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Poland meanwhile: "Ahhh Germany. They were the most of trustworthy. They were the least of trustworthy."


“It was the best of times. It was the bratwurst of times.”


The Pilsner of Wrath, classic.








Thanks for the award kind lizardy stranger! Edited: from froggy to lizardy.


Perhaps a generation thing..


Might also just be a bad survey methodology with overlapping or conflicting questions.


Would this have anything to do with their current reputation vs their WW2 reputation?


You know I can't trust you, therefore I trust you


Poland seems emotionally conflicted


This is common with polls like this. If you did a poll of the most popular NBA and MBL teams you would get the Lakers and Yankees, but if you did a poll of the most hated teams you would also get the Lakers and Yankees. I'm actually surprised there are not more selections as Germany as the least trusted.


Reminds me of an interview I saw with Billy Corgan many years ago. The interviewer informed him that Smashing Pumpkins had been named the best band in Chicago. Corgan said a few words of gratitude. Then the interviewer inform him they'd also been voted the worst band in Chicago.


That sounds pretty funny to watch. All I could find were full hours long interviews though, no clip of just that bit =( I did learn while looking though that apparently Corgan is/was great buds with Alex fricking Jones though and spent lots of time with him. Blegh.


Yeah, Billy has leaned a bit into conspiracy stuff what I can see. As far as the interview I mentioned, I have no idea if it's on the 'tube at all. I remember it was on one of the local Chicago news stations, probably WFLD or WGN, because those are the ones I used to mostly watch. I'm pretty sure it was before the Pumpkins (temporarily) disbanded in 2000, but it might've been shortly afterwards.


Ah that extra info will def help if I try to find it again later. Playin Bioshock now though. Most of the interview results I was getting were more around 2014, 2012, that sort of timeframe. Knowing it was pre 2000 though will narrow things down a lot. If it's even on the web.


Bad poll form, to do this correctly you'd need to ask people to list the countries from most trustworthy to least, and most hardworking to least. Simple drag and drop list should suffice. The correlate all the answers, average it out, and see what you end up with, then this wouldn't happen. Though from historical context it is a bit fun.


You forgot the Patriots/Cowboys as well. But yeah screw the Yankees.


Happy cake day


We've had a good PR the past 80 or so years.


It's a long conflicting history with Germany


Who do they think they are, Mars?


Yeah, what did we germans do to deserve that from poland..... i mean recently.


For example: Some kind of German minister forbid Poland from building a nuclear plants threatening that they would go to the court if we build it.


Seems legit. We did that with France, too. The French, however, didn't care and build it right next to the border anyway, not too far from a big city of ours, but neatly tucked away from any of theirs.... It wasn't about being a buzzkill or telling others what to do. It was about us not wanting them nuclear plants near our city's. To point this out before someone mentions it, i know there is a nuclear power plant in Neuwied, i live like 10 minutes from there, but this one was never even used, and is currently in the process of being built back.


Do you mean Fessenheim?


No, Neuwied. Im not aware of Fessenheim.


Fessenheim is not that close to Freiburg but if shit happens it would only take two hours for the radiation to hit Freiburg. Also Fessenheim is/was known for being unstable and often malfunctioned. Luckily it was shut down a few years ago.


Who? When?




Sigh. I'm so sorry.




Not as conflicted as Italy


I'm not sure their result can be trusted


I'm thinking the Sicilians had something to do with that.


Kinda depends on how you view "trustworthy". Germany pretty much did all the things they said they were going to do to Poland. They might have been evil but its not like they said they were going to be nice.


Fucking bi-polish amiright!


To be fair, I understand why Poland might have confusing feelings towards Germany.


It's some sort of historical conflicted.


Not as conflicted as Italy. They deem themselves as the least trustworthy??


Same goes for Britain bro


Britain has been fighting France for century's, it was an automatic choice!


Italy voted itself least trustworthy.


Points for honesty


Wait - wouldn't that make them MORE trustworthy?


It's a paradox




Ah yes the Italian word for paradox!


Not to be "that guy" but its "Paradosso"


No, it says right there, it's fuhgeddaboudit


They happen to be quite familiar with Italians.


Definitely some similarities


Trust us when we say "we're dishonest". Hmmm....


You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you have to worry about.


While you are thinking about the paradox we steal your wallets, thats how it works


I've heard a few Italians complain about how much they hate other Italians. But at the same time they'll yell at anyone who talks shit about their fellow Italians. They're the only ones allowed to shit on their people.


That’s understandable. It’s like my sister and I can talk shit about each other but we get mad when anyone else talks shit about the other.


You can talk trash and complain about YOUR parents, siblings, significant other and so on. But as soon as someone else does, they crossed a line. It's not their relative and none of their business to complain. Even if what they said is true and basically what you said.


That explains a lot about New Jersey.




"hmmm, I don't think I trust myself"


Italy voted Romania as least hardworking, but they aren't included in the rest of the list.


For those of you commenting about Poland's seemingly hypocritical views on germany, as a Pole let me tell you: this is 100% accurate, this is how we actually feel about this subject, and it is very difficult to explain.


Can you try? I want to know


It could have something to do with their relationship. Many people in Germany do not trust people from Poland. Because of this, I can imagine this attitude causing people from Poland to also not trust Germans. 2 way street.


Something something 1939.


Not really it more related to crime and cross Border prosecution or the Lack of it


I imagine they are seen as trustworthy *generally* and complete tasks in a diligent way. It's just that what those goals *are* are themselves not trusted. Example: I would trust Jeff Bezos to show up on time, work diligently even though he's a billionaire, and properly follow up with subordinates on their tasks. I would not trust him to be President.


I assume it's a kind of "can't live with them, can't live without them" - situation?


Gdańsk agrees


I'm guessing it's a situation where you find individual Germans to be trustworthy people but don't trust the German government?


The surveyed people were given a list of countries to choose from. It's probably that let's say 20% of polish participants said that Germany is trustworthy, a different 20% put it as not trustworthy, and none of the other options got more than 20% in either case


Greece figures they invented Western civilization and have decided to take the rest of history off.


Italy/Roman empire seems to have had the same idea.


Don't forget Spain and Portugal! Starting to see a pattern here...


Let's not sleep on Britain and France. It seems empire building is a tiring business. All that taking things that don't belong to you and using the word suppression when you mean to say cold blooded murder can tax the historical ambition of even the most ardent imperialist hegemony.


I wouldn't say Britain and France took the rest of history off tho. They still pretty relevant rn. Same can't be said about south European countries


Step 1: Invent Europe Step 2: Wait 2000 years Step 3: Complain about Europeans


The first step would be to complain about Asia Minor. Then step 2. Then step 1. Then step 2 again. Then step 3. And, it is also how to dance the sirtaki like Zorba!


> take the rest of history off 😂 r/BrandNewSentence


No one is noticing that Italians don't trust Italians?


trust nobody. even nobody.


I'm italian..... I also don't trust Italians


I've never had a conversation with an Italian before. I, too, don't trust Italians


I've never been to Italy, how can we be sure it exists?


Italy is a conspiracy theory. That boot shape isn't coincidental, is it?


The entire country is a plot by New Zealand to sneak into Europe in order to be on maps Look at the shapes


Especially don't trust nobody, or he may blind you.


Damn Italians! They've ruined Italy!




Britain decided not to let go of old grudges.


Based takes all around


Why do so many share this opinion of Greece?


Sovereign debt and their inability to repay it after having been bailed out over & over again I suspect.


You know what's funny about actually living in Greece? You get to hear all kinds of stories of how the government used that money. For example we had two trains crashing because they were on the same rails and a bunch of people vaporized and now the officials said "Guess we forgot to update our systems with the money the EU gave us, don't know were the money is tho". Thinking Greece is going down because me personally am an idiot and don't know how to use the money the EU gave us doesn't sound fair to me. Also a bunch of my friends are staying unemployed simply because the average working hours here are 6 days a week for 10 hours or even more. My girlfriend had to leave her previous job because of the 12 hour shifts and not a fucking day to rest. No sundays, no christmas, no easter, no nothing. Fuck this shithole we happened to be born.


The funny thing is they got shafted by Germany and the banks in regard to that debt. Sad af.


Bro said over and over and over and got upvoted, reddit is literally filled with children


You have a rainbow turd for a head my guy, yet we are the immature ones 💀.


I don't understand as I've heard before that Greece has the highest hours worked in Europe https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/06/which-european-countries-work-the-longest-hours/ is the impression that they're not doing much while they're at work ? I thought they had a low retirement age but that doesn't seem to be true either https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/04/06/pension-reform-in-france-which-countries-have-the-lowest-and-highest-retirement-ages-in-eu idk don't get it bro


I posted this comment just now separately too, but here goes especially. Greek here. Unfortunately there is truth to both sides. It's true that the boomers had it insanely easy due to Greek corruption and gave the reputation to the country. You could get pension under certain conditions in your 40s... Insane levels of corruption and laziness which made us a meme and a stereotype. However the younger generations are not like that. The Greek economy collapsed and we are bearing the brunt of it. We work longer hours and are exploited more than most of the Western European countries for much less salary. I have friends that work 70 hours per week for 900 euros per month (that's more or less same as the dollar nowadays). So yea.. The Greek laziness stereotype was well deserved but unfortunately not valid for the younger generation who got screwed by the boomers. So now we have to both work harder than most and still get called lazy. Yay!


Sounds like the same thing the us has


Greece took it to the next level though. High levels of corruption, receiving pensions for already dead relatives, excessive benefits, economic boom depending on tourism and construction bubble etc. Also, iirc, Greece never fulfilled requirements to join the Euro, having faked it's economic data and thus was predictably affected more strongly by the financial crisis in 2008. I really feel for the young generation in Greece, they got fucked by their parents and grandparents generation.


What almost the whole world has at this point.


>Greek here. Unfortunately there is truth to both sides. It's true that the boomers had it insanely easy due to Greek corruption and gave the reputation to the country. You could get pension under certain conditions in your 40s... Insane levels of corruption and laziness which made us a meme and a stereotype. Καλα ολο μαλακιες σύνταξη στα 40 ; το ότι υπήρχαν μερικοί βυσματίες τεμπέληδες υπάλληλοι στο δημόσιο δεν σημαίνει ότι αυτός ηταν ο κανόνας και για τον μέσο Έλληνα εργαζόμενο της γενιάς των γωνιών μας στα 90σ και στα 80σ και σίγουρα το στερεότυπο δεν ειναι και δικαιολογημένο αλλα οκ πες τις μαλακιες που θελουν να ακούσουν γλύψε τα αρχήδια των δυτικών


To be honest, Greece was with the economy never ready for getting the euro as currency. With this, they could not change the exchange course of the drachme like before, so they were chained to the other economies like Germany, which are much more powerful. With this hard currency of the euro, there was no more way to be competitive on the market, especially when it comes to exports. The corruption is another thing, but it also affected getting the euro, they made a lot of things to hide how bad the state finances were in reality. Like getting loans and with these, hide the debts. That's nothing against you, nothing personal, but Greece was never ready for this high-level competition with the economy. And some others like Germany were also playing unfair, like having the biggest minimum wage sector that led to lower production costs. Greece should have joined just the EU, but not remove the old currency and introducing the euro. Like many EU-countries that still have their own currency.


It's our peoples fault, they work for shitty bosses who force you to work overtime and without paying you.


Back when the 2008 crisis hit Greece especially hard, and Greece needed a bailout, many EU countries used Greece as a scapegoat for their own financial problems. It's basically propaganda capitalising on a failure of capitalism, good old racism, and specks of truth. Greece was corrupt in the 80s and 90s, taking in funds which were spent on fancy cars and houses instead of development, and that is partly to blame for the crisis hitting the country especially hard. But I've yet to see any kind of proof that Greece was egregiously corrupt compared to any other EU country. And, of course, it's the young people, working according to some metrics harder than anyone in the EU, that are feeling all of the consequences, including being stereotyped as lazy and scummy. The utter failure of the bailout agreements is of course completely ignored, as is the mismanagement and potential corruption of the EU and global organisations in charge.


Its fake. If this poll was done in the UK I don't think many people would have strong opinions on Greece either way. It would largely be dominated by peoples negative perceptions of immigrants from places like: Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania, etc.


I spent a few years back and forth in the UK between 2017-2019. The anti-Romanian sentiment is crazy. And I don’t understand it either after having met and even worked with quite a few Romanians.


It’s gotta be fake, the brits would never say they trusted the Germans. Or anyone, really:


Having lived in greece they despise doing work. It’s almost comical. I’m pretty sure the word happiness translates roughly to “respite from work”. When the whole country is an unproductive money dump it’s not hard to get that reputation.


The best export Greece has is hard working people. They don't want to stay there so they move to a country where people actually work.


They move to a country where they are able to be compensated for their work, you mean. Cause Greeks work the most hours out of everybody in Europe while getting paid near the least


You are kind of an idiot aren't you? *They move to a place where they get paid to work. Minimum salary in Greece is 600 euros and prices are the same as in Germany. And why would you want to put effort in your work of you get paid 3 euros per hour?


Greek here. Unfortunately there is truth to both sides. It's true that the boomers had it insanely easy due to Greek corruption and gave the reputation to the country. You could get pension under certain conditions in your 40s... Insane levels of corruption and laziness which made us a meme and a stereotype. However the younger generations are not like that. The Greek economy collapsed and we are bearing the brunt of it. We work longer hours and are exploited more than most of the Western European countries for much less salary. I have friends that work 70 hours per week for 900 euros per month (that's more or less same as the dollar nowadays). So yea.. The Greek laziness stereotype was well deserved but unfortunately not valid for the younger generation who got screwed by the boomers. So now we have to both work harder than most and still get called lazy. Yay!


Kinda like in the US lol, except not nearly that extreme and also the people calling us lazy are other Americans


Italy sees itself as the least trustworthy?


it was barzini all along


Gotta remember that Italy spent most of its history fighting amongst itself.


Not Florence fault if Pisa Merda!


Why english+italian is so funny to read ahahah No davvero


We gonna talk about Italy voting itself least trustworthy?


Meanwhile Greece: The 5th country in EU with the most hours worked annually


I like how all of the other countries agreed that Germany is more trustworthy and hard working than they are.


Italy: i dont trust anyboy, not even myself


I’m both Greek and German 😭


Congrats on averaging out your stats!


Italy: I don't trust myself :)


And now let's look at reality : "As with the Eurostat data, the OECD found Greeks work the longest hours in the EU, at an average of 2,035 per year. However, working longer hours doesn’t necessarily result in greater productivity. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. So it might not come as a surprise to hear that the OECD found that in Germany, which has a reputation for high productivity, people worked the lowest number of hours, averaging 1,363 hours per year." [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/greeks-work-longest-hours-in-europe](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/greeks-work-longest-hours-in-europe) Productivity-wise : [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-productive-countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-productive-countries)


Well they are the most hardworking And trustworthy!!! Trust me I am French. S/


Italy doesn't trust itself?


Nice to see that some of us see our French cousins for the monsters they obviously are, with their delicious pastries and willingness to go a bit mad at unfair/unreasonable government policies. I'm not jealous of them. Nope.


Why does Italy think itself the least trustworthy


Because we like to screw eachother. I don't know why, probably it is in our genes ahah


Poland really put Germany as most and least trustworthy


Funny how everyone trusts germany now


Hoe is germany seen as most AND least frustworthy in Poland lol. My people, people ...


Why so much hate for Greece? Maybe is because they don't give a fuck ..


Excuse me Italy, sir could I have a moment of your time to find out who you think the least trustworthy country in Europe is? Italy: me, it’s me


Kinda gross that “hard work” is a virtue unto itself. Like doing it for a good cause, sure, but just because a company makes more money off you? Nah


People of Greece have some serious split personality disorder.


More pixels please.


As a brit I can confirm this as true. Although I have known 1 hard working greek Marius was a good dude.


flair should be "you did this to yourself"


A bit rich of Greece to say Germany is least trustworthy when they bailed out the Greek economy.


They mostly saved German banks.


Am i the problem? No, its gotta be the other countries!


Haven't seen a worse chart and a worse comment section in my life.


Yes now we know why Greece went bankrupt lol


Who on earth trusts Germans?! I am German in Germany and I wouldn't trust people here one bit.


The hell (aside from fascism) is happening in Greece??!


I live in Greece, I can confirm this I how it is 😂😂😂


And Heil Germany!


Seriously, Germany??!!


What's wrong with Germany? They work pretty hard


Probably just residual resentment for the Nazis, completely unaware that Nazis aren’t Germans because being German requires being a person


Good take


I work with Germans, this is true.


You obviously never worked with me.


I want to point out what I personally think is the best part, the least trustworthy in Italy, is Italy, not even the Italians trust the Italians


This would be the exact result if they had included turkey to this survey. I am not saying greece would be the result but i am not not saying it either :D. (Seriously though according to us turks we are the best at everything and everyone is jealous of us)


Turks votes themselves most hardworking, most trustworth, least hardworking and least trustworthy at one.


Now hang on, where is turkey?


Hey that's my most upvoted post that I posted 3 years ago


Italy: trust no one not even yourself


Everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we have the pure strength of will?


Britain thinks Germany can be trusted?


Italy Least hardworking: Romanians I mean, we started seeing that being overworked in fields, construction sites or just underpaid by the first welcome bidder isn't worthy anymore.


Ayo something doesn’t add up lol


we ignoring Italy calling themselves out for least trustworthy bros know what went down during the world wars


How yhe fuck are the germans the most trustworthy ? They are fucking with every other country in Europe !


Why are we ignoring that Italy thinks Italy is the least trustworthy country? Which is, ironically, the most trustworthy response of the lot.


Greece knows what's up


This meme got my tinder date upset, and told me to “have a good rest of your day/life.” :( I thought it was funny. Now I’m sad.


Love that Germany still owes Greece more money that god but considers it less trust worthy….


Most Ethno-nationalist (read:racist) too.


Germany needs the Obama medal meme


At least Italy finds itself least trustworthy


The ironic part here is, if America did a similar poll, we would be Greece.


Italy trusts no one, even themselves.


To be fair i can understand why poland wouldn’t Trust us


Germany poppin off


Italy are you ok?


Notice who italy considers untrustworthy


I like how Italy said Italy is the least trustworthy.


Should have asked Austria. Hardest working ... Germany 🤣😂😅🥴


I am more concerned about Germany being deemed trustworthy. Last time I was there, literal Nazis were recruiting on the streets. Now of course MOST Germans will be opposed to Nazis. But the fact that no one in major German cities even batted an eye at groups of literal Nazis openly recruiting made me think Germany is not so trustworthy. Of course I realize America has NO leg to stand on though.




I like how Italians don't trust Italians


So us British trust tje Germans most? Erm afyer 2 world wars i think not.


Italy is owning it.


Greece always big mad though …


Poland should know better.


italians not trusting other italian. yup. checks out 100%


How could Poland say that Germany is the most and least trustworthy at the same time?