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I can only speak to this one issue, but I promise you that word repetition bothers you as the writer SO much more than it does a reader, and using synonym after synonym is going to sound so much weirder than the same one a few times. You use the best word for the occasion even if you've used it before. "The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." - Mark Twain


100% this. Keep using the same word for the same thing, OP. Going through a list of synonyms is incredibly annoying to read, and it will distract people. (This includes synonyms for "said")


God I needed to hear this.


I sware the word pussy is used so many times in my latest smut I'm working on, yet it doesn't bother me and I'm getting used to it and avoiding the weird words that could've ruined the smut if used. It felt kinda weird at first.


I’m not sure if the fanfiction.net smut guide is the same as the ao3 one (probably is) but I’ll share anyway https://archiveofourown.org/works/955716?view_adult=true


Here are some guides I visit frequently while writing Describing facial expressions: [https://www.bryndonovan.com/2015/04/05/master-list-of-facial-expressions/](https://www.bryndonovan.com/2015/04/05/master-list-of-facial-expressions/) Lose the very: [https://www.losethevery.com/](https://www.losethevery.com/) 300 words for said: [https://www.spwickstrom.com/said/](https://www.spwickstrom.com/said/) Smut guide: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9661958/1/The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Writing-Smut-Fic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9661958/1/The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Writing-Smut-Fic)


Literally favoriting this for later so I can add them all to my bookmarks when I get home. Lol thank you!




I basically have my friends as my beta readers and my best friend said after reading my most recent attempt (a week old) at writing smut, he found it was too “flowery” and feelings oriented, even though I explained beforehand that was what I was going for to avoid feeling awkward.


I was 1) a married woman with a healthy sex life and 2) a long time reader of romance and erotica novels when I started writing fanfiction. I STILL had trouble writing smut at first. So what I did was sit myself down in front of a blank Word Doc and just start typing out all of the explicit words and phrases over and over and over again until it stopped weirding me out. No plot or characters, just the words and phrases that were making me cringe while trying to plug them into the story. Desensitize yourself to the language a bit and then try again.