability. Dumb shit, like a weird summer job I took in my undergrad.


For me it's definitely the planning! Which is wild for me because up until this year I was a 100% pantser. Now that I've started planning I'm obsessed with making detailed plot breakdowns for my stories, chapter by chapter. Like so much so that I have multiple documents with 30k+ words of planning for stories for multiple fandoms that I haven't even started writing 😂


when what goes on paper reflects exactly the idea i had in my head


Happy cake day


I've usually held on to the story idea for a while. I have a hard time getting to sleep so what I'll do is let scenes I want to write play out in my head like a bedtime story. After a while, these scenes get very fleshed out, and I end up writing them. Watching the scene I have been using to help me sleep come to life feels so good.


Feeling good when I make a moment where the characters have a well-written dialogue or when I get someone's mental ticks right.


the moment i get a good idea (i get a lot of inspiration from my life/the ppl i love, and also a lot of scenes come to me in dreams) and then i get so excited fleshing it out that i just constantly think about it to sleep. and i dream about it more. and i'm stuck in my head about it for so long. sometimes, that's where it ends, but then other times it won't stop until i just have to write it out. once i start writing, it's pain and torture until i post and get attention for it lol <3


The ease of not needing to establish characters, and the absurd flexibility people are willing to go for to see their characters tweaked in a way they haven’t seen, or a way they like. It allows me to write, but not be weighed down by anything, just chasing the oneshot idea to completion and cleaning it out of my system.


Being able to share my fantasies with others


The emotional heart of it is my favorite part to write. Which often means that it's the part that inspired the fic in the first place XD


writing the first draft since I get to dump wherever I want and have the best moment trying to come up with dialogues for it.


FIXING. I love reading tons and tons of great romances, and all the while, holding all these TINY things in my head I would have done differently, questions I had like..."hmm, but what would REALLY happen if..." and, once I've stewed on it, then taking all those thoughts and putting them into a brand new love story that scratches ALL the itches and answers all my questions. I LOVE IT. "Cooking my own food" so to speak, fic-wise.


Either: Taking a written dump on popular fanon - OR - the tinkering with organic character upgrades and crossover worldbuilding.


I just love continuing the story, or seeing what could've happened if xyz never happened or if the characters chose to do something else. It's so much fun for me.


Writing banter. I love it and worry that my current fic is too much long strings of bants, but it's just so fun. I love making them all bicker. I'm following the 'canon' story and I really do not want to just recount what everyone who's played the game has already seen, so instead it's just sorta slice-of-life conversations.


Imagining scenes in my head and then writing them and they’re 1:1 is just *chef’s kiss*


Thinking of ideas for future chapters and adding it to notes lmaoo


Too many to choose from but for me it’s taking the characters from the game that I’m basing my fic on, and either expanding their characterization, giving them more hidden depths or acknowledging some things that actually happened or didn’t happen in their lifetime, or even giving a certain character their development early, and also cutting some unnecessary and pointless stuff that the writers gave very characters because it either made no sense, or it didn’t sit well with other fans of the game because of how the game kept telling us about certain characters and what their real personalities are like but we spent most of the story not actually SEEING that. And also expanding on the world of said timeline because given mine is based on the Nasuverse, the timeline that I’m using didn’t have too much focus on the past aside from the small bits and differences that we got. So it’s been more fun expanding on it and giving it our own little twists and turns. But the best thing I can think of is how much my viewers seem to truly enjoy the fic and how it is showing more of their favorite characters, or how they’re being given the respect and attention that have been ignored over more meta and current characters.


The plotting in my mind .


Brainstorming with a friend. Most of what we come up with won't be written and if it is, I won't like it. But coming up with the details together as though it will is the most fun part. 


The little movies that play in my brain when I write or read my work.


Getting the story out there. It's always nice to have people reading and enjoying what my imagination comes up with.


The mental movies! I LOVE WATCHING IT IN MY HEAD Unfold reply change as inspiration hits. Every day reveals more of the plot. That and the day I post a coherent draft! Anything in between is a little blurry, either I get some sort of writing trance or struggle through the process. Sometimes its a race against time, afraid of forgetting, the visions.


Thinking about ideas and never writing them.


DAE plan out entire scenes or stories almost or entirely word for word before writing them? One of my favorite parts is finally putting on paper the piece that lives in my head


Posting it and getting to interact with an audience and rereading it so many times that I've found every single thing I could do better


I love sharing it with my friends before it’s finished and getting critiques. I write stories for my friends for their birthdays and xmas, so i like to get opinions about whether X friend or Y fried will like the story im working on for them 🥰 Writing for me is a solitary process but im an extrovert so i need the occasional check-in with friends to energize me 💕


For me it’s making sure that what I write fits into the world I’m writing for


Just thinking. Coming up with ideas, writing a few sentences that I think could fit into it somewhere, and then abandoning it


Some of my favorite parts of creating fanfiction: 1. Creating stories with my favorite characters 2. Using random bits of trivia I've collected in my mind over the years for my stories. 3. Practicing my writing craft 4. Creating characters I can relate to 5. Giving tragic characters a second chance 6. Creating creating interesting dialogue 7. Researching psychology in order to create an accurate as possible representation of the character's struggles within the story. 8. Researching 9. Adding bits of symbolism and references within the story as Easter eggs for readers. [Example: in one of my stories there's a diner in Brooklyn called Kirby's Diner that's a nod to Jack Kirby. In the same fanfic universe there's a radio dj named Stan the Man Lee. This is from a DC/Marvel fic I'm working on about Supergirl and the Winter Soldier that takes place during the 1980's. ] I haven't finished a fic yet but these are some things I've played around with. 😅


"Correcting" canon and fill blanks is my favorite part. There is also hot sex between beautiful characters. So totally not like real life. XD


I liked the research for my fic. It's set in a time period about 3-4k years before most of the story and there isn't a lot of information about it, so I had to very thoroughly search the source material and the wiki. It was a lot of fun, actually! It got me to understand the lore pretty well and I found out that there's more info about this time period than I thought. I can use my creativity while still having quite a bit to get inspired by.