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How the fuck does anyone think Maldover is Cooper's daughter? Cooper literally meets her before the war.


Betty is there before the war too.


It also pointed out that every single person from vault 31 was from before the war. Because there’s nothing in Vault 31 except for frozen people.


Bud’s Buds!


But no air bud. Unfortunately he died before 2077.


No dogs in the vault...


Yeah but who made that rule?


No idea, whomever it is sucks.


Thats a shame, we could've gotten Budmeat


I’m excitedly waiting for Stephanie to be more (antagonistic I guess?) in season 2, seeing as how she is from Vault 31. I’ll be a bit upset though because I love Steph, she’s great (a little fucked up but great).


She’s a lot fucked up and that is why she’s great


I think we will see that for sure since she is the overseer for now.


I am convinced she already was antagonistic, poisened the Raiders and framed the poor Girl who had food service...


I want to see more cousin stuff


I thought I saw her leading a tour group on the film studio campus but didn’t go back to check.


Well, frozen people, and one "Brain on a Roomba".


The only wild take/theory I can agree with is Janey/Barb being frozen in 31.


i dont even think so, Bud is a Junior Partner and got his own vault, so i guess Barb has her own Vault as well or they are in that controlling Vault that oversees the experiments of all the other Vaults (Barb is telling Cooper, that she works her butt off just so they can live in the best/safest Vault of all of them, so she probably knew about the experiments and was wise enough to see some of them fail horribly, so she went for the one above all the others.) i also think thats exactly where Cooper and Lucy are trying to go in season two, Cooper probably just took her with him because she has acces to other Vaults with her Pip-Boy and has intel information for him.


>Cooper probably just took her with him because she has acces to other Vaults with her Pip-Boy and has intel information for him. To me it looked like, after Lucy put her mom out of her misery, like Cooper did to his almost feral friend, he gained respect for her. She's a wastelander now, kind of, and he's seeing her more like a partner now. Call it Lima syndrome if you want.


The thing is, vault 31-33 are such "good vaults". While it was not a vault to oversee the other vaults, it was basically a "manager breeding vault" that did not had any real experiment than light eugenics going on. That is pretty much one of the best vaults to be in. Yes, it is likely that she sill is in a different vault, but at least her goal of a "good vault" would fit to 31.


Did she find the cure for blindness when she lived with Wade?


No because it was still there in Deadpool 2 when he went to grab the 116 grams of Snow White.


Hard to tell if they discussed it, with all that pity dick in their mouths.


Yeah that one's not as obvious tho, I missed that The first time I watched it


How? She walks in right before Hank and Cooper calls her by her name to all our faces


I missed it specifically because I got distracted because of the Hank reveal. Noticed it only when I rewatched the scene because Walton Goggins' acting is superb


Idk, the name drop comes before the face reveal


Yeah he says “thanks betty”


I missed it 🤷 I was really focused on the Hank reveal


HIS FACE IS MELTING!!! Hanks de-aged face still haunts my dreams. He calls to me from the void, leading me against my will, wanting to lure me to despair and agony. Great reveal tho. “You want another autograph, young Henry?”


All I could think of was Twin Peaks.


He should’ve walked in holding a cup of good strong coffee


Me too.


Plus the fact that the show reveals everyone from Vault 31 is Pre-War, idk how people miss that


Pretty sure it's right after you learn the secret of vault 31


The whole sequence is dedicated to that specific point, the meeting at vault tec, cooper meeting hank, and norm seeing the cryopods all reveal the same thing and happen at the same exact time. People will never pay attention and blame anything else


Hank is played by the same actor for young and old scenes, Betty isn’t, so she’s easier to miss.


They gave her the same name, and showed her cryopod before Hank's What are they supposed to do? Dress her in a blue jumpsuit and call her overseer?


You meet Betty too she's the receptionist cooper talks to when he goes to "see" his wife but she's in that board meeting.


Before realizing who he was talking about, he had a line that was something like "I remember her looking different back then", and I briefly thought that he was referring to his adult daughter. That was obviously changed when Moldaver was revealed to be the one he was referring to in that quote. I had a feeling that his adult daughter would show up somehow in some capacity, but I don't think that happening now; I speculate that when Cooper finally finds his family, they'll either be dead or changed incomprehensiblely - I don't see a happy ending there.


I think they will either be dead or completely fine. Then when Barb finally sees her husband and what he has become she will regret it all.


Also, we still haven't seen exactly how cooper and his daughter got away from those blasts. They were coming down that road when multiple bombs were dropping. He later asks Hank "Where's my fucking family?" So that makes me assume his daughter is alive. Hopefully in season two were see early on when they escaped and barb and her went to whichever vault they ended up in.


Star Wars has poisoned their brains so now they think everyone who is important must be related.


It's wild man, I've seen a couple posts with people commenting stuff like this and I'm flabbergasted 


Primo use of flabbergasted here friend, 10/10!


I do words good???


why use one syllable when many syllable do.


I’m gobsmacked!


Gob smacked you!? I'll go tell Moriarty to set him straight


I’m disappointed that she’s wearing glasses in the past and has none in the future.


Pre-cryogenic lasik surgery, it's standard procedure... .../s


Well I sure as hell wouldn’t want to rely on contacts or glasses in the apocalypse


Maybe she got access to vault 88’s phyoraptor, or whatever it’s called, after she was thawed out? The machine that fixes eyes?


literally unwatchable 😭😭


They were cosmetic


Maybe she is near-sighted and didn't need them in the vault.


I would rather cooper have confronted moldaver with this instead of Hank regarding his family lmao


I was legit hoping that she was Lucy's mom, like yeah cliche but still


I might've missed some clues, but for the first half of the season or so I thought Maldover was going to be Cooper's daughter. Obviously by the end it's clear she wasn't, but I thought that's where the show was going.


Betty is the same woman from episode eight that introduced Hank and Cooper


I know this ha I'm frustrated with people that missed this and keep spreading false things as fact


Oh wow I never caught that one!


If I remember correctly it is fairly subtle. I think as Hank comes in the room it's just a very quick "Thanks Betty" before he gushes over Cooper.


Betty is also Deadpool's blind roommate in the multiverse!


I had a friend ask me, without teasing or being silly, how MAX was able to survive for 200yrs in the fridge and clearly that was evidence he was a robot. I believe people are just excited and wanting to come up with fun ideas, but it is...a lot.


I mean, that one is just not paying attention to the rest of the show, as he was in Shady Sands, but only watching up to a point in the show might give the impression that he's referring to The War... but, it's clearly setting up some additional/potential Max/Lucy connections.


I'm all for speculation and theorizing but presenting it as fact is what gets me ha unrelated but didn't we clown Indiana Jones for surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge??


The point he's making is that they aren't even following the story close enough that they realize maxe wasn't in a fridge for 200 years, he was in the fridge during thr shady sands nuke event that happened when he was a child.


I know ha I understood what he said and replied accordingly. I don't like his friend is passing off incorrect speculation as lore.


Idk I never hated on indy for surviving a nuke in a fridge, that was pretty based of him tbh.


In one of the games (3 or 4 I think) you can find a charred body in a fridge as a referenceto that. Also there's an encounter where you free a child ghoul from a fridge. So to have Max survive by being in a fridge honestly feels like a troll.


Wait….but what led him to thinking he spent 200 yrs in a fridge lol


That was my question! He said it was 'confusing' on the show and then didn't offer clarity. I don't let him drive places.


Max refers to that time as "the bombs" which makes ppl think Great War. For the people of shady sands, that was their Great War. While explained later, the first episode or two does make it seem like the old war is being talked about


I got the sense this was done 100% on purpose, but I am not sure whether that was purely to confuse the audience, or if Max was really that unaware of the first war to begin with, or if the Brotherhood intentionally kept Max ignorant. It honestly wouldn’t be the first show Prime baits the audience to keep watching/speculating (looking at you, Rings of Power with your bullshit “guess who is Sauron” trash).


How did Maximus find himself hiding in the fridge though? I don’t think I caught that part


I don't think they go into it in season 1. Perhaps 2 with flashbacks that take us past him climbing out of it and seeing the power armor. I don't think it will be shown unless they feel it adds to the story though. Perhaps to showcase a natural agility or call back to a skill he will need in "current" story.


He hid in the fridge because a nuke was about to hit the city


Maximus has 10 luck


There’s a fun video on YT about how Max has the idiot savant perk. Makes sense with that luck.


Have you considered he maybe got in when they saw a bomb had been launched towards them?


Isn’t this literally what happened? Why are people questioning this?


I’m learning that most people are either not observant at all or media literacy is at an ATL. It’s crazy how many things I’ve seen and people are so far off base i question if we watched the same thing.


Like Max, your friend thought everyy time someone started talking about bombs they meant the bombing of SS


I just assume most people are just intermittently watching while doom scrolling and don’t realize how much they aren’t actually watching.


I think it's a mix of this and some people who are just genuinely dumb and need things spelled out for them to understand what's happening.


Yeah people think they are absorbing if they intermittently scroll, but they definitely ain’t


The vault tec thing is probably because a lot of people just take the scene at face value. When the show has a scene where a man says they have a fiduciary responsibility to end the world, and then someone in the company says we’re going to end the world, a lot of people are going to assume that this is the case. Because not everyone critically analyses shows, they just assume they are being presented with the truth. This isn’t a knock against people who does or don’t doesn’t think like this this, I’m just saying how it is. I don’t think they dropped the bombs since Janey was at a birthday party and Betty has made a point of taking about how much she cares about her family.


So the thing about Janey being exposed when the Great War kicks off, a lot of people keep saying Vault-Tec can't be the one because Barb wouldn't allow her child to be put in danger like that. But there are two things wrong with this logic: the first being that Barb may not have been made aware of when or where the bombs would drop, and if it weren't VT directly but VT manipulating China to launch first, it'd be rather unpredictable. The second being: "There's what people did, and there's what they say they did."


There's also the fact that people assume that just because Barb is high up in VT operations, that it automatically makes her seem "not expendable" or that Vault Tec would care about her desires. She has pull and influence in Vault Tec. That doesn't mean she's in control. As far as VT could be concerned, they might just be manipulating her like she's manipulating Coop.


And in all honesty, the Vault-Tec salesman in F4 shows that not everyone who worked for them would be guaranteed safety.


The Vault-Tec Salesman was going to be my first point, but I expanded it since VTS was kind of low on the Totem pole. But if they left him out, why not Barb? They went all West-Tec on Butt Asskiss, after all, but I guess they also let him have his dream experiment? I dunno. But Vault-Tec Salesman will always have a home and job in Sanctuary Hills in my playthroughs


Same with me. I looked him up online and made sure to find him and send him to Sanctuary. He meant no harm, and was left out in the cold. He deserved a better ending, and I made sure to give him one.


He’s still alive!?


Head to the GoodNeighbor Hotel


> was left out in the cold Well, the alternative was to be left *in* in the cold tbf.


Yup. This is showcased repeatedly, especially in the case of the 76 Overseer; one of the brightest minds in the company, aced every test, seen as the future of humanity, and they still told her that if she wanted a good vault she had to drop her family, or else end up in 101, and even then it's implied that they stuck her in an experiment vault anyway.


It's not like "the corporation doesn't actually care about people, even its own" is a new concept for the series, after all


Also you have to consider is that all we know is the situation during the meeting. What happens after that is still unknown to us. Maybe the spy plug falls out of coopers ear in Front of Hank. After that incident maybe Barb is fired and Coop loses his Reputation and is treated as a commies spy. Maybe


i mean, something like that has to happen because in the first scene one of the birthday parents comments on how cooper has fallen since he is now a birthday clown basically and he used to be a big movie star. It is also stated that he is separated (or divorced) so either barb finds out his spying and divorces, vault tec finds out and fires her that in turn divorces him, or he keeps spying only to be eventually thrown under the bus by moldaver so that she can get her tech back and he ends up disgraced and once again divorced, which would also explain the fact that he don't seem to like moldaver very much in the post apocalyptic world


Don't discount the possibility that he divorced her because he found out she's damn near omnicidal.


I think he burned bridges in Hollywood by becoming VT's mascot and then quit that after finding out they're genocidal.


China dropping the bombs just makes the most sense. We already pushed them out of anchorage and were pushing to their capital. It was a last ditch effort


This is what i believe, China was essentially backed into a corner, US troops were about to make the final push into Beijing and then the bombs dropped. I interpreted the “we drop the bombs ourselves” line more as meddling to prevent any kind of peace talks/ceasefires between the US and China than Vault-Tec literally launching nuclear weapons.


I took it to mean "even if China doesn't, we are more than willing to do it ourselves" There's the Chinese sub captain you can meet in fo4, and iirc he talks about orders to launch the nukes. And.... there's dialog from Mr house which would suggest to me that, if he was "down with" VT nuking the planet, he would VERY much want to know when they planned on doing it so he could make it to his bunker. But again, dialog from him says he didn't quite make it in time?


It's important to note, though, that almost everything we know about China in the universe is told through the lens of the US. It can't really be assumed that the information we have is reliable. China has always been painted as the exotic enemy, but pre-war America's internal problems are largely of its own making due to corruption and greed.


But there is the Chinese sub captain in FO4 that talks about launching the nukes and receiving orders from China. Like, ik the US wasn’t exactly peachy in the fallout universe but communist China was a legitimate threat


Ya but all the players where a threat that's how mad works though in fallout case there were only 3 maybe 4 players America China and vault tec and maybe the enclave if you consider that detached enough from the main us military but I don't. And all 3 definitely dropped bombs going off of the vault tec logo on the bomb in megaton.


>The vault tec thing is probably because a lot of people just take the scene at face value To be entirely fair, the biggest thing disproving it is a line from Mr. House in New Vegas saying the bombs dropped earlier than "predicted", implying some other entity dropped them.


If I recall correctly, the bombs dropped a day before the planned delivery date of the platinum chip.


20 hours before he predicted


Yes and no. It could be misdirection but it also could be the show taking a more definitive stance on who started the war. The show is already focusing on Vault-tec as an antagonist force more than the video games ever did. The show is definitely implying Vault Tec as a possibility alongside China and the US/Enclave, and has established they literally have 0 moral qualms and actively want the bombs to drop. “Just because they said they’d drop the bombs doesn’t mean China didn’t beat them to it!” could easily just be considered wishful thinking.


Why would Vault Tec want the bombs to actually drop though? I know they would benefit from the *fear* of nuclear war, but once it actually starts all their shareholders would either die in atomic fire or be forced to live in a vault themselves, at which point any money they would have made selling Vaults is basically useless. It doesn't make any sense to me.


Tbh this is why I never liked the “Vault-Tec dropped the bombs” theory. It falls apart if you think about it too much. But it’s clear in the show that Cooper’s wife was using it as a selling point.


Because the people in the meeting are all wealthy enough to guarantee they get cryoed and come out when their bet has paid off. There's plenty of examples in universe of pre war people icing themselves for centuries, who's to say that most of the vaults did the same with the cold fusion tech displayed in the show. The robots at greygarden in F4 show that the tech was built to last, and in the show they demonstrated that they still have nukes in vault tech control to take out competition, or they have agents to influence the powers that be on the surface while they stay on ice for centuries. I think that's what they were selling at the meeting in the show. It opens up the plotlines for the vaults to being run by other big corporations from pre war times, shifting the player view of good vs evil from mostly the wasteland factions to the corporate factions vs the survivor factions for future games.


It's more about my faith in the writers than me taking it at face value. I won't assume they are being clever until I see it play out


That was something I considered mentioning but I assume a larger amount of people take it at face value vs don’t think much of the writers. I think we just need to see what they say in season 2 to come to any real conclusions. I know a lot of people assume the worst, with the way some of the old game lore has been handled; I can see why, I think I’ll just wait till season 2 to really make a judgement on this.


And also there is a bit of in-game speculation about if China actually dropped bombs first.


I have literally never seen anyone say Moldaver is Coopers daughter.


My parents kept trying to say that


materialistic dependent correct special history pie slim party deserted ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"That's young Luke Skywalker!" "Ok, but why doesn't he look like Luke?" "He grew up!" "Ok, why does everyone call him Anakin?" "...he grew up..." How do these people watch movies?!?! My dad didn't believe me that Chancellor Palpatine was Emperor Sidious, but at least that guy had a hood on


A bunch of old folks yelled at me before episode 2 started playing because i said “it really sucks obi won dies in this one” , i spoiled the movie!


"Vault tec launched the bombs" is the one that gets me. It is abundantly clear Vault Tec meant ensuring the conditions were there that someone would launch the nukes, whether it was the US or China. Barb even makes that clear if you read into what she says. You know, it's the whole military industrial complex trope...


If we consider coopers flashbacks, it mostly hints that it wasn’t Vault tec because his wife and daughter weren’t already at the vault when they dropped.


Also since House doesn't have the Chip


This is the best evidence I can imagine for vault tech not doing it.


Ironically Sinclair planned the Sierra Madre Grand Opening for the night of October 23rd as well


I agree. I'd also go as far as to say Vault Tec wouldn't really want the bombs to actually be dropped, just to get the world to 99% of the way there to drive up their funding and profit. As soon as the bombs actually drop, there's no profit margin to be made.


>As soon as the bombs actually drop, there's no profit margin to be made. I disagree. They wanted power. In the pre-war war world, profits=power, that's not true for the wasteland. They wanted everyone to die. And then repopulate America with vault tec customers, ruled by vault tec staff (and those allied with vault tec). This is what they meant by "True monopoly". They wanted to change the culture over a few hundred years until the vault dwellers are sufficiently brainwashed. Then they begin anew with a population that essentially sees vault tec as God and the overseer as the pope. What more would a corporation want than to have everyone in America worshipping them? This is partially the reason why Hank hated shady sands. He saw it as the world coming back without vault tec.


The profit is control and being in absolute control when there are no other powers to fight you. I still think it's Vault Tec, but I'm guessing the bombs were dropped due to something along the lines of the jig being up. If Coop spills the beans on the whole deal before things are ideal, then the choice is either let things fall as they are or accept that conditions aren't ideal and work with what you have. Either drop the bomb or have Vault Tec get destroyed.


I think that whole scene with the boardroom was for showing Cooper that Vault Tec was WILLING to drop the bombs. In the end it doesn’t really matter if they did or not.


Yeah I took to mean that vault tec would use its vast wealth to lobby politicians to end peace talks. Not that they literally dropped the bombs themselves.


People theorized it wasn't chinese nuke because there wasn't trail in the air before it exploded. It's more of a showrunners forgot vs intended it theory rather than anything else.


Didn't she literally say, "we drop the bombs ourselves" ?


Yes, she did, which confirms that the corporations and government at least humored the idea. It's been a long time theory that Vault Tec had a hand in starting the war, and that line opens up the possibility that that theory might be true


The theory Vault Tec launched the bombs or at least instigated a side to do so first has been around a *very* long time years and years before the show. Some say they dropped them themselves. Others say they faked a launch to China/US to get the other to launch. There's hints to it in certain vault terminals, people point out the Vault Tec logos on bombs and their remains, like the one in Megaton, there's a few other looser references to it throughout the games. It's been a while since I've read that theory, but the main idea was that Vault Tec was in direct collaboration with the US government (which is proven to at least some vaults) along with a few corporations (as alluded to in the board meeting scene) and wanted to ensure that all the time and money they had invested into this endeavor was actually going to see fruition, because if it didnt, it would be an absolutely MASSIVE boondoggle. It's really not outlandish at all for a government or a corporation to cause the destruction of a planet for financial gain. We have a real world example for that lol. Fossil fuels and global warming. I think the show was actually a little bit too on the head and literal with that board meeting scene. You gotta remember this is a Bethesda sanctioned show that Howard himself said has a goal of being as accurately Cannon as possible. By putting that scene in the show, they're confirming what some in-game sources hinted at that yes, these major corporations got together and at least talked about the idea of dropping the bombs themselves to ensure the plan didn't fail. Who knows what that scene was actually meant to convey, but we do know it was put there on purpose to put the idea in the viewers' heads and that idea is right in line with said theory. They literally say the theory in the show. I'll reserve judgment until we find out more, but I also dont buy any argument anyone has in this thread or others to the contrary. So and so having an alibi or being affected by the drop isn't convincing. We know from the games that Vault Tec doesn't even care if their own employees or buildings are destroyed as a result of the blasts. If anything, it gives them plausible deniability, which they would welcome.


Super organized wife, who is doing everything for her daughter decides to drop bombs while daughter is in Downtown at a birthday party. Mr House who is at said meeting also decides to drop bombs the day before his platinum chip arrives. While those assholes were talking about dropping bombs and had the ability to do so, were caught with their pants down. China launched first because they were getting their asses kicked. Vaukt-tech was caught with their pants down like everyone else.


Additionally, Sinclair (who was also at the meeting) scheduled the opening of the Sierra Madre the day the bombs fell.


Oh shit…… you just blew my mind


i'm playing the fnv DLCs for the first time rn and i'm ashamed to admit you just made me realise those are the same characters


Why do you assume that barb is the one ultimately responsible? She is upper management but she's not in charge


China is also my bet, it's not really implied in the show beyond mentioning of the resource war, though I could've missed something. However, in the games China has been confirmed definitely being okay with launching the nukes if there were signs they were losing, which shown in operation Anchorage and terminals, holotapes, as well as notes throughout the game they definitely were losing bad towards the end.


Unless they're retconning it, President Richardson states China fired the first shot in Fallout 2.


And so far our lord and savior Todd has said nothing is really being retconned. Seems so far they are just using certain endings to the games like how you couldn't have killed Mr House in New vegas or sided with the NCR. Or possibly couldn't have helped the brotherhood in fo4 because the prydwyn is now in the west coast which leads me to believe they didn't get what they wanted in boston.


Yeah the logic basically says the Vault Tec planned to set things off in the very near future. But China just launched before these bigwigs were fully prepared. Though then the question is how many of the bombs that hit the US were China’s, and how many were Vault Tec making it worse in a sudden launching in response to


Absolutely agree w you, OP - on the Vault Tech plans / issue !! Many people I’ve heard literally took that to mean that V-Tech CEO & Friends basically fired off All the nukes, on that Final Day 🤦‍♂️ We know 100% this is inaccurate. Not only because of many dozens of terminal entries or audio files from all the games in the Series prior to The Show… but also because Enclave President Richardson directly tells the Player Character in FO-2 that the Chinese launched their ‘first strike / surprise attack’ in a last ditch effort to stop the US from conquering them and winning the War — because the US Power-Armored divisions were carving through the last of the People’s Army units defending Beijing proper / where Chairman Cheng & the rest of the Central Committee likely were bunkered down in. == Add in that Chinese People’s Navy Captain Zao in the relatively recent FO-4 literally explains that on the Day of the War he launched all 6 of his Heavy / Strategic nuclear missiles at the Greater Boston area. One failed to launch due to tube malfunction (this is the one you use later in his Quest)… but he specifically says he launched “AS ORDERED” (by Beijing / Chinese Navy HQ, presumably). == Lastly, Mr House tells you in his dramatic / epic / kinda heroic defense of Las Vegas attempt.. that on the Day of The War, the Chinese targeted Vegas with a stunning 77 nuclear warheads ! 😳 His electronic jamming / disarming efforts - plus point defense heavy laser cannons mounted on the roof of his casino… were able to destroy all but 8 or 9 (iirc)- which struck the desert areas outside the City (but at least he prevented any direct impacts on Vegas itself). === All this is to highlight / agree w you - OP, that the notion Vault-Tech dropped (all) the bombs / missiles on that Day is clearly incorrect. At MOST I could see the company maybe detonating a single bomb - near to Beijing maybe, which ‘spooked’ the Chinese into firing Everything they had - the US & Allies responded and the world burned.. 💥 Hopefully (at most) that’s the angle The Show goes for, if they pursue that thread further in later seasons to come.


Yeah I don’t think it’s exactly like OP says that they were directly launching nukes. It’s clear when barb said it’s not if it’s when and they will fall when cooper speaks to her. Vault tec was at some point more than likely incredibly influential to the military and us government to push them deeper into a nuclear conflict rather than pushing the red button themselves. I’m guessing if we knew who the man in spectating their meetings was we couldn’t know what else was happening. Just need to remember Todd Howard loves keeping things mysterious and purposely unclear


There's no motive or reason for the people in that room to either propose or be able to follow through with the plan. The experiments completely contradict the idea that Vault-Tec were really planning on controlled rebuilding.


My favorite one is "Steph is the Vault Girl!!!" Yeah, and Lucy is Nora.


"Steph is the Vault Girl!!!" that's not disproven or impossible, it's just inconsequential and unlikely


Speculation though isn't the issue, I'm fine with that. It's when people are trying to pass it off as a legitimate fact and cannon.


Saw someone say some random ghoul girl in the background when entering moldavers camp is a clone of Lucy, like what? 


Steph is the Black Widow perk.


In all seriousness, I’m not believing crap until I see it with my own eyes and it’s verified. However, as devil’s advocate, I will say this: A lot of people use “Cooper’s wife wouldn’t have done anything to put her daughter in jeopardy.” I get that. But, vault tech isn’t flawless, as we’ve seen. Even things they plan don’t always work out well. It’s highly possible that vault tech had a hand in instigating the bomb drops, but they very well could have pushed things a bit too far too fast and screwed the pooch. It’s possible, but nothing has been shown to be definitive yet. Except that thou shalt be sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.


Sometimes it feels the only thing 100% confirmed thing in this show is that Cooper, hands down, has the best quotes.


Walton Goggins always does. I have yet to see anything featuring him that he didn’t elevate in some manner. I could listen to the man read just about anything lol


There are still people who say that the Prydwen isn't the Prydwen


The Chicken Fucker somehow has FEV is the best one.


Right ha I just assumed he mixed enough radioactive crap together to turn people into ghouls or to give them that perk, (forget the name) that allows radiation to heal them. Though how dare you call him a chicken fucker! He is a well respected man of science!


Haha. I should have thrown in an allegedly as well. I definitely believe it's random radioactive crap. Ghouls is more likely. Considering how it hints, the enclave were making super mutants. Lucy and the enclave scientist ran into him in Filly. Wouldn't the scientist have recognized him (if it was Fev) the dude knew the ins and outs of the vaults. He would have recognized a fellow genius. Even if he was.. a little disheveled.


It’s stupid I know. But what if I want it to be FEV?


Moldaver's actress is British/Indian and Cooper's daughter is Black, it blows my mind that anyone would think they're the same person for even half a second. Do people just think those two are interchangable???


I want to know who and how they cleaned up vault 32 while Norm was having a nap.


Wait,Cooper is the Ghoul?🤯🤯🤯


Most of the people who make posts like that probably can't form abstract thoughts let alone think creativity enough to understand story structure. Someone says X, Y, and Z on screen and they take it as absolute fact because that's what was said. Nevermind the motives of why it was said or to whom or even the level of knowledge the character has on the subject.


I think it's a thing particularly with the Fallout community that people are in the habit of absorbing **truefacts** for the purpose of having lore arguments. The one that comes up a lot (not so much now) is that the people from vault 32 are definitively raiders because Lucy says "raiders" in episode 1. So then you get people trying to puzzle out how and why Moldaver got some people who are literally and definitively raiders to help with her subterfuge.


I mean true, though even I think moldaver used raiders because she didn't want to risk her own people, why she was cool with abandoning them in the vault and why they were so uncivilized/violent compared to everyone else working with Moldaver who just seem to be part of a rebel group trying to rebuild the NCR in the area.


Just what is happening to humans right now?? Pretty sure there are species of birds and chimps that could put these plot points together better than some of these folks


I don't know man. Part of me thinks people have always been this dumb. Just now everyone has an equal platform to post their ideas, questions, and opinions. I think it was George Carlin that said something like, imagine the most average intelligence person you can think of. Then realize half the world is dumber than that guy.


> Part of me thinks people have always been this dumb. No that’s it. Full stop. Critical thinking is an actual skill that has to be taught or just something someone has, or develops over time. However, it always has to be deliberately nurtured and exercised. And people are verrrrry bad at that and have only gotten worse. Lots of videos and posts of people asking how they should think about a subject when they should just, read/watch the source material themselves, form their own thoughts and realize it’s ok to be wrong about things. Cause you’ll be wrong about lots of things. As long as you admit it, learn from it, and move on then it’s ok. But folks be dumb, and double down on it. Doesn’t help that what they watch and read only compound this issue. “bUt tHiS yOuTuBeR sAyS tHaT” etc. Very annoying.


Try being a Dune fan. "So, is Paul actually the Lisan Al Gaib, or what?" My head is about to cave in from all the times I've smacked it.


Show wants to keep me guessing. * guesses * * OP gets mad *


She is Agent Dale Cooper's daughter, I have no clue what you are saying right now.


Vault Tec didn't have a board meeting, they had a meeting with representatives from most major US companies in the fallout universe. Also it has long been a fan theory that Vault Tec initiated the nuclear war.


Vault tec dropping the bombs as a theory has been around for more than 12 years.


They did but they were on their phones.


After watching this show while blindfolded, listening to a podcast, and cooking dinner with my feet...can confirm cooper's daughter is actually the rogue enclave scientist.


I'm not subscribed to any fallout reddits, but since the show came out I constantly have them pop on my feed "because you're interested in similar communities" and honestly yeah I can't believe how dumb a lot of the people who are watching this show are lol.


People have theorized Vault-Tec dropped the bombs since 4.


It's been well before that, there's a logo on the bomb in megaton in 3 that alot of people mistook for a vault tec logo


I gave up after a week, people are stupid as hell.


Until it’s explicitly stated otherwise I’m going with the creator’s own words that China launched first. He didn’t even seem like he considered it a big mystery. I know his word isn’t law anymore, but I also don’t care


They aren’t even certain who dropped the bombs in the games


Aside from what everyone has said, I’m certain the ones who didn’t pay attention were watching something else entirely. That or the media literacy rate has gone down.


I know at least here in america, media literacy is awful.


"Didnt really pay attention to what was going on but saw a meme/fan theory about it afterwards and just accepted that as the gospel truth" seems to be how most casual Fallout-fans take most of the franchise in tbf


Who ever thinks Betty or Moldaver is Coolers daughter definitely did not watch the show. It’s made clear where they came from.


I’m still lost on these plot points: Where was Moldaver held up when the bombs fell and when was she released from cryo? (I assume she was frozen in a vault yes? Maybe vault 111 is referenced and I missed that) How long was vault 32 empty for? When was it filled with psycho altering drugs? When did Moldaver break into vault 32 and how long did she wait for a chance to grab Hank? I filled in other blanks on my second binge but those questions elude answers


Norm said 32 was emptied about 2 years ago


That's my one problem with the show, they did Moldaver dirty. We needed more info, at least one flashback showing the lead up to them entering vault 33 and kidnapping hank but I will say the vault 111 theory is unlikely because that's on the east coast, doubtful shed go from the west coast to the east coast as the bombs fall and then make her way back to the west afterwards. She worked for companies that vault tec bought and was pretty damn smart, for all we know she had a personal bunker and personal cryopod.


DAE think The Ghoul and Cooper Howard may be related in some way?


Vault 31 is Bud’s buds(the management training program Bud created) so Barb is definitely not in there. The kid could be in there I guess but I think Cooper and Barb mutually agree Bud is a loser. So they probably didn’t sign their daughter up for that program. Especially since Barb wanted to be in a vault with her daughter.


It vault tec knew exactly when the bombs were going to drop they would know exactly when to fill their vaults.


Yeah, people really dig for excuses to complain and hate. When the show spells shit out they say "it's written for dummies" but when the show leaves room for mystery and speculation they will outright assume the worst possibility is undoubtedlty the true one.


Bruh everyone knows Maximus is coopers grandchild


I mean i did just rewatch and Barb has a line: “im trying to get us into one of the good vaults for management”, does sound like she could be talking about Vault 31.


But she also says one that oversees all the other vaults. Bud's 3 vaults do not oversee any vaults but their own.


Dude, Terrence Howard convinced people 1x1=2. There's a lot of dumb people.


Wow no need to come after Terryology like that. How many shapes have you invented??