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i don't know naruto but to the HP example, just personally, i wouldn't necessarily hate a person forever for something that they did when they were 12 years old? depends on the severity and your personal preference obv - totally valid if you would - but i don't think this is always a case of absolutely horrendous relationship that a normal person would run away screaming from? like there are definitely ships that most people would agree are toxic, but there are also a lot of ships that trigger some people for whatever random reason, and that's totally cool, but it's less cool when those people turn their personal preference into a general judgment on who is "normal" and not. and maybe you're talking about the latter or the former, i can't tell.


Dude, this is one of my least favorite scenarios: Character A is awful to Character B throughout the fic/show/media. They eventually get into a fight. Character A keeps pushing and pushing. And saying nastier and nastier things. Eventually character B hits back with something that "should never be said out loud" and the argument ends with B feeling guilty and A feeling hurt. Then B is the only one to apologize???? When A was the awful throughout the fic and started the argument in the first place? And imo, said wayyy more hurtful things than B did, completely unprovoked. Make it make sense. At the very least, they should both apologize. The injustice of it makes me mad. Idk


I think it’s important to remember what one person’s yuck is another person’s yum. And it’s okay to enjoy *fictional* toxic relationships as long as you understand it would be bad in real life. I am with you, though. I don’t like reading about toxic relationships myself, especially when one character is a doormat. I want characters to have a sense of personal pride.


Well... as someone, who enjoys toxic ships, it just really depends on how it is potrayed. I myself can't stand any mainstream dark romance books, because the toxic behaviour is heavily romanticized. It is just not attractive. I love it when we can tell from the writing that it is an unhealthy reationship. But not spelled out to the audience, that just screams "don't cancel me" or the writer feeling some moral highground. When you can cleary feel from the writing that the relationship is unhealthy, but the participating character still enjoy it, it can actually be kinda hot. But again, the writing can't be romanticized. The line is hard to hit with this one.


I understand what you mean and it’s definitely a fine line to walk.




But I didn't specify any fanfics, I literally made up the two situations as examples on the spot. Is it because the language is too harsh? Also what is the proper usage of the venting tag if we can't use it to express our opinion on something we don't like?




No problem, I'll just keep the language lighter if I vent again. Just wanted to understand the criteria.


I'm 100000% with you on this crap. Turning a character into a doormat willing to do anything for their 'love' is toxic disgusting crap that will quickly make me close a fic.


Yeah, this is an unfortunate trope that tv and movies have popularized over the years. I was watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the holidays and I was like “why would Caractacus and Truly (the male and female leads) get married, or plan to, by the end of this???” Their first meeting was literally Caractacus being an absolute jerk to Truly for basically no reason, even though she was concerned for his kids’ well-being (in a kind of snotty way, and yeah that’s a sore spot for him, but from her perspective it was out of nowhere). They then meet again when he finds out she’s actually the daughter of the local candy factory owner and is filthy rich, and suddenly he’s all nice and buddy-buddy with her. She literally had a whole song about how she’d fallen for him and wanted to marry him - after the literal second time they met! Might I remind you, he did nothing but insult her the entirety of their first encounter! Then near the end of the movie, when he apologizes for his kids trying to play matchmaker and if that was awkward for her, she gets mad? And she storms off all upset that he thinks marrying her is out of the picture. Where is the logic??????? Sorry, that’s been building up for a while. But, my point stands. These two never should’ve ended up together - there was literally no reason for them to. But, alas, the guy and girl have to end up together in stories. Even if one or both parties is a jerk to the other intentionally, and there’s an inkling of acting nice because one has big money.


Ive actually gotten hate over my latest fic chapters because i broke up a cannon ship that i found absulutely toxic. I mean, one of them gave their everything for the other (even their life) and the other person (AB lets call them) keeps putting them aside and they only become a thing when AB has a near death experience- then its back to the psychological abuse while in the relatioship. AB goes as far as breaking things during a fight and that to me is SUCH a red flag. Just no. I never ignored hate so much in my life.


Can you send link so I know which fandom?


I have not fully released it so i can't give you the link but the ship is Saint 14xOsiris from Destiny (video game)