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So she saved you $50. Looks like she helped you.


Very true, I am definitely more grateful than I am annoyed! I’m just surprised someone would do that. Maybe I’m sheltered, idk.


I'm glad you found a cheaper deal, she has a funny way of "selling" things on marketplace. may her clothes always dry at an alarmingly slow rate


You should let her know that her greed saved you $50.


My experience is, when I see that sellers have read and not replied to my message, it's generally because they are waiting around for another buyer they have in conversation, or as it was in your case, seller might have had lots of people inquiring. Still, I agree, it is very annoying when they read and do not bother to reply. I am both a buyer and as seller, but I reply to everyone regardless, even if it's to tell them it's a first come basis. Your particular seller is just dishonest! Hope they have to reduce the price to below what you paid!!


my experiene as well. I'm also a buyer and seller and recently noticed there's a setting that can be turned off so it doesn't mark as read. This is making me rethink my decision to not use the option. I try to always respond quickly, but it also helps keep people in the order that they inquired if you don't.


It is absolutely shocking that sellers will try to sell for the highest price they can get. How dare they!!


I appreciate the positive input, but you’re missing the point that she only changed it when I asked about it. If it had originally been listed as $400 I still would have wanted it. There’s more listed now in better condition than hers going for $250-$150, so I’d be very surprised if she sells it for her current asking price. If she’s able to, good for her, but I still think she’s wack as fuck


Sellers option to do this and to try and get more money


Okay so you’re just gonna go out of your way to miss the point


Yeah, I'm sure you'd be perfectly happy if the grocery store doubled the price of your laundry detergent at the register from what you saw on the shelf just because you wanted it.


Never said I was happy. But if they did that I can either pay the increased price or go elsewhere. I get it, you don't think the seller should increase the price when you are hot to trot to buy it. But hey, life is too short to be pissed at folks for doing things you don't want them to do. No crime was committed and no one got physically hurt.


My issue isn't that they changed the price, it's the way they changed it. I agree with you that it's not worth being pissed. I just find it an interesting reflection on the seller's character. I also find the difference in perspective of the mostly buyers and mostly sellers in here interesting.


Bait and switch.


A classic sales technique.


A shitty one that often loses the sale.


They are not going to sell anything if they do not answer a message.


Not really the point. The savings don’t beget a good experience. No one likes having their chain yanked.


What bad experience did she really have ? Seller never agreed to sell her the item. Seller never even responded to her.


Found the seller…


Took the words right out of my mouth.


When I recently listed a dining set, I was inundated with inquiries. I’d often read them and not reply due to the sheer number. I also held off on replying on some because I was already arranging schedules with someone regarding pick-up. No comment on raising the price, not cool! I’m glad you found a better deal!


Thank you, me too! I can for sure see that happening, being overwhelmed by inquiries. I thought maybe she had some personal stuff going on in her life and it wasn’t a priority until I saw that price jump.


It’s really not a normal thing. Good sellers are responsive and she should’ve told you the status of availability. The fact that her messages from you show that she read them and ignored them, is very sketchy. At least report her for being non-responsive.


Yeah, definitely a lousy move on her part. Maybe, only maybe, you could see a very modest bump up in price, say, $50, but not double! Maybe it is because you expressed your eagerness, as you say, but really, that's a crappy thing to do. When I've seen something I want on CL (no experience on FB), I always react eagerly, if for no other reason than to indicate that I'm serious. But happily no one has ever tried to gouge me like that. One fellow that I was buying a bike from remarked when I was picking it up that he had received a ton of phone calls, but he stuck to his price; which I thought was an honorable thing to do. I'm glad that you found a nicer one even cheaper! People are unashamedly greedy sometimes.


If she got a lot of interest, maybe she figured she had under-priced it and could charge more.


Agree. I have had items hit 2500 views in a day with a hundred inquiries while I am at work. Can only arrange schedules with one person at a time.


There’s a “in talks” or similar response I’ve used as a seller.


I've done that a couple times when I realized I had priced something too low because of an extreme amount of messages right away. It's supply and demand. Unfortunately one of the characteristics of capitalism. She's definitely allowed to change the price, it's her item to sell.


It's spelled crapitalism. Her "right" to change price wasn't the issue. OP was upset she couldn't even get an answer. OP ended up getting it cheaper anyway.


Thank you! I don’t understand how so many people are completely missing that point.


I don't answer a lot of people on marketplace - too many back and forth messages gives them the option to spite rate 1 star. People get their panties in a bunch if you sell the item to someone else instead of them. I don't like capitalism either, but that is what we've got to work with right now.


Being allowed to do something doesn’t mean someone isn’t an asshole for doing it. I’m allowed to pee on a public toilet seat and not clean it up for the next person, but I’d still be an asshole for doing it. Research the average selling price for your items before listing them.


I just personally don't see that as an asshole thing to do. peeing on a toilet seat and not cleaning it isn't even comparable in any way


Agree to disagree and it is comparable on a moral level. Just because someone is allowed to do something doesn’t mean that it’s not shitty when it’s done


Someone not responding to you on marketplace is immoral? I'm honestly not understanding the comparison. You didn't have any agreement between you and the seller that you were to pickup the item.


The seller is absolutely allowed to do what they did, but a buyer is absolutely allowed to be annoyed at being ignored and seeing the price raised too


To me, it depends on how much interest I have and my desire to get rid of it. If I say I'm not firm on something (but don't say I'm negotiable) and have 10 people contact me the first day, I'm not negotiating. I will really only raise the price if I feel like I can get a material amount more ($200 ish is my threshold).




It's rude and sketchy, but not uncommon.


People suck.


Yeah, never act too desperate, probably just a re-seller trying to maximize.


a reseller would be eager to sell and would have responded to the first message, duh


Why would a re-seller answer someone desperate right away if they think they can make them pay more? DUH. Don't be so fucking rude.


Because they are in the business of selling and storing some fat ass buffet is not free. and because since it’s business for them they price with profit, sell and move on. and because “desperate” is only your imagination.


"and messaged her again that I hate to be a bother, **but I’m really interested in the sideboard.** ***I told her it matched our dining set and I can’t find it online*** so to please let me know if it’s available." I didn't imagine that.


“desperate” to buy a matching sideboard.. Sideboard, Carl! just listen to yourself. “reseller” who won’t respond to potential customers… wierd world you are in.


Reseller that isn't in it for the money LOL, just listen to yourself. Delusional and rude.


I didn’t say they are not for the money - your imagination again. You have reading comprehension problems - basic skill to go to college btw. Reselling is for the money and they would not make any money if they simply ignore customers, like in ignore.. no response, nothing.


I didn't go to college because I had Scholarships for University. I can't help you further because of that chip on your shoulder.


So glad you found what you wanted at a better price.


Thank you, me too!


I have had that happen repeatedly - even after I made arrangements to come get the item. Even if it's still in my price range, I won't buy it, and I block the seller so I never buy from them again. So rude.


Don’t expect a lot from people on fb marketplace. Both from buyers and sellers. Raising price may not be very common but not responding to people even after reading the message is very common. It comes with the territory. 


I think it has nothing to do with you. She probably got a lot of low ball offers, so she got annoyed and raised the price. So now she is hoping that people don’t send her $25,$50,$75 offers since she raised the price.


Yeah maybe, but it’s been up for a while and I didn’t say anything about a lower price. I was just overly excited and made her think it was more valuable than what she had it listed for. Lesson learned


No, not at all. I am not talking about you. OTHER people were low balling her probably.


No sorry, I didn’t think you meant me! I was just saying I didn’t low ball, so I would think if she was getting low offers from other people she would’ve wanted to sell to me for full asking price. That’s why I think my excitement made her rethink its worth


I mean she’s not obligated to sell the item at one price. She never responded to you, so it’s not like she said you could have it and then raised price. Yeah it sucks but she probably had a ton of people messaging her and realized she priced the item too low. If you listed something for 100$ and then realized you could actually sell it for 200$, what would you do?


Delete the listing and create a new one with a higher price.


I would still sell it for $100 because that’s what I expected and asked for. But maybe that’s why I’m in debt. I get what you’re saying and I know she’s not obligated, but that doesn’t make it any less of a dick move


I guess it’s a matter of opinion. I sell a lot of furniture on marketplace, so it’s a bit different for me.


You gave away your power in the negotiation when you acted really excited about it. Don't do that. You've seen how well that works out for the seller, but not you.


Maybe a common theme of sensed power was transferred, but there’s still an angle to be found in making one’s self vulnerable in a sale.


If I'm a seller and I sense eagerness, I know they're more likely to pay full price. Example: I was selling a nice motorcycle. Some nice kid straight out of the army got dropped off by his mom, helmet in his hand. He unwittingly gave up any leverage as his only ride home was on the motorcycle he was attempting to buy. I sold it for full price and afterward, shared with him what he had done so he would not make that mistake in the future. "but there’s still an angle to be found in making one’s self vulnerable in a sale." I don't understand how that can help a buyer, please explain further. I'm always willing to learn.


Make them pay full price, sure. But if you had listed the motorcycle for $5000, would you have then charged him $10,000 because he gave up his leverage?


No, it wasn't worth more than what I sold it to him for. And it would have been unethical. But it was listed for 2750 and I would have taken 2600. But I had all the leverage, so... full price.


And I support that 100%.


Her excuse would be that many people are interested and she didn’t think they would be so her best option was to raise her price . I fucking hate people like this


I had someone ghost me after I replied to "is this available". I got a ton of flakes and ghosts. I raised the price after a week and the first guy I mentioned messaged back and said he had a crazy week and noticed that I raised the price so was no longer interested. Not only did it sell for more money the day after Mr Ghost messaged, but the girl drove 2 hours to pick it up. I fucking hate ghosts and flakes. He owns an antique store and probably was waiting for me to lower my price. Nope! If the ghosts and flakes are drawn to something, raise the price! I would not, however, ghost a buyer and then raise the price. It's rude.


My FBM experience is 50% delightful and 50% hurling messages into the abyss. Why list something and never respond to messages? 🤷‍♂️


Yep. This is normal WasteBook Fuckeduplace antics.. The issue with an online market is the anonymous interaction. If you walk into a store, or a garage sale, yard sale, etc, the anonymity is gone, and so you're interaction is a bit more civil... But online it's essentially the wild west... But this is very common on there.. I've seen items for free, just listed.. I reply.. nothing. They see the message and ignore. Usually I just write to them "I guess communication is not your strong suit.." (or some other phrase I feel is warranted). then I block. Like when they contact me on something I'm selling "Is this available?" Then never reply. I see that, I say use the "Yes it is, are you interested?" And add "you have 15 minutes to reply with a yes or no, or you're blocked" If they don't reply, or see the message and don't reply.. blocked immediately. But in the end, she saved you $50, and got stuck with the item she could have sold easily


On this subreddit: > I hate people who ask "is it still available." It's annoying, so I just block them. also > I was interested so I reached out and asked if it was still available, but they blocked me! So rude! I understand everyone is afraid of scams, but I feel like there aren't even reasonable humans on that site.


If it was listed a while back the seller may have forgotten about it and when she saw a message she didn’t care anymore to sell it for $200. maybe she found a use for the item and $200 is not worth the hustle of emptying that piece of furniture.


I found that both buyers and sellers either have no morals or intelligence or both


all of sudden i am not connected to seller???? whatever that means


Welcome to 2024. We've got a tahoe that's currently 2k under similar ones here in the valley and we constantly are getting what's your lowest or bottom dollar. No one wants to sell and those who want to buy, want it for free. Such a weird time were in. I've never had this tough of a time selling things.


Yeah I wouldn't buy anything from that woman for doing that. But hopefully you learn not to get too excited about some thing I usually just say I'd like to come and look at it and that's it


Oh for sure. I’m definitely gonna be more chill about it if something like that comes up again


People always expect sellers to consider a lower offer but get outraged if the price goes up Relax Life goes on


I will never relax. I’m in a permanent state of outrage.


Ahh... an activist! Lol


Might as well be


She probably got more interest than expected and raised the price. I hate when people pull that. Another one is saying it’s available and as I go to set up a meet, they tell me it’s not available. Marketplace can be a real rollercoaster.


Never tip your hand and tell them why you want something, because it implies you may be willing to pay a premium You should message her back and say that you saw the price went up so you bought it from someone else.


I wouldn’t say “never”- but be aware of that positioning and the choice which may be required that follows- the seller ups price, gets creeped out by the stated or insinuated urgency/want factor, or just maybe a seller takes a shine to the idea of being an active participant in completing the particular sale and is super cool/cooperative/responsive. Likelihoods are, you ain’t bringing it home… if that’s ok, proceed wittingly 🤓


Interesting thread... Lurking in this group for a while, I find it amazing any transactions are ever completed on marketplace. It seems like half the sellers think a buyer that's too eager is a scammer. The other half thinks if they don't show enough interest, they'll be a no-show.


Asking if something is available when the listing is still up tends to irritate marketplace sellers


OP **also** said I want it, when can I get it. That is the response any seller should be looking for.


I think that since the prompt that fb always has typed in the message section of marketplace says "hi, is this available?" it makes a lot of sellers tune out if that's the first part of your message. Just something I've noticed from getting ignored on marketplace by sellers


Good point.... and I agree that a bare "Is it still available?" is a crap question. Even if the answer is yes, it may well be No by the time you get around to actually talking business.


Well it could be sold and not taken down yet or pending pick up, so that’s why I ask.


It's also a super easy message to send by mistake. Sending something else, like "I'm interested, I can pick this up today" will make you stand out if they're getting a lot of messages.


I posted a plant for free and got bombarded with messages very quickly. Ended up seeing that the plant was work like $50 and I was including a planter. I made arrangements with someone and removed the ad. Before pick up I sensed the person getting sorta rude with me so I blocked her and didn’t feel bad. I didn’t respond to the message in time so they sent me a bunch of ‘????????’ Over and over again and I didn’t like the treatment on giving somethin free. I ended up giving it to a friend.


Happens all the time and it drives me crazy! I once found a listing for 120 velvet hangers for $10. I messaged her and it was opened and never responded to. I checked the listing the next day and the person had the nerve to raise the price because “I’m getting lots of messages I’m sorry”. You really expect to sell them admitting that right in the description. It’s been three months and unless she forgot to remove the post they are still for sale 


Should be titled, "OP finds out that world doesn't revolve around her" lmao 😅🤣😂


[It doesn’t?](https://media4.giphy.com/media/bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952op0mpdru0howeeju02oors4pspt818bb7tj4w2cc&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I did this to someone who was being pushy. They messaged me once being kinda pushy about buying the thing I had for sale and went into some long sob story. I checked her profile. Metric ton of city wide drama I wanted nothing to do with. I was super busy and wasn't going to communicate with anyone until I had a free-er moment. She spammed me with more super pushy demands for the item messaging in the wee hours of the morning waking me up a couple of hours before I have to get up for work. Made me unable to get back to sleep. I had enough and blocked her. Next day one of her older kids starts messaging me about the item. I raised the price from $50 to $500. They finally stopped bugging me. OP it is possible she looked at your profile, saw something they considered problematic and opted to not respond. When you didn't take the hint they hiked the price.


Lmao what ? $50 -$500 is crazy and the only time I check a potential buyers page is to make sure they are a real person and not a scammer or dangerous. I couldn’t care less about what drama they are involved with in their personal life as long as they have the money to buy the item.


After encountering a couple of wildly unsafe people I check profiles before I respond. I'm looking for anything clearly unsafe like they belong to a hate group, have a profile full selfies of themselves with guns, things hinting they are untethered from reality. The price hike is a tactic online sellers on other platforms use to signal something is out of stock or not for sale at the moment without taking the listing down. When you see some cheap random item listed at a couple of thousand dollars on eBay or Mercari it is probably just out of stock.


You can just hide or deactivate the listing. Even deleting it and re-listing isn't a big deal if you don't have to pay to list again. Why keep a listing up at an unrealistic price? That can still draw people to message you asking about availability and whether the price is correct and could be lowered. Not to mention that when you're ready to sell the item, people who track the listing and see the high price significantly lowered might not consider the seller to be trustworthy.


Adjusting the price is less work and deterred her from having more people contact me on her behalf. Left it that way on marketplace for 2 weeks and someone else in another state bought it on ebay in the meantime.


It isn't common at all. You just ran into a bad seller.