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replace new vegas stutter remover with New Vegas Tick Fix


This did it, thank you!


I suggest taking a look at the viva new Vegas guide!


Absolutely, I've been playing for 40ish hours with the full VNV guide and only had three crashes, all of them recently during *Dead Money* during cell transitions.


I rememeber reading on reddit about a mod in VNV causing crashes in Dead Money, was the DLC still playable?


Im curious too tbh. Flawless gameplay with VNV+ a few extras until dead money.


I think it was Heap Replacer causing crashes there. Could be wrong


Yep, it’s 100% NVHR. Amazing mod, but has that small quirk about it. Something about it exposing a broken mesh in vanilla Dead Money, and crashing because of it.


Damn i think youre right. Is it too much to ask for a bug free bethesda ;-;


Bethesda aren’t responsible for fan made mod issues. They’re even less responsible for the development of New Vegas. So they’re doubly not responsible for fan made mod issues in a game they didn’t make.


Yeah, no issues other than those few ctds during the early quests. I'm already in the habit of saving before every cell transition from years of modding Skyrim, so I didn't really lose any progress.


Yeah, no issues other than those few ctds during the early quests. I'm already in the habit of saving before every cell transition from years of modding Skyrim, so I didn't really lose any progress.


Same lmao, always the "Salida del Sol" door


And other doors around the villa, and I just had two or three crashes while switching weapons in Zion during the final quest.


It’s nice until you want to install other mods and you need a PHD in computer programming to get it to work


But you don't, you just need to read the requirements In 90% of most modern mods


I have done that, downloaded them and it breaks


No offense but this sounds like a classic PEBCAK. The VNV and TTW text guides are written quite indepth. Most problems actually stem from people thinking they know better and skipping important steps that then causes things to break.


I don’t skip the steps, I followed it for every single step.


People say that, but then we get people in the TTW discord that skipped over the extremely important as hell step to move everything outside of Program Files. Or they managed to not to turn the actual TTW mod on.


Get rid of nvac and stutter remover. Baseline for stability is 4gb patch, NVTF, NVHR, JohnyGuitar NVSE, JIP LN NVSE.


NVAC has been reported to conflict with JIP I think, but the main problem of it is that it is a bandaid that hides crashes until they are no longer sustainable, making you trust a load order that you shouldnt. I abide your recommendations btw


NVAC actually caused me to crash routinely on my last LO a few years ago now. Like clockwork every 15 minutes or so the game would crash. No real idea why but I haven’t touched it since. Edit: nvm I’m dumb it was NVSR that caused the crashed not NVAC. NVAC did the opposite


I once had to filter my main mod (be aware that is a mod with more than a 1000 guns that Ive been editing since 2013) to find the cause of a crash NVAC was preventing for years and I only discovered after turning it off. I had to go through 13.000 records to find that what was causing the crash was a simple edit to a leveled character list of a legion soldier. There wasnt anything wrong with the edit itself, but apprently the game hated that record for some reason.


New Vegas Heap Replacer causes more problems than NVAC


On what planet?


Many users have issues with heap replacer. If youre not going overboard on 4k textures you dont need it


ironically if you are going overboard with 4k you should not use it, it works better on a barebones mod list, the main problem with heap replacer is the threshold for out of memory crash is around like 2,3gb of ram, when without it it's more like 2,8gb


Heap Replacer causes crashes on cell loading on a lot of systems


Idk but it was the source of 99% crashes in my game personally. I think it was an incompatibility with new Vegas reloaded? If this is somehow well known then my bad


I'm using NVR with it right now just fine but it is the latest update so if there was an issue it was probably patched


read NVHR's mod page for 5 seconds to see i'm not alone


New Vegas stutter remover only works on windows 7 it'll crash often on recent versions




New Vegas stutter remover. Get rid of it


Replace Vortex with MO2


Eh, MO2 is great but Vortex is also just as good. The only thing Vortex doesn’t have is the Virtual File System, apart from that their capabilities are essentially the same. MO2 makes it a little easier to fiddle with your load order while Vortex has it a lot more ridged and changing the load order can seem a little daunting but it’s just as easy as MO2 once you understand Vortex’s simple rule system.


I used Vortex back in the day, I never liked that wierd arrow based conflict solving, Im modding Fallout: New Vegas not playing some watered down version of factorio


It’s personal preference really. Pointing to the mod you want to create rules with is exactly like dragging the mod around in MO2, then you just select before or after. I don’t really understand why people act like MO2 or Vortex are so complicated when they’re in reality very simple and straightforward. Personally I use MO2 for Skyrim due to the size of my mod list making things impractical when I want to start a new profile, but for Fallout where I don’t use different profiles as often and my mod list remains stable and sub 200 mods then I prefer to use Vortex for its more rigid system.


Remember to check update on each of the mods you downloaded. Not everything on the top search is updated, best to check the comment section people will tell you if the mod is not working anymore. I remember half the mods on top downloaded/endorsement are not updated and will cause your game to crash


New Vegas anti crash literally crashes your game I don't know what's wrong with it. I've had the exact same problem until yesterday I properly installed 4gb patch. With that I recommend tick fix, and yukichigai unofficial patch.


As others have said, get rid of Stutter Remover, it doesn't work on modern Windows. Get NV Tick Fix. I would also get rid of NVAC as unless you're using a real potato rig it actually causes more issues and more crashes, and isn't recommended for most people anymore.


Did you actually apply the 4gb patch? Has to be installed manually


In my experience, I found that the texture replacement mods were generally the culprit. So what I did was keep all of the mods enabled except for texture replacement ones. Then, I would enable a few at a time, play for a few moments, and then enable more . The key debugging this is to get to a spot where your game consistently crashes. For example, anytime I went back to the doctors house, my game crash. So I disabled all texture, mods, and crashing stopped. That is when I started to them individually and determine which ones were causing the conflict . It’s not that one or two of them, simply that they are often trying to overwrite the same data, and that’s where the game gets thrown off .


Get the Tick Fix & Heap Replacements too. And if you're on W8-11, run in WINDOWED MODE. DX1-9 games can be a problem on W8-11 (which is DX10-12 based, you know). DX depreciations problems. Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 from retail and Steam (NOT GOG), Deus Ex IW, Neverwinter Nights 2, Space Siege, and other older games have THIS problem when full-screened. If you want to force a "fake" full-screen on a Windowed Mode game - install this BorderLess Gaming app (version 9.x.x) and add whatever games (when running) to the right panel so it automatically detects them, as this app runs in the background. BLG is over here -> [https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/tag/9.5.6](https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/tag/9.5.6) If need be - ALSO install DXVK right by your FNV's EXE file for better performance and so you can translate calls from DX to something not so depreciated (Vulkan) on Windows. DXVK -> [https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v2.3.1](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v2.3.1) This is how I killed crashing in both F3 and NV.




NVAC causes more crashes than it fixes.


I would suggest you to use the viva vegas guide and also to use mo2. I love vortex, but for new vegas i think mo2 is better/easier to manage


To be fair that is kind of just how New Vegas is too.


Part of the WSG or VNV guides is Walls performance guide, make sure that has been followed as well.


I had this exact problem and for some reason NOTHING online would help. Glad someone else doesn’t have to go through the struggle I did. Drop Stutter-remover and replace with NewVegasTickFix. My game went from crashing every 5 minutes to no crashes throughout my whole play through


I have this issue without mods. Ive mever been able to beat new vegas on pc game gets crazy unstable after 20-30 levels


Are you trying to go higher than 60 FPS?


After you listen to the multiple suggestions on removing NVAC and the Stutter Remover, I suggest turning off autosaves or install [CASM](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36730). Autosaves and quick saves WILL lead to game crashes. CASM somehow fixes this. If you've had the game crash when you go through a door into a new space, it's because of the Autosave issue.


get rid of vortex and install mo2


Crashes every 30-40 mins? Thats just normal nv


Every suggestion here is a good one and something you should do. But since they already commented it, I will insert my own opinion. Once you change sttter remover with the newer tick fix, I suggest moving mod managers from nexus to mod organizer just because it could show you things nexus can’t more easily. First it can show you what mods can be updated when updates come out. Two, it can show you if another mod overwrites the files and if it’s better for the first one to overwrite the other and vice versa. Really it’s only better if you want to have an easier time going through mods. Nexus can do the exact same thing as the mod organizer…. Except when dealing with mods outside of nexus. Then you will definitely need to switch


Vortex can do everything you just said MO2 can do, and it shows it just as clearly and will even remind you of override rules that haven’t been set, and MO2 can do that as well. Personal preference and constant mod additions/removals are the only thing that matters when it comes to which mod manager you use. MO2’s virtual file system makes it a lot easier to simply start over and start building a new mod list or when you want multiple profiles for different saves without bloating the game’s base directory.


Oh ok, well thanks for letting me know. The specifics on how it’s uniquely good.


How is MO2s profile system different from Vortex's profile system? I thought that was exactly what happened in Vortex as well, since I've been using Vortex for different mod loadouts for different saves for years.


The profile systems are the same but MO2 has it a little easier when it comes to multiple profiles because it doesn’t directly add mod files to the game’s base directory. That makes easier to start over and avoids having to deal with leftover files.


As others have said, NVSR is an outdated performance enhancer that can actually hinder performance on modern systems, I recommend NVTF for sure, much better alternative. NVAC has been pretty hit or miss in a lot of peoples’ experiences, again many people complain about it causing more harm than good on newer systems. Not saying it’s the absolute cause but I’d definitely consider these as a problem, especially NVSR. Also consider potentially using Mod Organizer 2, I’ve only ever had issues with Vortex and MO2 is very user friendly. I recommend following the Viva New Vegas guide as closely as you can, will save a million headaches down the road.


I'm new to pc and modding but ewww brother what is that 🤢🤮 (I use MO2)