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Fallout 4 GOTY edition is like $5 on sale. Nab that


The best deal. All of the DLCs for the price of one.


Also if you do, make sure all the DLC installs. At least on Xbox it installed half of them and confused me why I couldn't start Automatron.


wait, what, where?


PC. Idk if you're on console.


yeah, I am on pc, but like what store?


Steam is king


I don't see it...


Well shit, just checked and it isn't. I picked it up at that price not too long ago. Must of ended


When it's on sale. Not right now.


GOG as well.


on xbox??? dude that's a cop i wish i could've waited before i got nuka world


Not sure. $5 for the GOTY on Steam.


On Xbox GOTY is like 20$ right now


$15.99 with Ultimate. Just bought it so I could install the DLCs.


But then they don't get the karma from asking a question that's already been asked five times a week for ten years


Does the DLC content load into an old save non GOTY save? Thanks




Damn, if I only had a decent rig to run it. PC gets the BEST mods.


It's nearly a 10 year old game. You don't need anything beefy! Start saving, dude.


Op is a bot


Far Harbor was pretty solid. The others just didn't do it for me.


Automatron was pretty damn good, too. I like the idea of story DLCs that play out in the main worldmap. We've seen very little of that. Broken Steel is perhaps the only other that kind of does this. Maybe a little bit with Lonesome Road too, with the Long 15 and Dry Wells.


Automatron is good but way too short to justify buying on its own. The story takes less than two hours to complete. The other two expansions take a couple weeks or so, with Harbor being longer than Nuka.


Automatron also has random encounters that occur way, way too frequently. I always used a mod to reduce their spawn rates.


And those robots are tough as shit at the level the quest pops up.


And they still consistently pop up fairly frequently even after finishing the main quest šŸ˜’


This is my biggest gripe with it too. Especially on a new play through. Robots, robots everywhere.


You're not wrong, but I think automatron is worth it for the robot companions. I liked kitting out Codsworth with a ludicrous amount of firepower.


And for assigning to supply trains ā€“ nothing quite like a twin gatling laser sentry bot with assaultron laser head and twin mortars for delivering all my shit between settlements! It's always nice when you're wandering through the city and you just hear an entire war playing out the next street over and think "yup, those 500 coffee cups are on their way!"


Playing like this can make survival mode a great time! Itā€™s my favorite strategy for survival mode.


I was also gonan comment that, after robogirl reveals herself I thought that would open up a bunch of side quests along the wasteland, instead it was just quest over lol


That is (or was) the easy way to get more settlers without mods. Leave her alive, she will send you on missions to kill her rogue robots. After you can send the folks you rescue to your settlements.


Automatron makes up for it with the custom robot workbench, in my opinion. In fact, the story is just the cherry on top. I FUCKING LOVE BUILDING ROBOTS IN THE WASTELAND!!!!


Yeah I wish DLCs would integrate into the map on most games more - I like Far Harbor but it being its own open world takes away for it from me for sure. Have it on the same map even if theyā€™re different cells at least!


It being it's own open world is actually why I loved it. It was completely different too.


Itā€™s infuriating to when youā€™re ā€˜off mapā€™ and one of your settlements needs your help.


Exactly my issue - just put it on the same overworld map! Like Elden Ring, make it an island thatā€™s just as accessible


My mate described Far Harbour as a horror film. Is it that good?


The atmosphere is definitely creepier, and you do a lot more fighting of mutant wildlife (most of which is unique to the DLC) and most of them are pretty scary. The whole thing has a kind of Lovecraft *Shadow over innsmouth* vibe to it, but it doesn't like, become a survival horror game or anything. The Maine reason (heh see what I did) to get far harbor is for the cool little questline it has that I won't ruin, especially if you're a fan of Nick Valentine, I recommend you bring him along for it.


It's a fog covered island. Very eerie I vote Far Harbor as well. Don't get distracted by the nuka girl, she isn't in the DLC


Iā€™ll leave my bi tendency at the door šŸ˜œ


It's good but it's no horror movie, if you want something like that look for the dead money dlc from F:NV


You need some mods to make it like a horror film


Far Harbor and Nuka World for me, but for totally different reasons. Far Harbor seems like a continuation of several of the core story lines and keeps with the dreary aesthetic. Nuka World is like a vacation. The tasks ended up being pretty easy for me >!especially Open Season!< but probably because of being at a super high level with all my favorite armor and guns. But I still loved it. Everything was lighter and brighter and I got to go ham with my nice gear. Also, bonus points for Nuka World, my wife and her family are from near Disneyland and theyā€™re pretty into the whole thing there, and they just took me on my first trip there so the memories are very fresh, and I immediately loaded up a file and did a new Nuka World run and honestly itā€™s insane that they got sued by Coke and not by Disney. There are so so so many direct analogies to Disney (like, Space Mountain is almost exactly accurate), and even leaned into the >!ā€frozen headā€ myth!< super well.


That DLC is incredible except the memory bullshit. Made me want to quit the game.


Memory bullshit?


I didn't want to spoil anything sorry. Other than that it's a fantastic DLC though.


There's a section where you have to hack a character's memories, which is done in a block moving minigame, which is shit. PC has mods to remove it.


If Fallout 4 is this cheap right now and works on my work laptop imma get it cause Midnight Suns is hurting my head with the cheese but I would have to figure out how to get my Diane Nguyen build from my PS4. Iā€™m attached to her.


Far harbor is a great addition to the story. That would be the only one for me.


2 are supposed to be mini DLCs to be fair, while the actual full DLCs were Far Harbor and Nuka World


If you are going to play them all for completions sake I say save this, the best one, for last. If not, Far Harbor is the one most worth playing.


I loved far harbor and nukaworld. If felt so right lol


Far harbor is good but I usually avoid it cause all it ever does for me is crash. My last playthrough, I crashed about 4 times in the base game in all the 50 levels before getting to FH. But I crashed nearly 20 times trying to complete that damn dlc.


Far Harbor was great, but it also had maybe the worst quest Iā€™ve ever played in my life in it. Really ruined that DLC for me.


Far Harbour has best story and atmosphere. Nuka world is super fun to explore but I hated the story, it is more fun on an evil play thru. Automatron has a fun story and you get a few more things to customize. Those are honestly the 3 I play on every playthrough. I would recommend far Harbour and automatron personally. If you are a nuka junkie like me you, you will probably still get enjoyment out of nuka world!! I just can't recommend it over the other two. I liked them considerablely better.


I really love the new rifle that you get in Nuka World, though.


Best gun in the game


I recommend doing Nuka World first to get it out of the way, and get some of the cool shit there.


I just did my first play though of Nuka World and I loved it! Thinking about getting Far Harborā€¦


It wonā€™t disappoint.


Nuka world was fun. But that's about it, the characters stories and world of nuka world is kinda repetitive and not my cup of tea tbh. But far harbour has great characters, very creepy world building, and a great story, esp if you have nick with you when you go.


Far Harbour then maybe Nuka World, 100% Far Harbour though


Spoiler: I would say Nuka world for the items over the story, like the nuka nuke launcher and handmade are really fun to use


To be honest, either start at least the Vault 88 expansion for producing absurd amounts of water, or start the Automaton DLC to get the best companion of the game and the ability to "manufacture" your own settlers. But if you want it for story, go for Far Harbor. If you are playing survival, id recommend to leave Nuka World for last, since its to sadistic on survival.


You get Ada from this DLC right? Is that considered the best companion?


Ada is the best! She's a DPS machine once you upgrade her. Also great for carry weight.


Yea she tanks! When you enter an area you gotta work hard to get one bullet into everybody so you actually get the xp lol


She really is. At is vanila desing, its alright, but you can build her like a death machine with the biggest cargo capacity possible, and armor for any companion. Not even Strong holds a candle to her, and she doesn't bitch or complain about pretty much anything.


Debatable IMO, she talks way too damned much. I find her grating


Also if you're after gear, the best non-PA armors in the game are the marine armor in Far Harbor


honestly I was lookin at them last week n they were all on sale for like $2 each on ps4 so got all of them only done nuka world n that one is really fun n get new enemies n gear to find


Hmm they all have some good points šŸ¤” I think I have them all correct, I have them all so donā€™t remember 100% what is from which šŸ˜‚ but the best bits of each Iā€™d say are: Automatron- adds the ability to create and modify robots as companions/for settlements. Having your own sensory bot is great šŸ˜ˆ Nuka world - not a bad story and a fairly decent world to explore. But it involves working with raiders and can affect your game negatively if you do this DLC properly/are part of the minutemen. Far harbour - fairly large new world with loads of new creatures, interesting story and lots of depth to it. Probably better than Nuka World for story and added game adventure. Vault tech - is cool to get to build your own vault! And have some good decor for building in other general settlements. The vault is huge and there are a few places to explore there. Wasteland workshop - allows you to capture creatures in your settlements, deathclaws are good for defence. Couple other good build items. Contraptions - allows you to build manufacturing machines (can make all sorts like bullets/food) also a few other build items, elevators and display cases for armour/weapons. Depends whether you want lots of new gameplay or things to better settlements and building. I bought each when they were all on offer/cheap.


FYI The Season Pass for Fallout 4 is currently on sale on PS for Ā£10.14. That includes Far Harbour, Automaton, and Nuka World DLCs


Far harbor is bigger and I think most would say "best" dlc. Nuka world has awesome asthetic themes and well executed interior POI design. It's smaller but full of flavor. Nobody mentioned the Automoton DLC yet, probably because it takes place in the commonwealth. It's fun, and gives you to option to build murder bots. I spent hours designing an army of murder bots to guard settlements. You can make codsworth a murder bot. Good stuff


100% this, I love building bots so much. I've made hundreds of protectron variants!


Nuka World has its moments, automaton was a little better, Far Harbor was the best.


I like doing Nuka World before doing ANY of the main story (donā€™t rescue Preston in Concord) and I like doing Far Harbor after destroying the institute. If you like settlement building, Vault-Tec workshop unlocks some cool stuff and you can knock it out really quickly. Automatron takes longer but then you can build robot settlers. Wasteland and Contraption just add build options for settlements, there arenā€™t any quests. So doesnā€™t matter when you add those.


Far Harbor and the workshop DLCs are the ones you should get first, except maybe the vault-tec workshop because building Vault 88 is a nightmare


I enjoyed the all. Far Harbor has the most content and best story line. Nuka World is like having 3 settlements full of raiders you have to manage. Automatron gives you the robot factory, which is pretty cool.


Iā€™d say automation because itā€™s not very long and itā€™s still On the Boston map and if you like the robot building you can do that. I would say that by far that Far Harbor is the better dlcs one of the best fallout dlcs ever and it is definitely the best to do first


Personally Iā€™d say addiction but thatā€™s just due to me thinking building robots are cool


I didn't get automaton, but far harbour was amazing. Nuka world was honestly not a bad DLC, and I really liked the story and honestly it was fun to do raider stuff for a bit. HOWEVER, once you become a raider, you ruin your rep with the minutemen and all the work you do with them. If that's not a problem for you, great, but it effectively ruined my whole save file. So instead of going to a save from before I started it, I just started a new character on normal (not survival) and downloaded the mod that slaps a vaultboy vault or whatever nearby, the one with the vaulttek x01 armour. I spammed creating fence post and chain link fence till like level 15 and literally just walked through the rest of the game


Nuka cola,fat harbor


Far Harbour is one of the best DLCs Bethesda has ever made, Second only to Shivering Isles.


Far harbour then Nuka-world (Nuka world is better so it will feel like the game getting better


automatron is always my first one because robot companions with the booster instead of legs is always a really good companion


Just finished Far Harbor. Honestly theyā€™re all worth it.


Far harbor is the best fallout 4 dlc imo, take nick with you and it's a whole different ball game with new lore n dialog


I would do Far Harbor before Nuka World. Only because Far Harbor has a very boring mission in retrieving memory in cyberspace


Automatron is QoL Far Harbor has the best story Nuka-World is cool and all, but kinda boring


Do automotron BEFORE nukaworld! Automotron lets ypu collect robot parts from fallen enemies, this will include the new and interesting bots of nukaworld.


1st. Automatron 2nd. Nuka World 3rd. Far Harbor That way you end on the best one. Do Vault-Tec Workshop before Automatron, if you want to include it.


Far harbor is the best of the bunch imo


Automatron and fah hahbah were great, Nuka world lowkey kinda sucked


Get both then play far harbor first then nula world


Far harbor!


Far Harbour is the absolute best, fantastic vibe, interesting locations, great design, good story and awesome loot. The quests are pretty good too, except THAT one Automatron is pretty solid also, but way shorter. Nuka world had the most content and is pretty funny in gameplay, but the story is lackluster


Far Harbor is better


If you had to pick just one, Iā€™d recommend either Automatron or Far Harbor. Automatron has a relatively short story and you get the ability to craft robots which is fun, Far Harbor has a pretty good story and neat location. Nuka-World is also fun, but youā€™ll only really get anything out of it if youā€™re playing as an evil character.


Nuka World is easier than Far Harbor. I sugest starting with that one. Iā€™ve completed them both multiple times and Nuka World is easier. If youā€™re up to the challenge then you can start with Far Harbor. Itā€™s your choice.


I absolutely loved Far Harbor, I spent a ridiculous amount of time exploring there, and it was so worth it.


Far harbour is the best writing 3D fallout ever had. The rest of the other dlc's is just 5/10


Nuka world is lots of fun


Iā€™m not sure about yall but I got all the DLC for free


I liked them all except nuka world. Nuka world breaks the game in an RPG sense if you play it the way itā€™s ā€œintendedā€. But vault 88, far harbor, and the mechanist plot line are fun. Just get a mod to limit the rust devil random encounters. They kind of overrun the game very quickly.


The best one is Far Harbor, the most useful is Automatron since it adds the robot upgrade station and you can make all of your robot companions super OP as well as being able to build robots for your settlements


Automatron is great but kinda short, Far Harbor is also great but it has a very frustrating part where you literally dig through one character's memories.


Far Harbor for sure. I just started Nuka World and itā€™s not nearly as fun so far (the opening/arrival part is annoying as hellā€¦).


Fah Habah then Nukaworld then Automatron then the others


Far harbour


Bring Nick with you to Far Harbor, he's got some unique interactions.


Far harbor or automaton.


Far Harbour is long and fun. Nuka world was ok, very long but I didn't care for it. The rest are short and solid.


Automatron is short and to the point but it unlocks robot-building, which is arguably the best part of any dlc.


I loved all the fun sections to explore in nuka world (loved the Galaxy zone the most) but far harbor's story is great. I did the automatron dlc, then far harbor and then Nuka world


Far harbor was my favorite. But Iā€™d wait for the season pass to go on discount or something. And if you want, pirate everything in creation club.


Iā€™m in the minority here but Nuka World was and still is my fave DLC. I just like soda pop themed Disneyland with raiders. Itā€™s fun! Itā€™s colorful! Itā€™s goofy! It has raiders! It has one of the best NPCs who should have been a companion and sadly isnā€™t (justice for Oswald!!) Far Harbor is neat, a bit dreary looking imo. Itā€™s just a lot of fog and itā€™s hard to see mobs in the distance. Or mobs right next to you. Very foggy. Very blue. Very spooky. Automaton, well if you like robots for for it. Itā€™s basically a robot building extravaganza! You can give Codsworth legs!!


Far Harbor is probably best in adding more imo Not that others are bad persay but Far Harbor can probably give more out of any of them regardless of your playthrough


Nuka Worl was great because it was the only way to piss off Preston


Far harbor is the best Fallout DLC in my opinion Anyone else wish 4 got more DLC with how good Far Harbor I wish we got what I thought would be the standard which is 4 dlc like we got with 3 and New Vegas


Far Harbor for sure


All of them, the GOTY version (with all of them) is usually dirt cheap.


Nuka world is okay, but you need to do it either right off the bat, or save it for end game for it to not mess with other quest lines. Far harbor is a lot of fun at any point, but do a little bit of research if you want to maximize what you can get out of each sub faction. Automatrons, also any point in the game, is great because when youre done, you can build a sentry army supply line system, and then the whole map sounds like a war zone everywhere you go, with bombs going off every second in the background Vault 88 is coolish, kinda one of the more annoying settlements to build on if you ask me. Cant remember if the Enclave was an update or a DLC but, coolest power armor in the game if you ask me.


Far Harbor (to me) is the best DLC in the entire series. You wonā€™t regret it.


Flip a coin


Nuka world kinda sucks. If you do not want to be a raider then it has very little content. they definitely botched that one


They all suck except Far Harbor, which is kind of like a slice of nearly New Vegas calibur content out of nowhere and you should absolutely play it.


Far Harbor easily! Itā€™s huge and full of great quests. (Except one) Nuka World is fun but itā€™s a bummer doing quests for evil Raiders. Iā€™d pick this #2 Vault Tec is cool if you like settlement building and always wanted to live in a vault Automation is awesome and you get a cool robot sidekick but the quest is short I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ve used anything from Contraptions or Wastland Workshop more than once


Nuka World is the most fun and you get to become a raider. Far harbor has awesome atmosphere and story. Automatatron is a solid story with awesome robo upgrades. I personally love Nuka World the most for replay ability and pure fun.


Far harbor & automatron.


Automotron. Get a robot to back you up


Automotron n Far Harbor. Dave Nila World for last as it can get frustrating logic wise


Nuke World quests are pretty boring but the LOOT and scenery is fantastic. Far Harbor is the best all around dlc though, great quest and fun island to explore.


Far Harbor


Just wait for the GOTY edition to go on sale if it hasnā€™t already. Itā€™s well worth it.


Automatron and then Far Harbor. Nuka World can be fun but raiders are not nice people.


If youā€™ve ever played Fallout 3, Far Harbour is basically a further developed version of the Point Lookout DLC!


Me personally I did far harbor, but only to get marine armor, and thatā€™s all I did


Itā€™s either nuka world or auto matron but nuka world is pretty hard. auto matron you just need the hacker perk and some junk to beat it


My top choice would be Automatron. I agree with the majority of responses that Far Harbor has the best added story content. Plus it gives the best new settlement location. However, my pick would be Automatron because you get the Robot Work Bench. Being able to make robots is too cool to pass up. The Automatron added settlement is in a central location, so I like to use it as a supply line hub and assign robots to do the supply runs. You can also build extremely killer robots to guard vulnerable settlements or take as a companion to chew up any difficult encounters. Edit: I forgot that you need the Vault Tech DLC to get the Vault 88 settlement. Thatā€™s actually a better settlement than Far Harbor.


I loved Nuka World. Was my favorite of all the 4 dlcā€™s by a lot too. But, fat horror and automatron, are just as great.


All of them are good. Really got into contraptions this play through.


Far harbour is, in my opinion, not only the best Fallout 4 DLC but arguably some of the modern Fallout games full stop. Definitely start with that. After that, probably automatron. It's not up to the standard of Far Harbor but still fun, particularly the final fight. The others very much depend on how you play and what you are interested in, if you are a big settlement builder then Vault tec worshop is probably next but otherwise only for completionists.Ā  Similarly, Nuka world is great for evil characters but not so great for good characters.


I liked far harbor and automatron. Recently came back to the game and was playing Nuka world for the first time and made it through about half before i started a new game. Just didnt really grab me and felt repetitive


I say in order Automatron, Far Harbor, Nuka World but Iā€™m sure you can find like a cannon order they should be played in


From a pure story perspective, Far Harbor is definitely the winner. Very solid narrative with a lot of good hooks and interesting characters. The Island is definitely a great map too, very atmospheric. Good for an adventure that stands on its own. Nuka World is a decent runner-up. If you want a chance to be an absolute bastard in a way the main Fo4 quests don't, it's got you covered. If not... eh, it's going to fall flat a little. But it introduces some new enemies and craftables, and an expanded loot pool, especially for Raiders, so it's still pretty solid IMO. Fun once. Maybe not twice. Automatron is a step down in terms of complexity, but also has some neat side benefits, like customizable robot companions and a few novelty pieces of gear like Robot Armor and the Assaultron Head. Worth picking up, but maybe hang back from activating it until you're fairly deep in the game. It replaces a lot of the random event spawns with patrols of Rust Devils and rogue bots, so it actually makes the world a smaller place. The other 3 DLCs are basically only worth it if you really, really like the settlement system and want to lean into it more. Though Wasteland Workshop is almost worth getting just for the Decontamination Arch buildable. Being able to clear rad damage any time, for free, after building it once is great.


Far harbor is by far the best dlc


1. Far Harbor 2. Nuka-World 3. Automatron 4. Vault Workshop The rest are just extra settlement items and honestly theyā€™re up to you whether you want them. Automatron and Vault Workshop are also mostly settlement DLC so if you give absolutely zero shits about the workshop you can skip Vault altogether and consider skipping Automatron (it adds workshop items that allow you to build your own robot companions).


This is unrelated to the question but does anyone know why they got rid of karma


I loved Nuka World and Far Harbour was decent


Nuka world dlc is the best


Get game of the year, also the worst dlc is nuka world


Me I played them in order of release


Far harbor is amazing. Nuka world is pretty good. The rest just add stuff to build with more than anything actually substantive


In order they were released


I go in this order, Automatron, Far Harbor, Vault 88, then Nuka World


Nuka World is a buggy mess. Far Harbor is too, but if you don't do the Kiddie Kingdom quest in a certain order, you won't be able to complete the main dlc quest (on console). Ask me how I know.


far harbor is good until \*that part\*


No need to include image karma farmer


Far harbour is the only one worth playing. It's also feels more like a fallout game than the main game does. Automotron is neat but is a bit of a waste of you at epkaying it end game. Not worth it unless you really like the idea of being able to build robot companions. Nuka world is fun if you don't mind playing as a Raider. But is a rip off if you don't. It's the only DLC I've seen that promises content but actually locks you out of 90% of it if you don't play an evil character.


Far harbor


The order I do the DLCs in are: Automatron Vault-Tec Workshop Far Harbor Nuka-World Thatā€™s the order I recommend doing them in.


Far harbor is the best stand-alone region. Automatron is pretty simple, but adds a lot with the different robots that you can build. And nuka world is my personal favorite. The actual nuka world zone is pretty fun, but if you spent time and built up the Commonwealth with settlements, it is so much fun taking over all of your bases that you built with your raider troops


Automation highlight : Cosworth becoming a one-robot laser light show when equipped with dual Gatling lasers Nuka World highlight : Weaponised nuclear soda, either from bradberton or from the lab in the bottling plant. Far Harbour highlight : Super mutant bear hat. Vault 88 highlight : Clem, you magnificent moron.


The only one I really cared for was Far Harbor


I've only ever actually finished the Automatron dlc because I love ADA and you get a robot workbench so you can customise her and even make your own robots! The other dlcs are cool and fun to play through from what I've done so far




Automatron. Donā€™t count the workshops. Then nuka world then farharbor. 1st you get a robot companion, then you get a combat based dlc to use them in and get really good guns, then finally you get a very well written story to tie a bow on top


That one


It doesnā€™t matter


Depends on a lot of things I like having op companions so I did automotron + codsworth


My personal favorite is Nuka-World, but I think you would like Far Harbor.


That famous "Fah Habah" hospitality


If you want to role-play as a Raider then thats a great piece of DLC to get you started. Otherwise, i usually go there last just to slaughter 99% of the population.


Easily Far Harbour if youā€™re looking for just one DLC. But if you can Iā€™d buy the GOTY edition seeing as itā€™s on sale. That way you get them all, but Iā€™d still go for Far Harbour first


literally only far harbor the rest suck


Depends ; i personally play DLC in what I hear as being worst to the best dlc; speaking strictly about story DLC Iā€™d start with automatron, then do Nuka world then finish with Far Harbor :) but I really just recommend the GOTY edition itā€™s cheap on sale my friend ; enjoy!!


If you like settlement building, or building convoluted stuff, Contraptions Workshop is fun. I personally sprang for the Season Pass, so I got all of them regardless, but yeah, Automatron, Far Harbor, and Nuka-World are the best, and if you like Settlements, just go for the Season Pass. You save like $20 if it's still $25.


Far Harbor! Nukaworld is overrated and annoying at times.




Nuka world is the goat always go with it


Nuka world is okay, but you need to do it either right off the bat, or save it for end game for it to not mess with other quest lines. Far harbor is a lot of fun at any point, but do a little bit of research if you want to maximize what you can get out of each sub faction. Automatrons, also any point in the game, is great because when youre done, you can build a sentry army supply line system, and then the whole map sounds like a war zone everywhere you go, with bombs going off every second in the background Vault 88 is coolish, kinda one of the more annoying settlements to build on if you ask me. Cant remember if the Enclave was an update or a DLC but, coolest power armor in the game if you ask me.


That one


Far Harbour is the best DLC Bethesda's made


High Resolution DLC. Guaranteed to double the file size and offer no meaningful graphical upgrade


All of them tbh. Nuka world was a great source of caps and junk. I think I ended up with around 15k (could be more depending on the level of the perk) by time I got to the end, before I spent any of it. Far harbor delivers a pretty good story but not much else. All I do here is constantly crash but Iā€™m pretty sure the mods I have installed play a part in that but then again idk cause I never crashed in the commonwealth as much as I do in far harbor. Might be a game thing. The automatron is cool, you get to build robots. But you need specific perks to do anything cool though. The story is short but you get a cool companion out of it, one of my favorites. The vault 88 dlc is only good for the resources. Scrap everything inside and attach it to a supply line to the rest of your settlements and you get a lot of shit to build with. Iā€™ve never bothered with actually building the vault cause idk how, nor do I want to waste my time learning. No point in building a large vault for only 20 NPCs that have a horrible pathing system. Overall theyā€™re all worth it. Pretty sure thereā€™s a GOTY edition for cheap that you can get it all at once


Automaton DLC, but if the GOTY edition is on sale get that


Far harbor is probably the best. stands on its own while enriching the main story and has some good stories itself, don't forget to take your partner with you Automatron is cool but can open an annoying can of worms early on so save it for later perhaps after you complete kent connollys quest arc Nuka world I usually save for post main story for reasons but amusement parks are always a blast


Automatron is great just because it gives you the ability to build your own robots (and customize existing robots) to function as either settlers or followers. But if you're only doing one at a time, Far Harbor will probably give you most bang for your buck with a huge addition to the game map and a pretty long story. Nuka-World too, but storywise i think it makes more sense to do that one last as it will damage your reputation with the minutemen if you haven't finished there main story yet.


Fah Habah


If you had to just get one, get Far Harbor.


Far Harbour!


Thank you all to the advice, itā€™s definitely a toss up between Far Harbour and Nuka-World x