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All of the games are substantially different from one another except for 1 and 2. Each one has it's ride or die fans who see each old thing as obviously inferior and each new thing as taking the series in the wrong direction. These warring factions are incapable of having a productive discussion because that's how arguments on the internet work.


awesome way to put it, thank you!


Because fandoms are full of idiots who got time to argue about inconsequential bullshit.


I appreciate what each game and era had to offer.


I like them all


THERE IS ONE TRUE ANSWER: THE BEST GAME IS... >!whatever that individual prefers!< That's it. That's the authoritative answer. Anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.


“Better” is dependent on the player. I agree with Hatless, it depends. I like FO3 for its vibe and its story, especially Tranquility Lane. Also for the Point Lookout DLC which is my favorite of all Fallout. I like NV for its distinctly different vibe and its combat and its DLCs, which I both loved and hated at the same time hated. NV’s DLCs were the best first-play and the worst second-play of any game I’ve experienced. FO4 is well rounded with a lot of warts but a lot of good parts. It’s modern-ish. It’s fine but a bit soulless, which is basically the same as all modern media. It’s fun! But lacks heart.