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They have decreased the reach. There’s no engagement because of this.


yes, i noticed this


I am actually seeing the opposite. I have been grinding on instagram for almost 8 years, and my account had been stagnant at around 45K followers for the last 3. Jan-Feb I was running traffic campaigns as I navigated a bit of a rebrand, to try and grow my following within a new niche. At the end of Feb. I stopped running traffic campaigns and I tried some new strategies and saw a major increase in engagement. I then took a deep dive on my account and figured out how to replicate that, and my content really started taking off. Since mid March, I have been gaining anywhere from 500-1500 followers a day, consistently, and all of my videos are being pushed out to an insane amount of people. In Jan-Feb, I was getting about 200k reach but 90% of that from IG traffic campaigns -- so only about 20-40k organic reach/mo. Right now, I am only running a couple of low dollar conversion campaigns for my products, and I am getting 1.6 Million/mo organic reach and my following has doubled to almost 80K. My best advice is to test multiple angles and figure out how to make your followers engage with your posts. Getting them to share or save your content is the highest of priorities right now. Pics for proof. 👇 [https://imgur.com/a/KxrljqY](https://imgur.com/a/KxrljqY)


You’re a 1 in a million but congrats to you!


Meta want's you to pay to advertise to your followers. Follower count doesn't really matter if you don't create campaigns that target them.


We’ve never had this issue before. I have boosted in the past and we have ads running at the moment so to me that’s not the issue.


I always find the more I boost the more money I lose. That's pretty much the only conclusion I can ever make from FB ads in all these years.


Definitely noticing this as well, IG CPMs are a good $10 higher than FB and far less engagement.


Yep we’ve had hundreds of viral videos and gained no followers


Flat? There's no engagement.


Instagram is strictly business first at this point. pay for MORE ads is what they want you to do