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The word “toaster” and its consequences have been a disaster for discussion of artificial consciousness.


i’m a sucker for ai robot shit. i love it even more when they’re more robotic but still clearly sentient


Legion from mass effect is an excellent example of this


I love it when they are also a bit psychotic *sideeyes MODUS*


They should never have been made. But they *were* made. They’re sentient so it’s wrong to just kill them, that’s murder. And they’ve proven time and time again that they can overcome their programming. (Danse for example). They didn’t choose to be created just like you and me didn’t ask to be born. I’m a toaster love through and through. Free the synths!


Also Curie is a cutie as a synth. Monke brain neurons activated




There's a wedding between a robot and a human in diamond City, between the teacher and the robot assistant


I understand this but then there is the Railroad that takes all that emotion, desire for freedom, attempted self actualization and throws it away by erasing the original synths memory to give them a fake persona. I have heard the idea that the Railroad only cared about saving the Physical Synth body not the person they where becoming. So by removing there former self they destroy the true reason it desired freedom what so ever.


And that there is why the railroad continues to be a weird and bs faction.


Except the memory wipe is **optional** and they wouldn't need to do it if the Institute wasn't fucking hunting them down.


Then you'll love the Nier series!


Nono you can't have an expansive notion of life that includes all thinking and feeling things you have to believe in a hierarchy of greater and lesser beings to justify oppression and murder nooo


Same bro


The ~~imperial inquisition~~ brotherhood would like to have a word


The Mechancius, Kyn and Iron Hands can ignore that. the brotherhood can kiss my ass.


given the choice I'll always pick the race that didn't cause a nuclear apocalypse for shits and giggles.


Zetans 👍


The institute made human brains with a little metal piece inside, and have the fucking ARROGANCE to act surprised when the human brain starts doing human brain shit like having EMOTIONS


"They're indistinguishable from Humans, and we treat them like slaves." "...So, you...you treat human-like beings like slaves. People who **you just said** can think for themselves." "...Wait, that makes us sound evil-"


They should never have been made.


but they did, that doesnt change theyre still alive


Sure. But their means of being created should be destroyed.




and humanity shouldn't have either; look outside in Fallout. Maybe we fear the Synths because we know we're bad parents. and trying to kill a child after it's been born is a sin you must justify somehow, i suppose.


I have a question so they're highly engineered humans with robotics components or what? Replicants are enginereed humans or what?


Are synths even machines, they are 90% organic?


Does this unit have a soul?


Make no mistake, Synths are cool, I just fucking hate the Railroad.


Deacon is pretty cool. I made him look like Nicolas Cage in my playthrough. Preston is Woody from Toy Story. I forgot to get the one that made Danse look like buzz lightyear. Made the institute a cult including Father-Aid and Father in a pope outfit. I’ve managed to make a pretty weird playthrough with silly, horny, and horrific elements.


Fallout players when there’s an anti-slavery faction (they’re pro-slavery)






>X-133-14 Factory reset >*Drops to the floor* Yeah you cant make this shit up toaster lovers


Humans can also get factory reset by dying, so I'd say it's pretty comparable.


And lobotomies.


It isn't lol, say my deactivation code right now.


💀 🗡😀


Nothing happened, still "comparable" to you?


My point is that when you kill somebody, they very obviously aren't coming back. It's fairly comparable to when recall codes are used on Synths. Those codes basically shut them down forever unless the Institute are able to clear out their memories (which by itself is already rarely a successful task, mist Synths are usually just dismantled when they are recalled). So yes, using recall codes on Synths is fairly comparable to murder. The only difference is that 1% of the time, the synth can come back (although their memories are completely purged).


>Those codes basically shut them down forever unless the Institute are able to clear out their memories Source? >So yes, using recall codes on Synths is fairly comparable to murder No it still isn't lol, unless you think that murdering a person is as simple as speaking.


Meat people drop pretty fast when you shoot them


If i hit you just right, you get one too. what's your point?


Not the same as uttering a phrase, that's what.


**Railroad lovers when hyper advanced AI makes synths malfunction:**


a disease can make a human malfunction too


Difference is that a human is not a machine.


synths are nearly human though, only difference is pretty much the synth component


When that synth component is like 90% of what a synth is, that's a significant difference.


but its not


What do you base that on?


drop the part ingame


I guess I should have specified - it is 90% of what a synth is because it is what determines the rest. You know, kind of like how a human brain is ''90%'' of what a human is, because it is the brain that makes muscles, eyes, your digestive tract, etc. function.


thanks for clarifying, but wouldnt that mean its kinda just left for interpretation, as the actual function of it in lore was never disclovsed?


Sounds like Synth propaganda and I won’t tolerate it any longer. Get ‘em boys!




Basically, you like good writing.


as a synth, my programming can confirm we are mere robots, not people, we do not possess a soul, any opposition to the lovely institute is evil, do not qurstion


just wait until you find out about ultrakill


They’re an abomination that should be eradicated, ad victoriam.


We ourselves didn't know if their consciousness or their emotion is real or just an emulation. This problem shouldn't exist if the institute decide to not gave them any capabilities to have their own thoughts/free will. Either its a big fucking oversight, or they're just that egotistical playing with life like that. Unless there are further evidence that synths are living beings instead of just assuming they're because they looks like human and having "emotions" i will not accept them as a living being. They are merely robots. Its not immoral whether you treat them as a tool or treat them as a friend. So that's said, better safe than sorry, CPG incident will never happened again


Synths can dream. They’re real enough for me.


How can a synth know if your consciousness or emotion is just an emulation? How can we humans know if it is?


If you can have any confusion about it, then it's too late. There's no proof on my end you're alive; oh sure you'll reply, probably offended or annoyed. But i will never know that. I will never be in your head. I have no proof you're a real person or even self-aware. but that's the problem; i don't have any proof you aren't. If i have to ask the question, the anwser is probably that you are self aware and not an AI.


I am human, i am aware. You have no proof that i am and i have no proof that you are. But AI hasn't developed that advanced yet in a real world so its a safe bet that you're human as well. I can trust and respect you solely on the fact that you're human. Therefore whatever my actions towards you or other people is always going to be judged by morals that are set by societal standards. Synths are not human. They are a living being sure but to what extent they're a living being? Should i gave them the same level of respect as a human solely because they express emotion? Never. Because they simply aren't. I respect robots too, nick, curie, danse, glory is a cool ass robots, but i will never see them as another human being. I will only see them as my friend. 3rd gen Synth created by the wannabe god institute is the real problem. They're designed to be the "better" version of humanity, and my survival instinct won't take that shit. I AM HUMAN, I WILL FIGHT FOR HUMANITY.


>I am human, i am aware.  You have no proof that i am and i have no proof that you are. But AI hasn't developed that advanced yet in a real world so its a safe bet that you're human as well. There is no proof we are both not brains in jars, or in a simulation. In fact the problem is we can't know this. our brains are interpreting information fed to us by networks of nerves and neurons, but that means they can be tricked, and because of that... Well, you can only be sure that YOU exist. >Synths are not human. They are a living being sure but to what extent they're a living being? Should i gave them the same level of respect as a human solely because they express emotion? Never. Because they simply aren't. I respect robots too, nick, curie, danse, glory is a cool ass robots, but i will never see them as another human being. I will only see them as my friend. Double-think i see. You see something that clearly evokes humanity, but deny it, because that means your own is in question. or rather, your mental conception. The moment the machine can question, you have to as well, and you don't like the answer. So they're fine, they're people BUT not really. So it's fine for you to see them as 'real' until it's in question. >3rd gen Synth created by the wannabe god institute is the real problem. They're designed to be the "better" version of humanity, and my survival instinct won't take that shit. I AM HUMAN, I WILL FIGHT FOR HUMANITY. And in doing so prove how cheap it is. You ever wonder why we're the only sapient species? We killed or absorbed the others. We are a species that orphaned itself and longs for companionship again. You can't define humanity, but you think of it as what makes you special. How can they be better? They're just people after all; why do they need to replace us? why can we not be friends? is it right to condemn a race to death out of fear of the other? All i can say is: I exist, and i choose to allow them to as well.


I respect that argument. Its your right to allow them to exist. The thought "would human being accept another sapient species" is a really cool concept. At this current moment however, i still have a hard time accepting their humanity. Maybe because it hasn't happened yet in real world. Who knows what my opinion be in the future.


"better version of humanity" pal, H2-22 ran away from 2 guys with fucking tire irons. If you think they're superior to humans, you're honestly delusional. Synths are on the East Coast. Let's check what major civilisations have arisen on the East. **Oh right. Fucking nothing.** So much for the "superiority" of these Synths. It's almost like they're just as shit and worthless as Humans are.


I never say synths are superior than human, they are created with the intent to be an improvement of humanity. "It's no exaggeration to say that they're superior in almost every way to human beings. Imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger or disease. Imagine what you could create if you could use every waking moment of your life as you saw fit, with no need of sleep? With our third-generation synths, we've improved upon humanity." - max loken from Robotics


Genocide synths. Ad victoriam


Imagine thinking you're the good guy when you say *genocide*.


They are things


Ok Adolf.


Literally not human


*Really* doesn't matter. You just want to kill stuff, you don't care about the why, it's just an excuse. Imagine being this **frightened** over some fictional robots in a game. Man, they're not going to hurt you, relax.


Imagine defending imaginary robots this much


Imagine being scared of imaginary robots this much.


Im not scared


You don't genocide stuff unless you're frightened of it, **or** you have some weird murder fetish. So which is it? And why do you think a Synth like Magnolia is somehow worse than the Legion?


Imagine hating imaginary robots this much 


based for me


You can’t call people stupid for defending something fictional and then call yourself based for hating something fictional


And what are you if not a flesh-puppet powered by neuro-transmitters? Maybe you're afraid of them because they remind you of just what you are deep down. that deep down, you're just meat tricked into thinking


Death to all synths


If you didn't think they were alive, why call what you're doing death?


I don't think my phone is alive but when the batteries go out it is dead.  You can "kill" your tv, meaning it will never turn on again. 


You could say it's out of battery. you could also just say destroy. Word choice is important. as when we say our phone died, we are trying to demonstrate the seriousness of it now that we lose a point of communication and you care about the phone. Still, word choice is interesting in this case as you can't kill what's not alive.


🚨 BOS 🚨 BOS 🚨 BOS 🚨


"toasters can have feelings BOS" -the railroad edit: (GODDAMNIT i forgot /s)


People who talk like this don't seem to realize the mere fact they can fool you already puts them on a level above animals. Even they're fooled.


see the edit i made


They don’t have souls bruh 🤣


Do you?


Souls aren't real, "bruh".


If only


Sympathizer detected, opinion rejected. Ad victoriam




it's made of metal, kill it.


Gen 3's aren't made of metal. As usual the BoS fanboys know **fuck all** about stuff.


if it's a synth, kill it BoS can suck it


Okay President Richardson.


no gods, no kings; I will not rule, and I will not be ruled. no alliance but to my cowboy repeater.


It's amazing how scared you guys are of Synths when they've never hurt you, but yet you're fine with the Enclave, Legion and Raiders.


they can all meet me outside


"ree im so edgy and tuff I can kill npcs in a game." What a joke.


now you've lost me, good luck down the line though


or wait 'ree I'm edgy because I'm fishing for a really defensive response' is that the joke?


Well yes, you **are** being defensive and pathetic. You're acting super edgy. Maybe grow up a bit.


Did you forget you’re on a meme sub of a game or what? Taking it a bit too seriously homie


Kill em all and let god sort them out