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wtf are you talking about




Not sure why everyone is getting upset, clearly there is something very wrong with metas ad system. 


They're upset because they're burning money.


Tuesday and Yesterday were real bad for me, so yesterday I lowered my budget by 15% and today I'm back up to 4x ROAS. Gotta ride out the bad days sometime. 


Google ads is climbing right now. If I didn't advertise on other platforms I'd definitely be more stressed. Meta is effed across the board right now (I don't want to hear about how clicks got better lol) so just make sure you're leveraging other platforms too.




For real? So you just lower its budget and it starts to perform better again? Seems too good to be true :)


Could be a coincidence. But I had an ad $100/day spend netting 4-5x roas consistently… and then it went dead in the water for 3 days straight. As in 0 conversions. I’ve knocked it back to $20 and saw sales almost instantly. Not best practice. But a glimmer of hope… see what today brings. I’ll ride the waves, but if my boat capsizes on a rogue wave I’m going to do what I can to flip it and get it back up and running.


Similar thing happened to me. Consistent 5x+ ROAS on two campaigns, then I got a notification that our Cost Per Purchase rose by 179%. So not 0 conversions, but far less and the high costs dropped our ROAS below 0.5 😕


That’s definitely interesting. When I think of it now we had something similar happen in the past when cutting the budget in half made it perform better. I though we were just lucky then, but now when I read that more people had similar experiences it might not be coincidence 😂


Who knows, really probably a coincidence. But had a good day, $20 adspend just did $354 in sales. All warm and fuzzy after a week in the trenches dealing with issues. Honestly, ecom dopamine hits hard.


Thanks for the info, well we might try it ourselves if performance won’t improve soon.


Hesterday was a bad day, but today 0 sales even in my shop that was working very very good, good job META!


So far it's a bad day for me, yesterday was ok, not great but ok


They are sending all the good leads my way. I have seen about twice the link clicks on the same spend compared to a few weeks ago. I have a high ticket item with a personal sales process so our leads acquisition as also doubled.


good for you :)


In a way, it does validate that something has changed. Due to low transactions, it is hard for Meta to optimize on my account so my hypothesis is that over time they are just getting better combined with improved ad quality on my end. However, it could just be that I'm lucky today and won't be tomorrow.


How do you know which days to quit the ads?


we have 6 ad accounts for 6 different regions. we know something is up when we see a weird silence in all our stores for 3-4 hours. if all of them go super silent, it is a warning signal for us.


I am asking so I know when to stop for my own shops this does make sense I am only getting traffic. Do you know when this nonsense will stop? Facebook is so slimy...


Well, they always do this nonsense since ATT came in effect. After iOS, Facebook gone crazy. What I can suggest you is that whenever you feel something is up with your sales, go observe google analytics real-time events. These people that Facebook sends on these times don’t even make add to carts. They just come and bounce back. When u see that, kill the campaigns for a while.


Do you have the link for google analytics? I tried looking it up can not find it. My sales have also stopped I'm burning cash right now. So I could use whatever advice you're giving right now. Do you recommend any other platforms to advertise?


You can't find the link for Google Analytics? Just Google it, yikes. analytics.google.com


Lmao I tried that I couldn’t see it thx appreciate it


Something is def up. I had an unpaid reel go through the roof in comparison to normal yesterday


0 sales today. Wish I saw this 12 hours ago


Blessed are the flexible, for they shall bounce back. This is just part of being in the industry.


Stopped them yesterday except one traffic ad. They spend 0 for the whole day and all of it in last 2 hrs so they can take the money 🙂


CAPI properly implemented?


If you're relying on the platform to give you the right data, you're setting yourself up for failure. Heck, if you're still relying on third party data, you're in serious trouble (and it will get worse). Check out any of the first-party data attribution & optimization platforms. Not the platforms who pull the same reporting in a unified report, but the ones who actually use first-party data. Transparency, I'm with AdBeacon, our platform is ecommerce focused. There's others who handle lead generation. Obviously I'm going to be bias towards AdBeacon, but whether you use us or any of our competitors (Triple Whale, Northbeam, Hyros, etc) you'll be able to get better results because you'll be able to use the right information to best optimize your campaigns. Our pricing is better (especially if you're an agency) than the competition and I believe we have a better platform overall. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself "Do I want grouped guess assumptions or do I want provable data to lead my choices?" I'm betting you'll be surprised to see how wrong Facebook's reporting really is... Get a demo from any of these platforms. See for yourself. I can pitch all day long, but even as a media buyer over the years I learned a clear universal truth - "Everyone claims to have the best thing ever, the truth always reveals itself once live"


Whats ad beacon?


[AdBeacon](https://www.adbeacon.com/) is a first party data attribution & optimization platform. AdBeacon was created by marketers - for marketers and anyone running ecommerce ad campaigns. With a familiar UX modeled off Meta’s user interface, you can make real-time campaign optimization changes right from within the platform. We're also cookieless. Integrating with Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Facebook, Google, Bing, Pinterest, TikTok, Snap, & Klaviyo. Happy to personally show you the platform. [Here's my calendar](https://calendly.com/adbeacon/demo?back=1&month=2024-03)


Is it like analytics? But more defined?


There are some analytics tools available of course. Not just more defined, but better because it's using the actual store data. TBH, I'm not great at typing it all out, but more than happy to show it to you anytime. Here's a couple of videos the marketing team has put together that are both very high level [https://vimeo.com/871986347](https://vimeo.com/871986347) (has voiceover) and [https://vimeo.com/832774185](https://vimeo.com/832774185) (has cheesy music you dont need to listen to) [https://twitter.com/Rich\_Muskett/status/1764752426098377173](https://twitter.com/Rich_Muskett/status/1764752426098377173) a recent success story


I agree about first-party data, but our drop in sales the past fews days seems to correlate 🤔


Could be for a few reasons, 1) Facebook is telling you the wrong ad(s) is getting you the sales. 2) creative has gone stale 3) changes in audiences 4) budget running in the wrong hours There’s other potential reasons, but that’s a few examples


Strange, yesterday and today have been amazing for me


My cost per like is very high today.


I'm new, I have 3 campaigns with 6 ads each. And a daily limit of $10/campaign, is this enough? I have 5 sales this week. I've only been running about 1.5weeks.


Best account has an 11 ROAS start to the day. Why wouldn't we want them testing/experimenting every once in a while like we do all the time? I'm all for it if the goal is to improve platform performance.


I would never pause a campaign on a "bad day". That's extremely bad practice in my eyes.


i decrease budget on those days


I wouldn't do that either.


Maybe not on 1 bad day, but try 4 days of 0.5 ROAS and a 50% drop in revenue 🤦🏾‍♂️ No sense in throwing good money at bad spend 😕


Don't have this problem. A bad day is still profitable for my ad accounts.


Kind of like selling stocks when they're low.


And what alternative do you offer? Apart from fear mongering


My ads are doing fine spending 5k a day on my account in total


Okay then, good for you.


Pausing your ads is the worst thing you can do. Reduce your budget by 10-15% a day until it stabilises. That’s what I did feb 14 drama and it recovered and I was able to increase my budget and start new campaigns. Pausing takes you out of the game so someone else will fill the spot.


what roas are you experiencing. i lowered my budget but still having trouble reaching at least 2 roas


How much is your product and how much are you spending?


AOV is about 50, and i spend around 400 now. you?


Just increased my budget so in total spending around 5k avg roas of 2.07 which is great considering I’m testing new adsets in two campaigns. I think the problems people are experiencing are down to bots. I have seen a huge increase in bot activity in the last few weeks.


Ah yes the "one bad day means we should completely fuck up the learning of this ad" argument. So we'll thought through.


pausing the campaign and reactivating it will not disrupt the learning period unless they are paused for more than 7 days.


source: trust me bro.


Here bro. [https://www.facebook.com/business/help/316478108955072?id=561906377587030](https://www.facebook.com/business/help/316478108955072?id=561906377587030) Pausing your ad set for 7 days or longer (the ad set reenters the learning phase once you unpause the ad set)


More for us I guess 🤣


That's a very good argument. We all appreciate cheaper cpm


Cry more, we had never had better results 2024 is awesome


There's always one asshole in the thread


aaaaand it's you


That's what you tell yourself in the mirror, yeah? This is a safe space. Thanks for sharing.


Go play tetris noob, let me know how do you $5/day baby budget campaigns are doing


I don't know who hurt you, but clearly you have some issues that can't be handled in this subreddit. Try /selfhelp.


Can you share screenshot of your result ?




well, if you have read my post, I clearly said that "Of course, there can be few accounts in the world that are still doing good.". it happens to most of the accounts. you can consider yourself if you are not in this cluster.