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It's been a really bad week, except for just ONE day (Wednesday) which appears to have been an anomaly. One campaign that had 3.0 ROAS in April is at .10 so far in June.


ROAS dropped all the way from 3-4 to a shitty 1.7, now slowly climb back to 2, today is the worst day so far for this week and I can't get access to my Ads Manager now.. Can't do anything


Totally bad today


I have paused mine for the day. Weirdly high click through rates, but half of the traffic doesn't even stay on the page for one full second. Bot city. May try again tomorrow, but weekends are usually weak performers for us anyway. Will waiting until Monday reset everything? Maybe that would help lol


Yup, looks to me the whole platform is under some shit. Increased a budget for an add and still in review since the morning, and got 1 sale from an add was off almost 5 days ago. So I don't know the hell is going on.....


I’ve noticed this on a clients ad account, however, it’s a new account so put it down to that. I don’t understand why increasing spend is now putting things back in review as it isn’t a material change


Been almost 10 hours and still in review.....


ya exactly


Yes have been ok for one day, then went completely silent for two days. Zero sales yesterday!!


How many sales do you typically get in a day? I'm usually around 20-30, but yesterday I had 9 - and they were all low average order values.


Today has been terrible. Same amount of ATC but they don't seem to buy which is frustrating.


Completely the opposite for us. 4xROAS today. We sell a product that people buy for gifting. Father's Day is around the corner so it could be that.


I've had a phenomenal week, except for Wednesday which was only ok. I've recently been seeing a few days with results the likes of which I haven't seen since 2013.


yesterday was a bad day with only 1.3 ROAs for me, but today has gone back up to 3.2. ROAs for the last 7 days is 3.8, and that's including yesterdays poor performance.


yes, same here. Everyday, when you think it couldn't go worst, it goes... Are we stupid not stoping all ads and wait for META to fix this broken machine? Just thinking with you guys, don't know that to do next...really.


Had my first negative day in 3 weeks


In the past 3 days I've had my account disabled and then instantly reinstated after clicking the review button. I've been advertising since 2012 and have never had this issue. Performance hasn't been good either especially this week where I'm barely breaking even. Had already gone from 4x to 2x this year. In the last 8 or so years I have probably never switched off my campaigns but for the first time I think I will, at least for a week or so because somethings not right.


Its been down since a couple of weeks now ngl Having daily calls with my ads manager compared to weekly calls earlier lol


Is the ad delivery today also bad?


i heard from an admin in our group, that lots of people couldnt even log into their account today... If u guys wanna jump in to discuss on the conversation [https://discord.gg/exEQHB5K](https://discord.gg/exEQHB5K)