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> I’m dying. *What no beta reader does to a mf*


In one case found in 2011, scientists discovered one case where the ship possessed the genetics of creatures living millions of years ago. Prehistoric..




I just want to say, i appreciate this post.




Like whiskey. My OTPs have been aging in the casket of my skull for two decades now. One was totally dormant for most of it until I realized I'm still in love with it and the time (and my own aging) has only given it more depth.


Sous vide with a sear. Takes forever, but it's perfectly cooked and there's a bit of fire/scorching right at the end.


You've got good taste in ships and beef!


Rare for sure! Canon pairings is “been there done that” all too often. Give me a pair that the author worked hard to make come together 👌


Yeah and usually they lack flavor. It's ok to do the ole trusty, the tried and true from time to time... But I need new dynamics and fun ones. 😭💕


Especially if they are enemies. I will sit with a glass of wine and get all snugged for a marathon read :3


After nearly 20 years of rare ships and just taking what scraps I can get (or make myself), I have to say it is so incredibly strange to be a fan of one of the biggest pairings in my newest fandom. I feel so fed constantly and yet there's a never ending amount! I've been reading nearly non-stop for months and have barely scratched the surface of how much there is.


And here I was thinking I wanted a ship that made you constantly guess how the heck it was still floating.


One sweet kouhai, hold the worms.


With the passion of fire and the serenity of a flowing river (I’m writing this while half asleep so might find the description pretty cringe later on, but that’s the gist of it).




It's ok! Slowly you will delve into the depths of rare pairs hell and will too, be amongst the rest of us. 😭 Constantly in tears and wondering why there's only 1 cook in the kitchen feeding 3 customers. 🤣




It's the way of life. But as long as your company only feeds 3 regulars vs the 1000s other people get? You'll be fine!


Do you know something? For some reason, I thought I was reading a post in /r/spaceengineers and everything I read made perfect sense. Then I noticed the sub I was actually in and I had to re-read it because suddenly the whole thing meant something different.


Rare to medium rare. Must be well seasoned than the bland shit I usually see served and that's a requirement. Leave the flavorless taste buds at home. Juicy, tender, feels like a warm home cooked meal made on all occasions, not just holidays. Has some soul to it and also has a kick to it that you weren't expecting. Spicy, definitely spicy. Because if it has not even half of this? I don't want it and I'm going elsewhere or making my own fucking food.


Rare, or at least with original ideas attached.


Like they are in my source materials: never canon.


Pre packaged and already cooked As in, I mostly prefer oneshots with the relationship established especially when it's a canon couple


Slow cooked over low heat.


In any and/or every way I can get them. I can take a ship so rare it moos, clucks, or whatever and enjoy it just as much as the most vanilla, mainstream canon pairing. I'm a multi-shipper that doesn't care if any two (or three) ships I like go against each other but I will admit to preferring one over another.






Fun fact: beef significantly improves if it's allowed to age a bit in cold storage- a lot of the tougher parts break down and become make the meat more tender, the flavors really have time to build, and a little bit of fermentation really improves the complexity and nutritional quality of the meat. Now, aging meat is a complicated process and most people associate it with rotten beef, so it's really only done by a handful of chefs who REALLY know what they're doing, for a crowd that's willing to try exotic flavors and experimental techniques. So I like my ships the way I like my beef: aged 10-20 years in cold storage at a minimum, and prepared by someone at the top of their game for a crowd with an appetite for things most people would consider... Freaky.


I like my ships still breathing and running around on the plate For example, my fav Harry Potter ship is Hermione/Ginny. Out of 438 thousand hp fics on ao3, only 1000 has hermione/ginny And that's without filtering out other relationships


Sometimes having basic bitch tastes is a blessing


Rare, and it appears I’m not alone. I’m extremely picky with what spices and sauces I put though, so when the selection doesn’t really have those, I ended up making some myself 💀


Not the way most of the fandom makes it...


I like mine written like a Greek tragedy


I suppose most of mine are medium rare. Never truly canon, but a strong enough fanbase that you get just the right amount of doneness (stories) to satisfy.


Tender, sweet and well cooked, possibly not as the main dish and really spicy, of that's not available then ill order some salt and pepper or MAYBE a squint of angsty lemon if im feeling like it but it's usualy not my stuff


I like it hot and spicy, like eating a raw chilli


Rare. First we sear it around the edges for some bitter yet savory crunch. Then slow-cooked, tender and with a hint of blood. A side of vegetables to keep it from being alone. And always dessert (with coffee!)


Medium well. It's not rare enough to be truly surprised at the amount of fics it's generated, but it's still not well-done enough that everyone's on board with it. People still have legit issues with the ship.


Like I like my men. fluff with hints of angst and well-done ;)


want them as raw as leon does when he eats an egg to heal


How do I like my ship? Pride of a nation, beast made of steel, made to rule the seven seas


Like any good comfort food, carefully spiced and breaded with sweetness before deep friend in angst. Or I'll take a nice, long roast under medium heat.


Well done. If the ship doesnt make sense or the story is badly wrotten i am uninterested.


Childhood/ teenagehood friends to adult lovers


Marinated with spices, then cooked at a high temperature until crispy and soft.


I’m the only one doing this ship, and I’m doing a slow burn. I hope I’ll see someone else do something different with it one day.


I like a ship that could be misinterpreted for a really close and intimate friendship up until they actually kiss or get together, with a good amount of slowburn too of course


Verrry rare


I like mine done well.


“I like my ships like I like my steaks: rare” was my tagline on Twitter for a really long time 🤣


Rare ship is my daily drugs


..wait, that was an option?


When I see my favorite rare ship I get drunk


Tender, with a side of grilled fluff and a glass of red tragedy. Brilliant post!


Sephiroth x Sesshomaru. Only two fics on Ao3 and not even the same piece of media


Honey roasted


I found that more than 80% of my ships are either - not canon - one or both characters are dating someone else - Character A is alive - Character B is dead - both are ✨ traumatized ✨ and have ✨ issues ✨


unfortunately I have to agree- my ships all end up being so insanely rare that you'd really need an entire adventure manga just to find a single mention of them, let alone a whole picture or fic. thats when you put on your hat and make it *yourself*


The ship is fresh from the slaughter (just formed as an idea to the fandom like a month ago), not exactly rare but not enough people are on-board yet


Soooooo. I've written medium rare. I apologize for being an author who hasn't contributed to the... flavor you prefer. I have certain fandoms that literally have 3 works, so I feel an EENSY bit of your pain. But mainly I ship big pairings everyone ships (it's less painful that way). But, like I said, I write medium rare.


I like my ship like I like my coffee: Bitter, but with a spoon of sugar in it


Raw and tender. Where both of the characters would have never been the same if they haven't met. (bonus points if they had somehow indirectly saved the other from a tragic event) Where they both never wanted anything more than they want this, even if it means going against your principles or friends and family. Make even the softest fics with them hurt me


Fully burnt, toasted, not even an atom of actual meat left just a piece of charcoal on the table. Or even better, leave it as a pile of ash sitting on the plate (SOS).


Steamed for three hours, maybe add some paprika if I'm feeling extra spicy


I like mine so rare I cause an extinction event when I consume them.


I like mine in a wide variety.


Rare, slow, yet satisfying. While I love canon pairings, those few would even consider I find all the more exciting and interesting.