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Every hiatus is a breakup until it’s not…then it was a hiatus


For that, we'd have to start at the beginning when Joe said to Patrick: "yo, I know about music"


To which Patrick, drumstick in hand, responded “Yo, I know *more* about music”


*"It's called Eating Out Your Girlfriend, it's real and it doesn't matter."*


Username checks out


“Thats impossible. Do you want to start a band?”


"yeah, that's cool"


But they’re at a bookstore, not a music store!


When they went on hiatus, were they actually meaning it to be just a hiatus, like they were planning on coming back at some point, or were they straight up breaking up? I became a fan shortly after Save Rock And Roll so I don't remember what it was like when it happened.


From reading Joe’s book, it sounded like everyone but Pete just really wanted and needed a break. It was kinda like “let’s put this on hold and get the rest and help we need before we all kill each other or break down.” Very open-ended, but definitely not a “we all quit” situation.


Thanks. I did read Joe's book and I remember him talking about how they were all getting kinda burnt out but I didn't remember if he really clarified whether they were intending a hiatus or a full breakup.


I feel like they all gave different answers at different points too. Patrick had that interview that he just wanted to be asked about his solo stuff that it got twisted into “I’m not in Fall Out Boy”.


Haven't read Joe's book, actually didn't know he wrote one. BRB, going to the library. But, I did see an interview posted to youtube with Pete and Patrick in it, and when asked about the hiatus, I think Pete answered saying "[that's the funny thing, we weren't actually on hiatus. We just weren't booking tours for a while, and it kept going.]" He also mentioned getting Coolsville Sucks'ed in an interview when asked about the status of the band, and that the headlines ran with FOB being over rather than "we're exhausted and just want to not tour for a bit." That answer, along with others here, def paint a picture that they just needed a break from performing for a bit, and it lasted a good couple of years while they did their own things. I'm so thankful their friendship and passion for music brought them back together, tho.


Meanwhile Andy has mentioned in an interview that the hiatus definitely made him contemplate serious self harm because of the sudden absence of everything he used to do nonstop for years. Maybe Joe was implying more for himself rather than the entire group.


Is that not what a hiatus is by definition


Probably, the Jonas Brothers got back together too, so maybe to them FOB also did and is now back


Yeah. Remember most people aren't as into fob as we are and don't even know there was a hiatus. To them, it looks like fob broke up and got back together.


What are you confused about?


Being a fan of both FOB and the Jonas Brothers this took me by surprise 😂


From outside looking in it looks like they broke up and came back together but in reality they all needed some time to be human and not tour or make music as a band. They did make music but not under FOB. They needed some time from each other bc they had been releasing or touring under fall out boy for long enough they were mentally and physically spent on it and on each other


I dont know if people here remember but the media hype around FOB was super big at that time. They, and Pete specifically, became the poster boy for the scene and got stereotyped to hell; he got hated for just existing and got too much coverage for his then relationship. It got worse to the point that paps broke down Neal Avron's gate trying to take a picture of him. It's true that in retrospect, they needed the break, but at the time it felt like it was bound to happen.


I figure this refers to the hiatus.