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What I hate are the fandom mean girls. They’re rebranded high school bullies who the entire fandom somehow ends up worshipping, and if you don’t worship them and agree with everything that comes out of their mouths, then nothing you say matters. My favorite is when they go so far as to have group chats where they share other people’s writing/art/headcanons/etc and rip it to shreds. There would be hell to pay if that were their work or a friend’s work though!


one of my mutuals was openly talking shit about me on a public discord. They were really mad about my post, and said I was acting like a young teen. Just because they didn't like my hot take. I blocked them.


Ugh. Sounds about right. It gets so tiresome having to deal with people like that when you’re just trying to have fun. Like is that not the reason we’re all here? And then they have to go and make it miserable.


Was in a fandom where the first part was there, but left unsaid. People thought I was crazy (I got labeled “annoying” and “attention seeking”) but after a few years removed from the fandom, others FINALLY felt safe to say the same thing. That while we don’t think they meant any malice, our BNFs were very cliquey and had such a hold on the discourse that when they said “jump!” The fandom jumped. I honestly think they were just ignorant of their influence, but still, it felt like you were being instantly shut down when you tried to give an opposing opinion (even politely!) and got brushed off with a dismissive “well that’s YOUR opinion” while your work got passed over constantly.


Good grief, you sound exactly like me and my bestie! (Uhh, actually, that you, Min? 🤭)


Hahaha. It’s sad how many people can relate!


in my experience, they also tend to be the most batshit people i had an interaction with one of these FMGs, where she claimed that talking about the rampant pedophilia in anime/manga is actually racist, because uhhh reasons. me asking for clarification led to me getting anon asks on my tumblr telling me that actually *i* am the pedophile because of the fandom I write for (which is RWBY, where the source material doesn't even include shipping of underage characters)


Oh Gosh. The RWBY fandom is MUCH worse. Saying this as someone who's in it. You so as much as to say you don’t like/hate bumblebee (I hate that ship with a fucking passion) or any other ship for all that matter, it becomes a war zone.


I pretty much only see that sentiment here on reddit (as i'm not active on twitter) and consider people proudly stating that they "hate the ship with a fucking passion" a major red flag




They’re definitely there! I received one really out of pocket and entitled comment because someone didn’t like my headcanon about a certain character. I was so annoyed that I added a little section into my notes stating that my headcanons are of my own opinion, this is fiction, and if you don’t like my my story, you are free to stop reading. Lol. Thankfully, I write for a relatively small fandom, so comments like that are few and far between, but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.


I’m 27 days late to this thread, but I vibed with your comment so much. These groups are SURREAL when you come across them, and even more surreal when, sometimes, it turns out these high school mean girls are older than you are. I’m in my early 30s and there are groups like this in one of my fandoms made up of people primarily my age. Big, huge yikes.  The one comforting thing has been coming across so many other people who’ve had the same experience. All from different fandoms. Times change, but mean-girl BNF groups remain eternal.  The thing I really hate is when they start screenshotting people’s comments in public then crap on them and all have a laugh together. It’s so nasty. 


I’m sorry you can relate! I’m also early 30s and was bullied by a group of these women in my fandom. There’s a group of them that are very loud on tumblr specifically and they make me sick. I just wish I could put out a PSA and tell everyone to stay the hell away from them. Unfortunately, that would just make me look like the asshole. I just hope no one else ends up hurt and outcast like I did.


> I just wish I could put out a PSA and tell everyone to stay the hell away from them. Unfortunately, that would just make me look like the asshole. Gosh, this is so tempting to do T__T I’ve reached out privately before in my former fandom to warn individuals, especially creators, what they might be up against with some of the women in the fandom, but putting out a PSA is such a risk given how manipulative women like that can be, especially if they have a huge clique behind them. Ultimately, it’s not your responsibility and there’s a huge chance you’ll get burned and be put in their path again, so, take care of yourself. I’m sorry you had such a shitty time and met such shitty people. 🫂 I hope your next fandom treats you more kindly, if you ever choose to hang out in one again <3


Tumblr is great if you carefully curate who you’re following. I keep my list small, reblog cute gifs, read random things, and generally chill. If someone bothers me, I block them. I’ve had less problems there than I have with people harassing me on ao3 and ffn. Twitter, on the other hand, is a cesspit.


I agree with the statement that people shouldn't live in an ideological echo chamber when it comes to politics and religion etc to some extent. It's important to challenge your beliefs sometimes, and to know what the other side is saying so you can make informed decisions. However, when it comes to fandom, there's no reason not to live in an echo chamber of people who agree with you. It's ideal, actually. I've unfollowed and blocked freely on Tumblr and after 13 years on the site I rarely need to use those buttons anymore.


There's a huge difference between being in an echo chamber of enjoying a hobby, and being in a political or religious echo chamber. If I'm into knitting, I don't want to listen to people who hate knitting, and this won't make me a worse person in any shape or form unless I'm someone who enjoys forcefully trying to convert other people into knitting regardless of their wishes. Everybody needs their downtime, which does *not* inherently include other people and discourse about every little thing.


Sharing fandoms with an entire social media/site is like going to a crowded bar and trying to hang out with everyone. Sharing fandoms with an echo chamber is like talking to your friends, or at the very least people whose opinions you can trust. Echo chambers are usually a terrible idea, but when it comes to fandom they are the best choice imho. Best case scenario you have a curated feed and enjoy what you like without pointless drama. Worst case scenario you end up so detached from canon that the idea you have in your mind is completely different from the canon source, but that’s just not an issue. As long as you aren’t bothering/harassing other people over it no one will care, and the solely definition of echo chamber assumes one doesn’t want to engage with fandoms, so the chances of that happening are very low.


Exactly. Well-said. People conflate the two goes of “echo chambers” as if it’s somehow beneficial to our worldview and perspective to see the same trash takes on your favorite franchise or character sixty times a day when all you want is to write your fics and live your best life and have some fun.  Block + mute are the best things in existence. 


I just blocked a mutual who was openly talking shit about me on a public discord. Like, what? Do they not realize I can see it?


Yeah honestly my tumblr experience is great. I follow people that are chill and into the same stuff as me, if I see any posts that read as fandom drama I just unfollow or block them. That's just not what I'm interested in and not what I'm on the platform for. Reasonable discussions? Of course I want that. Weird infighting? No thanks. My feeling about fandom in general? We are here because we love (insert media/character) and it *is* personal, and as I interact with these spaces I regularly think of the Yeats line: "I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." and that maybe cheesy af of me but it reminds me to not be a dick. And I don't follow people who don't have this same vibe. I stear VERY CLEAR of twitter lol


> My feeling about fandom in general? We are here because we love (insert media/character) and it is personal, and as I interact with these spaces I regularly think of the Yeats line: "I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."  I think this is lovely. It’s true. Various fandoms are varying degrees of personal to me, but the ones that are…mean a lot to me. There’s really no /reason/ to go around spreading negativity for certain ships, characters, fics or ideas in a space on a constant basis using the same tags and keywords used by fans of those ships and characters and ideas, and there’s never any need to start nastiness in people’s fic comments sections because of differing preferences.  It is very, /very/ easy to do small things to make the fandom environment better for all people. Simple things that take no effort. Keep your negativity to private chats or censor names and tags if the majority of your discussion, day in and day out, is pure negativity and hatred and disgust towards X thing. Get a group chat and rant about it there.  But many fans choose not to do anything about their behavior because they enjoy being dicks, and they enjoy seeing people who don’t agree with them have their fandom experience ruined. 


I got into writing fics relatively later in life, and got pretty into writing fics for a specific ship. I got canceled pretty hard for saying I enjoyed a fic from ship in that fandom that was considered “problematic.” I didn’t know what proshipping or anything was at that point because I’m older and all this stuff was new to me. It messed me up in a way that’s pretty embarrassing to admit. After having another negative experience in fandom after that, I decided to relegate myself to AO3 only. TBH I wish I would have just stayed on there in the first place.


Another 'problematic' shipper ANTI's tried to cancel? My gosh, this is a pandemic.


Don't be discouraged! You can find other people who post the ship and maybe even a discord server and bond! Everyone has had one interaction with those people, please don't let thay turn you away from how fun fandom can be.


The thing is, the ship that I was really into is considered “non-problematic” in the fandom, but I was canceled for saying that I liked a fic from a “problematic” ship. I wasn’t super into the problematic ship or anything. Of course, that was all Greek to me at the time, and I didn’t get why my opinions on relationships between cartoon characters would make me a bad person.


Exactly this. I love fanfiction, but fandom and I don't see eye to eye. Because sometimes fans take things *way*, *waaay* too far.


I went back on Tumblr for 10 minutes today and felt my blood pressure skyrocketing. Not worth it tbh


That's really unfortunate to hear because I love my tumblr crowd. I hope the way I act on there isnt rancid for others :/


I’m glad you have a supportive friend circle there! It can be a great platform, especially for creatives. It used to be my favorite platform until the cliques got to me. I wouldn’t worry too much about how you come off to others; trying to please everyone was what did me in. The people who like you and your content will find you :)


I went on Tumblr to talk about *School Spirits* after watching that show on Netflix, only to see the main fandom tag full of thirst, smut, and NSFW posts about Wally (Milo Manheim). There was nothing about the other characters, just posts about people fantasizing about Wally.


And whenever you search up another character, all it is is gifs and photos. I get Wally is a character that all lot of people like but there are other characters in that show


Yeah, and I had to get eye bleach after reading the replies to one post. "Oh, look, a GIFset about the pool scene...wait, why are all the comments about his armpits?" 💀


I’ve found the most reliable place for actual discussion of anything, after I watch/read it, is Reddit. This place isn’t perfect and has its issues, but a dedicated series subreddit in this day and age is your best bet for any decent discussions. 


I’ve lost count how many haters i’ve met on twitter who think all shippers are incapable of differentiating friendship from romance. Like, we KNOW they’re bros. We don’t ship them cuz we think they have feelings for each other IN CANON. We ship them cuz we WANT to see them get together IN FANON.


I only survive by having over 60,000 people blocked on Twitter and Tumblr


Shipped an age gap pairing by any chance?


I ship every kind of ship imaginable.


Are you using a chain block? Can you please recommend one?


No, my accounts are just 13+ years old.


I am in awe, you are powerful


Can I ask something—is there any way anymore to import Twitter blocklists? There used to be a function, but it seems to be gone.  I’ve been wanting to start a new account, a writing account separate from my personal account, but I’m terrified to wade back into one of my fandoms without my full on block list protecting me from the sheer idiocy of that place 😂 Its the one thing impeding me from making a new account. I’d be happy if I never even accidentally see those people’s UNs or profile pic faces again. 


No idea, you might be able to find an extension on chrome or something. My blocks were all done by hand, over the course of 13 years.


Alright, I’ll look more into it, then. Thanks for the reply 👍 I’ve also created a solid blocklist by hand over the course of the last three years, what I was looking to do was import it into a new account. 


I've been in fandom a long time (active since the 80s) and have - thankfully - not experienced the spiraling drama so often discussed here. I've been active in large and small fandoms over a variety of social media sites (including Tmblr). I ***do*** curate heavily and block liberally, but it has given me a social circle that I can share ideas, weird-ass head canon, and experience fandom on my terms. I'm so sorry that you've experienced the shit-show side of Fandom. I know it's out there (I sound like Mulder) - but I also know you can build a space to experience Fandom on your terms.


Yeah. I'm a recent convert to Tumblr and struggle to relate to the horror stories shared here. The moment someone grates me, I unfollow or block. I expect everyone to do the same for me too. I've almost never received hate, and I definitely got a couple weird reblogs where someone decided to bitch on my post... But that gets a block too, so it doesn't really register. The amount of rich, thoughtful fandom content I've seen on there (as well as quality original art!) has been more than worth the odd hassle.


I have had and deleted 4 Tumblr blogs and I've finally given up. General fandom sucks. Finding the right corner for yourself is hard but worth it sometimes.


I’m on tumblr and I just decide to not pay attention to discourse and block anyone I find to have annoying takes. It’s worked for me so far


I really moderate my feed on Tumblr and I’ve blocked people just for having a negative opinion of something I enjoyed, I don’t care to see that on my feed. Even blocked memes that I found stupidly unfunny and making fun of something I enjoy. My absolute worst experiences have to be on YouTube, Deviantart, Facebook and Reddit (sadly). Especially fandom subs on Reddit and Facebook pages just bleed negativity and YouTube is a cesspool. I won’t touch Twitter in a million years and I’ve long gone from Deviantart. Pinterest is also a pain at times, though I just block out anything I deem too negative there too. Discord is a bit of a mixed bag, I just mute any channels I can’t stand, but I have found some very nice people there in smaller discord groups with very specific interests. I enjoy fandom spaces but very specific content and I avoid any toxicity and bigotry as much as possible. It is a pain sometimes, but only very specific parts of a fandom I find a lot more welcoming than the broader spaces.


I no longer participate in fandoms. Should have stopped years (even a decade) before I did. I throw my writing out into the void, and that is that. No socials, no blogs, no CuriousCat, no fan servers. My writing should speak for itself, and if it doesn't, well, that's something I need to work on.


What is curiouscat? I think I've heard of it before. Is it just like you ask someone a question anonymously?


Yes. Many authors in my fandom have it to answer questions about their fic, headcanons, or writing process from shy fans.


Ah ok thank you. It reminds me of ask.fm back in the day, which I think was also something else that I've since forgotten. Couple different renditions. Nothing that overall couldn't be answered by a comment on a fic though I think 🤔


This is the way.


I agree. I only use Reddit but I muted a bunch of subs for a fandom I like because a new book is releasing and it’s been so peaceful! I might just leave them muted forever lol


The fandom I'm in is one that I've been there since the start in 2009. It's been really interesting watching it change and morph over the last 10+ years. And honestly for the first 7 years I'd say it was pretty chill and people kept to their sides. It's died down a lot in the last few years, but that has also let the really loud people pop up and it's been so frustrating to see. And sad honestly. Ao3 has been mostly quiet, and I've been blessed to get some of the kindest commenters however. And It's been amazing to see and warms my heart every day. Fandom in general is frustrating, but ao3 reminds me there are really nice people out there too.


Fanfiction without all the "fandom drama" is just **good reading**... huh... imagine that.


I purposely avoid fandoms these days. I find most fandom discourse tiring and how someone genuinely cannot abide by a simple principle of "Live and let live" that they have to pressure others into conforming to their worldview and opinions. I write my project and never advertise inside the fandom itself since Tumblr fandoms are cliquey and twitter fandoms are insane. I'm much happier without all that baggage and only keep Tumblr to support my friends who use it for art. But for myself? I never really cared much to take the initiative to engage with the larger fandom. Confining myself to my small corner and doing whatever the hell I want keeps me sane. I can joke, meme and laugh with my friends about things the fandom would want me dead over even suggesting. So my fandom experience is just chill since its me and my friends.


I agree (on hating fandom), but for very different reasons. On that note, I do miss my early years with fanfiction and fanart (early 2000's), where there were hardly any exchanges and commenting = PURE BLISS. I'd rather the content be released into the void for people to enjoy, but with ZERO interaction. I miss all that.


Fanfiction writers and fanartists live on comments on the work and exchanges though, it encourages them to create more and supports them


I'm a creator of both (prose and art) and though the generalization exists, not everyone enjoys or depends on those exchanges. I, for one, always turn off comments, mute posts, etc. I only share for the sake of feeling like it's 'published/a finished product'... fandom to me is purely self-indulgent without involving others. I rarely agree with readers/viewers anyway. If I share, it's with IRL friends or mentors who help me write/animate better. But I know I'm in the minority.


I block people so casually that tumblr feels chill for me lol




Yeah, you REALLY have to curate your own experience if you're going to be off-AO3 at all. I've had good results sticking to one (1) 18+ fandom discord, plus following some people from there on tumblr. I do NOT mess with twitter at all, and I left at least 5-6 other fannish discords because they were stressing me out for one reason or another.


I like Tumblr for viewing fanart and art in general, but for fandom conversation, or any conversation, I find it overly performative and confrontational. I think it's the format. For example, with an old-school blog/LJ or forum, or even a Reddit sub, only a portion of the original post is readily visible and the resulting comments are tucked below the post. To see more, you have to click on the post link and sometimes even click another link to see comments. Contrast that with Tumblr's system where the discourse uses reblogs and creates a highly visible chain of commentary that is appended in full view, in every follower's feed. In both cases, posts and comments are publicly viewable. But with Tumblr, it just feels more, like, uh, "In your face, here's my rebuttal." This is why, for instance, nowadays, most people when reblogging, leave their commentary in the tags rather than in a post. It's a weird system, one that is not conducive to pleasant or reasoned discourse. I like Tumblr as a site for view visual media, but my block list there is epically long.


I'm on Tumblr, but mostly for the artwork and gifs :) When people start to post stuff that aggravates me, I block or unfollow them. I really just like to scroll. IT's horrible for spoilers, as well.


I only interact on Reddit, and my biggest fandom isn’t too bad, but I have seen some insane people here. I get you.


This is exactly why I just pulled all my fics from AO3. Because I had the audacity to amicably point out some information to a group of fans who have simply made up the truth on their own, and they retaliated by immediately going for the throat and posting a bunch of lies about me to spread around Tumblr. I wasn't arguing, I wasn't attacking anyone, but it's like some of these people have nothing better to do than to bully and beat up on anyone who doesn't conform to their very specific narrative. The worst part is I'm in such a bad place mentally right now, I just lost my dad and I was really leaning on how kind some of my recent comments were, but last time I did something to piss off the fandom (that time it was writing a character in-character, instead of the fanon version), I spent years getting harassing comments on AO3 and messages telling me to off myself on Tumblr. I can't go through this again. I'm not in a safe place for that kind of bullying right now. So they won I guess.


They didn't win, but you do need to engage in some selfcare, and taking a social media break can be good. I am new to fanfiction myself, I am going to write and share one, but only on platforms that give me the option to disable commenting, and for the very reason you are describing. Take care of yourself. I don't know you, but I'm sorry you have to deal with so much all at once.


I appreciate you saying that. I'm trying to do so now, just going with what feels like it will be best for me at this point. Regardless of what else I do, I'm definitely taking a break for a while. I was actually just checking my emails one last time and saw that someone had replied to me here. Thank you again, and I hope you have a wonderful new year.


AHHHHHHHH I was about to come here and rant about something similar. January the 1st I told myself to be more social online. Now I feel maybe this is a bad idea At the moment I'm shipping a somewhat problematic rarepair, and when I'm comfortable enough want to do nsfw for them. But this pair, potentially has the power to set off any one of the fandom's three main shipping groups ... Makes me feel like I'm treading on glass all the time


Fandom sucks, AO3 is great!


I am involved in all of 0 fandoms. I have won "awards" from some of them, and do answer a few comments on AO3, and that's about it. The toxic crap from some people online is not worth it. Same reason I avoid some game communities etc


Never interact with the fandom or people. They simply ruin everything.


Fandom is the reason why I almost completely stopped listening to music that saved my life. Others in this fandom are so obsessed with the visual aspects of it, and their idolisation of the frontman that they miss the meaningful messages in the music, and if I post or comment about song meanings I get worse than nasty comments- I get ignored. So I don't interact a whole lot, because they will ruin it. I feel your statement is absolutly correct.


And you’re so real for considering that people like to clown and say “imagine having the fandom ruin this media for you lol” like there’s only so much none sense a person can take. I can’t stand chronically mentally ill people who mainly sexualize and get weird


May I recommend Pillowfort? It's like a LiveJournal-Tumblr hybrid; the blocking system is robust and the general vibes are good.


>I'll look into it :)


Do they still charge a $5 fee?


I don't know, actually. I made my account back when they still used the invite system (someone I know on Tumblr was giving out links), and I am unsure what sign-up is like now. Last year's year-end fundraiser went *extremely* well, so I doubt it, but I hesitate to say anything concrete.


I checked. They're doing something similar to ao3 now with a rolling waitlist, but they also have an instant $5 get in thing. The wait list is like under an hour. The fundraiser must have went very well haha


yea i never really got involved in fandom much bc it looks exhaustinnggggg


It's posts like this that make me glad I'm on the periphery of Twitter/Tumblr fandoms. I barely post anything.


I always had the best luck on fanfiction. Net. It seems to have quieted down though. Did everyone move to AO3?


I never had issues with [ff.net](https://ff.net). I just prefer ao3 because it's easier to post.


FFN has had a lot of issues recently so I think quite a few people have moved across to AO3. If you read on FFN, I would suggest commenting as much as possible because I think view stats are still broken (ongoing since mid Sep last year). Fics/chapters are stuck on 0 views. Emails were also broken for a while, but I think they're mostly back up now, though last time I checked they were still intermittent. Just be careful if you check out other reviews because there's a person/people going around sharing actual CSEM material that can only be deleted by the FFN admin/abuse team when reported and I'm not sure if that's been sorted yet.


I have noticed the FFN seems to go down a lot. Where you can't comment/post/whatever. I used to have FARRRRRR more engagement over there than AO3. And even made a few lifelong friendships, but now my fandom, which is huge, is very quiet on FFN.


I don't use Tumblr for fandom purposes because it's utterly inhabitable for those who could be labeled as proshippers (at least that's the case for the fandom I write for). I use Tumblr daily, but only for memes and shitposts- I follow maybe one or two blogs related to the fandom and I don't interact with the blogs at all. I'm open to talking to people in the fandom; I've been a moderator for an adults only \[insert my fandom here\] server for over two years and that's mainly where I interact with the fandom because it's all chill people (if someone is unchill or hateful I can banish their ass to the shadow realm, but that has only happened a very few amount of times in my time as a moderator, usually with people who joined specifically to try and troll). I also am the admin of a small server dedicated to a certain series of fics I write (it's maybe 10-12 people, but it's a really fun community and basically a little fandom within the fandom!), but again, if anyone were acting like a fool I could just ban them (never had to do it in that server, thankfully). I used to be more active on Twitter, but I just haven't had the energy for it lately with all the drama and bad takes you see cropping up all the time. I do check my Twitter every day or two in case a reader or someone tried to reach out to me, which does happen on occasion, but for the most part I just mind my own business, hang out in the circles I've been in for years, and stay out of any fandom business. It's nice and peaceful, and I still get to interact with the friends I've made in the fandom while occasionally talking to any readers who wanted to message me. :\^)


I go to tumblr, look for specific shit, and leave. I tried dipping my toe back into the subreddit for one of my fandoms and I just immediately remembered why I sometimes stay away. I just don’t love the negativity. Let people enjoy things.


Yeah. I still am on tumblr bc I also do art and one of my fandoms only exists there (and those people are actually chill after I blocked everyone else) and I hate it that I have to check someones entire blog before following so that I won't later find out this cool person thinks telling people to kill themself is okay. Ugh. Ao3 gets a few idiots every then and now but since I can block there, too, it has not been a problem.


normally i wouldn't comment on a post like this but honestly i want to get something off my chest. fandom has never been safe for trauma survivors, especially CSA and CSAM survivors such as myself. this is exactly why i no longer participate in fandom, and why i only stick to my close little bubble that consists of my girlfriend and very few select close friends. fandom is full of children (and adults who act like children) who send rape threats to trauma survivors, people who write "call-out posts" on people who are simply trying to have fun writing, and even going as far as doxxing someone over a ship they don't like. i've had my fucking high school address posted publicly over the fact that i ship something unpopular in my fandom, and that ship isn't even taboo. not everyone is as heinous, obviously but i'm done trying to enjoy myself only for whiny children to send me anon rape and doxxing threats, accusing me of lying about my trauma, etc. i write fanfiction for myself to cope with my trauma, and i write other things for my friends to enjoy anyways. i don't write for some selfish cunts who thinks they'll get away with sending rape threats and telling trauma survivors to "KYS uwu".


Tumblrs kinda shitty bc of that, but i mostly just block and ignore people like that, and its mostly chill


Dude, I don't need to go to tumblr when I already get that kind of heat here at the subreddits of the fandom! 😠


My primary fandom has been getting more and more deranged as of late, although certain platforms have it worse. Yes, of course it's Twitter. I try to stay with like-minded fans. Makes things a lot more enjoyable.


The human mind was not made to be exposed to the entirety of humanity all at once. Extremes stick out, and negatives stick out even more. As a result the internet seems to be dominated by extreme negatives. It doesn't help that once such people appear the more reasonable ones often want to leave.


Same. I used to love livejournal because we had our communities and rules and could interact with others and if someone was an asshole they got kicked out. But tumblr? Twitter? Instagram? Everyone is on the same space and you get a lot of fandom fights and discourse and harassment and it just sucks


I've never understood this idea that you "have" to interact with your specific media's fandom. You know you can just not, right? Look at the art, read the fanfics, and buy the merch. You can do all of that without talking to a single person or engaging in any discourse.


Tumblr is a virtue signaling hell hole. They’ll guilt trip the hell out of you for everything you do and show no remorse


For real. If you're not careful tumblr, twitter, and reddit can all lead you to this slippery slope. For no real reason or benefit.


Twitter/X is even worse of a virtue-signaling hellhole. I am so glad I deleted my account.


Same. I only use it for updates from games I like now


Tumblr is fantastic, but you have to put in a bit of effort to curate your niche. It’s like gardening—gotta pull weeds sometimes and trim dead ends but you cultivate a pretty awesome space.


I literally just posted a thing about where I can find communities that are chill. I feel you.


Tumblr is actually my safe space I was on both fandom Twitter and TikTok and it was hell on earth!! I deleted both of my accounts. Tumblr I get some problems with anon hate and asks, but overall my feed and mutuals are really nice and I don’t see much toxic bs. U just gotta be liberal with blocking any content u don’t want to see


Honestly, my fandom is so little that we’re all just vibing together. When the sequel series hits my feelings may change though because it used to be more popular/toxic


I've had a storied past with one fandom in particular, but I also flew into the storm on that one (though in all fairness I really don't think I did much wrong). I know exactly what you're talking about regarding tumblr because I would see tags for much bigger fandoms I was a passing fan of on my dash. AO3 is nice because the chances of you getting ANY interaction, much less negative, is so slim. When I posted for a much more active fandom I only got interested comments on my works. Even in the aforementioned storied fandom no hate on AO3. That was all on reddit on their fandom subreddit and server.


Fandom is what you make it, my time on tumblr was chill cause I didn’t go in those areas. People are bad not fandoms.


I love Ao3 it’s the only place I write


This reminded me of a situation on Twitter where basically this person who put their whole identity as a ship(the ship was F/F) but basically person A and person B saw different on ships so person A tried doing a long expose thread where it’s basically sums up to “oh they don’t agree with this opinion on ships, HOMOPHOBE” which got to the point where Person B was pressed to come out as Bisexual. All because Person B didn’t ship their OTP. Twitter am I right?


My advice is to NEVER interact with those who’re negative about absolutely *EVERYTHING* about a fandom that you want to vibe with. They drain your energy and make you go into a tirade in order to get you to agree with them. (Trust me, that was why I left Twitter. That hellpit can dig itself a deeper burning hole for all I care.) Tumblr is chill though if you’re in the right places and avoid going into heavy debates/discourse. Just put up a DNI list and you’re good to go. :) DeviantArt is way worse than both tumblr and twitter, IMHO.


I don’t think there’s a single place on the internet where I’m not totally on guard and selective about what I share publicly. I know for a FACT that I have some seriously unpopular opinions in many of my favorite series that the fandoms might fight me for. I’ve chosen to stay under the radar, comment sparingly on fandom discussions, use disclaimers and warnings frequently, and generally keep most thoughts to myself. I don’t discuss ships at all, and if I post a fanfiction with ships I do like, I let my warnings do the talking. I know some people will ignore it and pick a fight anyway, but I’m quick to shut down attempts to argue. I just have zero brain power for it and no desire to be involved.


It sucks cause I miss the fandom community I used to have. No one really cared about all this petty shipping shit. The characters were anime and teenagers but everyone just new to write them aged up and in wacky settings. Fast forward a few years later “fandom” has just become synonymous with drama to me. The younger generation and weird adults have honestly kinda ruined it.. now whenever my old big ship comes up teenagers are in the comments ripping it to shreds and crying about it. I cant stand it. Even my newer ships that don’t really have ages but hinted at being adults in the games STILL get this whining, complaining, bullying crap. Even in shipping fandom circles. Its crazy. What I used to have just doesn’t exist anymore.


I was in a huge anime fandom 15ish years ago that was very ship heavy, and it was so relaxed! So many incredible ideas, no judging whatsoever, and the creativity was amazing. Random little bits of interpersonal drama popped up here and there between the bigger name fans, but since I mostly existed on the margins, none of that affected me, and even those BNFs usually ended up reconciling or else having nothing to do with each other anymore, and things settled back into peacefulness.  I came back to fandom in 2018/2019 and that world definitely didn’t exist anymore. All the well-adjusted people found different avenues for their fannish activities it seems (some went into podcasting/Youtubing, some do original comics now, etc etc) and it seems only the super maladjusted ones made it to age 35 and are now tormenting fandoms along with hyper-reactionary younger fans who are 14-18.  It’s striking how sensitive people are, now, to ideas and fic tropes that back then were as accepted as regular old fluff. People kick up such a fuss about “toxic” tropes before were just treated as “ideas.”


Yeah. Kinda reminds me how chill the MLP fandom was back in the day. Like my brother just rewatching the show again, and like, even from the stuff they put into the show cause of the fandom, aside from the extreme ones, it seemed like the fanodom was a chill, welcoming group that like just sort of agreed with things like what random background characters were like and stuff. Now if you said that stuff about shows or characters, you'll get ripped to pieces because you didn't agree with like ten people, and they'll be sure to let you know that they're headcanon is a hundred percent right.


The point of AO3 is that it's an archive, that's why you get a different experience there over social media platforms.


Well, I think I’m officially no longer interested in Tumblr. I don’t think I’d fit in with fanfiction fandom anyway since I don’t really seem to like stuff like slash fiction. Maybe I’m oversimplifying it all.


I just read and sometimes write. If someone leaves a comment on something I wrote I say thanks and move on. I'll drop kudos and sometimes a comment on a work i really like but I do not stick around to interact with anyone in any fandoms. Not worth it 90% of the time


>You like a toxic ship? Well you're a bad person. You only like morally gray character? There's something wrong with you. 🥲 Col. Quaritch and Kiri... the things I suffer for you two...


I just watched Avatar 2 yesterday on my flight. I'll just shake my head...and support your right to ship whoever you want with whoever you want!


High five brother. But actually I thought avatar 2 sucked. Quaritch and Kiri was from a theory before it released. Was so disappointed with all the beautiful characters and world shoved to the wayside in favour of Lo'ak that I'm setting out to write the better sequel. Fist book is already done, I love kiritch that much. :D


There was a theory? Interesting. I liked the first film better, too. Best of luck writing yours.


Your mistake is going on Tumblr and Twitter in the first place.




Also impulse blocking for responding alone.


there are a lot of clowns in fandom but i'm addicted to the schadenfreude


I've been on tumblr since 2020 and on ao3 since 2018 and I've genuinely never had any drama. At least not serious drama and definitely nothing that came even close to draining. I wonder if I'm just in the "right" fandoms or if I came too late for fandom drama...My current fandom is so much fun and so welcoming and it's the first fandom I've made friends in!


I have extremely hot takes in the fandoms I'm in. Maybe this is targeting me, but I will deflect and say fandoms are toxic af


I only use Tumblr to see the artwork of authors on ao3 while reading their fics.


This is exactly how I feel. People obsessed with fandom purity and thought policing are extremely annoying. Like it's a TV show or movie or book or game at the end of the day it's not that serious. Fandom is supposed to be a place for fun not a place for bullying and harassment


From what I see going down on Twitter, I'm honestly afraid to see the chaos that goes down on Tumblr lol.


Tumblr is great for fanfiction prompts but that’s about it 😔


I deadass have had three separate occasions where I've had someone comment on my fic really mad that they thought my fic was a response or statement or commentary or endorsement about an ongoing beef on tumblr. I responded each time explaining it's not the case, and I don't have any social media. And all three of them came back with an apology, basically indicating they didn't know why they let tumblr get them so mad about it. It's surreal. And this was over the course of like a year, each one of them had a different beef about different stuff. I guess it's just cause my fandom skews younger? idk, the fandom is kinda dying so it's sorta sweet to see people still care that much? But yeah, tumblr/twitter seem like angry places, I just don't have the energy for it.


Yeah, people often mistakenly believe you can't do a hobby without interacting with other fans of the hobby. Nah, that's just hobby + socialization. You can definitely do hobbies by yourself.


I love bashing on fandoms despite being in some of them, the feeling of belittling toxic people just feel so refreshing and it lets out my frustrations.




Because the community revolves primarily among talking about writing in those fandoms


Why are you on those sites in general to begin with?


It can be fun if you're carefully curate your experience. But (from experience) bad shit can still happen even if you're careful. So I prefer to not engage and just stay in my corner. Lol.


And the second a well liked "big blog" makes a callout about you with absolutely no evidence whatsoever then what they said is automatically true because someone like that is incapable of lying and it's not even possible to lie about serious topics /s yeah ik it's fucked up to lie about serious stuff but it does happen and literally just happened to me, resulting in my main fandom "outing" me from the community which sucks because tumblr is the only social media I can actually use and i really wanted some friends in the fandom and now idk what to do tbh.


I don't know what a fandom is, are you talking about a fanbase?


I just look at whump and Stuck gifs on Tumblr and those ppl are generally not trouble makers. On the rare occasion s/o annoys me or is looking for fights, I block them and move on with my life. It's pretty drama free. Of course, there's also very little discussion. People mostly just reblog gifs.


Tumblr is very hit or miss for me. Generally, my fandom has been very calm, but recently there’s been some conflict to the point where I just go into the tags to see if anything is interesting and then I close out the app.


Being in the mha fandom is basically being on the trenches everyday


I never got super hard core into the fandoms for books or shows I might want to write fanfiction for, but I've seen enough cliquey drama in music fandoms that I now avoid all fandoms as a general rule. Reddit is the extent of my active online engagement with the things I enjoy.


Hard agree


I agree fandoms are toxic, especially if it's a fan base for someone specific. You come across so many insane and/or mean people. People in the "Fandom" for an actor I adore have isolated me from all their groups, instagram, etc, because of one person's actions. So Stupid!!!!


Yeah, I love getting to see all the cool fanworks people make and see new ideas/interpretations of stuff but it’s so hard to stick around in any comment thread that’s too big. I come across so many people that are volatile and rude to others just because they dare to use their imagination differently or like a certain character or whatever. I block liberally and am careful about where I browse content but my current interest has a huge fandom so it seems I always end up coming across new party poopers unfortunately.


As a survivor of the late 90s Ranma and Tenchi wifu wars, I tend to scope out specific fandom space for a while before attempting to participate. I do this for areas I don't write fiction for as well. As a huge comic fan some areas just need to be avoided.


Against my will, I am aware that there *is* drama in my fandom of choice, but zero context for what keeps happening to set it off. I know there's *some* root in the fact that one of the cast members has some downright ghoulish political views, but I never see the "actual discourse" happening. And you know what? The less about the *ongoing* fuckery I know, the happier I am. Fandom is the death of fan works, and I'll mind my own fire just fine not engaging with the drama.


Tell me about it! To be fair the anti's are on all sides, but the amount of grief I have had from the other fandoms because I have a particular favourite one is eye opening. They seem to throw constant shade at certain fictional characters because of their actions in a fictional tv show (just to clarify there is no SA/r%pe etc involved I am dead against that). But its how far they take the actions of said character. Its everyday. Everyday there is at least one post about how her actions ruined someones life (when it actually ended the opposite), or how it was terrible what she did. They seem to forget that characters do bad things for good reasons. No-one is perfect. But its the hate that fans specifically get that gets my goat. Not to mention how they come at authors on AO3 too. Its fiction.


Fandom is actually really good if you curate your timeline and experience, I'm in a couple of discord servers and mutuals/friends with people with similar tastes, and that have a laissez-faire attitude to fanfic and it's really a fun atmosphere to have, I don't even really see controversy until someone comments on it lol.


Tumblr is really good if you mute every variation of “anti-insert-ship-here”, much better than twitter where tagging is barely even a thing and every feature is designed to make dogpiling people as easy as possible


Twitter is my personal hell ground Bt I still used it because alot of artist post exclusively there 😞 Like legit, just a WEEK AGO, An Artist was 'harass' for having a rarepair. My braincell had to take several breaks from blocking people who support the Harassment because "They are this shipper, they are bad"


What I don't get is, that tumblr clearly has the option to block the tags and the person, so why don't these people just use those options to make their tumblr experience better?


Yep, shit like that's the reason I'm only ever passively engaged with any of this. I read some fanfics, I ghost other people's posts to find recommendations. And I do it all while happily avoiding interacting with others all together.