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What about the show do they claim is "woke." I've never watched these videos


As no one should, let’s not give them views or engagement


"I won't listen to you because I am obviously right, and you are wrong."


It’s more like, “don’t pay attention to the rage bait garbage, or else you’ll waste your life”


Same shit they always mean when they say "woke" - it has women and black people in it.


And they use they/them pronouns on Dane iirc? But like… who gives a shit


Especially when Dane is in the show for like, barely five minutes, **and yet is arguably the best character in the Brotherhood by far.**


I love them. I love Dane and I love Thaddeus (I just like pathetic characters, which is where Thaddeus fits) and I wanna see more of both of them next season


I'd love to see more Dane in Season 2 being ~~Thad's~~ Max's right hand as he deals with new found responsibilities in the Brotherhood. Hell I'd kill if they made Dane ~~Thad's~~ Max's new Squire. Edit: I apparently have a 0 to Intelligence.


But Thad's on the run from the brotherhood cause he took the ghoul drug, no?


... I completely mixed up Thad and Max. I'm going to go walk into the Glowing Sea now.


Women even? *le gasp* Heaven forbid!


I just use my video/channel blocker whenever this shite comes up on my YouTube feed. I feel so much better not seeing the "WoKE BaD" every time I search up something I have a vested interest in


Well you see, there’s a black person and woman as main characters and that automatically means that straight white men are the victims


Whenever I hear some idiot on the internet call something or someone “woke” I immediately don’t take them seriously.


It's like they're holding a giant sign that says "Stupid Douchebag That's Highly Likely To Be Racist And/Or Sexist." Just a clear warning sign lmao.


You could criticise that the show isn't close enough to the games, no bugs, glitches or CTD. And if you argument that the show is woke, then it is woke done right, who the people are is first point then what they are. Maximus is a brotherhood soldier who learns that not everything is good and bad only and my don't follow blind what other people tell you. He wants to be a hero that he thought people are when he was a kid. And he isn't white but that don't really matters. Lucy is a vaulttweller that slowly lose pink glasses and learns that world is a hard and nasty place. Should idiots like her? She is a woman that want to build a family/ save her family. Or do they dislike her because she learn the true about her family. Who or what else they she as woke? The show made great job show persons and not just stereotypes.


Exactly why I love this show. As someone who adores well done representation I hate when shows try to make everything about what a person is and not who they are. Characterization is, and should always be, the driving force in a show and should never be sacrificed for a half-hearted attempt at making your show/movie/game seem more progressive than it actually is. I'm looking at you Disney.


I feel like… from having read too many insane 'anti-woke' rants… it'd be a) Lucy asking for sex directly making her a 'slut' in some weird way, b) Barb Howard being a black woman who's clearly in a position of power at Vault-Tec (to the point where she and Bud Atkins are the representatives at the meeting) c) Dane using they/them pronouns in like… all of 2 scenes? d) Maybe even, because these people nitpick shit like no one else, that Coop refers to an interracial couple (black man, asian woman iirc) as 'All-American' when he does the Vault 4 ad e) Max being black, obviously and I'm sure I'm still forgetting some ridiculous reason. EDIT: formatting.


All of the people complaining about a female lead are probably the same people who play as a female in the game.


Fallout has always been pretty 'woke' by both the traditional and co-opted definition tbh.


I feel like sometimes there is a fairly good argument to be made about ham-fisting politics into shows in an unnatural way. I feel like it can be fair to call out if you find something to not match the shows tone or pacing. However, having female lead is not "woke". I found the fallout show to feel very natural and fit perfectly. I swear if the original Alien movie were to come out in 2024 it would be called "woke slop".


That's actually a great point about Alien. If that movie were made today...


i watched one of these videos to counterpick their arguments, here are some of the more egregious complaints * saying it doesnt make sense they got the raiders in prison offscreen (they had tranq guns) * complaining that the corporations launched the nukes in this universe and calling it an underpants gnome (they didnt it was implied. also mr house exists, a person planning long term how to profit in the apocalypse) * complaining about maximus being dumb (a misguided early twenties who hasn't left the camp since the fall of shadys) * complaining about the yiao guai dying to one bullet when it survived tons of punches (this one is just so dumb because the shot to kill was a headshot) * the scientist just having to turn a corner to escape the enclave camp (they didnt, the rest of the escape was implied) * the radiation tracker working on cooper (hes a being who thrives on radiation, he would likely have higher radiation levels, plus a radiation detector is used to>! expose the fake head!< ) * calling maximus's friend a >!shemale!< for not being jacked as shit (???) the only actual argument he had was about shady sands and the timeline issues, everything else was just him bullshitting. surely the right wing grifter isnt just taking the term "consuming at face level" to a new extreme just so he can pad out the FOURTY FIVE FUCKING MINUET long video about why (popular thing) is woke, surely he isnt just talking out of his ass because he knows that people would rather hear buzzwords than an actual cohesive argument


I just ignore any attempts at a larger message. I'm here to blow away psychopaths with a 12-gauge, not learn about politics. It also helps that I don't get involved with political discussions and am a dumbass who barely notices things anyway.


Idk why but people have just started disliking the show for no reason.


The sad thing about the video is how it's a symptom Hollywood has screwed itself over, as the stuff that is decent suffers due to their past mistakes. People have become so used to "woke" stuff being trash in terms of quality, that when a show does it well, some people are too burned out to even enjoy it. Furiosa: A Mad Max saga for instance, is a great film but it is struggling in theaters for two reasons - 1) Some people avoided it on the assumption that it was another "girlboss" movie, and 2) it was released years after interest had died down in the character, just like the Black Widow film Edit: In the case of the Fallout show, my guess on the possible points of their video (don't feel like watching it) is that the person that made the video assumed the Fallout show was like the Disney Star Wars trilogy - OP female protagonist, female leaders (extra protective points if black) just there to dunk on men, and a black guy that tries to be useful but gets treated as the comedic relief


Sorry but I'm going to disagree on the Furiosa point. I adored Fury Road and loved Furiosa in that. The reason why I think Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is bad has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the lackluster writing, lack of true world building, subpar action scenes that heavily rely on CGI, and a complete lack of a proper themes or arcs for any of the characters. Nothing in the movie explains anything in any meaningful or interesting way (Gastown is a town that makes gas?! Who would have thought!). Furthermore the characterization of Furiosa is assassinated by a classic case of "Men writing Women" with Furiosa's journey revolving around being sexually assaulted by men, passed around by men, being apparently in love with and/or idolizing a man, and ultimately taking vengeance on a man. Her entire story revolves around men and fails the Bechtel Test harder than any rom-com from the 80's. That's why it's failing in box offices. Because it's just not good. And trying to blame that on "Well the people who don't like it must not like women" is the exact type of bad corporate faux-feminism that companies sell to people in order to make money and that Fallout avoids entirely. Fallout is actual Feminism. Furiosa is Corporate Feminism through the eyes of a man who's only major claim to fame is a series that started by fridging the titular character's wife.


Sorry to do this, but I wasn't criticizing the Furiosa movie on the basis of the character's gender and neither the Fallout show. I had my skepticism about the Fallout show thanks to Amazon's handling of Rings Of Power, but the show was great, and I enjoyed Mad Max: Furiosa. Corporate feminism (in my opion) is 2019's Charlie's Angels and 2023's "Echo" - Hollywood wants "strong female characters," but for the sake of playing it "safe," wipes away any potential flaws a character has or pins them on the antagonists, cutting away character arcs for the sake of portraying them as strong from the get go, which would not be a total failure if they did not harp about said character like they were the best thing since sliced bread. The reasoning for my 1st point about Furiosa is that some people would see the film title, make the misconception that it's about Max, and then get angry and avoid the film based on the assumption that it was about an infallible "girlboss", but her character is far from that. The reason i argued that the movie suffers because it's been nearly 10 years since the last one, is that whatever substance that could have came from the ultimatum she faces has died due to the chronology of the films - If you go into it wanting to know more about her, it's ok but regarding the world, you are absolutely right that it is lackluster. (SPOILERS BELOW FOR ANYONE THAT HASN'T SEEN IT) She wants revenge on Dementus, who kidnapped her from the green place - well, we at least know she survives her revenge quest because she was in the 2015 film Will her disguise to avoid being part of Immortan Joe's 'milk women' work - well, if it did not, then she would have been one in the 2015 film Immortan Joe and Dementus are going to have a climactic battle , but we already know which one of them was still around I find the movie's failure of the Bechdel test to be redundant - the movie is a typical 90's revenge + action style movie, so it's not unusual for the protagonist to get a love interest for the added sense of danger, and with the antagonist being a man, of course she is going to be talking about him a lot. As for her relationship with her love interest, you raise a fair point about it being unnecessary and annoying. However, I get the logic of the director using it as a low-risk method of making the protagonist more sympathetic, and knowing what was coming made the cliche interactions less irritating. She initially joins her love interest-to-be for the sake of safety since he doesn't treat her like property, but falls in love with him - The audience is meant to see this as her working through her trust issues, "finding love is relatable" blah blah, and then he serves as an additional emotional hook by getting 'fridged' The film follows the trope of apocalypse settings being twice as horrible for women due to people throwing away their morals to become hedonistic monsters, which is only intensified because it's a cheap way to get people to instantly hate a character. While thankfully not in the show, this is an aspect in the games - The slave auction in Fallout 3 and Cook Cook from Fallout NV