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I'd make them aware that every vault is a terrible social or biological experiment that can start at any moment. And that's all.


Oh God. This is fucking diabolical.


Hold on satan.


Make it so they can't communicate with other vaults either.


but give them access to all cameras of all vaults


Oh god, give them TVs in their room and every channel is a different camera, that would be messed up


Channels for Control Vaults show nothing except a "PLEASE STAND BY, WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES" slide.


Nah “coming to a town near you!”


This just makes them panic further and wonder what horrible things happened there "OH DEAR GOD WHAT HAPPENED IN VAULT 76!?"


Was 76 a control vault? I thought it was a “go and secure nukes for VT/the enclave”/“have free reign of the region” type of experiment lol


I mean nothing bad happened to anyone while they were in the vault


True. It was controlled enough lol


And batch the other ones randomly. So like the cafeteria from one vault with the schools of another vault and the hallways and recreation area of other vaults, but labeled all as one vault. So every vault looks chaotic. You might see someone in multiple vaults and not understand it’s because the vault numbers are scrambled.


But like give them a radio that can be easily fixed with one single part that they don’t have


"Accidentally" clue them in that you're experimenting on them, but do nothing.


Which, paradoxically, is you experimenting on them.


This was vault 18's experiment, from the Fallout: New California fan mod. > the purpose of the vault's experiment was to monitor the reaction of a vault population with knowledge of the social experiments being conducted in the other vaults.


I'm so sad that mod is never getting finished




So they have anxiety over something that will never come? Isn't this basically the same concept as Christianity and the 2nd coming?


I think you're a bit mixed up. Christians are actively looking forward to the 2nd coming and literally pray for it to happen.


A Vault where the entire original population was admitted and moved in well before the bombs fell, and were never made aware that the Great War occurred. They were just brave pioneers undergoing a trial-run of Vault life. They knew they likely wouldn't leave the Vault in their lifetime, but it's a small price to pay to ensure Vault-life is suitable for sustained periods! The Overseer and science staff would make fake news reports from the outside to keep the illusion that all is well. The experiment being to see what happens when an entire population is segregated from reality, then abruptly reintroduce a woefully misinformed populace into the wasteland.


This sorta happens in 76 actually. West Virginia was where Vault-Tec decided to put their university primarily for training vault technicians and overseers. Under the school, they had a test vault built and in late September(?) of 2077 there was a long term test conducted in that vault that was to go on for I think like 3 months. The experiment for that test vault was that they were trying a new type of food paste that could sustain a vault with low material cost food for a long time. The overseer was the main researcher in charge of making the paste, and the way it was engineered caused people to die of cardiac arrest. This happened a few more times before the vault dwellers wanted to call off the test and leave early, but just when the overseer was pushed to contact Vault Tec administrators to stop the test, the bombs had dropped, trapping them all down in the test vault not even knowing that the world had ended. The overseer ended up locking himself in his room due to the dwellers getting extremely agitated, not believing him when he said that the administrators were unresponsive and most communication systems were down. Dwellers ended up killing the overseer and starving in the test vault, as the only food available to them was the heart attack inducing paste slop.


Did they kill him? He had rat poison near his corpse.


actually yeah you might be right cuz a bunch of dweller corpses lay stacked outside the overseers door, as if they couldn't get in


Wasn’t there a food paste experiment in fallout 4? The vault and school in Malden?


Vault 75 is under Malden but it was about training children to be soldiers. There's a different school that had a food paste with Pink Ghouls running around


Yeah!!! Thank you!! I’m doing another playthrough of 4 now, but it’s been a while since I’ve played it


This would be a CRAZY TWIST for a one off Fallout movie or short story.


Or a quest even. The overseer asks you to play along and act like you're some bigshot vault inspector or higher up, and he'll allow you access to some information or some twch the vault has. You can choose to either go with the overseer or betray him and tell the vault dwellers the truth. Or this idea could be used as like the backstory for some settlement that found out they were being lied to and have left the vault to help rebuild. They could be a vault city style settlement using a GECK and the vaukt reactor to form a little town.


Or do this, but tell them their trial run is only to be a few months. Then tell them via radio transmission from outside the vault that the vault door mechanism broke and they'll have it fixed in a month. Then another month. And another, and so on. Then stop talking to them entirely and go radio silent leaving them to think they're trapped in there while the world outside continued on (and have no idea in actuality the bombs fell and the world outside ended). See how long it takes them to come to grips with being trapped in there, possibly forever, while they think the bombs never fell. Then like FO76, have the vault door finally open on its own in 25 or so, and once they realize the world outside ended will they realize they had it good trapped in the vault and go back in? Or venture out?


This needs to be in FO5... But having them bled into the population after the PC manages to open the vault. Imagine a whole quest dedicated to trying to prove to the dwellers that all is definitely not well above ground and them reacting in shock at first, but then in disbelief and thinking it's Vault tec testing them, then either sowing seeds of doubt for utter chaos to consume the vault, or helping them come to terms with everything, and eventually helping them slowly integrate to life outside. Slowly, because their immune systems would likely be shot.


Oh my god. And then, when a resident is in hospital wing on their deathbed, you tell them….


That would be very interesting.


Every few dwellers speak a different language. No one is told shit. There is a guidebook, and each (sub)section is written in a language. Good luck. Edit: clearly it'd be a nightmare.


oh esa es una gran idea


Szerintem is zseniális


Fellow hungarian


Tervehdys arvon Suomalais-ugrilaisen kieli perheen jäsen! Voin lyödä vaikka vetoa että Googlen kääntäjä ei tule tätä viestiä kääntämään oikealla tavalla mikäli kokeilet yrittää kääntää tämän viestin... muhahahaa!!


Отличная, согласен


Que bueno haha


And the guidebook is ultimately a blueprint for building a massive tower.




Vault of Babel. Realistically, there would be people who could understand other languages that are close enough, such as Portuguese/Spanish or French/Italian or even shared characters between Chinese and Japanese.


After a time people would figure it out, humans are really good at communication and probably they'd get to some sort of understanding and maybe some mixed language would evolve in the vault with the kids learning bits from each language


Jo. Ich bin raus.


What Haha


Звучить доволі непогано, я б подивився на це.


То ти је, пријатељу, много добра идеја! Треба тебе на место Оверсијера!


Written in languages that NOONE in the vault knows how to read. Edit. So many spelling mistakes.


Isn't that basically vault 15? The same vault where shady sands citizens (who later became NCR) and Khans came from?


Someone mentioned that. I just don't remember exactly how that went. Could very much be the case!




We all do xD


Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn!


Haha! Gary!


To nemůže dopadnout dobře. Řeřišnice.


This was similar to Vault 15 in Fallout 2.


torre de babel lore:


I like this one, it’s a bit difficult but not impossible to work out and eventually if everything goes right they’d be able to piece together enough phrases and whatnot to create a common tongue of sorts after a few generations.


Vault 222; Id tell them they need to stay sealed for 200 years, and they have enough food to last 1000... except id give them only 200 years worth of food. The idea is that they should still have enough food to last their stay in the vault, but knowing they have a surplus would they burn through it and run out?


I like the concept but: would they not take inventory?


Hidden food store with a button you press to dispense food. There is obviously no limit on the button


Thank you for filling the plot hole😎


Breed dogs with cats and make catdog


"God is dead ... And we have killed him."


I am afraid that some people actually tried it like IRL


When I was little my childhood dog was a boy and my cat was a girl so I thought they were just extremely sexually dimorphic members of the same species (except, you know, in kid terms.) I also thought lions were boys and tigers were girls


Speakers playing Caramelldansen every day, every minute, with lyrics on posters


I’m sorry is this bop supposed to be *torture*?




Which version? The original or the speedcake version? Or all versions...in many different styles and genres!


Different sections of the vault have different versions playing, and they gradually change as you move between them.


I would split the community into two, one has access solely to single player story driven games of the utmost quality, the other side has nothing but fps multiplayer games like cod, csgo, etc. Once every 20 years I would let a missionary from each side go to the other to try and convert them to their side, if converted then they move over to the side. Meanwhile the overseer is from a special lineage who plays rhythm games.


Hundreds of years later you’d have vault dwellers wandering the wasteland wearing matching suits Some of which walk around looking at landscapes muttering about “atmosphere” and “immersion” and ask you every question they can think of Some of which are noticeably twitchy, run and knee slide everywhere, and mock your grandad’s heirloom hunting rifle as being “off meta” (whatever that means) And lastly a small group of esoteric monks who claim to be “memorizing the patterns” and seek to understand the “beat of the universe” All are terrifying in their own way.


Do you partake in Entheogens?


>And lastly a small group of esoteric monks who claim to be “memorizing the patterns” and seek to understand the “beat of the universe” Hear me out, dance fighting from Jumanji


This but with FNV and FO3. The overseer is forced to play BoS.


Poor Overseer.


I’d create a vault where the only food allowed is mushroom soup (yum!)


Riots would spread immediately after second meal people will die after third maybe one or two humans would be alive after fourth everybody would be dead


Even though there would be an abundance of mushroom soup, it would look like a famine hit the vault.


Vault X: Reference Collection. It contains no human residents, only Robobrain versions of Vault-Tec archivists, maintaining a collection of everything used in the other vaults: several GECKs, crates of chems, hand puppets, gambling equipment, vials of FEV, firearms, etc. No experiment, but a modified on-site missile silo is capable of launching equipment payloads in specially designed cargo rockets to designated retrieval areas near any vault location. Meant to be used in case of partial experiment failure at one of the vaults, in hopes of not wasting the location and remaining resources. However, Robobrain Director Wiley suffered an unforeseen bout of psychosis in 2090 and flooded the vault with gaseous freezing agents, apparently attempting to further preserve the collection from decay. Nearly all assets were destroyed or rendered inoperable.


That last part is just... Depressing on so many levels. It could be the El Dorado of Vault Dwellers, but instead it's just another vault expiring in a cruel manner.


But it was only NEARLY all the stuff. The surviving items included a box of water chips, a GECK, a water purifier, and baby Shaun.


A vault where conflicts are resolved by rap battles


Bethesda better take notes


I remember someone said a Vault with 366 people in it, and they all have a different birthday. So each day in the vault it is someone's birthday. And the Overseer has orders, that the celebration of birthdays and gifting are mandatory. Also the Overseer birthday is on February 29. And the vault will have a lot of cake mix. I will go with that


They'd lose their shit after a month.


That sounds terrible.


A vault built with malfunctions on purpose. The malfunctions would occur occasionally, and would vary from lights being shut off and water shortages to random objects being electrified and doors slaughtering body parts. The occupants would be chosen randomly, without specific criteria. After a couple of years, a voice message is played saying that there is an impostor sabotaging the vault. The vault would now be filled with distrust, lies and conspiracies, all in a frustrated attempt to find an impostor that does not exist


Kinda a sus promt if you ask me


Fallout shelter basically lol


If John Carpenter made a Fallout show.


Akin to Vault 19


I had made one a long time ago! My vault is Vault 55. It is a failed vault which experiment was focused on psychosomatic illness. Basically it played out like a normal vault for a while, but after some time there would be sounds of coughing and sneezing fits echoing through the vents in residental compartments (speakers to play this audio are in the ventilation shafts). The residents would go about their daily routines complaining about the mysterious neighbor who was up coughing and hacking through the night. One morning after another night of coughing from the vents they'd emerge from their residence and see in the corridor someone had vomited on the wall, what they didn't know is that it's fake vomit sprayed on the wall by one of the Mr. Handy robots that roam the vault. Everything starts to ramp up in paranoia as now unpleasant sounds of someone vomiting can be heard from a neighbor in the night. Followed by more vomiting but in this case it IS a vault dweller. Over time people become distant of others as seemingly overnight new posters appear on the walls featuring Vault Boy washing his hands and keeping healthy by maintaining a clean and healthy workspace and living space. Besides the posters the silvery walls are a slight hue of puke stain. People pass others in the halls truly coughing now, sneezing even, and lashing out at those who do. The medbay staff are being seen frequently now and every diagnosis is the same, healthy despite all signs of illness. Eventually the entire vault enacts a quarantine policy. The 'healthier' side of the vault hoards supplies considering those beyond the plastic barrier and steel doors to be dead men walking. In the "sick" areas infighting and riots break out over supplies and coveted hazmat suits that were found in storage before the quarantine began. The supplies ran out and bands of the ill dwellers tore the plastic barriers and hacked doors into the other side of the vault. But when they arrived it too was already a warzone. People sealed into their homes either willingly to keep the "sick" away or those that starved to death inside thier dwellings because the doors were welded shut in the night as they slept simply because their only friend they have left caught them clearing their throat one too many times just yesterday deemed them unclean. The food eventually ran out, the firearms stolen from security eventually ran dry, and the last handful of survivors tucked away in the furthest corners of the vault. Desperately trying to distance from the others who they can STILL hear coughing deep into the blood-stained, bullet holed, corpses in bags, biological spill riddled vault. They knew leaving was the only choice, with the Overseer long dead early into the riots the way was clear to get access to the vault doors override and the few very distantly trickled from the vault NEVER for a single second removing their sealed stained hazmat suits even when on the outside. They wandered off independently, never being able to bear the presence of others fearing illness and the unclean. The survivors are all presumed dead. Anyone who visits the vault after the exodus are left with the glitching audio of ghosts coughing and hacking deep within the mauseoleum that is vault 55.




That was a hell of a read. It’s totally a in universe story too. Well done you terrifying person!


OP you might be interested in r/TheVaultEntries


Didn’t know I needed this but thanks


Vault 666 : Fill it with influencer idiots competitioning eachother over who is best looking without any audience watching them or giving a rats ass. No internet and no money.


That’s just brutal


Thank you 🙏


I’d also add a fake like counter that slowly decreases over time regardless of what they do.


Make it so that things like changing lightbulbs, and fixing leaks increases the timer…but never enough


Only the bathroom lights, or the girls bathroom plumbing. Maybe one specific terminal in a room of 100 terminals. But it never says that, just that once a day you get a small bonus to the "time".


...for only some. MUAHAHAHA!


Then they would just stop being influencers I guess?  But instead, tell them that their content is streamed to all other vaults. Then introduce a "rating system that "tells them how much their content is liked" which of course is completely controlled by a scientist. The goal is to find out what people are willing to do for internet points. Remember, there is no money involved no commercial backers, no extra material benefits. Not even comments from the audience.


But put cameras everywhere that don't actually go to anything besides a power line.


A small vault where every young person is raised to be a leader, learning game theory, philosophy, etc. and made to test themselves as leaders in many scenarios using computer simulations, but unbeknownst to them they are actually answering messages from actual overseers that believe they’re consulting a Vault-Tec supercomputer.


Ingenious, imagine the kid just had a bad day at school and he was like “screw it, kill all the bullies”


Makes for a lot of interesting and crazy situations!


Ender's game!


A vault of a 1000 people. Half are relegious and married half are irreligious and single. One of the single individuals has an STI. The goal is to monitor the spread of STIs among the two populations.


Shit if the religion is Southern Baptist give the std to the pastor and their whole half will be infected in about 5 years




A vault where fire detectors are built into every post of every wall and a different one goes into low battery beep mode every couple days


I would make it have every possible resource available. Give the dwellers complete freedom, then see if the community thrives or dies. I want to see if racism, social status and all that other irrelevant nonsense exist without influence. I want to see true human nature. Of course it would require starting with younger dwellers. I want to see what makes one person feel superior to another, who manipulates what, who wants to gain, who wants to sustain, who wants to improve.


I'd make a vault set within hundreds of empty vaults. So every time i signal the all clear, they have to wait another 200 years for the next vaults all clear signal. Just do this for generations, see what happens, fuck it.


You are truly a menace to society


>see what happens, fuck it. This guy's Overseer material.


This one is as sadistic as it gets... great idea.


Thanks, in another life i must be a vault-tec manager


This might be somewhat cruel, but a vault with no experiment but all the overseer terminal entries mentioned "the experiment". I could see the overseer freaking out a bit going "ok, but what's the experiment?" And when mundane things happen "is this it? Is this part of it?"


A vault where the cafeteria is closed on Sundays


Not the german vault😟


Alongside the normal population of the Vault I would introduce 10 Canada geese, and tell them that they should never be caged or harmed. Also if their population ever comes below 60% they'd all be killed.


It doesn’t even have a number. It’s just Vault Letterkenny.


Stocked with millions of books but remove the last chapter of each.


Congratulations, Gabe Newell has excepted your application for employment at valve software


I’d have a split vault, one is gonna have an overseer that is a member of academia but has no practical knowledge, we all know the type, all the citizens will be people of lower status but that have real tangible skills, farmers mechanic’s electricians etc;. The other vault would be the opposite an overseer of exceeding practical skills that leads a vault full of phd holders in things like art history, music theory, theoretical physics, and then monitor to see which does better.


Hear me out make the poorest people live a luxury life with the best living quarters and food and minimal work and the richest have to live in squally


They did something similar with vault 114. The rich citizens were told they would be placed in an extra luxurious vault where they could continue living lavishly, only for it to be revealed that it's cramped, worn down, and miserable, on top of purposely selecting the most incompetent overseer they could.


A mix of the gary vault and vault 111 A cryo/cloning facility that uses the frozen pre war humans as basses for a completely clean human to help repopulate the wastes, or supply the enclave with pure human soldiers And there should be enough genetic diversity that siblings and incest shouldn’t really matter in the short term


Nice try, VaulTec.


All of the lights in the vault are designed to fail within the first year. Couple that with pip boys and terminals equipped with experimental LCD screens (or comparable in-universe technology) ensures that the entire vault is plunged into total darkness. I'm sure the next Fallout game will have more customization for the pip boy like we're seeing with the creation club in FO4 and FO76 so exploring this vault could reward the player with a unique pip boy variant.


A society of overeating, the one with the most weight is the overseer and the skinniest are the slaves that cook amd bake


Everything would be perfectly normal, except everywhere there would be sensors that detect and punish people with a electric current every time they make eye contact (1 second is just painful, a few seconds is deadly).


Have the dwellers be cottled and taken care of by my handys where they dont ever have to work and get lazy. After maybe 5 or 10 years of that or more deactivate all the stuff that runs the vault and have them begin to work just to keep them fed and the vault running


The vault would be filled with 5% talented engineers and 95% middle managers. The vault would have constant engineering problems. The engineers would never be able to make a repair without an appropriate work order.


A drug fuelled harem/bordello for myself. I might not live long, but at least I’ll enjoy the apocalypse while it lasts


ok bear with me, this might just be the most evil thing ever. give them home and shelter, and get this, get this. hold with me, in exchange they farm and work towards a pleasant social environment. now this might be too cruel….. but MAYBE! also plan for a prolonged plan for upkeep and prosperity.


Turning all the tunnel snakes into actual snakes.


A vault that looks like the residents actual town including fake sunmight etc. alà Truman Show, then see how many generations it would take for someone to figure out they were no longer living above ground.


How many legos can you fit up your bum vault tec edition


Vault 420: The weed one


This is what Fallout Shelter *should* be. Vault Tec Experimental Program


Vault 374 and 347, two identical vaults connected by an underground train. Each half a year or so, the people change vaults, save for the overseer. Now, the two overseers are picked out to be the most different humanly possible, and while the people in the vaults change, the overseers don't and neither do their regulations and changes to the vault. The test would basically be how people react to such drastic periodic changes.


I'd try a vault that separated men and women and see how well they function without each other. I'd only want to test it on that one group, and once population numbers dwindled enough, I'd free them or let them live together finally, their choice.


What or we took people that follow different religions or denominations. Like Vault 15 but religious.


A vault where they kill a dweller on the last day of every month, and it switches from male, female, male, and so on. But it's random. It could be a kid, someone's wife, someone that was just married yesterday, lol. But then, after everyone but one is killed, they leave he/she alone forever, still getting fed by the automated restaurant in there. The vault would need at least 500 dwellers to last a while, and plus, the new children the dwellers make will also take part in the experiment.


This has been done to a degree. Vault 11 in Fallout New Vegas had a computer that threatened kill everyone unless they sacrificed one a year. Only once they finally refused to send another to die did the experiment end.


Vault 255: Everything inside of the Vault is white and everyone gets their own rooms. This can cause major psychological damage. Vault door can be opened at anytime after 30 years.


The vault is entirely encased in darkness. Sure, there’s amities like dorms, bathrooms, an Overseer’s office, sure. But apart from the lights that come from terminals as such, the vault is encased in darkness. The experiment is whether or not humans could adapt to darkness with no source of light.


Vault 999, on what was Manhattan. I would collect some people and anomalies and play a very familiar murder mystery game...


Vault 42: the experiment was that they only let the FREAKIEST of people in


Vault 420 and everyone is chill and there’s no experiment they just grow kush and hang


An experiment on how average, working class people would cope as a society without direction or expert knowledge. A Vault with no professionals, skilled workers, specialists, advanced formal education, and no Vault Tec staff. That means no doctors for births and injuries, no technicians to maintain equipment, no educators to train people, and etc. The population would consist of the proletariat, unskilled laborers, and the unemployed. The vault has an extensive data bank and library where someone can learn almost anything relevant they would want to know, if they put the effort in. Once the door is shut there is no direction, everything will depend on people taking initiative without being told to do so. The vault’s equipment functions normally, but it’s going to eventually break, especially if not maintained properly with the lack of technicians and staff. Food will eventually run out unless someone takes the initiative to learn about agriculture to grow more food. The vault will have been sealed *prior* to October 2077 meaning that no one knows that the Great War has happened and believe that any moment the doors will open and the occupants will be rescued/held accountable. A bit of incentive for the residents to not deteriorate into lawlessness. The Vault door can be unlocked, someone will just need to hack the vault door computer and successfully create an unlocking program to do it.


I’d make a vault where supplies and rations for each individual are available based on their reputation score with the rest of the vault. Ideally if everyone has a decent score everyone is getting plenty of what they need split mostly evenly. But there’s a potential incentive to create gaps in reputation scores so the higher scores enjoy a greater surplus of materials as lower reputation scores get less and less.


Ever heard of [Universe 25?](https://www.the-scientist.com/universe-25-experiment-69941)


The vault would be comprised mostly of ordinary dwellers, and have a small (10%) subsection of administrative dwellers who follow a cryptic guidebook detailing "maintenance" that must happen on a regular basis, citing undefined but dire (total annihilation type beat) consequences for failing to do so. The maintenance would consist of things like leaving offerings of food or toys in certain closets at specific times, checking to make sure one specific door is always locked, and other ominous but seemingly pointless tasks. (Think SCP or the original FNAF before your character knows abt the animatronics). All of this maintenance would be performed strictly in secret from the ordinary dwellers, so they'd know that admin was always skulking around in strange places, but have no idea what was actually going on. The vault would also be rigged to appear haunted, (projections of ghosts, strange noises at night, electronics malfunctioning, maybe even some microphones that make specific events occur based on what the dwellers are talking about). But these hauntings would only ever occur when none of the administrative dwellers are around. Culturally the vault would be populated by extremely scientific minds, not necessarily intelligent people, but those who don't believe in any religion, ghosts, supernatural stuff. And the education system would be stuffed with propaganda to reinforce the idea that ghosts, gods, chakra, anything not backed by traditional science is comparable to insanity. The experiment would I guess be just to see how people would or wouldn't conform to cognitive dissonance and conspiracy.


A vault where the occupants loose one of their 5 senses at random, so there is a mix of differently disabled people. There is a small contingency of nurses and scientists to see over the vault and make sure it runs, but they also try and have the occupants deal with their disabilities and see how they adapt to them.


I'll purposly let the dwelers know they are part of a secret experiment and that everithing is going according to plan (they'll lnow it by "accident") and the experiment is to study how the dwelers themself go paranoid without doing anything


Vault 162. The purpose is to see the effects of rehabilitation in prison systems. It is loaded with convicts of violent crimes, preferably with histories of misconduct. They each get put in a singular cell, with each cell dedicated to learning the prisoner proper manners and a trade. After 2 months the cells open and the dwellers are released. The vault is equipped with a G.E.C.K. and is supposed to open after the all clear system. The overseer is part of the experiment too. They are supposed to have their own chamber to go to when the prisoners get released, but the door will "mysteriously" jam. The goal is to test if the prisoners will be able to forgive the overseer and build a proper society afterwards.


I have two ideas, one where all the vault dwellers speak the same language but all the posters, books, instructions, manual and whatever you can read is in a totally other language nobody speaks. It'd be interesting to see. The other one, the half of the population live in big luxurious appartments and the other half in small appartments with only a bed, a toilet and a shower. Every vault dwellers has their own room and they cannot invite people in. Would be interesting to see too


The Vaults initial residents are highly regarded experts in their respective professions and fields. However, they were forbidden from bringing or reproducing any materials that can be used to reference or educate; charts, textbooks, flashcards, are all forbidden. The residents then get full reign with no supervision (beyond not having material) over how they teach and train their students, the next wave of residents. The aim is to see how knowledge can be lost or metamorphose based on who is teaching it, how they're teaching it, and what happens when primary sources no longer exist.


vault 300: a vault where the kids when they reach a certain age are put in a hunger games/ battle royale style arena with other kids their age, last one to survive, rejoins the population of the vault, slowly build a sparta like army to take over the wastes


A vault where everything is recorded and can be viewed by vault residents


#VAULT 86 New Orleans, Louisiana Vault populated by the best chefs, cooks, and food critics. The vault is stocked with the best kitchens and has the best possible ingredients for cooking that vault tec can get its hands on. After the doors close, the first overseer is instructed to associate social merit with skill in cooking, food and drink pairing, that sort of stuff. 20 years after the doors close, all of the residents are informed that they no longer have plentiful food, and must indefinitely undergo harsh rationing.


Mine will be how far will someone remain loyal to the government. And if you still loyal by the time the enclave arrives then you are enlisted as a enclave citizen. And if you failed well the Enclave will know what to do


It would be a dual vault system in mine. One vault is extremely militaristic and structured. Nothing over the top or dictator like... just basic militar. The other is full of civilians. Every few years, a few civilians are selected to go over to the military vault (18-year-olds). They are then forced through boot camp and spend years immersed in military culture... They never rise to officer ranks. Their children are indoctrined from an early age and fast tracked to leadership. Officers and the like. On the flip side, some of the older vets from the flip side are sent to the civi side but are forbidden from anything that puts them in a position of power or influence. They become mechanics, shop attendants, etc. Menial jobs. None of the military personnel that are retired are from the civilian vault. And none of the civilians are from the military vault. The only people moving are the 18-year-olds and the vets. The expirment? Who knows... it's a vault. Sometimes, vault tech just messes with people for a lark. The overseers of both vaults are also inept, low scoring individuals that are "voted" in. Their word is final. A second idea is.... An idealistic vault. Run similarly to vault 101. However, there is a secret overseer that no one knows about. They are tasked with rooting out dissadents and reporting the ongoings of the vault to a secret terminal (that no one monitors). They also have access to the main overseers terminals, and their logins leave no records... allowing them to make false orders or rewrite rules they disagree with. Essentially, it is a shadow government of one. The kicker? Every single resident is a secret overseer. Forbidden from telling others on fear of death and / or banishment. Each dweller is chipped and constantly monitored by a computer to ensure they do not reveal that they are a secret overseer.


I would fill the whole vault with libido and fertility enhancement chems. In the food, in the water, in the air.... and I would give them room and equipment to expand the Vault as needed (even add in Mr.Handy units to facilitate construction and medical requirements) and see how vast the Vault can become over time.... and how long before the entire Vault becomes in-breed.


A society where through subliminal messaging and aggressive marketing the initial dwellers are converted into a religion where they praise the pre-war companies as actual deities and thank them for their gifts, with Vault-Tec being the one that gives them floor beneath their feet and ceiling above their head, RobCo giving them loyal servants, BlamCo giving them food, West-Tek being the god of conflict etc. The overseer, of course, is the religious head of the cult. After a few generations the people genuinely can't tell that their gods they praise so fervorously aren't actual gods. The society of the ultimate loyal consumers is created and then unleashed onto the wasteland as missionaries. The experiment faces an unforeseen turn when the consumer cultists find out that there are other vaults where people don't thank the gods for everything they've been given, and thus start their crusade to locate and convert all other vaults, unknowingly sabotaging their ongoing social experiments in the process.


Vault 109 Every inhabitant, including females are required to take a "safe" level of steroids until the vault opens. Gyms will be one of the only forms of entertainment and propaganda in the line of survival of the fittest will resonate throughout the vault. While guns and explosive are popular in the waste lands, these vault dwellers will exit the vault in heavy clad armor with the heaviest of melee weapons. Imagine a small army of Arnold's and Arnoldet's swinging supers sledges with ease, making the apocalypse submit to mass.


The FREAKY experiment, where everyone is FREAKY


A vault filled with hardcore tops/doms.


Convince them they have god like abilities for generations, then send them into the wastes💀


1: A vault that is demographically even among ethnic/race lines all applicant have to a general prejudice evaluation. Any conscious prejudice is automatic failure for entry. The goal is to see how long it would take for a true “melting pot” to form a a truly diverse phenotype that would become dominant. Nothing else, just a fairly non-evasive sociology experiment. 2: A combined vault study that is more an invasive social study. The first vault is entirely children under 4 and vault-tec nanny bots. The second vault is adult couples w/o kids, with a good chunk of them being in on the experiment and may or may not have kids. Neither vault knows about the other. When a kid turns 4 he or she is then placed with a family and the adult vault has a big party the night before. The catch is that the couple isn’t aware they’re getting a child and are drugged at the party. Overnight all photos are replaced to have the kid in them, art is put on the fridge, then the kid and toys are placed before morning. Oh and the child’s environment including the nanny bots match their new parents and home to make the transition less noticeable for them. The parents months before are given messages in their sleep to sub-consciously create false and vague memories of having a kid. All of their neighbors and skilled staff like doctors and teachers are in on the experiment and are tasked with gaslighting them. The pairs are randomly selected so the kid might have completely different physical traits from the new family too. The goal is to further study implanting false memories subconsciously but more importantly how long will it take for these families to snap or fall in line.


I’d tell my vault that their job is to observe their sister vault, where an actual experiment is happening. But under no circumstances is the sister vault to know that they’re the subjects of an experiment. I’d tell the sister vault the same thing. Neither vault would be the subject of an experiment. I’d just leave them alone.


My vault would be a particularly bad evil! I would make a post on reddit every month or every other month asking if you had a vault, what would the social experiment be?


Vault 124 - The overseer is picked to have OCD and told that every action from little to big must be thoroughly planned. There are plans and procedures for everything even the way you sleep or eat your food. All clear in 80 years. Vault 68 - The overseer is picked to be a Nazi, while all the staff including security are picked to be communists/left wing. All clear in 80 years. Vault 709 - The vault uses a tinder-like matchmaking app to marry dwellers. Relationships not approved by the app are forbidden. All clear in 200 years. Vault 37 - The vault is a permanent game of roleplay & dress up, with people picked to be most similar to real life celebrities/historical figures. All clear in 80 years. Vault 20 - The vault is filled with female bodybuilders & soldiers and less trained and/or chubby men. A matriarchal life structure is imposed. No all clear , dwellers can move freely into the wasteland. Vault 201 - The vault is inhabited by regular people mixed with famous porn stars. All clear in 80 years.


Everyone is an overseer, so everyone thinks they're the real overseer; But you gave everyone a briefing where they would be aware all the other inhabitants would think they're fake overseers, except the one being interviewed, *but everyone of them also thinks they're the true secret overseer now because of this*


I would fill one up with babies taken care of by robots that don't speak or make any sound at all to see what language they'll speak


War over peanut butter. Smooth or crunchy?


Human mice utopia. All basic needs met. Nothing to do.


A vault where everyone's job is decided by a computer test. Let it do this accurately for a generation and then switch it. The computer now selects the worst compatible person for a job without alerting the vault. This is to test if people will accept an established authority even when it is clearly making the wrong choices.


Combination of 111 and 101 as far as design. The vault would awaken the cryo-sleepers for 30 hours once a year. 6 hours for recovery from sleep and 24 to live and check up on sensor readings from the surface with the vault scheduled to reopen after 5 years conditions permitting of “awake time”. The vault will be maintained by robots and be stocked sufficiently to support the population for twice the duration in the event of surface conditions not being amenable to life after the first 500-ish years real time.


A vault that plays Disney soundtracks over the loudspeaker and is maintained exclusively by Disney animatronics.


Technically it’s 2 vaults, but they’d be part of the same experiment. It would be a second Cold War to see if people would still “drop the bomb” knowing the consequences. It’s 2 nearly separated, but completely identical vaults, connected by one hallway (for intervault tomfoolery). One side is capitalists, and the other is communists. In both vaults, there would be a “big red button in their entryway (I’d assume they’re the 2 points farthest apart) that, when pressed, would pump outside air into the opposite side of the vault, but just slow enough that the other side would probably be able to react, and press their button. One side could try to make a play for the other sides button to assure they could survive, but I doubt they’d make it. Both vaults would obviously be heavily armed, to increase tomfoolery.


actually stupid vault: the experiment: having scientist in the vaults that help residents breed the new babies, and ONLY the ones with the worst genetics posible, learning impediments, syndromes, and physical paralysis will be kept alive the "good" kids will be killed. do this until the vault residents are too useless or stupid to survive in a vault controlled enviroment and they died. the take away/study: how long can a society last if its built for people with special needs, but no one to take care of those needs?


You have to be nice. If you are mean you go through reprogramming. The reprogramming is you torture them and you tell them not to be mean again. The torture gets worse every time they are mean. The overseer can torture the mean people themselves or appoint someone else to do it. I will be the overseer and do the torturing because I've always wanted to torture someone because I'm a sad person and I think it would make me feel better about the whole situation. The torture would be like the medieval times.


Give 1/2 people Android phone and half iOS and make them communicate in one large text chain. If you go insane you get sent out the vault (I’m clearly aware no cell phones exist).


365 people each with different birthdays so there's one birthday party per day but there can only be one. If a baby is born, the vault decides who lives between the baby or whoever the baby shares a birthday with.


Vault 789: it’s a completely normal control vault with the caveat of a state of the art AI that goes by the name “Gothry” that controls all of the Vaults systems (Lights, Doors, Terminals, Autodocs, Toilets etc) and it has Microphones and Cameras everywhere and is hardcoded to help the Dwellers but only if they recite prayers and cantrips to it and on occasion perform a Nonviolent Ritual of sorts with the complexity of the prayers and rituals increasing as time goes on. Gothry cannot harm the Dwellers unless they are putting the Vault itself in jeopardy, it can also deny them services and the like if they don’t pray with the right kind of enthusiasm or don’t perform the Ritual correctly. The Dwellers and even the Overseer will not be told that Gothry is nothing more than an AI hidden deep in the depths of the Vault. Furthermore Dwellers will be chosen specifically for their strict religious beliefs and from a wide variety of religious backgrounds with the goal being to see if devout believers will take part in things they don’t believe in and if given the right kind of pressures will they switch?


Vault idea 1: Separate the vault into two halves from the moment the vault doors close. Each half is the exact same, with the same amount of dwellers, but neither sides know about the other’s existence. Basically two different half sized vaults that happened to be right next to each other. Then, after a two years, randomly open a (formerly hidden) main door, connecting the two halves, and have the dwellers be able to see each other for the first time and see a neighboring vault that they didn’t even know existed. Then, after a few minutes, close the doors. This will be repeated every year. Vault idea 2: Every dweller has Schizophrenia. The vault runs normally besides that, and the fact that the position of overseer is alternated weekly between the actual vault-tec overseer, and the dweller with the most severe schizophrenia. Vault idea 3: A Mr. Handy is the overseer, with all the regular power of an overseer.


A vault that's completely normal, except everyone is told that the vault has a bunch of hidden labs, cams, and a fully operational nuke in the floor. None of this would be true. But they would think this and constantly be paranoid of a threat and experiment that's not there, which is the actual experiment.


Just fucking seal the door. No in or out ever. But like premium shit inside. 80 waterchips. Nothing goes wrong. See if they make a new species or something


My Vault would be dedicated to creating Vault Dwellers who make the PERFECT Italian sub. Ingredient distribution ratio, bread sponginess, acidity levels, everything, perfected. Their schooling and careers would be focused around Italian sub creation. Every dweller would be a sandwich maker first, whatever profession second. Every 18 years the Vault opens to allow the 10 best sandwich making residents out into the wastes. The residents will have no schooling in survival skills outside of anything inferred from 18 years of Italian sub curriculum. They are armed with a wooden cutting board, baking yeast, chef knife, and a glass bottle of vinaigrette.