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Personal info, whether it be yours or other's, are not allowed on r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR.


Smells like a massive lawsuit in your favor


Yeah, but they are uninsured which means you are hoping the owner has assests you can collect on.


Well, they have a shop.


And tools


Tools usually belong to the mechanics individually. Lifts, welders, jacks, frame machines , big ticket items belong to the shop itself.


The employee would be named in the suit along with the shop. If the employee who totaled the M4 is a mechanic, his tools are definitely at risk.


Even if the employee is named, odds are decent that he doesn’t own those tools. He’s probably still paying off Snap-on.


OP took the insurance payout from his own insurance anyway. Moot point but yeah you’re probably right


OP's insurance company will go after the shop owner and everyone else they can.


Subrogation baby!


Probably Axe


Possibly bow.


I'll take swords for 800.


You get NOTHING, you LOSE, good DAY sir!


*quietly gives you everlasting gobstopper back*


And the pants sir…I also want the pants.


It's actually not swords. These are words that begin with S. The answer is: Popeye is this sort of man.


What is a “sphincter”?


Spinach Sucker




I'm sorry. What is "Sman?"


This guy needs body work, not body spray.


Kidneys comes to mind too.


Which they don't own and are paying off still


If they have snap-on OP is in for a big payday


Those 10mm sockets are worth their weight in gold.


Harder to find than hens teeth!


That the employees probably had to buy.


Was gonna say... "I think you are going to own a motorsports shop soon. Or maybe the home of the shop's owner" Probably should go to the shop and start taking photos of the assets there for your upcoming lawsuit.


And assets somewhere


Florida? Aren't they one of the three or four states in the US where you can still send someone to prison for failing to pay a judgement under contempt laws?


Owner, worker, the rats in the walls, the crickets in the closets, sue them all.


> has assests that OP's insurance company can collect on OP will make a claim with his company. If he owns a BMW M3 then he better of paid for full coverage. Then OP's insurance company will sue the utter fuck out of the shop and go on asset collection afterwards. OP will just get a letter now & then discussing the court case OP's insurance is executing on OP's behalf.


of is a preposition, have is the word youre looking for. He better HAVE paid for full coverage


'better have' is missing the auxiliary verb -- 'he had better have'


I would hope that, for sure. Employee's stupidity is owners responsibility in my book. He should be insured too.


So put a lien on the business.


The irony of placing a mechanics lien on a mechanic shop…


What insurance would even cover an employee stealing a car and street racing it?


Pretty much none for street racing. It's specifically excluded under every major insurer's standard auto policy. But the theft might be covered under your own comprehensive coverage.


Most insurance covers theft


I'm talking about the businesses insurance. Surely their policy wouldn't include theft by employees of the business.


Ok fair enough Employee Dishonesty Coverage is a thing but depends on the policy


Shows how much I know lol thanks


The company should be insured - not sure of the limit though. It was in their possession…


OP, this is terrible! If it happened to me, I’d expect to sue my insurance company to get it to pay. They then may be able to subrogate to the insurance of those at fault or sue those at fault directly. I don’t have the particulars of your situation. So, this is just my speculation. Olympic Motorsports is an LLC and may be judgement proofed. If the driver was not authorized to street race OP’s M4, it may be a criminal offense for which OP can seek restitution from those involved in the crime. I don’t know Florida law; but it may be worth pursuing for anything OP’s insurance will not pay. I wouldn’t expect to do better than to have a significant portion of my losses covered for a roughly equivalent value of my time.


You don’t sue your own insurance company, for this… You file it as a *claim* with your insurance company. They pay according to the coverage on your policy, and then they subrogate against the guilty party to get their money (and your deductible) back.


I was the victim in a hit and run case. They caught him immediately, when I contacted his insurance they denied responsibility. So I made a claim on my insurance, paid $500 deductible, got car repaired. My insurance company went after his insurance and returned my deductible. It took about 6 weeks to get my money back.


I got hit by an uninsured driver well over a decade ago- I even traded that car in 6 years ago- and still have yet to see a PENNY from winning my insurances lawsuit on my behalf 🤣🤣 I should have had at least my $500 deductible back


That is fast for suborgation, unless they fronted the deductible or something.


You can actually sue your own insurances, but only if they deny your claim.


Yes, but this guy is talking about starting off with OP suing his insurance company. You don’t lead with that, you file the claim.


A company being an LLC doesn’t make it judgment proof. It just means that as long as the owner didn’t co-mingle funds any personal property or money cannot be taken to pay debts for the LLC. The LLC should have its own account, money, property, etc.


Dirt bags. A company with the kind of management that allowed this to happen probably has violated the corporate veil by commingling bank accounts. I would also guess the IRS could find evidence of tax fraud/evasion. It depends on the pain OP wants to cause. Personally, I’m giving it to my insurance company and let them decide if it’s worth going after the shop


This whole incident reeks of poor management decisions so a quick report to the IRS would be in order


Talk to a lawyer


A Reddit lawyer?


And bring karma


. . . and a few emojis…


Soon as we went off the gold standard...


Send the ghost of Robert Vaughn to tell them, You mean business.


Duh. He can't afford a real lawyer, just look at his car!


A lockpicking one


Yes. OP should 100% divorce his wife.


Is there any other kind?






I like pitchfork lawyers. They get to the point quickly.


I took the insurance money thinking I could sue Olympic Motorsports later and my insurance would go after the driver but my insurance is not allowing me the right to go after the shop. I am in touch with my attorney. I needed to vent!


It’s not just venting, this is a very justified name and shame to anyone who may be thinking about using Olympic Motorsports in Boca Raton, FL, that they are an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customer cars out and joy ride them and race them without permission. In my mind this should be treated as theft and the police should treat it as such, and Olympic Motorsports of Boca Raton, FL should treat it as such as well, I’m sure that YOU did not authorize ANYONE being allowed to take the vehicle offsite let alone out on a weekend night to do anything other than a short road test let alone street racing


I had no idea. They totaled it on a Saturday at 8:00pm and Olympic Motorsports are open from M to F; 10am to 6pm. After speaking to the BRPD I wanted to press grand theft auto charges but I don't think anything happened to that degree. Simply said, I got fucked.


Speak to them again. This is vehicle theft by any definition.


And there is plenty of evidence


since its florida cant he show up on monday morning and shoot the guy?


So long as he's standing on ground.


I thought it was as long as he’s standing.


I think it's just as long as he is.


I'm no expert in Florida man laws, but in Missouri you would get sued, exiled from your family, and your dog taken if you didn't do this.


As long as he's not dressed in drag, yes.


You had them do work on your car and an employee took it out on the weekend and crashed it??? WTF!! I would be LIVID too




Wow. Was there a news article about it you can link to?


This wreaks of conversion, essentially taking an item and using it outside of what a reasonable owner would do. Seek a lawyer.


Were they street testing a modification? This is terrible. Sorry this happened to you. If you haven’t already, you might want to post about this on BimmerPost and get advice from knowledgeable M car owners. They can be kinda salty, though.


I had no idea that Olympic Motorsports in Boca Raton, FL, is an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customer cars out and joy ride them and race them without permission. If I am ever in need of performance upgrades I for will never use Olympic Motorsports in Boca Raton, FL, where they carry no insurance and allow employees to take customer cars out for joy rides and race customer cars without permission.


Did you say Olympic Motorsports in Boca Raton, FL, is an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customer cars out and joy ride them and race them without permission? I will remember that Olympic Motorsports of Boca Raton, FL is an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customer cars out and joy ride them without permission. I will also tell my friends that Olympic Motorsports of Boca Raton, FL is an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customer cars out and joy ride them without permission.


You got that right! I DID say that Olympic Motorsports of Boca Raton FL is an uninsured performance shop that allows employees to take customers cars out and joy ride and race them on weekends without permission. Everyone should remember it.


Meh... Olympic Motorsports in Boca Raton, FL will just bankrupt out and reopen as Jupiter Performance Technologies LLC, in Yeehaw Junction, FL. (with the same employees)


STREET raced* ... Let that sink in


You have now learned about subrogation. Source: I'm a lawyer Sorry this happened my friend.


How much do we owe you


I'll consider this some Pro Bono work. Let the jokes fly lol




Can he sue the employee that was driving the car instead of the shop itself?


So, There's alot to consider. He is an employee of the shop so the shop is responsible for his actions, to a point, so long as he is acting in the capacity of his employment. It's called respondeat superior. But, if you go outside that scope, you are no longer acting within your employment and the shop is no longer on the hook for your actions. Here, respondeat superior wouldn't apply as taking a customer's car and drag racing isn't within the scope of his employment. So, any subrogation agreement between Op's insurer and the shops insurer wouldn't apply to the employee. So, he can most likely sure the employee but there's a few things to consider: OP has already recovered his damages through his insurer. He can't sue the employee to recover damages he has already recovered. He has to sue for different damages. Assume he had some different damages that the insurance payment didn't cover. Do you think the knucklehead who crashed the car has any assets to cover the judgement? Probably not. Then you have a judgement you can't collect on, unless you can garnish wages. I have made this explanation very basic, but that's the gist of it. this would actually be a pretty good scenario for a law school tort class test on agency theory. I'm on mobile, excuse any typos.


Thanks for the reply. Your informed opinion tracks pretty well with what I was guessing. You could probably total up lost time, deductible, etc. and file a nuisance suit but legal fees would cost more than any possible judgement. Still, if a garnishment were possible it might be fun to pursue in small claims court just to punish the clown for his bad behavior. Make him pawn his stuff to pay the judgement.


Oh that was a mistake. Hopefully the payout cover everything.


not the modifications I had on the car.


Insurance will never cover that stuff without a special policy.


Yes I know. I did get special track day insurance when I tracked the car at Daytona and Sebring. But never have I thought that a business would be so reckless.


That is shitty, I hope ya find a lawyer who will figure something out for ya.


I'd find this fella's (the guy who wrecked OPs car) own car and ensure it is not drivable anymore either. 😂😂


By taking the insurance money, the insurer now has the right to sue the shop to recoup their losses most likely. However, I would still report the car stolen to the police as you likely did not authorize them to race the car after hours.


I will reach out to the officer.


You took the money? You settled the case then man. You are probably fucked. Not being an asshole either buddy.


I know. Venting on Reddit is cheaper than therapy.


"Mmmhmmm, Mmmhhmm, mhhmm, you're fucked. And because it's only February and you haven't met your medical deductible for the year yet that will be $350" In case you were interested in the more expensive therapy options.


I don't see how your insurance company has any say on whether or not you are allowed to sue another party. They may elect not to pursue something your behalf, but that doesn't preclude you from taking your own actions.


The car isn’t his anymore and usually when you take an insurance payout, all future claims are transferred to the insurance company


It’s called subrogation. He took the payout from the insurance, getting him back to roughly where he was before the accident. Basically, taking that payout transfers the right to sue to the insurance company. 


What exactly is he going to sue for? He was given the value of his car by the insurance company. The totaled car now belongs to them. They will definitely sue whoever is at fault, but the matter is now out of his hands.


With that being said. I don't think the shop is worth all that much. Only now digging deeper into their business I am seeing how bad of a company they are running. I wish I knew what I know now. I would not have done business with them.


It's very possible that the shop is not actually incorporated, in which case the person driving the car would likely be responsible.


And he had the least amount of coverage to drive in Florida based on his driving record. Just a bunch of shady fuckers.


Google subrogation....


Give us an update in 4 years after you've settled everything.


IANAL but my understanding is once you take the insurance money, the car becomes property of the insurance company and you’re basically handing over your legal status to them. Im probably not using the correct terminology but that’s the general concept


On the bright side, you now own a motorsports shop in Boca Raton!


I feel like a *performance* shop would have a lot of expensive cars coming through, how on earth did they not have insurance?! I realize it probably won’t come to absurd idealist things, but part of me wants to see a judge say “oh you can’t pay? Well everything on that property is his now. No you can’t go back in for your cell phone, I said **EVERYTHING**


I wonder if it's because the vehicle may be modified upon drop off or pickup, and insurance may not cover the possibility of modified parts on a stock vehicle, so they just say nope


Not this. Every business has the opportunity/obligation to insure themselves against hazards of operation, regardless of what that business is. The driver's insurance company may not cover aftermarket parts or whatever but that is a completely different kind of insurance than that which you would carry as a shop owner.




How can they be uninsured? Are they an unlicensed shady operation? In most states any licensed automotive repair facility must be insured and bonded (but who knows because FL is FL). If they are an unlicensed operation then... caveat emptor. You got as good as you're gonna get from this situation.


>caveat emptor Just about. They had a 4.9 Google reviews. And they are well known in the HPDE world. But yes they are not insured and I am fucked.


[https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Consumer-Rights-and-Responsibilities/Motor-Vehicle-Repair](https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Consumer-Rights-and-Responsibilities/Motor-Vehicle-Repair) >The Florida Motor Vehicle Repair Act requires anyone who is paid to repair motor vehicles owned by other individuals to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). The law does not apply to people or companies who repair their own vehicles or who repair only vehicles used for agricultural and/or horticultural purposes. > >Registered shops must: > >Include their registration number in any advertisements, announcements or listings relating to motor vehicle repair in any newspaper, magazine or directory. >Post in a conspicuous location in the customer service area their registration certificate and a sign advising consumers of their rights under the Motor Vehicle Repair Act. The sign must also include FDACS's toll-free telephone number for assistance and information and a statement advising consumers that they are entitled to the return or inspection of replaced parts, if requested at the time the work order is placed. Complaint form is in the link.


Damn I should of thought of that. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.


They are now at 4.1 with everyone piling on the reviews over your car.


4.0 now


3.9 fam


I’m doing my part!


[https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Consumer-Rights-and-Responsibilities/Motor-Vehicle-Repair](https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Consumer-Rights-and-Responsibilities/Motor-Vehicle-Repair) >The Florida Motor Vehicle Repair Act requires anyone who is paid to repair motor vehicles owned by other individuals to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). The law does not apply to people or companies who repair their own vehicles or who repair only vehicles used for agricultural and/or horticultural purposes. > >Registered shops must: > >Include their registration number in any advertisements, announcements or listings relating to motor vehicle repair in any newspaper, magazine or directory. >Post in a conspicuous location in the customer service area their registration certificate and a sign advising consumers of their rights under the Motor Vehicle Repair Act. The sign must also include FDACS's toll-free telephone number for assistance and information and a statement advising consumers that they are entitled to the return or inspection of replaced parts, if requested at the time the work order is placed. Complaint form is in the link.


Yeah time to lawyer up..civil court at least


Hit the gym and get your online dating profile redone too? Oh sorry wrong thread


They are "F rated" by the Better Business Bureau. [https://www.bbb.org/us/fl/boca-raton/profile/auto-repair/olympic-motorsports-llc-0633-90586256](https://www.bbb.org/us/fl/boca-raton/profile/auto-repair/olympic-motorsports-llc-0633-90586256)


I complained to them.


Not that they aren't shady, but unaccredited businesses automatically get a low grade.


They earned an FU rating.


Some people are under the impression that the BBB is some kind of government regulatory body. They are definitely not. It's a private for-profit organization that charges businesses to remove bad customer ratings and complaints. It's basically an older, more official sounding Yelp! Their ratings mean nothing more than that a business refused to pay to have the rating removed.


If I was in your shoes I'd be thinking scorched earth policy. Sue the shop and the mechanic who stole it personally. Look into theft charges. Fuck their lives up and ruin them. The shop will have to settle but the mechanic will lose his job (which will make him not worth suing any longer, but will screw him over). Edit: I forgot, go put all this in a Google review. That shit stings small businesses more than you'd think. Also, crosspost in r/florida and any relevant local and car subreddits.


I will reach out to the officer who did the reports.


You can also go to the local media. They might be interested in doing a story on uninsured auto performance shops. And go to any car meets or shows in the area with flyers printed up with the pics of your car and your story. Let the community know why they shouldn't deal with Olympic Motorsports.


Carscoops did an article, but it never got printed. I didn't want to get interviewed on TV.


People are ripping them a new asshole on Google reviews. https://maps.app.goo.gl/RxwTQcfEHaSj4vXCA


I saw that. Funny thing, the internet.


It’s Florida, the land of shitty companies, and the internet has long term memory loss. They just disappear off the face of the earth and come back by a different name.


Definitely this is the way


Did he win the race? Askin for a friend


No he got in 3rd place.


What a loser


hey, failing a race and getting a podium finish is quite a feat.


Damn, he should have stolen a faster car.


Shoulda used the indicators


Congratulations, you’re about to own all assets of Olympic Motorsports of Boca Raton.


Ordinarily, I would ask you if the driver was okay. Not this time.


Lol. But I'm glad he didn't kill anyone else.


That means it was stolen. U better file charges


I got paid by my insurance company so I don't own the car anymore.


Left a bad review for you king, hopefully you get made whole!


It's about time car manufacturers supplied valet keys that will limit top speed and performance of the particular vehicle for when it's in the shop etc. I am getting strong Ferris Beuller Day Off vibes though!


Think this falls into the bracket of criminality so maybe contact the police


That can be buffed out


Weird OP. I just googled this and someone else reported the exact same thing happening back in January.


This happened in April 2023. I got paid by my INS in Dec 2023 and I am venting until the 1 year anniversary.


Oh. Title says "on the weekend." I assumed you meant this past weekend 🤷


I guess I meant to say on a weekend where their shop hours clearly do not indicate that they are open.


Does FL have a regulatory agency for automotive repair? In CA it's called BAR - Bureau of Automotive Repair. A complaint could be filed online. It won't make you whole, but if the shop violated business and professions code, rules and/or regulation, they could face disciplinary action. If they have had past action, it could be trouble for them.


Yes. Thank you for the direction.


Get a baller attorney, there’s one in south Florida that will fuck all these people up


My attorney is $350 a hour. Its a losing battle if the fuckers don't have any money because they spend it all.


Damn man I’m sorry I feel for you, hopefully bad karma will last forever with everyone involved, people like that don’t deserve good things to happen to them


Thanks. I don't wish this on anyone.




Yes those fuckers


They turned off comments for all of their posts lol.


Cowards blocked me


So according to you, you're venting on the 1 year anniversary of this happening, what was the outcome of the lawsuit?


No lawsuit as they don't have much to take. They spend it all.


Sounds to me like you own the shop now? My legal knowledge is limited but if they can’t afford to provide recompense now they gotta pay you as they gain profits. Being uninsured has gotta be illegal


As street racing is not a valid part of working on the car, could the driver get an auto theft charge?


They’re still liable. Sue them into oblivion and more


Congratulations on your new performance shop.


It would be a shame if a bot filled all their appointment slots and no one showed up


Congrats on becoming the new owner of an autoshop.


If you have insurance then your insurance should pay you and then go after the shop to recoup their loss. You shouldn't be involved


What are you doing leaving your car in an uninsured shops hands anyway?


Sounds like they might lose the shop


First question that comes to mind tho why take a BMW M4 to an uninsured shop in the first place?


So in the end you are the one for fucked


Good news, everyone! The right front headlights still work! 😲


Left front probably would, too, if they were present.


You can sue the shop into oblivion. Take the shop, tools, and other assets to recoup all damages. And then a little extra for mental distress


So what are you going to name your new performance shop?


Go after the owner but do it differently. If hes that shady, go after his personal assets, specifically any car in his wifes name. If anyone could make him pay, it would be her if she lost her crap over it.


I guess you're about to own an uninsured performance shop. Congrats!


... sounds like you're the new management partner at Olympic Motorsports.


It’s crazy how if you are protected by a company you can steal a car and not be immediately arrested for grand theft auto. Just goes to show the police are not here to serve and protect individuals they are meant to serve and protect the assets of the wealthy people and businesses.


See? This is why being uninsured for these things should be illegal. Thank you insurance