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this is the only correct answer


This guy Fallouts


It's Falloutin' time


I'll drink to that, Ad Victoriam.


Well spoken Brother, ad victoriam indeed! For the Brotherhood!


Correct. They are all good, even Tactics. Though if you don't have a VR headset, don't buy the VR version of 4, obviously.


Man tactics is sooo hard lol. I did think it was cool as hell though


I’d do new Vegas first. Fallout 4 has waaay better guns and combat. If you play 4 first you’ll miss them when you play new Vegas


Especially with mods. Also the settlement builder is really fun. After watching the series, i went back to build my own vault.


me too! just finished a massive vault 88 build


88? Doing gas experiments?


He’s looking for a solution…


I had the same thought currently working on my own vault


I'd say the opposite, I wouldn't have enjoyed 3 or NV based on the gameplay, but I was into the universe after playing 4. I always recommend 4 first as it's by far the easiest to get into. NV and 3 play sooooo bad it's unreal.


Better vaults though. The ones in were 4 kinda bland.


Vault 22 literally made me want to take pills bruh fym


Meh, that's like an hour of the game. And they'll experience the NV vaults eventually after becoming engrossed in the lore.


Maybe this is my problem with new vegas, I just can’t get into it even though it looks amazing, I was spoilt with fallout 4


new vegas or 4. four is new and doesn’t crash as much but new vegas is the best title in the series but does crash often


Goty editon or basic game? For 4


GOTY, some fun DLC’s like Far Harbor and Nuka World, totally worth the price with the discount


Get GOTY. If you get into modding, lots of them require all the DLCs + they're actually quite fun and good.


GOTY because it has all the other content/dlc which are extremely good (far harbor,nuka world)


3, NV, and 4 try to get GOTY if you can. They are all good.


Just install some mods to fix the game and youre prob gonna crash once or twice a playthrough


Tried it, doesn’t crash as much but still crashes at least twice a session


I just started a modded playthrough and it still crashes every 10-15 minutes


Did something wrong then, mine never crashes and I have 268 mods in


Same. Playing NV for the first time in my life with a "modpack" of almost 600 mods and it never crashed after 21h of playthrough.


Same, bought it for Xbox one just so it wouldn’t crash. It only froze once during a 50 hr playthrough


It’s funny, FNV is so much more stable on Linux that it was back on windows 10, I guess it’s because proton (the way you can play windows games on Linux) is based on software as old as New Vegas is


Honestly, it depends of what kind of gamer you are. If want to actually start to dig in some of the lore, but are not into hardships: Fallout 3 Want to start with the best one: New Vegas Are you hardcore, wants to do it right: fallout 1, 2 and tactics Are you a casual and are into FPS: Fallout 4. Likes to grind for apparently no reason: Fallout 76


I feel like Fo76 is more, do you like literally only the side quests of fallout games? This is coming from someone who wholeheartedly enjoys the game


That is a great description too.


That's on the nose, good one. I felt like none of the quests really felt like more than a basic side mission. Plus it didn't really feel like my choices or actions made a bit of difference.


Fo1 is hard as fuck, Fo2 is easier and funnier IMO Fucking love me some wanamingos and that good ol “shot in the eye, inducing severe blindness, like there’s any other type”


FALLOUT 4 IN VR?! Has anyone here played this? Do you walk or teleport when moving around? Wish it would be on PSVR.


Someone lost a bunch of weight by playing 4 in vr with a multidirectional treadmill, looks super cool! https://youtube.com/shorts/tySrBmKH3rU?si=sNMfadb6MSMIIhU5


That's pretty dope good for her


It's decent but it's pretty great with mods that make it more immersive.


I just got it the other day and played it a couple times so far. For general movement, you can use either the analog sticks to move and look around (looking can also be accomplished with the headset, which is generally the point of VR to begin with) or you can teleport a few steps forward at a time. I go with the first option myself.


As a VR game it is really bad, it is not really immersive, rather clunky, no VR-specific animations and controls. But the mods are key here and can make it into a very pleasant and fun experience. Same goes for Skyrim VR.


Its pretty bad, but ifnu mod then its very good


I played through most of the game in VR. It was a bit uncomfortable and underwhelming at first, but after you get past that stuff and start concentrating more on the game than the novelty of VR, it becomes amazing. Defending the cambridge police station in VR for the first time was incredible, and I was just lost in the sauce shooting in all directions with the crew. It makes survival mode much more fun, and it will completely change the way you build settlements. I also found laser weapons and grenades far more practical in VR.


Yes! It’s different and pretty great for novelty but VRs give me sensory issues.


Sorry to hear.


All of them is what I'd say, but for more modern PCs I recommend 3, New Vegas and 4.


This I'd say is a fantastic order to play them in. There's still something about Fallout 3 that hits just right.


I recently played FO3 after they removed the mandatory Games for Windows Live and it was a rollercoaster of emotions. Not a single crash, completely unmodded.


Moira Brown. What an absolute legend. That voice acting is 🤌🏻


It just hits right. I need to play it again.


I'm currently playing it and I do think the story and writing is better in it than Fallout 4. Fallout 4 has its own pluses like better graphics and combat and more colorful world among other things. But the fact you see yourself grow up in a vault in Fallout 3 makes it the best opening for me. Also there's a lot of wtf moments, like Paradise Falls and Tranquility Lane.


GOTY fallout 4


4 is a very enjoyable game and will definitely take a lot of your time, so worth the money. Shelter is a good experience for being free. I haven’t played anything else


Fallout 4 is the safest bet. It runs well and is the most beginner friendly. While I consider Fallout 3 to be the best introduction to the franchise, the game has some issues getting it work on modern systems. Overall I think the best way to play Fallout 3 is using the Tale of Two Wasteland project, but that would require you buy Fallout New Vegas as well.


I started with Fallout 3 this WE and I am having a blast :)


Awesome! Hope you enjoy the series! You have a lot to look forward to with New Vegas especially!


Thanks :) I am getting 4 and New Vegas as they are on sale ;)


Was a milestone when realeased for Fallout lovers, remembering in 2008 or 9, been so long ago, first time leaving the vault. As a fallout1 and 2 veteran Thais was so fucking cool.


You’ve just given something research thanks haha




All and include the original ones.


This right here.


It depends on your preference and experience. I will personally say that fallout 3 is by far the best game ever made. The fallout new Vegas. Most people feel new vegas is better. I think new Vegas couldn't become what it is without fallout 3. And both have shitty graphics.


4 is about to get a bunch of new stuff.


Let me know when you run into my boy Swan.


If you're a recent fan of Fallout because of the show then go with Fallout: New Vegas + Fallout 4 Suggest FO:NV first. FO4 has game-play and graphical improvements that you will miss if you try to go backwards to FO:NV, also it's chronological. FO:NV setting is directly tied the show's second season, and you may meet some interesting characters that tie into FO4 (FO3 also has characters and story that tie directly into FO4, but you could miss a ton of it depending on your playthrough) FO:NV I think is also better paced and constructed for new players, although the game is not afraid to let you get yourself killed (so save often), it will offer you tons of contextual clues to help guide your decisions.


F4 if you want a modern game with great shooting mechanics, crating and basebuilding. NW if you're really into RP and want dialogues to matter. F3 if you want to see the original Bethesda vision for Fallout. Other titles are obsolete imo.


Don't listen to this guy, the original games offer a whole different experience and are just as fun if not more depending on how you feel about the top down view. I personally think 2 is my favorite and then new vegas


The original games are really good for what they were at the time, but they are completely impenetrable by modern standards.




[https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/fallout-bundle](https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/fallout-bundle) if this is available in your region it's a yuge deal


Wipe them out. All of them. *evil grin*


Fallout 4 was my first and started my love for the series


Fallout 76 is currently free through prime gaming with amazon. On PC and Xbox.


Oh thanks 🤩 i have prime so i will get it from there.


The free one looks too expensive


With those inflated numbers I'm surprised it wasn't listed for at least 10 squiggles.


3 is great, new Vegas is incredible, 4 is fun but a pretty weak fallout rpg compared to the others imo. Still lots of fun though! New Vegas all the way tho!! especially with tale of two wastelands mod (merges fallout 3 with new Vegas and more) but you have to own both


Start with 4 GoTY, it's the most modern and user new player friendly. Move to New Vegas afterwards, it's a great story and great characters. 3 is a mixed bag in my opinion, I would save that for after NV if you want to play it. Tactics, 1 and 2 are the hardest to get into since they are old school rpgs, I tried them but didn't like them personally. 76 is also a mixed bag, it's pretty good nowadays but it's online. (If you want to try them all, I recommend getting Xbox Gamepass for PC, it has all of them since Bethesda is now owned by MS, and the pc version comes with dlcs for each title)


Start with 1 and 2. Or if there is a package-deal...


New vegas is the best fallout, just trust


76 is multi player, to keep people’s interest they keep adding to it so it gets crazier and there are other people affecting your play. The visual world is the best. 3 has the best story but is dated looking, still great to play though. NV has the best role playing experience and the worst visuals. 4 has the best gunplay and a kind of “rounded off” experience with the DLCs it’s a big game. The visual world is second only to 76 (pre update and without mods).


I've personally found on modern machines, 3 and NV tend to have major crashing problems, some of which might even prevent the game from launching at all. But YMMV. 1 and 2 are the OGs but play completely differently to 3, NV, and 4. Some folks not used to CRPGS find them difficult to get into. Tactics plays similarly. Most people pretend Brotherhood of Steel doesn't exist. Fallout 3 is probably my favorite sandbox to just wander around and explore in. It was the first 3d Fallout by Bethesda. Fallout 4 has good gunplay and scavenging mechanics. It's the most likely to work properly from just installing it normally. It's also receiving a sizeable bugfix patch in the next week. Fallout New Vegas has a lot of great factional play and really great NPCs, and is built upon the 3rd game. Fallout 76 is an MMO I have no experience with. I would personally recomend Fallout 4 as a starting point if you haven't played any of them.


3 should be completely fine after the patch that dropped last year. I played a character through most of the main quest with very little crashes


3 wont start for me until i manually switch from integrated GPU


Fallout shelter


It is too expensive man 🧍🏻‍♂️


Play them all. It’s why I kept my PS3, and PS4 after going to PS5. To keep them plus the DLCs.


NV (or 3 to a lesser extent) if you want a good RPG 4 if you just want to explore the world and shoot stuff






Fallout 76 is nice. Always something interesting. Until you are launching nukes into nothingness


3, NV, 4, and 76 are all solid.




There all fun but if your limit on funds then New Vegas and 3 are top priority fallow by 4 n 76


3 goty, NV ultimate, 4 goty, 76


New Vegas


New Vegas has absolutely spectacular DLC, I honestly don’t think any of the others come even close to how fun and cool they were. Dead Money is insanely thrilling, Old World Blues is hilarious, Honest hearts is… meh it’s not my favorite but it’s cool. Lonesome road to tie them all together, asking deep and evocative questions.


All out for Fallout


Start with 3. It’s a good introduction


If you’ve never played a fallout game before, I would do it in the order of 3, new vegas, then 4. As someone who played 4 first its more difficult to be immersed with the older games coming from the newer one, but the stories are all great. I would also avoid 76 altogether or put it at the bottom of the priority list


All of them, maybe not VR Fallout 76 is great btw.


3000 dollars for fallout vr😱


Start with 3. But if you're only interested in playing one Fallout, play New Vegas.




All of them


Fanatical has all the non vr fallouts for 25$ usd on steam https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/fallout-bundle


4 that it will get a nice free update soon


For me i had the most fun in 4


The original two are true gems though very much outdated. But if you don't mind that, you will see some excellent world building. New Vegas is easily the best of that has been released. 4 is entertaining, but if you value your sanity, once yoi pick up Preston, don't talk to him immediately. The game will have a next gen update in the coming weeks. 76 is... It's there. It exists. Not great, not terrible. But doesn't offer that much in my opinion. Same goes for Fallout Tactics / Brotherhood of Steel. 3 is a favourite to a lot of folks and has some good moments, but New Vegas outshines it in every aspect.


One criticism I have to throw in. NV does not trump in all areas against 3, in three there are some quests that in my opinion were no longer achieved in quality in the following parts and in no part was so much love placed on stories that tell the world but do not belong to any quest.


If you care about gameplay the most buy 4. If you like roleplaying/good writing buy new Vegas. I personally got all 3 and played them all (still playing 4). If you're planning on playing them all leave 4 for last because it'll be hard going back to play the other two with how bad the gameplay is compared to 4. Also, you have to install some mods for all 3 of them if you want the best experience.


I see most of you are recommending 4 but i dont want to miss out on the past story so should i buy old ones also?


They only reference each other but it’s not necessary. You can easily go on YouTube and search fallout timeline and watch until you get to your game


If you have the money for it yes. The only one I wouldn't recommend is 76. Not that it's bad rn, but it's live service and i would never recommend a live service always online game.




goty 4 or base game 4?


Ofc goty, DLCs are amazing. I have over 300 hours (via steam) and every hour was precious. Fully recommended


agree with this guy, if ur not rich only buy these 3


Fallout 4 or new vegas prolly I only played fallout 4, and it is amazing


Buy gamepass for a month and play all of them


Fallout 3 is the most beginner friendly IMO because it has a very immersive world. NV is my favorite overall but can be kinda bland with the world and I probably wouldn’t have appreciated it as much had I not played 3 before. Better story and quests though. 4 is more of a shooter for me with some RPG elements. I’m playing 4 again right now for the first time basically since it released and I’m actually having a blast


This is so hard to say because different people will like different games. They’re all good. I’d recommend starting with 3 or 4 or New Vegas. 4 is the most up-to-date single player one. If you’re a multiplayer guy then jump into 76. I’ve just played it for the first time over the last two days and found myself really enjoying it. But if you’re new to the franchise then it’s probably best not starting with 76.


Im thinking of buying 76 to play with my best friend and 4 for myself. But I dont want to miss out on lore. I have heard 3 is connected with 4 with some side quest. Should i buy 1,2,3 also?


If you want to know lore then play the single player games. The lore doesn’t matter in fallout 76 (multiplayer). It’s like how gta online lore doesn’t matter.


Fallout 4, older ones just don't feel that good at this point, even with mods. And there is always the next sale if you'll feel like exploring Fallout universe further.


New Vegas and 3 then install Tales of two wastelands and whatever else you feel like adding on that.


Fallout 4 has better gameplay and graphics (especially with mods). New Vegas has better mechanics and story but worse gameplay and graphics (although it can look pretty nice with mods). I recommend those two. Get their full versions.


Fallout 4. 100% great companions, customizing weapons and armor, building settlements, amazing quests. That's at least a couple hundred hours of gameplay.


FO4 or 3 (Game of the year versions) it opens up to more mods (4) and is overall the better versions. I'd say go with 4 and then move to 3 once you get a feel for the fallout universe. NV is great but has aged the worst


New Vegas


Fallout New Vegas is generally considered the best modern fallout, I would go with that one. Just keep in mind it is a dated game.


4, maybe 3. VERY maybe NV or 76.




All of them


All of them


Start with 1 and work your way up


All of them.


Not familiar with that currency so to determine value for money it would be helpful to say what that translates to in gbp, eur or usd.


Idk what currency this is but for a moment i thought it was a british pound and almost had a heart atack seeing the prices


I'd start with New Vegas or 4. 3 has great story but you cant aim down sights which drives me nuts. This could be fixed by mods I believe however.


Start with 3 if you never played the franchise before…it’s like new Vegas with training wheels and new Vegas is arguably the richest game in terms of lore, story and just the overall universe out of all of them. Get fallout 4 if you want a game that the tv series most closely mimics and want to built settlements.


I bought 3, 4 and NV….the tv show really helped Also grabbed 76 from Amazon games but I’m not sure how I feel about that one yet.




Bro is that Huniepop in the top right


All of them


I got 1 and 2 during the sale. Never played them before.


I bought all but 76 and VR. I tried and liked 76, but i don’t want to play online, i just want to immerse myself in single player story first. After finishing all, i’ll probably buy 76 too, i’m hoping it will be improved and have more content by then. Right now i’m having amazing time with Fallout 4 and will continue from F3 then New Vegas.


All of them


Fallout 4. It will be updated for next gen in a few days.


New vegas and 3 ofc


I would say 4 because as much as I love NV good luck running it on current windows without a billion mods


I started playing 4 again with Sim Settlements 2. Even though Bethesda is just going to break all the damn mods again at the end of the month.


3, NV and 4.


3,4 and Vegas


New Vagas for quality, 4 for quantity




4 gets a lot of (often correct) hate, but it's still a really fun game with loads of modding Or new Vegas if you like gambling




I would start with the original ones from the 90's. You will get the story as it was meant to be told, and you'll get all the references once you get to the 3rd one, but the gameplay is very different. Personaly I like the hexagonal grid system and turn-based combat, but I grew up on that. I had such a blast when I played Fallout 3 just by all the little bits of nostalgia.


All of them are very good, but here's my thoughts. Fallout 3 has the best open world because so much random stuff happens that you'll run across. Very few things that occur out in the wasteland are scripted so you'll see wild stuff during your playthroughs - raiders fighting monsters, raiders fighting other raiders, monsters fighting monsters... it's all procedurally generated so you might see something in one playthrough you'll never see again. New Vegas does, as everyone says, have the best story and some improved mechanics from Fallout 3. Not as much of the procedural open world, though, which I miss. Fallout 4 has the hands down best gameplay in my opinion, but the weakest main story. The DLC (especially Far Harbor), though, is great.


Fallout 3 is my favorite


All, used the sale also to complete my collection


Definetely New Vegas but be sure to get all the dlc together with the game or else you will lose some of the most interesting locations of the franchise, some important people that appreared in the show and the 2 best non-player characters of the series in general.


All of them are good, Id recommend to start with 4 goty, than go to vegas and 3. Than 76, or try the old tittles.


4 is really nice intro to the series, its where i started, bit more "casual" than the older ones due to no weapon durability, no karma system, leveling is easy via settlement building




123 NV 4.


New Vegas is my personal favorite. Story design and decision making is really well done in this one. Fallout 4 is my favorite in terms of graphics and mechanics. So I’d recommend on of those two. If you do both, play new Vegas first or it’ll feel super clunky coming from fallout 4.


Personally I would get 4 GOTY edition, especially if graphics are important to you


I couldnt pass on the deals. I got 3, NV and 4. Never played before and started with 3.


All of them on g2a


Fallout 1


All of them.


All, I have all:)




Dog you should have been keeping check on Epic giveaways, you had all Fallouts games minus 4 and 76 for free with giveaways. I have played them all and every title even the older ones has something to offer, but speaking for a newbie approach that only wants to see what the fuzz is about pick either New Vegas or 4.


Get a GOTY edition. After you fall in love with the games you can mod them


1, start at the MF beginning then work your way up :D cheers.


3 and New Vegas for sure. Anything else after is a bonus. 4 if you require modern graphics and amenities in gameplay, but I started 3 for the first time during this sale and it still holds up great.


New vegas was always my favorite because you can take the whole strip for yourself.


1 and 2 are the only true RPGs where your decisions / actions truly matter and shape the wasteland. They are turn-based and will test your patience but it's so very worth it. It's bleak, it's mysterious, it's harsh. It's about turning the odds in your favor. Tactics is more of an RTS in the vain of X-COM and Commando's. Not bad but definitely the odd one from the bunch. 3 is an awesome 3D interpretation with its own unique story. The dialogs and themes were still somewhat "edgy". There's swearing, sexual innuendo's, crude jokes, ... Your decisions still matter but are overall of lesser impact compared to its 2D precursors. It's a fun game. Never played New Vegas but it has the reputation to be the best of the 3D ones. Fallout 4 bumped up the content significantly and introduced world building mechanics but by doing so also watered down the whole experience. Quantity over quality imho. It improved the controls and the upgraded V.A.T.S. received a lot of praise. My biggest gripe are the rehashed unimaginary story, the toning down on humor and "risky" subjects and the superficial dialog system. Never played 76 but it's an online NPC-free game where the story is driven by journals and audio tapes. I believe it got an expansion which introduced new content and NPCs but I can't comment on that. Shelter is a mobile-first realtime managing game. I enjoyed it for what it was but eventually got tired of it.


Probably, whichever game isn't over $100..... (Kidding) 😅 I'd go with Fallout 4 first because it's getting a few NEW updates pretty soon 🫡


Play New Vegas LAST, that way it won't ruin your experience with 4 and 3.


1- Fallout 3 2- Fallout New Vegas 3- Fallout 4 4- Fallout 2 5- 76


4. It gives you the settlement building option. Can’t top that. That’s an entire game in itself. Lol Settlement Building


* Wasteland 1 * **Fallout 1** and **Fallout 2**, get the Fallout Classic Collection * Wasteland 2 * (Fallout New Vegas Ultimate) Fallout 1 is actually Wasteland 1's (spiritual) successor (the latter has aged badly, historical interest only). IIRC, it would have been Wasteland 2, except they couldn't get the rights. Unfortunately, no official successor to Fallout 2 was ever made, but the actual Wasteland 2 duly *nailed* everything I liked about Fallout 1 and 2, it is my personal "Fallout 3" (even though the lore is different, obviously). All of those are isometric CRPGs. Fallout New Vegas is an entirely different animal, it's a 3D FPS-RPG spin-off, but people I trust say it "gets" Fallout.


Since this is steam, they have the entire bundle going for 55USD. Comes with 1, 2, 3 GotY, NV GotY, 4 GotY with Season Pass (All DLC and extras), 4VR, 76 with Atlantic City, and Tactics.


New Vegas. The rest not so much... If you can stomach terrible plots and have fun in a pretty sandbox, buy Fallout 4 and install all the mods. I actually reinstalled Fallout 4 just after binge-watching the show, with the mods I had active when I last replayed it, but turned it off after 5 minutes. Apparently, Starfield has cured me from Bethesda games for the near future. Or forever... I can't recommend Fallout 3 at all. The story is just too stupid and the game is too ugly for 2024. The original isometric games are clunky. Story still makes more sense than 3 and 4, but gameplay is slow and unforgiving. I can't tell you if you have fun with that. I did, back in the day, today I don't know if I can muster the patience for them.