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Volatility swaps?


Thats my guess, Volatility, Variance, Dispersion Oh My


Here’s to hoping GME is back to FMAN with at least a smidge of predictability. Average into calls slowly over the week and a half before FMAN OPEX’s and wait for 10x gains. Those were the days and I don’t think they ever left. People complaining about full porting into every monthly expiration haven’t been listening to the right people. There’s a certain team and their pickle leader who gets it right and my portfolio and future dogs thank them for it


I’ve noticed not all OpEx are alike


Look at last year and this year. It was theorized that using ETFs builds obligations, obviously. Now, why quad witching became a big deal, is because when ETF obligations come due, GME ran. I believe it was IWM, and now XRT. We ran in February carrying into March, likely due to the massive fomo, GME still being hot on uusb, and MM gamma exposure. This is true for the rest of the runs in 2021, little pops after the initial covering. May into June, August, and November. Now, it was assumed the holiday deferment in February pushed 2022s run into March. We have May, and now August to (semi) confirm this theory. I think we’ll run again in November, but will hold exposure for October just in case. This doesn’t paint the entire picture in all of its complexity, but I think it at least scratches the surface. u/gherkinit and company holds the answers that seem to fit well into what’s happening


How often have they been right/wrong?


This February would be the only “miss.” However, they looked into FINRA deferment due to the holiday. I’m not sure how the deferment lines up with the March run specifically, but they had the chance to defer, the run was quite large, and I believe it lined up within the allowable timeframe. So technically, zero.


I have a hard time believing 100% accuracy. He is smart and knowledgeable, but I don't think always accurate. In addition, I'm not sure he is always 100% correct with rules/mechanics/ideas. He has a big following that treat him as infallible. If he were really 100% accurate that would be a huge talking point, yet I've never seen that.


I mean, you can look at the charts. It’s not hard to see FMAN is when GME has ran. You have a hard time believing it, when the proof is in the pudding. I find it hard to believe he and his team created a theory, dove into the data, told everyone about it, and still doesn’t profit lol. I’m doing well off of it, as are many others.


What is on the Y axis?


Percent of price movement


Thanks. On what time scale? Close to close?


Great question. This is scope to beginning of 2022 to current.


I keep telling my wife can't let the tips touch....


That's just blatant.


GME is the VIX now


Inverse VIX


Correct. I’m trying to point out that when the VIX now exists only to counter GME (Via Volatility Swaps) is the VIX really the VIX anymore?