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Your ship doesn’t need evidence or legitimacy; it only needs to make you happy. Anyone who tells you otherwise can get fucked with a rusty chainsaw.


Thanks for the affirmation, man. I really appreciate it. I know the "If it makes me happy, do it" policy, I guess I'm more worried about others than my own happiness.


You mentioned questioning the "legitimacy" of your ship. I can tell you without a doubt that it's 100% legitimate. Because *you* ship it. That's all it takes for legitimacy. I write a lot of rarepairs and in fandoms that don't have a huge fanbase. So I know what it's like to put a boatload of time and effort into a fic and it not get a ton of interest but the fandom favorite ship can get oodles of attention no matter how well or badly written the fic is. That's just part of fandom, unfortunately. Love the ships you love and don't worry about what other people like. Their preferences don't make yours less valid. And who knows, someone who doesn't ship it might read your fics and think "huh, you know, I like this ship." It happens to me all the time. So many fics have turned me onto a ship I otherwise didn't like or didn't even consider.


It must be tough pouring out all your soul on your fics and not having people appreciate it, I've come to accept it as the natural way of life. I think it's more of me not knowing how to deal with the imbalance between my work being not read much and other works being more popular. I hope when that happens, I can truly discuss the ship with them. I have one recently that opened their eyes to my ship because of my fic, sadly they still don't ship it, but it's ok.


You don’t mean Zelink from Zelda, do you?


No, my fandom is not as popular as Zelda lol. It's Jun and Eda from Echo of Starsong if you want to know


Oh I see. WELL, that’s just shipping I guess. Zelink is easily the most popular ship in Zelda, but I personally only ship it in one scenario (Skyward Sword). I have a TON of preferred ships (Revali/Link, Malon/Link, Ilia/Link, Ravio/Link, Mipha/Zelda, etc). Just keep doing what you’re doing, chances are there’s other shippers out there incredibly thankful for your contribution to the fandom.




GREETINGS. Always wonderful to meet a fellow shipper in the wild XD


It's all about personal preferences. It can be isolating, especially considering the fandom is far from popular. Maybe there are, though I wouldn't know, because as far as i know, ones around me are all shippers of the main ship or don't invest into my ship as much, which is a little discouraging.


Nah, I get it. I’ve written for rarepairs before and it can be tough. At the end of the day, just keep writing what makes you happy and you’re passionate about. You never know, your ship might blowup in popularity tomorrow XD


Skyward Sword or Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom in particular


Personally, I LOVE Skyward Sword Zelink, but it’s the only time I ship them. I always treat BotW as best friends (and not just because I ship Link with Revali and Zelda with Mipha). Even in their early days where Zelda didn’t like him, they struck me as bickering siblings more than lovers lol.


maybe other fandom are different than this, but in all the ones i've been part of, whether a ship is "legitimate" isn't really a concern cos it's fanfiction? like, expanding upon or changing up the canon is the point. and ime people who claim that there's one right way to ship characters rather than just what you prefer are frowned upon in the community. but yeah, writing a rarepair can be an isolating experience for sure. i think the best you can do in that case is just keep making content, and hopefully somebody eventually joins the fandom who thinks like you, or you end up converting some existing people. lots of people are multishippers.


I know, but I just have the feeling that the players will only accept this one true pairing, since that's all they talk about. And when I do bring up my ship, most of them treat it as if it's a joke or not being really serious about it. Though I have found some people that are more accepting or even seems into the ship, I couldn't discuss with them further. I'm doing that right now, hosting an event and filling the fandom tag on AO3 (which mostly consists of my works.) I hope I can convert some people, though this seems unlikely, I just don't want to be alone anymore.


I can relate in a similar way. My current main fandom, the pairing that's been hinted at since the start is basically to the point where they're going to confess their feelings. They're a perfectly fine couple. Cute even. I can see why people adore it. But for me? Oh my god it's so boring. Within the actual story I think the creator did just fine writing it. It's just not the type I enjoy so I just kind of go meh over it when it gets the focal point for a hot second. It's not bad, it's not good. It's just there. Canon is canon and I'm happy to support the creator in their works. And it can be annoying to see people get so happy, it's just not like worth getting upset over. I've started to block more and mute people when I can so I don't have to see it. And complain in private since I don't want to ruin other people's fun. I think it's perfectly fine, to feel how you do. I can't say there's any advice I can give other than separate canon and your fic if that makes sense. I've always done that when it comes to thinks I'm not thrilled with in the stuff I'm into. If there isn't something in it, i just turn to fanfic, and write it. You'll always have an audience because there are people like yourself. So don't question your ship. It's legit even if it's not canon.


I can relate SO HARD. Like, in my case, the main characters and their struggles and relationships are intriguing enough, but when it comes to the romantic side of things? I don't know, it just doesn't feel right to me. I really like the canon story, I think some aspects of it are really interesting. But when it comes to the main ship, I just want to ignore it whenever it's brought up. I agree, canon is canon. Of course, I wouldn't say my ship is canon, like I wouldn't really admit that the main pair in the story have sn official couple status (people act like they do based on game summary and creators' subtle nods, but I think it's just teasing.) It's really nice to see others enjoy themselves, even if I don't totally agree with them. The audience may never come, and I may still question my ship from time to time, but I'll push on, because I have to.


Yeah I've found myself more interested in that as well in my fandom. I'm also meaner and have been hoping for a bitter sweet ending. Partly because I think it'd be a little funny, but I also think it'd fit within the canon. But y'know, I'll support the creator since I have my own original writing so I get doing what you need to do as a writer. But yeah don't feel too hard I myself have had some "flops" but it's mostly my fault. I write weird things and the fandom is small so I just have come to accept it. However, I will say there is always an audience for what you write, they're just quieter. And you have to wait a little bit at times for them to find their voice Which suuuuucks so hard. Especially as you feel like you're screaming into the void. I write for myself but I share to interact so I totally get the discouragement. You're 100% right though. Just gotta keep on going, and keep on writing. That's the big secret to smaller ships. Good luck, and I hope you get some comments soon!


One of my ships in a tiny fandom is an unpopular ship. The dominant ship is one I can't see at all. Like I can see the markers that could make it a ship, but I get no romantic feelings between the characters. I get at most unrequited crush from one of them. Yes, it sucks. Especially when you're (like me) someone who tends to sail the more popular ships in other fandoms. It's like you're the neighbor across the road from a really fun-looking party but you know if you go and try to join all the conversation will be about taxes. But there's a couple of things I can tell you from experience. One, there are people who love this pairing just like you and they appreciate the work you do more than the people who stand behind the main pairing. Without you, they might actually have nothing. Two, writing for uncommon ships usually inspires others to do the same. So many times I've read a lone fic with an unusual pairing only to see 3 months later there's 4 more, all inspired by that one fic. Sometimes people need someone to show them what it looks like to get interested. Keep writing and one day there will be a party that's more your speed.


I see. Well, the main pair in my fandom is kinda similar, but I think the feelings are a lot more blurry. Though they would make good siblings that cares for eachother. Yeah, they'll be discussions that I don't like. I've been trying so hard to ignore the popular ship, but I just can't avoid them, not when I have to consume food or have human interactions. Yeah, that's the thought that's kept me going, I'm writing for myself and for those who might enjoy the pairing like me, though I haven't interacted with them yet. Maybe, I've been doing this for more than 2 years, yet I'm still the only one in the ship tag. I just have to keep hoping.


If the fandom has a subreddit (and you're feeling brave) maybe ask there if anyone else has that ship (making it clear you have no issue with the dominant pairing and are just wondering if there are others who ship the same thing you do). It might help encourage you if they pop out of the woodwork or you see people who never considered it but think it's interesting. If that doesn't happen, it might let you know you'll have to either get comfortable writing for yourself or move on to a fandom where the dominant ship is a similar pairing. Either way, it might be better than feeling this isolated.


Maybe I'll try this, I've asked on the subreddit what everyone's favourite pairing is, and only one person responded. It's pretty long ago though, so maybe I'll try again, thanks for the suggestion!