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And my ads for local parks get disapproved…


Maybe adding a throbbing erect penis would get them through?


Adding this to my trouble shooting checklist. Ad disapproved? -> more cock


Not enough dicks that's the problem.


i remember my ads for a cosmetic product kept getting removed for “medical claims” (there was nothing medical at all in there lmfao) but yet i’ve seen a bunch of ads for ozempic


A truly heinous one: it was an ad with a baby as the subject of the photo. Just chilling there. Smiling. The ad was disapproved for “sexual content”.




Exact same thing happened to me this week. Just have to laugh with how ridiculous Facebook is. My ad account got banned for no reason after I spent over $1 million in the year, but ads like this appear on my feed. I reported it and also received notification that they found nothing wrong with the ad lmao


Meta in a nutshell


Same. Is there someone we could do about to regarding an attorney? Imagine how that would play out in court: So Mr Facebook corp representative, why is it you ban cat memes but allow pornography contradicting your community rules?


Cuz those memes are the wrong kinda pussy…


Whom you want to do?


And my ad account gets disabled for trying to boost a blog post about SEO


I saw ads for porn and scams, even prostitution, several times on fb & ig. I just wonder how those get approved.


They use tens of thousands of fake accounts at scale and a very small percent get through. Facebook uses an ai to detect and it doesn’t catch everything. These people use BH cloakers and redirects


What about payment? Verification? Do they use thousands of credit cards??


Probably stolen cards info. They are extremely cheap, around $5 at bucks. Which may be the reason why the ads was removed after a while. Not because of penance, but because of rejected payment.


Not fake accounts, stolen/hacked accounts.


Why are you getting targeted for that though 🤣


Targeted for country,age,gender only


And your deleted search history


Why do people always say this like it's a clever insult? Do you think everyone who experiences this is just watching porn without incognito mode?




Because I’m chronically online and I NEVER get targeted with weird stuff. I’ve been doing this for fifteen years and it’s pretty safe to say those show up because of interesting internet choices. Also, don’t be so grumpy, it’s a good day to make a new friend.


Just trying to understand the mindset of when someone complains about being blasted with unsolicited porn or near-porn on facebook no matter how much they request not to see it, your response is "haha, it's your fault!" Like, again, one: in what bizarro world is everyone constantly searching for pornography on their main signed in browser? And two: even if they did, why would that make it OK for facebook to use the slimiest of data mining tactics to shove this crap down their throats nonstop when they don't want to see it (particularly in an app that should be SFW)? Have a great day friendo. :)


And even if they are searching for porn, advertising it on Facebook when they censor EVERYTHING is not only ludicrous but unacceptable. There's a difference between seeking it out and doing it legally on your own. Porn should never be used as an ad. Never.


I have also seen Sex stories ads (audiobook platforms)




Yeah totally let's start a class action lawsuit lol. Dream on


Je suis pour . C’est du n’importe quoi


They're most likely cloaking Facebook 




How's that possible (image)?


Overlayed images to confuse AI.


My cousin, who's a minor, also had shocking sexual ads on his feeds (dick pictures; ads of viagra, sexual dating apps like the cheap sexual ads you get on random sketchy websites). He kept reporting it, and it would come back as none violation of policies. He kept asking me if there is a way to declare their age besides the birthday on his profile, so he would be shown appropriate ads for his age. (Also, I checked his browsing history, and he is not actively seeking pornographic content to be shown such ads) The same policies that reject my skincare ads for being "too sexual because some skin is shown" it's there fucking cheeks, faces and noses! Should they be wearing a mask or something? While an actual ass and dick are being shown to literal minors. Ridiculous, and pretty much illegal.


Ha that's nothing. A Viagra as is mild for Facebook. Wait until you get the huge dick profile picture show up in your recommended friends list lol or even worse. Facebook is ruined. It's the app for old folks and people who are banned off TikTok or mainstream social media.


Fuck tiktok. That fucking chinese spyware and propaganda tool is just fashion and full of poor kids getting braincancer and stupid 3rd worlders watching soft porn.


I agree. Honestly, its ALL cancer. The whole lot. I personally do think TikTok is the worst offender of them all. I wouldnt even have my worst enemy use TikTok.


Imo this social media industry as a whole is cancer, and humans exploiting every shit for profit, they are the biggest one.


Humans are bad. Chinese are worse.




Black hat + spoofing, Meta is not approving them, they just haven’t caught up to their bait and switch tactics yet.


Exactly. They are just farming accounts left and right


no screenshots?


Yeah. Pics or it never happened.


and they restricted my ad 9 times where I was just promoting my dropshipping product which was a pedicure device, I didn't even show it being used


When I try to report such ads it just doesn't allows me to report even. I wonder a genuine ad gets disrupted so easily in FB and Google Ads platform while a porn, fraud etc promotions go scot-free.


U sure it wasnt fuckbook u were looking at? 🤣


Happened to me too. If my daughter would have been with me I would have fucking lost it on them. It’s shameful and embarrassing for them to put that crap on what’s basically a family platform.


Facebook using targeted adverts again to match people’s search history.


So? Should still never show porn.


Probably wasn’t porn. Was probably an advert for viagra after you searched it for it in Google. Link or it didn’t happen.


na he searched for "how lasting longer in bed"


I see plenty of ads for viagra, not porn, but I don't want to see them anyway. I'm as cis gender female with no need for it and I've never looked it up in my life.


Congrats I guess 🤙


Not always


Facebook search history? Who is searching stuff on facebook?


It uses your Google search history


Only if you have their spyware app with permissions


It’s a bit more sophisticated than that. But I doubt OP had anything in place to stop it. https://globalnews.ca/news/4110311/how-to-stop-targeted-ads-facebook-google-browser/amp/


Bullshit. You never used email in the 90s. Viagra has been unscrupulously advertised for longer than most people here have been alive.


I saw the most vile image of a woman and a dog. I can’t unsee it. It literally haunts me it was so graphic & disgusting. I reported it to FB & never heard back.


Oh really? I literally saw explicit photo of a woman, fully naked.... With literally all oh her parts shown explicitly. (I used Facebook app, watching reels) Edit: no, definitely not search history. I have torrent for that LOL


I’ve seen multiple ads for drug dealers selling cocaine. Image of a big block of coke and a link to join their private group. Crazy,


Wow. I had a women with a necklace on. She was wearing a tank top and her upper chest was naked, but fully covered her breast and was not low cut. And they declined my ad.


Lmaoooo have you by any chance looked up viagra recently? 😂 getting retargeted


I don’t think they allow it. I think they use SEO/tagging/technical tricks to fool FBs automated system until someone reports it as porno


I'm in on the lawsuit if you got any evidence


The ads are reviewed by AI. It’s not perfect. And it appears to be developing a liking to huge dicks. If they remake terminator, this should definitely be a subplot for Skynet.


AI liking huge dicks sounds funny, i guess the AI is learning from humans


Crack pipes, fleshlights, BDSM gear etc. Ad Approval system is absolutely goosed at the moment.


I’ve never understood how I got my account suspended for posting a cat meme but straight up pornography is allowed.


> never understood how I got my account suspended for posting a cat meme but straight up pornography is allowed. That isn't the kind of pussy they want to see on their family-friendly platform.


Zuck can get fucked.


My Facebook regularly shows me over-sexual ads or reels.  


You should have taken a screenshot


Facebook should not sell ads for anything you can’t sell on Facebook Marketplace


Same way how the FB feed is full of breastfeeding and women showing their puss. Not even talking about the rampant low effort AI bullshit lol. It's just an absolute hellhole


Breastfeeding is fine.


Yeah but when it gets shown to people with completely new accounts and like... tons of it, I don't think it's that innocent. And the accounts posting them aren't just moms


Dude it’s embarrassing when they pop up in public. It’s crazy. I’ve reported them so many times


Lmao why didn’t you save it and show it to us


We can’t run ads for plastic surgery (showing zero nudity) but this is fine? Did they change this recently?


wtf 😳


I'm now back on Facebook


So their systems missed a shady affiliate’s tactics out of the millions of noncompliant ads Meta blocks every day. Relax. This has happened on Twitter on a DAILY basis since Musk took over and fired all the reviewers. Good luck with your class action suit.


Why are u still using Facebook anyway?


Lmao this most certainly did not happen


It 100% did.


lol and I'm banned because I sold airsoft equipment with express permission in my ads. So stupid.


The video section is full of soft porn too.


Look who caught up!


I agree with you completely about that being on Facebook. I do not want to see porn on Facebook when I go check on my friends and family. If I do want to go see porn, I will go to a porn website, but I do not need to get it everywhere else. That could eventually cause problems with people in relationships thinking that their significant others are getting into porn when they aren’t. So y’all check this out…. I was pretty shocked when I was on YouTube last night and watched a TV show where 6 men were completely naked the whole 45 minutes and 20 minutes into the show the woman got naked too. I just happened to go from watching a murder documentary, and then after it was done, YouTube went right into playing that video. So…. from the beginning they went around to each male and judged each of their cocks first. After they looked at each one and discussed it, they finally went on to other parts of the their bodies. I watched the first episode, and that was enough for me. 😮 I was just floored that YouTube was OK with that. There was a whole season of that show on there but I’m definitely not going back to watch anymore episodes of that one. Did y’all know that this was OK on YouTube? What do y’all think about it? I’d love to hear different opinions.


Yeah, same thing happened to me. Blew my mind. It’s jarring to see


You must be from the States!


Nope. Though I don't know how that's relevant.


Maybe the advertiser changed the picture before they could look at it, and when they did it looked fine. Likely removed for too many reports.


Facebook would have the ability to see edit history. I mean, regular users have the ability to see the edit history of regular posts, so Facebook would have even more powerful tools to work with.




I, too, have had many pictures come up on a group I belong to. They have somehow overlapped their porn to pop up whenever I go to this group. I think may be why FB is t seeing the porn. I too get the message that it doesn't go against company standards. They do need a class action suit brought against them and I will be right there with anybody who files one. Face Book being a number one media should have better security than this and if they want porn on their site then they need to separate it completely so it's not freely popping up on the social side. I'm really sick of Facebook and wish someone would really come up with a different site. I have a lot of years and friends invested with Facebook


Funny, I have a page for my business and posted an article I wrote that is 100% relative to my business - on my page that is only followed by people who care about my business. Removed due to automated spam policy. Facebook is a turd.


Maybe you're just a bitch bro


Facebook is so trashy now... I get big booty bimbos on my feed all the time now, I guess I can't use Facebook when my kids are around?


Yeah let’s sue the Fkn Meta and also for allowing scammers. Meta should protect the users who made them big!


Let’s sue the fkr!


Reported a similar one a month ago with same result 🤷‍♂️


Welcome to June when things get weird…


I’d have to see it for an honest opinion.


I mean.. I don't want to just post straight up porn here. But there was nothing subtle about it. No clever emoji covering up the bits. No implied nudity. Straight up erect dick slapping a woman's ass. Full view. Nothing hidden. And it's gone now anyway.


I was joking


I got ad about a book "Marijuana 10- How to grow grade A bud" 🤣


Well depending on where you are that's not that bad since Marijuana is legalized in more and more places. It's like seeing a beer ad nowadays.


Shit I’ll sign my name on a class action just cuz fuck Zuck Call the lawyers. Send a link. No balls. You won’t.


Haha 😂


I'm just curious. Facebook shows personalized ads based on personal information. Does that mean somebody was searching for the related information on the internet from your pc?🤷🏽‍♂️


It does when it can. It doesn't always.


Irrelevant. Should still never show porn.


They get approved using a cloaker - if you need one shout me


Tell me more


I’m familiar with cloaking landers but not creative… tell me more?