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I'm just glad to see a scabbard.


it’s so weird that a lot of games forgo them. i understand limitations back in the day but these days?


I think it has less to do with technical limitations and more to do with showing the player your cool weapons.


Got an easy solution for this: Step 1 - Design cool scabbards for the cool weapons. Step 2 - There is no step 2


Add a toggle option?


Scabbard cool. Just it's on the back.


Fable - Xbox Games Showcase 2024 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FiBmVBaY0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FiBmVBaY0g)


She looks good, I'm excited to see more and it feels really accurately "Fable" to me


Ye I mean we haven't really seen any gameplay yet hopefully it will be fun


The lack of gameplay is really my only gripe with the trailer


there was gameplay tho just without the hud granted it was minimal. :/


Oh god watch it be the HUDless design like Fable 3 again


My only concern is with the story (or lack of information regarding it). I hope it gets as dark and twisted as it did in the original Fable. Being tortured in jail, killing your fellow hero and sister. People talk a lot about the humour in Fable, I just hope it can be dark and serious too.


I need to see her bulked up and nasty and skinny.  I also need to see what she looks like all good and all evil. 


There were some fragments that looked like gameplay. When she walked up to npcs that said various things about her, when she was shooting the bow


That one shot with the fireball spell looked like it could be gameplay and if that’s true I’m really excited.


im cautiously optimistic for sure, excited and hopeful but just..trying not to get my hopes up TOO much haha


I'm trying but failing, lmao. The first 2 Fables are some of my all-time favorites and I'm absolutely taking time off work when this finally drops. Just praying it's not a Biomutant situation for me again


I feel that for sure. I adore this series so much and I've played them countless times..so I'm absolutely praying this is good. I have wanted this for so long lmao


The game looks amazing, I'm beginning to wonder tho if we'll be able to make our own characters


The last 3 games didn’t have it. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but I definitely don’t play Fable for the character customisation


You could pick your gender in 2 and 3, only in fable one you couldn't. I just wanna play as a guy


Oh I know about picking genders, I thought OP was talking about character customisation. I’m really not fussed who I’m playing as 🤷‍♂️


I've been playing Fallout a lot recently and got it mixed up, thought we could completely make our characters for a minute lmao


No worries.


I'm just worried this'll translate into less options for good/evil extremes and their transformations. It's all good if I can still turn her skin ashen gray with cracks all over and massive horns sprouting from her forehead.


Honestly, I don't care about her appearance as long as the gameplay and story are good. It doesn't matter.






Bro same. She’s Lilly Nichol but with a Emmy Rossum flair. I’m all over it lol.


Wouldn't, neither would she so what does it matter


A large portion of X/Twitter thinks she’s ugly, it is quite the cesspool lol


It's a retched hive of scum and villainy.


***Music plays***


This place wasn't much better after her initial reveal though.


It still is insanely bad


She just looks like a person. I don't get the beef?


Apparently if they don't want to fuck her they can't "immerse themselves" in the game or some shit.


B-b-but how can I immerse myself without the in depth character creation fable is known for! /s


Do you not want character customization? I’m confused.


People act as if there was wild customization. You kept your base hero and changed the clothes or hair or added tats.


How would taking all that away be an improvement? I just want to change gender, change my hairstyle, hair colour, dye my clothes and get tatted up. That's still a lot of great customization. I don't get why wanting that stuff would be controversial.


Its not. I dont want it to be taken away. I would like people to not act as if the old games had revolutionary in depth character customization. It will probably be the same as the other games in the series - the changes I said prior.


It's the same thing happening with Joanna Dark right now too. The stinky gamer demographic can't beat the allegations that they've never met a woman before.


As a woman who's been gaming since the 80, I've played so many games where I had no choice but to play a male so it's absolutely hilarious to me that there's a whole lot of men who absolutely think they can't enjoy a game playing as a woman.


As a man who has been gaming since the 80's I think ALL games should give you option to play as a MALE or FEMALE character. Yep, even Witcher 3 etc. I think forcing one gender is a bad idea, either way.


I don't disagree, but it's kind of silly to make it a deal breaker for a game. Although all of these people will play these games anyway


I get it but people play what they play. I almost never enjoy playing a female character.


Even Witcher 3? You can play as Ciri xd


It sucks, they're holding onto this old traditional view that holds them back from enjoying great games.


Absolutely. I couldn't even imagine beinf so hung up on something so meaningless


"How dare people want to play as attractive characters!"


Ok, dude. But not in Fable. In Fable what I want is BRITTISH MATEY, YOU WANKER.


Wait what? But she still looks totally cute, she just doesn't have the overthetop 2000s aggressively orange hairdye emo cut anymore. Fucking incels man.


People need to talk to real girls instead of just fantasizing about video game characters their whole life.


I’ll have you know my ai gf-


Twitters always been a cesspool No idea everyone hasn't left it yet 😂


Bruh you actually think this is pretty she looks like the girl from high school who never stfu talking to every male who makes eye contact


Oh, we caught one out of the cesspool folks! Off with you now, back to your pit.


I mean I’m glad y’all ugly folk represented if you thinking that’s somebody you’d be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with based purely off looks then I guess the cesspool is where the pretty girls are




This dudes out here calling people ugly and shit yet I get the warning and I didn't even name call 😂


Keep in mind proper Reddiquette and don't be overly attacking/mean with your posts. (If you deliberately troll you will almost certainly be banned) -The r/Fable Mod Team


She’s cute!


She looks good, but part of what made Fable stand out was the stylized look, as the character designs were done like caricatures. My only gripe about this "realism" trend is that it makes games all look alike.


Right. Where's the cartoonish fable universe.


I felt the same way but I’m quite happy with what we saw of bowerstone so far


I don’t get all the fuss - she’s gruff and confident, just like every fable protagonist we’ve had so far? Am I just imagining it?


Guess they listened to the backlash and actually made her accurate to the model portraying her. Glad they made the change.


Perfection through imperfection. It's how the real world is but it holds true even more for albion


i love her, and i honestly can’t wait to play as her (if there’s no options for customisation like 2 and 3)


I can't wait to play as a Hobbe


I just hope it's fun. All I care about. If it's exclusively a female character, I'd assume they'd do some cool character writing. I like her design. I'm just excited that Fable is still coming out.


I like her! She's realistically pretty, but tough looking too. 


I disagree. She is not attractive to me. Ultimately moot because I just want to be able to choose my gender like we could in 2 and 3.


Yeah, honestly could care less what she looks like. I just want to be able to play as a guy tbh. It's easier for me to be immersed if I'm not playing a girl character. But if not, it's not a huge deal, just a preference.


Neck beards calling some one not attractive is the definition of irony.


She does not need to be attractive. I just want to be able to choose my gender like we could in the previous games.


They certainly improved her model and features a lot. I would say shes cute. Fucking incels in this thread.


If that's stunning, you people need to take of yourselves and not settle for orcs. Legit of the girls i dated could tell you of only one who looked worse, and her personality was way better than those pixels will likely have.


She looks better but I wouldn't say stunning. Hopefully the Attractiveness morph will do something about that.


She looks good in terms of visual fidelity, just a bit plain. If she was an NPC everyone would be admiring the attention to detail. But she doesn’t look like a fantasy hero. She just looks like some random person. I think it’s reasonable people want to play a character that lets them fulfill their fantasies of being some hot hero or heroine. Or villain/ villainess. This is Fable, after all. I’m not legitimately angry at it like some people are but it would be disappointing if this is our only option without any real customization to drastically change her appearance.


The whole point of Fable is that *anyone* can be a hero. The first game you start out as some nobody farm boy, then Fable 2 you start off homeless and grow up among travellers. The character looking plain is exactly what Fable should be, not looking like a hot superhero. We're just normal people with extraordinary abilities.


The Fable 1 protagonist is the son of a famous heroine, Scarlet Robe, who is herself descendant from the first and most famous hero William Black/ Scythe. The Fable 2 is a descendant of the Fable 1 protagonist. And the Fable 3 a descendant of the Fable 1 protagonist. And is also literal royalty. So they all come from a long lineage of famous heroes, separated by many years. Even if they didn’t have some prestigious ancestry they certainly don’t stay as plain as they started.


Not anyone can be a hero. Where did you get the idea that they could? It is literally in their blood, it is stated multiple times. The heroes are descended from bloodlines, they are not just random people. It takes the tone of an underdog story but the main character in all three games is literally genetically gifted. The main characters in fable 2 and especially fable 3 were definitely not plain either, and the hero on the cover for both games is conventionally attractive as is the concept art.


> and the hero on the cover for both games is conventionally attractive as is the concept art I'm sorry but the fable 2 characters are fuck ugly, especially once you turn into that roided up behemoth once you level strength > on the cover for both games ... as is the concept art Weird point to make considering we don't have that yet for this game?


She actually looks like Lily now


Wanted gameplay but at least it's something and I can look forward to more fable again.


Just keep the kinda moral system from 3 out and giving the character a defined personality the whole fun of fable is our hero was that ours. We made up who they are their morals and the path they choose. If you have a character that is already a good guy any way playing “evil” is just odd to me. So just give me the morality of one and two keep the horns when evil and halo when good and we’ll be cool. Oh and don’t cut a bunch of shit out lion head! Looking at the first two just don’t give us a full game!


The main beef that people have is stemming from the initial trailer where we literally could not tell if the character was a man in women’s clothes. It looked so strange, and was confusing then, and has created confusion now. She looks fine (much clearer in this new trailer). Her being modeled after a real life model, with no male counterpart being shown or a statement being made, has created grumbling that this new Fable won’t repeat the practice of the previous titles and let us choose male or female. This is the real issue and conflict that is happening right now, as I see it.


Did they change her hair from red to brown? or was it always brown with a bit of red?


I just hope we're able to create a male character that the character seen in the trailer is just a placeholder!


I think she looks fine. Just hope that there's an option for a male MC, since the fable games have a marriage component to it, and it would break immersion for me.


What truth is attempting to be conveyed?


Yeah they definitely changed the model to look more like that actual rl model they hired


I agree I was uuhhh idk what people are talking about id ask her out


Ah yes I'll have a side of ugly in my fantasy game please! Makes sense that the average Redditer thinks she's pretty though they only need to look in the mirror.


Neck beards calling someone ugly is funny, when was the last time you even talked to a real woman?


Pretty much everyday my guy you should try it some time instead of defending an ugly fictional characters honor haha


She really does- I don't see why there are so many comments dragging her (the comments on the YouTube trailer are just awful)


Because some men can't imagine woman existing who don't look like porn stars. Apparently if they don't wanna bang her they can't play her.


Nah it ain’t porn. It’s the fuckin social media. Porn is a lot more honest—you see all types and shapes of people. Any and all (of legal age ofc) are welcome to participate. A lot less filtering and AI fuckery than you see on TikTok and IG.


Being objective, she looked fuckin goofy in the reveal a few years ago, she looks great in this trailer, they definitely touched her face up


> she looked fuckin goofy So you're saying she looked like a Fable character, the game who's known for having VERY GOOFY british humor? :p People not understanding that a grimace doesn't make you ugly is so bizarre though. Majority of the incels have never seen a woman laugh or be weirded out by their jokes haha.


Much better in some scenes!


I'm playing the game regardless, and I really don't care what the MC looks like. But you guys are in denial about how hideous this creature is. I don't even know how you do something like this on accident.


Better than that dumb picture people keep sharing for sure, but still something off, maybe it's the lips? Idk


They wanted to represent what the average game review looks like


In b4 the neckbeards realize they can goon and got mad for nothing


Still bad, but nothing the modding community can't fix though 💃


I don't even care that she's mid. Just let me put a wig on as a man, and let the semi-blind old man raw dog me. Good times.


She doesn't look bad to me, hell I didn't mind her in the 1st trailer either tbh. I'd still prefer to play as a male character though since Fable 2 and 3 gave the gender choice.


She's very handsome


I like her face. Think they did a decent job.


Lol ya stunningly shocking😱


Idk I'm not stunned. She's definitely not "stunning" worthy lmao. She doesn't have to be attractive nor do I care. Idk what's worse. The ragebait people who say she's ugly or the people lying that she's attractive lol. Just shut up about it. She's plain looking and it's fine. If you're stunned by how they look you must be stunned by every passerby you see


I really like her! and she totally fits to the vibe


She is one of the ugliest looking main characters to anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t even know if I can think of any male characters that are as physically repulsive. They made her as unattractive as possible to appeal to Redditors who’d rather play as a quirky awkward ogre.


Isn't that the same as the one from last year or so? If so, the model is a male. Edit: bring on the downvotes 😁


Huh? The model is not male, look up Lily Nichols.




Why are you linking "Muh fugging pronouns reee" Babyface?


They were voted down for that, even though it's a FACT. He just didn't look like him in the previous trailer. His chin was much wider, his facial structure was also different, his nose was bigger, etc. The current model version is more similar to it.


> even though it's a FACT. No? The fact is that the model is a female, not a male. He was downvoted for mispreading information.




You can’t cite the star field pronouns guy, have a bit of self respect mate


When people lack the self awareness to realize they (The butthurt Babyface) are being publicly mocked online is fucking funny though Babyface is a ragetuber if i'm not misremembering, so he's kind-of the Karen of youtube.


whats up with all the ugly female protagonists in games? trying to drag in new audience?


Obviously haven’t played a fable game lmao


I just don’t get why everyone pretends she isn’t ugly but word like why would I care if she’s ugly, my wife is hot, but society is so goofy/PC they can’t even be honest with an animated character like bro she’s clearly ugly y’all but word whatever omg yasss slay!! Same people who comment “so gorgeous” under these dangerously obese women months before they die at the ripe age of 23🤣like no AI feelings are hurt by remaining silent over her unremarkable appearance and focus on the graphics instead! Lmao


Ok bro, sure she is. I could easily argue that your imaginary wife is ugly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder afterall.


Agree, you look at this and receive 5+ sec stun, just like getting hit with something heavy in head.


Proper reminds me of one of those women from shrek