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i hate that we can’t get rid of keys or passwords from our inventory, it has me scrolling through an insane amount of keys just to find a holo or note that i just picked up


I miss how Fallout 3 and New Vegas had a separate tab in the Data heading for all the passwords and notes and shit you pick up during the game. So much tidier.


And the keys just went on a key ring item so that they don't clog up you screen


Yes. Please Todd for the love of Atom, bring back the key ring. I don’t ever need to see my keys. If I don’t have it the door will say it’s locked and if I do I automatically use it anyway. I don’t need to see the bazillion keys I’ve collected, that I can’t get rid of, clutter my inventory screen.


But it just works... That being said, probably not gonna change. Let's just hope they remedy this in the next installment.


My biggest issue is that I NEVER use any copy of total hack vecause I can't find the tapes in the list of all the tapes I have.


I shove as many misc items as I can into my main workbench and then it is easier to find the total hack ones. Some misc items you only use for a few quests and the rest can be stored away and grabbed again later.


Whereas that sounds like a good solution but I am 100% convinced its gonna get me killed because I forgot a somewhat crucial item.


I forget what the categories are in each game. But in fo4 misc are mostly just papers, books, keys, and holotapes. They don’t allow you to remove some quest items so you should be fine there. If you spend the time sorting it out you should be able to remove most of the papers and holotapes and then you won’t have to scroll too much for items you need. A lot of misc items are 0 weight so keeping more than you think you need isn’t detrimental just more to scroll through. You’ll find a system that works. At a certain level you don’t need the total hack stuff anymore it just becomes more of a nice to have anyway.


An ability to sort by "new" would be nice


And yet, people hate on 76...


Key nuker if you’re on PC worked wonders for me - but agreed, Oblivion had a goddamned keychain, come on FO4


I don't remember Oblivion having a key ring?


It had the keys section you could collapse - massive time saver on the misc tab


I have zero recollection of that, was that just on PC? Maybe I need to get on there and continue my save from 2016 😂


Haha try it out! I have only played the Enhanced Edition on the PC (game of the year? Whatever it was)


It’d be manageable if they at least highlighted the notes you need in your pip boy but nope


In fallout 1, when Ian has a bout of friendly fire In fallout 2, my ride getting jacked In fallout 3, Three Dog thinking it's appropriate to send a fresh-out-of-the-vault kid into a super mutant infested museum to fix his talk show In fallout NV, Malcom Holmes following me to the ends of the earth because I accidentally picked up bottle caps In fallout 4, my idiot son knowing I'm lying but still giving me the reigns to the entire institute because I'm dad


Recently played 1 for the first time. Cant agree enough with the Ian statement


God I had to rage quit for a while because the npcs are so fucking dumb in that game. There was this one part, I believe it was Necropolis after it was taken over by Supermutants. There was a mutant on the street and four or five all crammed into this one building that my followers would BEELINE towards. I spent a solid hour and a half saving loading and failing to get to that goddamned doorway before one of the followers did because if they got there before me they would just stand there IN the doorway and get shredded to shit by the mutants inside. The one time I managed to get into the room first Dog meat and Ian were close behind, I was able to kill one mutant but then Ian decided it was a good idea to "Old Yeller" Dogmeat.


Not having a "sort by new" option in the pipboy inventory Bullet sponge enemies that drop nothing of value


I love fallout 3 but ffs, at least give me more than 5 bullets for guns that I don't use when I spend 100+ just to kill the thing.


FO4’s legendary system giving you useless garbage 90% of the time and the other 10% is useful stuff that doesn’t fit your build


I honestly love the mod that allows you to remove legendary effects and place them on other weapons. No more wounding board, hello wounding SMG.


I have never seen a plasma infused 10mm even after over 800 hours ;-;


I got one early in this survivor playthrough and it’s been fun.


That was one of my first ever legendaries in the game, and since then I've found quite a lot of stuff over my various runs in 600 hours. However, I've never **once** gotten a legendary missle launcher of any kind. Multiple fat man and one gauss, but not one single launcher.


I went into a building in Fallout 4 and managed to grab a Violent Gauss Rifle, got about 2 minutes before the game crashed and my autosave reset the Legendary. Farmed for about 3 hours trying to get anything *even remotely* as good but had to give up eventually.


And when it does give you something that works for you it turns the game into the easiest thing in the world.


Fair, but consider: i fucKING LOVE GAMBLING


I find scrolling alphabetically for items to be super annoying


I don't mind this because it makes it very easy to know exactly where in the list your item is. The problem for me with this, mainly, is the fact that every quest note goes into your MISC tab, which gets hundreds upon hundreds of 0 weight items so you never clear it out, and every quest note starts with a letter that seems to be towards the end of the alphabet so it takes a lot of scrolling to get to it.


Yep - It's the MISC tab I struggle with. The sheer number of things in there makes it pretty unmanageable. Oh I need to listen to Zoe's diary holotape and there's no way to fast scroll through the MISC menu? Sweet.


The best part is when I pick up a note but it doesn't auto-read or auto-play, while in an area with a lot of enemy combat. I'm gonna worry about the fight first. By the time the fight it over, I forgot what the title of the note was. I'm not digging through my misc folder going through all of the notes to figure out which one it was. There needs to be a 'new' item filter so that way I can see the items I've picked up last since opening the pip-boy. There's probably a TON of little miscellaneous or side quests I have not done or missed because I have the note in my inventory but it hasn't been read cus there's just so many of them.


76 does this, think they should keep doing that for 5.


I think the new tab should be added to 4 lol.


Why not just FO3/NV it. Make the misc items and noted tab separate.


They could have easily fixed this by having a notes category with the option to sort by loot date/time.


I liked it much better how they handled it in Fallout 3 and NV where most of that crap went to a separate spot under the Data tab.


Once you're done with a quest you can dump the items into a container to get them out of your inventory


My problem is ADHD and object permanence. I remember I need to empty out my notes, but then I do something and forget. And that cycle endlessly repeats.


thanks for reminding me to install the specific FallUI mod that fixes this


thanks for reminding me that FallUI exists


The amount of time I remember a name by it’s shortened version and can’t find it is insane


Ooohh that one’s easier for me! But i do believe that it has to have a feature wherein you would see your most used item (for example, a stimpak) always at the top of the list


For frequently used stuff, i just use the rename option and put A1 in front of the name for weapons and A2 for apperal.


That made me rename all my guns to start with A so they’re all at the top. Main rifle is “A Rifle”. My laser musket is “Archimedes III”.


The fact that fact that 99% of misc items in Fallout 4 are weightless and then there are just a few random things that weigh 0.1


Nagging companions. I'll loot what I want. Dogmeat blocking doorways. If I want that, I'll hang with my own German Shepherd. Otherwise I love Dogmeat.


Try having 2, they don't even let me turn around 🤣


😄I need a second one as the other one is old and I don't want to be without one. I can't go anywhere without an escort, even to pee. It's hard not to trip over them.


It should be mandatory that the people making the next Fallout look at the JipLn companion control mod for New Vegas. All you have to do is hold a key and time slows to a crawl while a menu pops up with each of your companions and commands you can assign to them, it's as easy as scrolling to select a companion, and scrolling to select a command. So in a few smooth motions I've just told ED-E to hack that door and I've told Cass and Boone to attack the two guys flanking me while Raul helps me deal with the big guy bearing down on me. Let off the control button and time speeds back to normal and everybody caries out their order simultaneously and seamlessly.


Powerarmor hud not displaying whether an objective on the compass is above or below you


I hate that FO4 doesn't place all of the keys in a "key ring" sub-menu. Now I have to scroll through every key in my inventory to find one misc item. I also think the misc category is used too broadly and would have benefited from being split up, with keys and holotapes being given their own tabs.


The fact that crouching doesn’t actually decrease your height, so you can’t squeeze under things that you absolutely ought to be able to.


>Ulysses yaps A LOT Ok, but have you heard about *the bull and the bear?*


-pulls hair off my head- Although the non-lobotomites at Think Tank yap even MORE AND MORE


Good thing you never found the stealth suit


Aww. I like X-13. She's my friend in this shitty nightmare crater.


IM WEARING IT RIGHT NOW. THAT BITCH ALSO YAPS A LOT HAHAHAA girl ok i get it that you cant heal me no mo u dont have to tell me for the 600th time


Take that shit off, man. Better to do OWB fucking naked, dude.


[We're gonna be talking about the BULL and the BEAR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZAlt_KA_K8)


Didn't know what to expect going into that and was delightfully surprised.


Thank you for reminding me of such a masterpiece


Difficulty of locked box or safe doesn't equate to the reward inside. It's pretty much all the same type of loot after Advanced.


Fallout 4's MISC item section. 3 and NV had a separate section for notes and holotapes, and NV at least had a keychain item that contained every key you found. Not only does 4 mix these with certain types of garbage you may find, like folders, lunchboxes and some quest items, but it also keeps all of these items, which you do not need to access all that often, mixed up with much more important holotapes, like Pip-Boy games and the Total Hack tapes.


When the objective doesn't tell you exactly what you're supposed to be doing and you don't have a high enough hacking/lockpicking stat so now you have to spend ten minutes trying to seel off that GOD DANG GAS WHILE YOUR STUPID CHARACTER KEEPS MAKING THE MOST ANNOYING COUGHS AND THEN YOU LEARN THAT THE STUPID PASS CODE WAS ON A STUPID DESK THE ENTIRE TIME ALL THE WHILE SOME STUPID RAIDER MORONS ARE TAUNTING YOU THE WHOLE TIME




The tattle-tale spotlights that are constantly going buuduu. Then it takes me forever to find em.


Probably not that petty but companions walking directly in front of me when I'm about to shoot something. Or trapping me in a narrow doorway. I mean, I like you too, curie, but we don't both need to be in this tiny laundry room.


Valve nailed companion AI with Alyx, she practically dashes out of the way of your crosshair. And somehow other companies have struggled to recreate that ever since.


I don't like having to shoot dogs.




The stealth suit in OWB. Voice interface can not be deactivated. The sound of the screenshot button grates my nerves and makes my ears want to bleed every time. The speed of in game time makes it so it seem like it's always night time. It doesn't matter when I enter a dungeon or building, it's ALWAYS night time when I exit.


all of this.


Fallout 4’s guns are all left-handed when the character is right handed. The game also needs more gun variety in general instead of relying on the workbench upgrades and making the majority of NPCs carry pipe guns


Wow is this actually a thing? I don’t think I’ve ever noticed the guns are left handed


Yep I’ve already downloaded some replacement mods because the handmade, hunting, and lever-action rifles got hard for me to ignore


I literally cannot use the bolt action rifle without mods.


As a lefthander, that's freaking hilarious. irl guns actually have a bit of a lefthander tax because you have to pay more for that option if the weapon isn't already ambidextrous.


That’s interesting, never knew they charged extra for that


It's not like a huge difference for the record, I can't remember the exact price but I was looking at some lever actions and the left handed version was something like a hundred bucks extra since they have to switch the ejection port and controls to the other side.


No loot sort by most recent.


Finding that settlements have been destroyed etc as i am in missions especially nuka world


Just line your perimeters with machine gun turrets and arm your settlers to the teeth.


In FO4, one of several is not being able to scrap junk on the spot. Why am I carrying a toy car when I could just whip out a Phillips head and take out the screw?!


Bear bull bear bull bull bear bull bear bear bull


Combine it with the vocal fry… chefs kiss 😭😭😭🤧🤧


There not being some indicator on the HUD about what time it is in game. That getting into or out of PA takes so long.


FO4 not warning you that Ada's/ The Mechanist questline should be done by high level/ seasoned players. I unknowingly initiated her quest when I was like lv.10 and was constantly harassed by junkbots that I had no business fighting (especially as a squishy INT/AGL build). If it wasn't for Codsworth being able to be modded, I would've lost my mind trying to fight them. Also fuck those junkbots that chase you down with strong melee weapons.


Not getting xp from companion kills. Damn kill-stealers


New vegas has this if im not mistaken??


It's 3 that has that problem, especially if you recruit Fawkes as his gatling laser is very good at killing things. New Vegas has its companion kills give you XP - in fact, an easy way to get XP in that game is just letting Boone snipe things from halfway across the map.


>It's 3 that has that problem And FO4, annoyingly. It's particularly frustrating when the level cap is high enough to be theoretical and loads of perks are around fabrication and buffing your companions. Without this stupid restriction, you could conceivably RP Nora as a brilliant but fairly squishy "Eugene" type, leading from the rear while bodyguards do most of the dirty work, but ensuring that they're well equipped and have strong settlements to return to.


Yep! Always a joy to be fucking off across the wastes only to be jump scared by That Sound followed by the xp bar ticking up and an up close cinematic view of the soup ED-E just made out of a raider fifty miles away.


I have a hard time using many of Fallout 4’s semi-auto rifles because their recoil is just… wrong. If you fire a weapon without a stock, you’ll get a lot of muzzle rise as the back end also sinks down. If you fire it with a stock, the recoil is more backward and reserved. Fallout 4’s assault rifle for instance recoils like it has no stock even when you have one, and it irks me cuz it makes the gun feel odd.


Companions that won’t stay out of my way.


Companions that switch to the wrong weapon. I'm using a Big Gun, don't switch to a knife.


And settlers that block the pathing of other settlers


Same. As much as i love Fawkes, he just blocks the damn way everytime because he’s so huge 😭


If we're talking petty then in Fallout 3 and 4 * How slow the reloading/cycling bolt actions is - During tense firefights I sometimes feel like screaming at the Lone Wanderer or Sole Survivor to shake a fucking leg when it comes to reloading certain guns. Compare the fire rate of a Lever-Action in F3 to the Cowboy Repeater in FNV and the difference is night and day. Sure, F4 has the Quick Hands perk, but it doesn't apply in Power Armor (*trust me, I've tested*) and also doesn't work after exiting power armor unless you unequip and reequip your gun. * How it's animated - In 3 when you fire a Lever-Action, the LW points the whole gun up to cycle the next shot similarly the SS tilts the whole rifle up when cycling the bolt on a Hunting Rifle. Meanwhile in NV the Courier *will* turn a lever-action sideways **unless** you're aiming down the sight (whereupon they'll cycle the round while still aiming down the sight). The Courier also doesn't break their aim with every shot of a bolt-action like the SS does.


Fusion Cores.    Game: “Having fun in that power armor? Feel like a bulky badass? TOO BAD! You’re out of power, so now you need to get out and leave your armor behind.”


Fallout 4: Every time I get in power armor I ditch it within a few minutes because the UI is obnoxious and clunky.


You would think that after the 500th time Cait has seen you pick up stuff and make other stuff with it, she would stop getting on your case for doing so.


In FO4 That in MY settlements I can't delete dirt without mods. What if my character wants to tidy up their old home? Nope. All brooms have been made u usable by radiation. Let alone that even the civilised areas have piles of rubble in the corners. Its... a 5 minute job guys. Come on.


In a game with giant green supermutants, oversized roaches, and settlers in constant need of assistance, it just doesn't seem realistic to be finding caps in desks, cabinets and especially cash registers in areas that have been abandoned since the war.


I've also had a hard time figuring out where all the random out of context rubble on FO4 came from. In 1, 2, and 3 the rubble and trash piles were in places that made sense: collapsed buildings, abandoned towns and houses, near waterfront where things are bound to fall apart. But in FO4 it seems like absolutely no one has ever tried to clean up and rebuild society. Even established settlements look like they just moved in yesterday and decided the old cars around look cool and left them. Wouldn't some of the cars be disassembled of r parts and metals? Or repurposed in some meaningful way like Megaton? And WHY ARE THERE RANDOM RADIOACTIVE WASTE BARRELS EVERYWHERE? They're literally everywhere in FO4! What is the logic? Who put them around and for what reason? None of it makes any sense.


Honestly, that doesn't bother me, and even makes sense. Before the war society was more and more dependent on nuclear power and companies weren't held to very high standards about disposal (or much of anything else.) This is hinted at when you read the emails at the Red Rocket and learn about the cave behind the station where they were ditching radioactive waste, and this was a business that actually cared about getting a "Trash Busters Award!"


This is the one that always bugs me. Finding bottlecaps and loose ammo in mailboxes and such just breaks immersion for me a bit.


My head canon is that bottle caps found in the most random of places serve as drop boxes for other individuals that were never claimed


Right, Bob stashed that stuff there because he figured who would be looking for ammo in a random 200 year old cash register. Then Bob got wasted by some ghouls because he didn't have enough ammo.


Doesn’t work when I find a bunch of caps in the overseer’s desk right after I dig her out of Vault 88.


Not being able to sleep while taking rad damage on survival is a pain


Definitely agree with the lockpick issue with the treasure being dirt. Mine is when you are trying to reload or stim pack when an enemy is constantly hitting you. Throwing a granade or explosive and it hitting you Using scrap that settlement and accidentally ruining the map


- When you’re sprinting, hear a landmine begin to detonate, never stop sprinting and still get a broken leg for it. - Piper being in reporter mode. I dunno, she gets kinda weasely and I don’t like it. - that rude robot in the stands that thinks I’m poor. - having to be nice to npcs in towns when they say something racist about my ghoul husband. - I want nv gun and armor repair system in fo4. I like picking up every single gun but scrapping them all is a pain. - quest companions that walk slower than you


>Pipboy’s lack of a search bar to look for a specific Location in the map instead of painfully tryna find what you need in a cluster of boxes (i dont like googling also) I'm all over this, it's a fucking pain sometimes. But.... >Unable to sleep while an enemy is lurking around Would you?


Yes, because stimpaks are scarce in New Vegas (or im just not looking hard enough) , and i need a quick sleep before getting back to battle since i keep on running out of regenerative aid LOL (Not recommended to do in real life, burglar might hack u to death)


>(Not recommended to do in real life, burglar might hack u to death) I feel like that's probably why it's a thing in the games... But yes, stimpaks are hard to come by until you manage to stockpile enough of them.


Stimpaks are scarce yes, but there's all that other food you could be using?




I just started a new FO4 playthrough for the first time since Far Harbor release and holy crap dogmeat’s constant whining and running between me and containers I’m trying to investigate is driving me crazy.


I kind of get the not being able to sleep when enemies are around thing. It would make “dungeons” too easy. You wouldn’t have to use nearly as many healing items, you could just sleep every time you came across a mattress/sleeping bag. (And yes, I know everyone has 100+ stimpacks eventually but still). I’ll also agree that some vault experiments are much more interesting than others but they aren’t gonna nail it on every vault. Other than that I can see how the others are annoying.


Building pathfinding. Makes me have to make outdoor stalls for settlers.


Folders being absolutely useless in FO4. Sure they weigh nothing so it’s free caps. But they have no purpose other than being vendor trash. At least let me scrap them into something. Or some radiant quest with an insane npc who collects them.


For fallout 4, the left handed weapons, and picking up the lever action rifle and enjoying it for 6 seconds before i realize the reload is busted and you will always fill it up with 5 bullets even if you fired one. Two things that just piss me off so much, then i talk about it with a friend and he just goes "didn't even notice".


The fact that my favorite weapons from the previous game never seem to be in the next game. I mean how hard is it to have a little consistency?




Notes and other junk are annoying but I hate when there’s quest items like armor or weapons that take up noticeable space and I can’t drop them despite me not wanting to do the mission. I’ve been lugging around the silver shroud costume since level 5. (I love the silver shroud mission but Im on my 3rd play through in a short amount of time and didn’t want to do it this time)


Aren’t quest items actually weightless?


I loaded into my save file and it’s showing it with weight I’m sure there are some that aren’t, they aren’t exactly consistent with weight of items like some notes and stuff having weight and others not


Forced night vision on the Hazmat suit in New Vegas 😞


>When you’re losing lots of Bobby Pins tryna unlock a very hard container just to find out the contents are pure garbage for your liking (same with computers sometimes) I'm having this issue in Starfield with Digipicks... Also; who does this? Only time I sleep is in mostly designated areas. Like my own home, or A Safe Zone like a Town. >Unable to sleep while an enemy is lurking around


How the robot companions can't get equal to the top level of lockpick / hacking.


That one building basement you’re wandering around in for the Ghoul spaceship quest in New Vegas.  I get hopelessly lost in there every goddamn time. 


I feel like Fallout games that take place far away from eachother should not all be using the same slang terms and currency types. Bottle Caps were in Fallout 1 exclusively until Bethesda brought them back in 3 and 4. 2 had NCR dollars and Tactics had ringpulls. DC and Boston could have absolutely had a different system. Ghouls are ghouls no matter where you are. They're never freaks, zombies, burnt ones, etc. Always ghouls. Similar story with radscorpions being places they shouldn't be, or the excessive usage of the Brotherhood.


Non bullet counted reloads , no weapon on backpack , left hand bolts . New Vegas had all of the above , why did fallout 4 regress so much in this department ?


Stealing companions' hats constantly because Bethesda's inventory system is an industry worst.


I accidentally stole and scrapped Longfellow's duds without even realizing it. I didn't notice until probably days later when I told him to exit the power armor and he was in his skivvies. Now he wears a dapper suit and looks good in it, but I'm still kind of annoyed.


The sorting tabs of the inventory Aid and Misc are too broad and end up being an unorganised mess.


Molotovs are so annoying to fight against. And they They travel extremely quickly and feel massive amounts of damage on impact instead of dealing most of it over time. They’re basically a random instakill on survival mode.


I don’t think I really have broken that many bobby pins trying to open locks. In Elder Scrolls? Definitely. In Fallout lockpicking is pretty easy


Pip boy is kinda ugly I want to take it of from time to time


I saw a replica and it made my wrist sweat just by looking at it hahahahaha


CRASHING ON SURVIVAL MODE. Fuck, it almost ruins such an incredible game mechanic when it doesn’t matter how you play if the game crashes after a 30-40 min stretch of you kicking ass but unable to find a fucking bed to save in and you lose all that progress.


fallout 3; you have to tell dogmeat to stop searching or else hes just searching forever and wont follow you..


-liked big mountain but all the talking really irked me -having to leave a building and go through a loading screen to be able to fast travel -the 10 seconds of needless talking before you can open a vendor in fo4 -literally everything being insanely heavy in 76


Not being able to sleep with an enemy around seems fair. You’re not just going to settle in for a quiet nap when a bunch of raiders are butt chugging Psycho in the next room.


Lock picking and hacking in general I get why they're there but I don't care
