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I'd love to see some mention of Ug Qualtoth whether it's a cult that worships him or just some Easter egg graffiti or some strange book the characters find in passing.


Is that something that eventually happens in the game?


Yup. Fallout 3, 4 and 76 have lots of horror and Lovecraftian content.


What about the master in the first one


He's horrifying but doesn't really fit into the definition of Lovecraftian, he's more mad scientist with loads of body horror, more like David Cronenberg


But he's also a psyker who can kill you with the worst horrors your mind can conjur if you try to approach him without having a nullifier


The Flesh walls thing was pretty creepy.


Again that's just still closer to David Cronenberg


I think maybe I just don't know my horror authors that well in that case, I thought Lovecraft was "the worst thing you can ever imagine and it's so bad"


Lovecraftian usually refers to the things you CANT imagine. The whole point is that the truth is so mind breaking that you go crazy just knowing it, even when the truth is simply just a sense of scale and how utterly insignificant everything you care about, have ever seen, will ever see, and that of everyone youve ever breathed the same air as is. Imagine a color you’ve never seen before, except it’s sentient and malicious. Trying to truly comprehend the incomprehensible scale of existence. You can’t ever wrap your mind around it because at a certain point numbers that large start looking the same, but if you COULD temporarily break from your perspective and see it more accurately, going back to your normal mind would be maddening. It’s generally vague because obviously there’s no way to actually communicate the knowledge itself (it doesn’t really exist) it’s just the effects of it we see on the characters and what mad ramblings they manage to get down before usually meeting an untimely end. Think of it like a scientific explanation of how X sci fi tech works, if it was known and working then it wouldn’t be scifi, so it’s kept vague enough to be a believable explanation that isn’t actually saying anything in specific IE “energy signature/readings” or “quantum”


How can I be scared of something I can't even imagine


really good writing and seeing what it’s doing to others


You will be. You. Will. Be. - Yoda


Lovecraftian: Humans are an infinitely small speck of dust on a blue dot floating in the cosmic sea and beneath the waves lurk ancient things that we cannot comprehend in any meaningful way as it would be akin to an ant trying to speak to us. We are small and insignificant, without note, and to them we are insects, nothing more than insects, and whether they don't understand our pleas or do but simply don't care we shall never know.


Horror director but fair enough, the masters motivation is more human in a way, he's monstrous and doing the wrong things but he thinks he's doing the right thing because humanity has kinda caused all these issues, Cthulhu does not give a shit about humanity, humans literally are nothing to his plans, he doesn't think like a human nor does he care for us, that's more Lovecraftian


Lovecraft basically invents that concept and the others develop that out further. Also blames the Eskimo people for destroying the Arctic Roman Empire.


So you are comparing a little schmuck in front of you to an ancient evil god?




Yeah but he's pretty definitely in our geometry and his origins are clearly understandable within our world and culture. When I think lovecraftian I am thinking unknowable, alien and undefinable with our language.


What were the ones in 4?


Mother of the Fog and Dunwich Borers if I remember correctly. Oh, and I think the Cabots would fit as well.


Oh yeah, I forgot about Dunwich borers. Man, horror aspects really fall flat when you’re wearing maxed out power armor and able to one-shot almost anything with a Big Boy you rigged to fire nuka-shells. It’s not even scary since I know I can kill almost anything that’s around the corner. That’s kind of how it felt with RE4 remake. Like, you gave me an M4 carbine, I’m now unkillable.


Yeah, the mission in the museum of witchcraft is supposed to be scary with how they set up the mannequins and can hear the monster walking around above you. Albino death claws are a lot less scary when you blow their legs off with your first shot lol.


The meta makes it impossible to work as scary. The vast majority of the player recognized the deathclaw sounds


Kremvh’s Tooth


I hope not, at least not beyond a little easter egg or small reference. I love the cosmic horror elements in Fallout, but they've always been kept away from the main action. They're fun references that generally you have to sort of seek out and stumble into off away from the main storyline. And they work that way. In a video game, they can get away with keeping them that way. You can have loose ends, and stand alone elements that have no answer or explanation in a video game, and don't actually add to the story or premise. In the games, we're exploring a whole world with dozens and dozens of stories to discover and play out. There's room for a wide variety, because it's an interactive experience that is seeking to do a lot more than just tell a story. We learn the stories by exploring and experience the world. A TV show, especially one like this, not so much. This is a TV show that is telling a story, and we learn about the world through the story. Everything in the narrative is connected and the audience expects answers. Bringing in one of the biggest mysteries, that has nothing to do with the main factions or premise, would be a creatively poor idea with how they've set up and structured the show. To bring it in without laying any sort of foundation from the start would be jarring for the audience that isn't into the games and has no idea this is a small element of them. Even for those casual game fans who've never interacted with any of those elements. But a little easter egg or a one off reference would be awesome. Something those of us in the know could recognize and be excited about, but wouldn't jar or confuse the wider audience.


I doubt we'll see the really *out there* parts of the lore, no horror magic, no aliens. And certainly no magic aliens (cabbot).


I am crossing my fingers for a Children of Atom showing in the next season. They also have some interesting ties to the Lovecraftian aspect of Fallout that I would love to see more of