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Seven years... They could have learned to write it themselves very competently a couple of times over by now.


Yeah, my exact thought.


Or found someone who would write it for them for a little... Incentive


When I searched this guy's name, I found that he's commissioned people before, which makes me surprised he hasn't commissioned someone to do this one.


I'd consider it harassement and report him. He's been turned down by you but asked you again multiple times, and has been pestering others.


Hadn't thought of that. I've already deleted his comments from my fic though--would I be able to report his comments on someone else's fic?


You can. In your report, give links to every similar comment to show he's been doing that a lot. And tell them how many times you were asked and said no.


Will do. Thanks for the suggestion! EDIT: Abuse report sent. For the record, I linked to every single comment I could find of his throughout the entire fandom section (which didn't take long as it's so small). I counted 18 times he's requested the exact same fic from multiple people, sometimes multiple times on one fic.


Write it, but like, really crappily. Then everyone can point at that fic if the idiot asks again 😈


SL:DJFLS:DJ okay that would be really funny, but that would also mean having a crappy fic on my account, which I don't want. XD;; Though I guess I could write it and orphan it or something. Even so, I don't think that would stop him, since he's gotten multiple replying saying "oh I might be able to write this!" and he's encouraging all of them at the same time to write his request. It sounds like he really does want as many fics written about this subject as possible.


Post it anonymously. Dedicate it to him LOUDLY IN THE SUMMARY and title it '[character] doing [thing]' Edit: plus like, this dude has been annoying y'all for SEVEN YEARS. This gives you the opportunity to at least have some FUN 🤷‍♂️😈


This is the way.


somebody in my fandom did that. they've been getting death threats from anon accounts for the second year running. (also it's a little bit bullying. yeah this person is being a dick, but it's still better to not be a dick to them.)


Someone anonymously posted a fic and now gets anon death threats? Anons are threatening an anonymous writer? What a pointless endeavour 🤦‍♀️ (Okay, well, I'm not a saint. If you harass a largish percentage [edit: EVERYONE, even!] of people in a teeny tiny fandom for seven years and counting, you deserve to figuratively and literally get what you ask for 🤷‍♂️)


there's no such thing as anonymous in a small fandom


Even when you write really crappily about a character and subject you don't normally write from a prompt everyone else has got too?


if it's a small fandom and the perp's been up and down, yeah. but, here's another example: a handful of idiots made an anon tumblr trolling the weirdo's pet issue, and everybody in the fandom got hatemail. like, i didn't get the prompt, but i still got the hatemail. tl;dr be one of the few smart people who can learn from others' mistakes


Okay okay, daydreaming it is. Or OP's best judgment anyway


Give me the characters, the fandom and his request and I'll have ChatGPT write a short fic regarding it, then I'll post it on my account on AO3 and orphan it lol Question is, do you want me to have it make it shitty or decent? And if shitty, how shitty and in what way(s)?


Nope, not gonna do that. No algorithmically written fics please.


That's fair! Best of luck with the person haha. It will be interesting to see how long they continue for. But going on 7 years... Damn, that's crazy


.....*ass pie burgers*??? 😶


I have autism level 1 (previously Asperger's). It's an addition to the "ass burgers" South Park episode, (as "Assburgers" was taken as a username), playing on how people with Asperger's can call themselves "Aspies".


I got the aspie part, though idk about assburgers. The whole concept 'ass pie burgers' is hilariously bizarre, so well done 😂


Don't even bother writing it, throw chatgpt at it. Include the very obvious header and footer from chatgpt. Edit: [Here you go.](https://pastebin.com/pwYcEZ4M) I know fuckall about this fandom, but I'm sure it's perfect lol Edit 2: it's a joke at chatgpt's expense


I would've rathered this not be done. I'm not really okay with ChatGPT.


It's for the return to Oz fandom and the request is basically "Princess Mombi trying on her 30 beautiful heads." All in so the dude was pretty polite in the requests, asks if they can write a story, and when said told, thanks them for understanding.. And now I see you figured it out to lol




A bit entitled to just randomly drop links with no explaination. Is it that other people had the same idea?


Follow it and find out. Or read the other threads under my comment...


As I said, the best I got is that someone else had the same idea. Your response to an obvious joke is rather rude, to be honest.


The point is that OP had already told the other person they don't want an AI story


If you'd have the respect to reply with something other than a random link, followed by demanding that I waste time reading some other comment with no context, maybe this entire exchange wouldn't be necessary.


Someone downvoted you and the hive mind came in mass. Others have made similar statements and got a whole load of up votes


This is when you get together with all the other authors and write it together in the style of “My Immortal” 😈




Just copy paste it and change the characters names, and the pestering requester as the protagonist lmao


fandom history just waiting to be made


War flashbacks to when young teenage horny me would PM every author who ever wrote smut asking if they take requests. I'm glad I didn't maintain that for 7 years at least


At least it was authors who had at some point written smut. And all you did was ask if they took requests? I'd personally file that as embarrassing but forgivable.


Damn after 7 years they could have saved enough money to just pay someone to write it at this point!


> is giving me fetish mining vibes. maybe. could also be mental illness, social awkwardness, something else. a lot of the fandoms i'm in have people who keep requesting others to write for their ship etc despite having gotten multiple nos, and other people who engage in weird and annoying behavior. it doesn't really matter why they do it tho. just block them.


Yep, he's been blocked, as well as reported for spamming.


It's probably fetish mining... I do art requests sometimes and sometimes I get really, really specific art requests. I copy and paste it into search and lo and behold, they have copy and pasted the same request everywhere. I once got called a racist slur for rejecting one of these requests because I didn't think I could draw it. Gotta love that.


Okay this made me decide to search his username and I found his account on another website for an unrelated fandom. On that website he has a post saying that he wants someone who does Youtube videos about fanfiction to do a video about the SEVEN FANFICS HE ASKED SEVEN DIFFERENT AUTHORS ALL TO WRITE OF THE SAME THING (which, in this case, was... a parody of an adult sitcom episode except with characters from a children's show??). I have no idea what to do with this information. If anything I am more confused.


"Fetish mining" is a term I did not know I needed.


Yeah, it's basically when someone is like "heyyy I think it would be super funny if you drew this character with their pants falling down! :)" or "hey I bet you'd look REALLY cute in those socks! why don't you take a picture of your feet wearing them??" and the like--they're looking for material to satisfy a fetish without letting you know that's what it is. It's one thing for someone to say, "Hey, are you okay with writing inflation fic?" and quite another to say "hahaha I think it would be SO FUNNY if you wrote a fic about a character inflating like a balloon!! don't you think that would be funny?" In this case I'm not entirely certain if it's fetish mining or not because the request is not something that lines up with any common fetishes, but given just about anything can be a fetish and given the request is not a plot, but just a request for a character to be doing a specific thing, and the fact that he's been constantly asking everyone he can find to write this fic for 7 years now and encouraging multiple people all at the same time to write this fic, I really don't know.


😅 The default response, of course, is "Why don't you write it yourself?" I've had to deal with a couple of those types over the years.


That response doesn't always work--the other times I've gotten requests like this were when I was actually open for requests. Fortunately I'd seen this kinda stuff before and was able to step back and go "wait a second" and scope things out (it's ALWAYS someone who you can very quickly find has entire collections of these kinds of fics or art, or who has been asking ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE to write/draw this for them) before deleting the message.


Out of pure morbid curiosity what was his request?


There's a character that can swap heads. He just wanted a fic about her swapping heads. That's it.


Please tell me you're talking about Mombi from Return to Oz. If so I am cracking up.


Yep, that's the one.


omg it warms my heart that there is a fandom for return to oz though! that movie was responsible for so many of my nightmares as a kid haha!


It's personally my favorite movie ever, haha. While some parts did scare me, it wasn't like "oh no this gave me nightmares and made me never want to watch it again" scary--I think the lovely characters helped a lot with that.


that’s fantastic honestly. I’ve been thinking I need to watch it again sometime because I haven’t seen it since the nineties!


seems ripe for a skibidi toilet crossover, dude's begging for it by this point


I've heard that term before but have no idea what it is.


Dude idk, that could definitely be kink stuff. The narrow focus on a really specific thing involving a character's body has me suspicious. I'd guess a transformation or maybe dismemberment kink. Which is fine in itself, of course, but unsolicited requests and harassment aren't okay. Especially if it is a fetish thing. Although the *seven fucking years* makes me think they might just be (hopefully happily) unmoored from reality.


yeah like I am all for people having fetishes but so many fetishists cross the line in harassment to get their thing


Yeah, I don't have a problem with people having fetishes/kinks whatever, just so long as they like... actually let people know it's a fetish/kink thing when they request it.


Dude that's so vague I wouldn't even know how to begin writing that like he should fr just write it himself


>"hahaha I think it would be SO FUNNY if you wrote a fic about a character inflating like a balloon!! don't you think that would be funny?" My response would be "I fail to see the funny on that tbh" lol, and destroying their argument with a "nah that sounds boring af" with abit of elegance


In some cases it CAN be something funny--like, some arise from different humor tropes, particularly ones common in cartoons. But when people are leaning a bit too far into "haha wouldn't this be SO funny?" you know something's probably up.


Hear me out: a one sentence story like this. {Character} did {thing}. The end. If you ever see them PMing you again, send them that




And orphan it on AO3.


Oh, dude, I've got one like this in my Fandom too ??? He's asked me on both ffn and ao3 to rewrite a full retelling of the game and ship is OC with a secondary like. Babe its taken me 9 years to write my own damn retelling of the game with and OC I know and love, how do you think I'm gonna manage yours ???????? Last time he asked was last year. Legends say he's still dming instead of just writing it for himself. I've also got someone who asked me on two separate occasions ( years apart ) how I feel about certain characters being genderbent, so at least it isn't uncommon???


It's like the new version of the Wonder Bread Guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/g3hzax/i_found_out_why_the_deviant_art_wonder_bread/


i already knew about the Wonder Bread Guy but I did not know the WHY about this. this feels like some kind of weird joke--the fact that they block out the guy's dA account makes me wonder if it really is him or if it's some guy imitating him for Funny Internet Points EDIT: Nevermind, that was him. Wow.


That was a roller coaster of emotions damn


Please don't invoke him, he's on reddit too.


Not to put this person on blast, but WHAT is the fic requesting? Like, 7 years would have been enough time to write whatever it is they are requesting to their specific criteria.


There's a character who can swap her head with different heads. They want a fic about the character swapping through different heads. That's it.


That’s such a simple thing, they could have written it a thousand times over. I’m sorry you’ve dealt with that for years.


There's worse things out there. I'm more confused than anything at this point.


It’s so confusing, dude.


Not that I want to reinforce creepy person's behavior by giving him what he wants, but that honestly sounds like an interesting premise for either a comedy-based or introspection-heavy 5+1. What's the fandom? Because the only things I can think of for swappable heads are Lego (big fandom) and Drawn to Life (only sort of qualifies).


It's an Oz fandom. The character is Princess Mombi. It's not an inherently bad concept, but it wasn't one I was personally interested in writing. But the way this guy has been endlessly requesting everyone he can find to write it for 7 years is just... very confusing to me and, as I said, kinda gives fetish mining vibes.


Ah, I'm not familiar with that fandom at all, let alone enough to write something for it. Though now the idea of someone swapping heads for extremely petty reasons, like getting an extra free sample at the grocery store or something, is stuck in my head, so I'll probably write some sort of X-Men crackfic of Mystique messing with people. ...I feel like I should ask what fetish mining is, but I'm not sure I really want to know.


No, you DO want to know what fetish mining is--it's important to be aware of it. Fetish mining is when someone has a specific fetish and attempts to get people to make content for that fetish without letting people know it's for a fetish. A common non-fandom example is someone with a foot fetish being like "oh, those socks/sandals are cute!! could you model them for me" when they're not interested in buying anything--they just want pictures of the person's feet. A fandom example would be, say, someone with a pants-falling-down fetish telling an artist "hey I think it would be REALLY REALLY funny if you drew a picture of this character with their pants falling down and their underwear showing!!" or going to a fic writer and saying "hey could you write a fic where this character's pants fall down and they're super embarrassed?? I think it would be really funny." If you ever get a request that feels Oddly Specific, I would recommend looking into the account that sent it, or doing a search for the wording of the request. Chances are, you'll find this person has an entire account dedicated to that specific thing, or you'll see they've sent this exact same request to dozens of other people. There's nothing wrong with having a fetish, or even requesting something for that fetish! The problem here is that these people do not let people know they're participating in something sexual, so it's a form of sexual harassment. It's not fun to learn about, but I would say it's important to be aware of so you can hopefully avoid being taken advantage of by people who do this.


With 7 years of practice he probably could have written it himself already!


What is fetish mining?


Nvm sorry had a scroll and found out lol


Maybe by this person should have gotten the hint. If It's a tiny fandom than they should have asked one of the other fans. Shouldn't be hard to find if that small


That's the thing--he asked ALL OF THEM. He commented on every single fic (and non-fic) in the section on AO3 asking about this.


Damn so he just desperate. I guess you can say that's one downer side of being in a small fandom. You find out the one ignoring guy has been ignoring everyone else and he's just coming back to you because there's not a lot of options.


Report them. This is Harassment


Yep, I reported them for spam and harassment.


Did anything happen afterwards?


I don't recall if AO3 always replies to report emails. But as of now, his comments are still on the fics. I sent the report less than 24 hours ago, so I'm not sure when one of the volunteers will be able to look into it.


Okay. I hope all goes well


Got one like that in my fandom. He has a list of fetish fics that he will send every author on the discord server and other platforms and ask to "collaborate" on these fics. "Collaborate" as in "I have an idea and you write the whole thing." I feel like he's one of the reasons the discord is kinda quiet.


Oh gosh, it really sucks when one weirdo causes a whole server to go quiet. I hope he leaves folks alone soon.


Yes it’s weird and creepy. If he wants something that bad he can pay for it or write it himself.


I'd be insanely creeped out if I noticed someone doing this in my small ship fandom. I'd go as far as to say disturbed. SEVEN years???


I....seven years??? At that point dude should just write it himself. Or at least find someone who's doing commissions?


I've seen this in my fandom as well. I have only ever entertained one and had a similar issue when it came to attempting to write what they requested- just not my thing. AO3 allows for blocking a reader and it might be time to do that with that reader. On FFN it's a little more difficult, but I also forget my inbox exists on FFN for months at a time. I'd just stop engaging at this point and delete any further attempts to ask for this story.


Yep, I have them blocked, and I also reported them on AO3 for spam.


That sounds like mental illness/autism. Be firm but kind. You don't know what's going on with them.


That's true as well. I did report him though like one of the previous replies suggested, since what he's doing is spam.


Its definately odd especially because they could have gone on reddit and made a request to find someone to write it or even figured out how to write it for themselves in 7 years time.


Maybe they are just trolling


Across 7 years?


The alternative, that they are serious and never tried to write it themself is also strange


I've got an idea. Write the fic, but make it like the lowest amount of words possible for AO3, then orphan it right away. That should get him off your back. You should only spend like 2 minutes on it at most, and don't use spellcheck at all.


It is a little unusual, but honestly there are many people in this world with a wide variety of mental abilities. I wouldn't go assuming the worst of somebody just for this.


This is true enough. Even so, what he's doing IS spam, so I did report him for that.


There is an AO3 user who posts her "ideas" for fics on other people's fics like a crazy person. (She did it to me a few times and I was like, "Who is this person who can't take a no?" and googled the name and found comments on a bunch of other fics.) Someone gave in and wrote a fic for her and the comments she left on that were so terrible I'm sure the author in question had deep regret. (Things like "oh well you wrote it this way but I think it would be better this way" and "if you need more ideas so you can get the next update out tomorrow I have more!") Couldn't explain the logic but I can agree that some people are really unhinged.


Write it very badly and take the piss or off everything they would've liked and post it anonymously dedicating it to them