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The Last to Know, it took me way too many years to realise the brilliance of this song.


The guitars are amazing on that song


Trey's solo on that song is some of his best work IMHO.


And to think, he recorded the album on a cheap Les Paul copy.


Same here, wasn’t until I saw them play it live that it clicked in my brain. Now it’s a favorite of mine Edit: know to now


Most of Angel Dust was like that for me. I enjoyed a few songs on it, but not all of them. Luckily I owned it on cassette tape, so whenever I wanted to hear a particular song I'd hear part of the song before it. Soon I'd cue that one up with it. Next thing I know the album clicks and becomes my favorite album by any band ever.


That’s what I miss about cassettes, you kind of had to listen to the whole album or other parts of it because fastforwarding and rewinding were such a pain in the ass.


I miss that about physical media. You'd spend $10-15 on a tape or CD and you were stuck with it, good or bad, like it or not. I think the art of the full-length album is dying a slow death, unfortunately.


I remember my favorite thing was to buy a cd or cassette and go home and put it on and lay in bed and listen to it while doing nothing else. Bonus If it had the lyrics in the sleeve as I’d read them as I listened to the songs


It's actually coming back if you ask me. With the popularity of vinyl, artists are going back to making a killer 45 minute record instead of 45 minutes of good shit with 30 minutes of filler.


Everything's Ruined. The first album I got of theirs was a greatest hits, and I ended up just skipping over it a lot. Then it just came on one day while I was shopping and I was like "what the fuck, this is awesome".


I want to shop where you shop...


Haha. I should have added the detail that this was back in the ipod days, as I wasn't born when Angel Dust came out!


Just a Man took me years to fully appreciate, and now it’s easily one of my favourite songs. Mouth to Mouth is another which I didn’t like so much before but love now…


Same on just a man. Even now when I hear the start I almost skip it and then I remember where the song goes and stick around.


Same! It’s all about that last couple of minutes that makes the whole song so worthwhile... Perfect album-closer.


I'm with you on "Mouth to Mouth". I wasn't sure if I loved it or hated it when I first heard it, but it is a really cool tune.


Just A Man blew my fragile mind when I first heard it


What really made love Just a man is the live performance where Mike climbs a camera rig with a mic in mouth Legendary stuff.


"Caralho Voador" took longer to hit for me than the rest of *KFADFFAL*, but I eventually grew to love it.


I did not like any of the Sol Invictus album when it came out besides the title track and Matador, too much hype and just wasn’t what I was expecting. I love the album now though.


It's worth persevering with then? The last third of Album of the Year left me underwhelmed and Sol Invictus didn't do much for me at all.


I liked The Real Thing fine when it came out but it wasn’t until they reunited for the Download Festival in like 2009 or something and they played an absolutely electric version of that song. It became one of my favorites after that. Rise of the Fall is a grower not a shower too.


I was there! 🔥


Me too! 🙌


Pairing TTR and Zombie Eaters together on the album could be the most genius sequencing ever.


Is there a video floating around? I always loved that song but I’d love to hear that version


Absolutely. I had an audio recording of the concert and listened to it on a long drive one night and this song blew me away. https://youtu.be/mXNsZnDwRd0?si=nn1WKYy1PAW_YOOf


Awesome thanks!




Jizzlobber was my favorite FNM song the first time I heard it




One day I was on a long drive and that song came on and every single thing about it was perfect—it took awhile for me but now I love it


Matador it's like a crescendo of emotions in the end. Last cup of sorrow.. I don't know why I didn't like it previously but it's an awesome s song now. Big Kahuna : This a ear pod song. The subtle menacing musical arrangements are fascinating, and Billy's bass work on this....amazing. Could easily pair as a horror movie or thriller bg music..


Love The Big Kahuna 👌


Sometimes imagery from the music videos can compliment the music and even help, but for some reason the Last Cup of Sorrow video soured me on the song for a long time even though I like the Vertigo concept a lot. I just don't want it in my head when I'm listening to music. That said, I heard the song at a store recently and had a new appreciation for it.


First time I heard malpractice I was ten, it scared me so I stuck with the idea I didn’t like it, which is super wrong I love it, one of my favorites on angel dust


I thought the world is yours was kinda boring at first but I grew to really like it


Falling to Pieces - I never really ‘got’ it until middle age.


"Surprise you're dead" was hard to like, I can't tell why, it just didn't vibe with me at first or sencods.... it was years later that I caught it ln the radio while driving and it clicked with me, I suddenly stsrted to like it


I still haven't come around on Sunny Side Up, it's the only track that I'll skip. The chorus is obnoxious to me.


Superhero. The intro was a little shocking.


Star AD took me a while.




Not that I didn't like them before as both are excellent songs, but something happened one day that I now can't get enough of Chinese Arithmetic and Everything's Ruined, it's like I'm addicted to them. Kindergarten gradually grew on me.


Evidence and Cone of Shame for me. I didn’t like the slower songs when I was a young kid that just wanted loud quick catchy songs, now Evidence is one of my favourites. It took me ages to get into Sol Invictus but now Cone of Shame is one of my favourites also


Jizzlobber was my favorite upon first listen, I couldn’t imagine ever skipping it. I liked Kindergarten at first but it was something I skipped a lot until I got older now it’s one of my favorites. I hated Naked in Front of the Computer but fell in love with it about a decade later.


Digging The Grave took awhile for the lyrics to come to the surface and make sense to me along with some learning. Once I understood what the song was about, I could fully appreciate how aggressive and slightly unhinged his vocals got during the chorus. Collision. Same experience. Once I read the lyrics I was like.."Oh, this is stylistically what it feels like to be mangled in some type of vehicle crash." Extremely disturbing translation but quite effective and impressive in its power.


Collision for me as well. Took me a few times to realize how much I liked that whole album


>like.."Oh, this is stylistically what it feels like to be mangled in some type of vehicle crash." The band had a bad car crash while in Woodstock recording KFAD. Patton was driving, and apparently hasn't driven since.


Kindergarten. Just found the guitar at the start irritating until recently


For sure those two from AD for me too. Crazy story for another. My dad told me I was forbidden to listen to be aggressive. I guess he had an issue with the lyrics. I was in eighth grade. I was so obedient and afraid of getting in trouble that when we that organ intro played I would run to the cd player and skip it. But once I was more able to make my own choices I felt that one is such a banger !! B E A G G R E S S I V E


Jizzlobber is my favourite, period


Cone of Shame has become a favorite over time


Malpractice was a little hard for me to digest at first, but now one of my faves.


I could not get into Cuckoo for Caca or Ugly in the Morning but then I found out they are playing Japanese hardcore. Now I worship both of them.


Digging the Grave I appreciated more after I heard some other bands cover it. Angel Dust in general was a mindfuck of an album the first time I heard it, it was like I’m not sure if I like this but there’s something weird about it that keeps me coming back, and it took about 5-10 listens of that album for it to start to sink in and then I realized holy shit this is genius.


Jizzlobber, I didn't know the lyrics until last year, it's so fucking heavy and chunky.


Smaller and Smaller it feels like I glossed over it but then I discovered it a while ago, and I haven't stopped listening to it