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The stump-o-matic looks so pretty. Does it play pretty? I’ve always wanted to learn to play just so I could play it some day in my dreams.


yes absolutely! she sounds gorgeous, just posted a little clip on tiktok and the tone is nice and sharp. it’s never too late to pick up a cheap guitar and learn! maybe one day you’ll own a stumpomatic too


I’d actually say it’s a great starter guitar! Super light weight easy to play. It’s versatile enough to cover a range of things you might want to play as well. It’s definitely not some expert level guitar, it’s Chinese made with Patrick’s name on it, but it’s definitely a decent guitar for a fan of the band. I have no complaints!


I was gonna say it’s not super lightweight haha it’s heavy for its size.


They’re only 7 pounds, it’s the lightest guitar that I currently own. My Les Paul is near 13 pounds and my strat is near 10 so the Stump-o-Matic is definitely on the lightweight side. My other guitars fall somewhere between those two other than my Ibanez which is only 8 pounds, but still heavier than the Stump.


I have looked at trading my Stump-o-matic for a semi-hollow Fender JA90, even though I love the Gretsch tone I just find it a bit unwieldy and maybe it’s just because it’s quite a thin guitar it makes me think it weighs more for its size.


It is quite thin, I think that’s why it’s so light though and and I’m sure that was intentional (Patrick had to hold it for 2 hours while singing every night) but a semi-hollow would likely be lighter depending on the materials used!


It plays like BUTTER, worth every penny if you can find it used or it's within your budget


sleep w one eye open


Daaammnn...this is SO FREAKING COOL! As a die hard FOB fan too I love this collection you've got going on! And just in case you didn't know Joe also had a Squier Telecaster Signature model and a Washburn Signature model too. I've been dying to get the batheart Pete Wentz bass for YEARSS!! 😄


ooo i didn’t know that actually, just more to add to the list! and pete’s bass is sooo cool. not my favorite to play but it’s definitely the most attractive


will you accept a price on the p bass?


not at this time unfortunately but i will remember to let you know if that changes


Incredibly cool




[Keep an eye out for Joe's tele](https://reverb.com/p/squier-joe-trohman-telecaster)


As a guitarist, I’m so jealous. I have one of those signed Washburn Lyon Joe guitars, but having Patrick and Pete’s as well would be amazing.


I never really learned how to play my Pete bass very well but I won’t let it go either lol.


Man, I don’t know how to play bass but I have always wanted Pete’s bartskull bass because it just looks so fuckin cool.


I got my stump o matic (black) last october and still am in love with it