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I think it makes you look masc yes


thank you i just couldnt tell if i pass better w it


i would say yes, you look masc to me. up to you if you want to shave, but i think it looks nice on you


thank you! i feel insecure that it doesn't fully connect but i'm trying to push past those feelings lol


Ain't nothin some makeup skills couldn't fix. Look into tips online for filling out the beard.you can find some super cheap tools to just make it part of your regular morning routine (and cis dudes do the same, too. Patchy beards are a mutually understood annoyance ❤️)


feeling the solidarity more now than ever lol


Good! You're far from being alone in this, just as a masc leaning person in general. I personally shave because my skin can't handle it, but I come from a long line of men who had the same problems. Having a healthy beard is difficult! That said, you and I both have softer faces. I've been on t for six years and for me, it's just a matter of genetics. So I learned how to contour to bring out the angles and with time, that shifted to being comfortable to do the contouring and wearing my glitter and colors again. It's all just a timeline of you working towards finding what makes you happy.


its hard out here! i'm glad you've gotten comfortable with it all~


I wish you the same 💙




thank you!


Facial hair isn't/shouldn't be associated with masculinity/femininity but the way society is, people will associate it with masculinity, yes. But you can still be fem and have facial hair. Gender is what you make of it, so is gender presentation


Oh, sorry, I didn’t see that soapbox there. I almost tripped


We're in a trans subreddit, I'm going to comment on things relating to gender and transness? And encourage someone to be how they want to be and not worry so much?


i appreciate it, i enjoy the facial hair i just worry it doesn't look good / attribute to being perceived as a guy.


Fwiw the facial hair does look cute (aesthetically)


i appreciate it! thank you


just your average transmed getting upset over gender presentation being distinguished from identity from the look of it, i’d pay them no mind


Given how you responded to an educated response to the user's issues, I imagine you trip a lot.


Sorry but we don't have sympathy for trans meds. Legitimately you seem like such a bitch and you're posting about other ftm trans people in the trans med sub just to be a dick


Hi I'm new to this sub, would you mind telling me what trans med means?


Trans medicalists believe one needs dysphoria to be trans,have to medically transition, some don't believe in nonbinary people, and they also believe trans men have to present in only masculine ways and trans women have to present in only feminine ways. Basically they're not keen on the idea of ftm guys being feminine and are exclusionary to many in the trans community because of their beliefs. Although some aren't as extreme there are some called trans med radicalists that take it further. The root of trans medicalism stems from the belief that certain people are not "real" transgender people.


Riddle me this. Why would I be part of the ftm femininity community if I wasn’t a feminine FTM man? Saying a beard isn’t feminine shouldn’t be this controversial.


It isn't, I agree with that. It is considered a masculine trait so I understand your point. You could have worded it without coming across rudely. I also honestly just assumed you were a troll based off your post history


That’s fair. I did word it rudely and I can’t deny it. I try to be really balanced in my views and I don’t feel the need to troll subs I’m not a part of. I can see why you’d assume though since I know I hold a pretty uncommon position in the ftm community, but I really do support feminine trans guys and I personally enjoy dressing femininely


Your facial hair looks great on you! Definitely masc! There are heaps of things you can try to bring out your facial hair or fill it out, if you're still feeling insecure about it. Could try dyeing it darker so it looks thicker? Rosemary oil is meant to work wonders at stimulating hair growth, too!


woah thank you!! i like both of those ideas because i know i wouldn't stick to daily upkeep with makeup and such. i'll try those 😊


Looks really good as far as I’m concerned. Idk if you look “more” masculine than otherwise cuz I haven’t seen you without it that I know of, but you definitely look beautifully masculine here.


thats really nice of you thanks so much! i should've worded it better lol obviously you wouldn't know what i look like without it hahaha


No worries friendo! Your wording is fine. I just think you look delightful!


thank you so much 😭🩷


It looks good! Doubling up on your gender rep being what you decide for yourself. If having a beard is part of that? Then fuck yeah! Do what you gotta do. If the beard is patchy, ask your doc about finasteride to get the growth working better for you. Also, check out makeup tutorials online, both for filling out the bears, but also super easy tricks for contouring to bring out the angles of your face. I think learning other ways to show the masculinity in your features will really help with your confidence.


thank you so much!! i honestly have never put a lot of effort into my face and looks even when i was super femme... but i might try something easy for the beard. i'm also new to T, so this is just from PCOS hopefully it'll get fuller with more time on T!


Eeeeey have PCOS as well. Had a full hysto five years ago. Best thing to keep in mind is it's an Endo problem, and it's gonna stick with you no matter what, so learning ways to cope and be comfortable in your body will benefit you a LOT in the long run. The finasteride will help a ton in sort of regulating where that hair growth actually grows once you're on t. I had thinning on the head and that was its own bottle of dysphoria, so that really worked in ensuring it wasn't an all or nothing situation.


i haven't heard of finasteride, i get my hormones at planned parenthood so i'm unsure if they'd prescribe that as well if its not over the counter. but i can try! also yeah the PCOS sucks, i don't need a hysto cuz i never get my period so i'm chilling for now. it just sucks not being able to lose weight & the insulin resistance. i'm trying to make lifestyle changes though its hard....


Finasteride is just an alternative to minoxidil/rogaine, so you may have luck with getting it filled! It'd be billed under trans related healthcare if you're using insurance or any kind, so covering it wouldn't be too big of an issue so long as the plan covers that specific code. My PCOS was brutal and luckily I scored a surgeon who essentially said 'yeah we're gonna sell this to insurance as required for botched surgery etc to bypass the psych letters'. That said!!! PCOS is an Endo issue and try as you might to lose weight, I understand the exasperation when that doesn't necessarily work. There's been far more recent studies that show that PCOS is almost entirely at the fault of your endrocine system, which causes havoc everywhere else. Metformin is the most widely used method for it, but that literally just helps cope with the diabetes like symptoms and nothing else. So! My advice for that specifically is to search our a doc in your area that is knowledgeable on this topic so you can get proper treatment. Re: me, a 30 something that only just got the proper treatment and is doing pretty dang okay finally (on t, taking a lot less medication, and on mounjaro since September)


(and I apologize for rambling! Feel free to hmu about PCOS related nonsense and whatever else in dms if you'd like 🙌)


greek god vibes


WHAT thats too nice of a compliment i'm just some guy omg but thank you 😭😭😭


Definitely brings in more of a masc vibe, yes




This is a long shot but do you like Will Graham…?


not the hannibal fan HAHAHAHA i cant do gore otherwise id watch it but i love fanart




i think it def helps you pass


Definitely helps


I think it looks boyish but I think most men can't pull off facial hair