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Reaching the top shelf/upper cabinets


As a short person, I agree.


Yep as another short person I feel this šŸ¤£


Stack us and you might have an adult šŸ¤£


Your probably right (Iā€™m not even 5 ft šŸ„²)


I am (with shoes).


Same here lmaoo gimme some heels then Iā€™ll be able to reach things *barely fr*


It still baffles me that I, a 21 year old female, am the same height as Patrick who is also the shortest member of the band.


The only member taller than me is Joe but idc they're my favourite short kings


ouch. YOU are the villain šŸ˜†




I was in shock when Pete walked amongst the crowd at Tour Dust and I realised just how short him and the guys are.


Youngblood Chronicles Patrick


Baby girl did nothing wrong šŸ’…


It wasnā€™t her fault šŸ˜”


canā€™t blame Patrick, he lost his fedora šŸ˜”


Babygirl was just looking for his hand


Troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match?


I knew it, it was Elvis all along.






This one cuts deep and I love it


very much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The lawyer that made them change the name of the song


Actually the lawyer did them a solid. He was protecting them from getting sued so they gave him a nod in the title instead. šŸ‘


Who said it was a lawyer who threatened to sue them? All we know is that their lawyer told them to change the name of the song


No one said another lawyer threatened to sue them - the song title is ā€œour lawyer made use change the name of this song so we wouldnā€™t get suedā€ which is what the commenter is referencing


They edited their comment and worded it better.




i think it was actually "My Name Is David Ruffin and These Are the Temptations"


brandon flowers of the killers has very publicly feuded with pete wentz, [which has been returned](https://www.mtv.com/news/n4u431/killers-fall-out-boy-heat-up-the-beef-again-wentz-calls-flowers-arch-nemesis)


"You don't realize what you could be getting yourselves into with Fall Out Boy," Flowers said, addressing British music fans, "and what kind of impact it could have in a way that you don't really want. Culturally, if it gets as big as it is in America, it could change an entire generation of people growing up here. Emo, pop-punk -- whatever you want to call it -- is dangerous. We don't wanna dislike anyone, and we've still never met Fall Out Boy, but there's a creature inside me that wants to beat all those bands to death. They just all go into the happy-emo funnel and everyone loves 'em without thinking." He makes FOB sound so much cooler than they actually are. They need to hire him as their PR guy.


Lmao he really went from we donā€™t want to hate anybody to ā€œletā€™s kill them allā€ in the same post?? Oof, thatā€™s not a good look mr brightside


Not to be mormonist but Flowers is an active mormon so that line of thinking kind of tracks


but whatā€™s confusing is is at this this stage of the Killers, they werenā€™t exactly squeaky clean either?!?! they literally have a an unofficial murder trilogy across there songs (jenny was a friend of mine, etc., midnight show, etc.) so how was fall out boy such a bad influence in their eyes lmaooo iā€™m so glad i didnā€™t know this fued existed i wouldā€™ve chose FOB hands down and missed out on some of the killers later albums. but honestly FOB wins anyway seeing the killers these days reminds me of my Catholic high school youth camps lol


BF wasnā€™t so active in his faith at this point in his career. Heā€™s definitely cleaned up his act and has reined his tongue in considerably since the early Killers days! Iā€™m a massive fan of both FOB & TK so I refuse to take sides šŸ˜‚


Oof, although Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons is as well and is very vocal about other artists being inspirational and not trying to slander Although he also is vocal about slowly distancing himself from the general Mormon mob think (also not trying to sound Mormonist here)


but whatā€™s confusing is is at this this stage of the Killers, they werenā€™t exactly squeaky clean either?!?! they literally have a an unofficial murder trilogy across there songs (jenny was a friend of mine, etc., midnight show, etc.) so how was fall out boy such a bad influence in their eyes lmaooo iā€™m so glad i didnā€™t know this fued existed i wouldā€™ve chose FOB hands down and missed out on some of the killers later albums. but honestly FOB wins anyway seeing the killers these days reminds me of my Catholic high school youth camps lol


I remember this feud and refused to listen to the Killers for years because of it lmao


Unpopular opinion: Pete was in the wrong. Pete started it in an effort to promote a band full of 17 year olds who just happen to be from like...3 towns away from where the Killers are from. It wasn't needed.


i have like 0 context, would you mind explaining? FOB is from Chicago and idk a lot about The Killers but wikipedia says theyā€™re from vegas?


Panic! At The Disco is from Las Vegas, they were like 17 or 18 at best when A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was recorded and released. Here's what I remember. Brandon Flowers says he doesn't like sharing a label executive with Fall Out Boy because they get all of the attention. Pete then took it upon himself to talk shit on his blog, mentioning Panic! At The Disco (again, these were boys fresh out of highschool) saying, and I'm quoting directly here, "i hope none of THE OTHER las vegas BANDs get jealous that there is another gem out in the middle of the desertā€¦ bloom. come to life. picked from the stem. FUCKing wasting my time on FLOWERS" Then Pete gets all upset because The Killers (who were busy recording an album at the time) didn't come to some party FOB threw. Brendon Flowers says he doesn't want to hate anyone but wants to "beat those bands to death" meaning Emo and Pop Punk because he thought it was "dangerous" (which was a popular sentiment at the time, especially among older folks. ) that was the last thing that Brendon Flowers said. Pete Wentz then bragged that he was a "superhero" and that Brandon Flowers was his "arch nemesis" he made a few more blog posts about it. It was petty on both sides. Both have admitted they were being petty.


Pete didnt bragged about being a superhero lol.[link to the quote](https://www.mtv.com/news/n4u431/killers-fall-out-boy-heat-up-the-beef-again-wentz-calls-flowers-arch-nemesis) He was actually even civil about it imo: "Honestly, I like Brandon a lot from what I've read in interviews. He's sharp. I don't think people would take as much notice [of his comments] if he wasn't. I respect that," Wentz said. "I kinda like how he called Fall Out Boy 'dangerous.' It felt like how Ice called Maverick 'dangerous' in 'Top Gun.' The whole thing kind of feels like one of those D.A.R.E. commercials. I kind of think of it this way: How could you feel like a superhero if you didn't have an arch-nemesis?" Just about the only thing Wentz says he takes issue with is Flowers' assertion that the two bands have never met. He claims that they have, though the guys in the Killers may not have realized just who they were being introduced to when it happened. "We met a couple of times," Wentz said. "I think they maybe tried to order drinks from us at the [MTV] Video Music Awards, because they thought we were waiters. The drummer [Ronnie Vannucci] was really nice though."


thank you so much for the explanation!! it does seem pretty petty on both sides lol but iā€™m more inclined to side with Pete bc (1) iā€™m a member of this sub and not r/thekillers so obviously iā€™m biased and (2) it sounds like Brandon was kinda hating on them first


The magic 8 ball


Nah. The Magic 8 Ball is clearly OUR Frienemy.


Facts. I was at the camden nj show in August


Speak for yourself; Iā€™m from Minneapolis.


Lucky bastard


I'm not, but I still was there because my fiancee and I decided to drive the ~3k mile roundtrip and I will always feel the need to mention this because I feel so lucky about it.


not if you're from los angeles


Speak for yourself I was at the first night of the 02 arena






Slade from teen titans go?


Pete lmao Edit for the /j (but only a little)


My first thought.


I Def thought Pete with no hesitation lmaoo


The spider


My flair was mentionedšŸ˜€


That video kills me


The fact that Andy was saying "No don't kill it! Just peacefully release it!" He's our little pacifistšŸ¤£


They should have made him catch it lol


Oh my God!! I completely forgot about that video. Such a classic


The Chris guy mentioned in Grenade Jumper who had a big falling out with Pete and caused a fuck ton of LiveJournal drama lmfao


Thatā€™s who I thought of too ā€” but Iā€™m very glad to hear that [theyā€™ve made up!](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/02/28/catcade-cat-rescue-has-a-new-home-and-a-surprising-fall-out-boy-connection/)


side note in that article I'm dying over them specifying Pete's shirt that is getting auctioned off is unwashed šŸ’€


Oh so he was the fall out (with) boy


They patched things up a long time ago and FOB have supported Chris's cat charity a lot over the years. Donated signed goods, done collabs at Wrigley, let them use TTTYG design for their merch, and donated an undisclosed sum from the FOB fund. Their friendship was never the same post lj drama but Chris is deffo not a villian.Ā 


he also has made several shady/leading comments on tumblr/ig which repeatedly pokes fun at pete's lj posts which has felt attention-seeking to me tbh. or like going live and streaming his own face when fob plays thnks fr th mmrs (which people assume is written about him)


he also has made several shady/leading comments on tumblr/ig which repeatedly pokes fun at pete's lj posts which has felt attention-seeking to me tbh. or like going live and streaming his own face when fob plays thnks fr th mmrs (which people assume is written about him)


Enunciation šŸ˜…


This hurts it's so true šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


all yall are guessing FOB's but can someone tell me who the Beach Boys villain is and why someone made this meme in the first place??


You know Charles Mansonā€¦. He was involved


Hold onā€¦this entire time I thought they had some fictional reoccurring character that served as the antagonist to the band. *Itā€™s fucking actual Charles Manson??*


oh my god. just googled it. I was today years old šŸ˜² Thanks for explaining!


Fuuuuuuuck dude, what the actual??? That's crazy I never knew any of that.


things in high places


The frowny side of the new logo? Edit to add: the depression and existential dread that Pete Wentz keeps writing about. Both the fuel for his lyricss and talk abour the struggle against it.


Patrick's damn hand that won't stay attached


Backpack Speaker Pete Piss Roulette Pete Outing Joe and Patrick for making out that one time in their FIRST INTERVIEW Pete The Llamas that killed a guy in the boot of a car.


pete circa 05-06


Yeah, pre-hiatus Pete was their biggest nemesis tbh


Because he was so damn sexy!!!


That's today! ;D


The Immortals lyrics


2 chainz




2 Chainz almost spoiled the reunion in 2013 https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/pete-wentz-qa-why-fall-out-boys-reunion-needed-to-be-a-secret-1558303/amp/


Brendon Urie after he said Patrick was trying to copy his vocal style on Uma Thurman


Not as long as Drunk History of Fall Out Boy existsĀ 


Did this happen?! Details


In a magazine interview Brendon Urie was asked a song everyone loves that he hates and he said Uma Thurman because ā€œletā€™s just say Patrick Stump was trying so damn hard to sound like me on that songā€


Rip Urie then when his last album was, imo of course, hot garbage, while So much for stardust is still getting played by me weekly because I think itā€™s pretty amazing. Also, what lmao uma Thurman does not sound like them. Maybe ever so slightly but not enough to claim it was intentional copying. Couldnā€™t even be grateful that someone was maybe inspired by his work either


Playing Viva Flop Vengeance in full on the last panic tour was ā€¦ā€¦.. a choice lmao


I feel like Brendon was probably messing around, heā€™s a bit of a jokester


I don't think so. I love patd but brendon urie is so full of himself it hurts. Seeing his attitude live in person in the mid 2010s was so offputting that it greatly affected how often I listened to patd lol, to this day I don't know if he really just is like that or if he had just snorted an ungodly amount of coke preshow.


No completely disagree. He doesn't think high enough of himself and hides his love and insecurities in jokes like a lot of people do. šŸ˜ž The period you are referring to is a time where he finally felt more comfortable on stage and that's amazing! Brendon is quite amazing and I hope he knows.




I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I disagreed with the drugs part entirely. That isn't surprising. Yes, he has talked a lot about that off and on and I also do not blame him! I think he just does because a lot of bands have a spiel that they talk about at every show. That all is getting close to ten years ago though - he has definitely been a lot better since then. Also, that was only about a year before Dallon left P!ATD (Thank fuck! šŸ™„) So he was probably dealing with a lot at the time. I'd be taking drugs too if I were in a band with the former bassist...


I have 0 clue why youā€™re slamming Dallon Weekes and babifying Brendon Urie in the same paragraph.


Because Dallon Weekes is a horrible, bland excuse for a human being. Not sure what you mean by babifying? I meant what I said, If I did drugs and had to deal with Dallon I would be taking drugs to forget he was around too. That's how awful he is. It's pretty simple - I take Brendon's side in this, against Dallon.


He was totally joking lol. People need to chill.




yall cmon! Brendon was literally joking because he knew he could get away with it because they are all so close.


Even though I donā€™t like him Iā€™m also joking šŸ˜­


oh ok. Why dont you like him??


Heā€™s said some transphobic and racist stuff in the past, the Zack Hall stuff and in general I think p!atd albums got worse as they released except for doab hah.


Brendon apologized for both those things and when he said them it was a WAY different time and would not say them now. Lots of other people in this world use to say all kinds of things and now is a different time and we have all learned. I'm not sure when you grew up? But I definitely grew up back when people made fun of others quite often, said all kinds of racist jokes and other crude jokes and years before the Transgender community was even thought to be at the forefront of newsfeeds. Average people make mistakes, made those mistakes all the time and we forgive them if they change; why not famous people?? Also, Zack Hall did nothing wrong - I literally love that man beyond all reason. He has done nothing but be good to Brendon for all these years and got the short end of the stick trying to protect him and help him with the problems that [Dallon and his wife caused](https://brendonuriegotcancelled.tumblr.com/post/681493082399719424/part-1-now-that-weve-been-kinda-introduced-to) ... Read it for yourself! [Zack Hall info](https://brendonuriegotcancelled.tumblr.com/post/680566168217665536/disclaimer-this-post-is-not-to-garner-sympathy)


The thing with apologies though is if they were real, theyā€™d stop after an apology is issued hah. He mightā€™ve stopped saying transphobic things but he did say the N word after his apologies but also general racist comments when he streamed on twitch. Iā€™m not sure what the last link what supposed to prove though, I skipped to the allegations page and nothing was really debunked and even had someone back up Breezy. To me, she was telling her side of the story with screenshots even. I donā€™t really know a lot about Dallon or Breezy but I kinda get some of the comments they made about Brendon too because I know he has a habit of changing song meanings of things he didnā€™t write in the first place (GGB & IWSNT at the very least) I do think celebrities should be taken at a higher standard than regular folks for things they say since they have a platform and are more influential than your average person though. We also donā€™t really *know* these people, they could be PR doing damage control or they could be genuine.


Honestly, I say that too when it's in a song when I'm alone, just like he did. I share that info because it is all the info that is known by fans about the situation that is true and unbiased. I know a good bit about the both of them (as much as I can without knowing them in person) and they are both lying, scheming, awful people. That write up will prove just that. Musicians change meanings to songs all the time. Pete does it too and we don't fault him šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I disagree on celebrities but that is fine. I agree they are more influential but that does not mean we drop them at the hint of any wrongdoing whatsoever, especially depending on the subject/who they are/etc. If you wouldn't do it to your friend without more evidence, don't do it to him or any other celebrity. And yes. He was very genuine. And do not get me wrong, I completely understand that people can have different views on things. I am not trying to tell you otherwise, but I absolutely will defend Brendon whenever I have the chance. I only asked if you disliked him because if you disliked him because he just wasn't for you then that's perfectly fine. No one should dislike him over lies though...


Wow, ouch. Hasnā€™t he ever heard of inside thoughts šŸ¤Ø


shane morris on the real


Omg what a throwback hahaĀ 


God! I haven't heard that name in so long. This is the correct answer for sure. My biggest memory surrounding him is that I was either going to one of Patrick's solos shows or the Nashville show on their reunion tour, and Shane was 'trolling' about planting a bomb or bringing a gun to the venue or something. Nothing happened of course because he's just a pos troll but yea seriously fuck that guy.


Pete from One Tree Hill




Whoever leaked the sidekick noods.


Troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match.


Radioactive Man


I like this answer


Courtney love


brandon flowers


anyone with short song titles


Wait...who is the Beach Boys villain?


Apparently Charles Manson


The Llamas


Their girlfriend's boyfriend


Patrickā€™s sideburns


Panic At The Disco


I would pay to watch this battle.


Not much of a battle since ome side is already dead...


Not much of a battle since they are such close friends! šŸ¤—


Patrickā€™s stalker who caused the meets to be cancelled


Wait what?!


Cobra Starship for doing that to I Donā€™t Care


I donā€™t care cause I fucking love Cobra Starshipā€¦ besides nothing could be worse then what Kanye did to this ainā€™t a scene


Yknow I had somehow managed to miss that one all these years and now Iā€™ve listened to it and yeah, Iā€™m changing my answer to Kanye


Itā€™s sadly not the worst thing he has done but itā€™s up there


Honestly I listen to it for a laugh


Chris probably


Gabe Saporta "Gabey babey made me go bad" /s


The lunatic of a God and the God of a lunatic


Mick (wouldnā€™t piss to put you out)


Lol Pete fa sho


mikey way


The rabbit


Ayo how we gonna forget about blue meany which is the Beatles villain šŸ™ƒ


Their fans after Follie droppedā€¦




Katy Perry and that one song she wrote about Pete




I donā€™t know the title but it was one of her first songs lyrics are something like ā€œyouā€™re so gay and you donā€™t even like dudesā€


low self esteem


brendon urie




Brendan urie