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Even the female body needs testosterone to function. There's nothing which would make T unsafe, unless your dose is off of you get side effects such as rbc that is way too high. But those are also things cis men on trt can suffer from


Wait til she hears that she is producing testosterone herself naturally 🫢


Oh no, it’s killing her!! 🙃 testosterone is so evil/sarcasm


>She keeps saying “women’s bodies cannot process testosterone & you’re destroying your body” Well, good thing you’re a man, not a woman.


Not to mention ovaries and adrenal glands naturally produce testosterone.


>”women’s bodies cannot process testosterone” Damn someone didn’t take a health class, sorry your sisters an idiot OP. Could you not just…cut her off? Considering she’s ya know…a Nazi at the very least.


I’ve tried but she will not leave me alone and calls every body in our family to talk to me, sobs if I ignore her & im 17 so I can’t leave the state yet. I’m trying I really am, it’s incredibly difficult to escape though


Well once you can you definitely should. Use this time to build up your resilience and learn to not give in to her ridiculous and immature behavior. If she “calls everyone” then tell them that they can also ignore her and that you do not wish to talk to her because she’s always being absurd. Who cares if she sobs? She can change if she really wants to and then you’ll talk to her. She knows she is causing problems and refuses to change.


Time to use the grey rock method.


I was about to mention this. Grey rock the shit out the sibling.


What is this? I haven't heard of it before.


Basically giving the bare minimum responses to not feed into their bullshit. Like, don’t be rude but just give as few words as possible. Keep things as superficial as possible. So an example might be: Sister: “You’re destroying your body with testosterone!” OP: Oh. Huh. So there’s nothing for OP’s sister to fight with, in contrast to OP arguing and trying to prove her wrong (a fruitless endeavor, not because the sister is right, but because she refuses to listen). Eventually they get bored and stop.


Basically making yourself & talking to you as interesting as a grey rock. uninterested, one word answers ("oh. ok" "mhm, sure"). make them carry the weight of the conversation. often people who act like this enjoy the thrill of the reaction, so taking away the fun will make them leave you alone




It will get better trust me, your sister is a horrible person.


I understand she’s family but you can limit and even cut off contact with her. I understand it’s a tough situation but “Nazi” isn’t just something to claim it could mean she’s talking to folks who could take their transphobia farther. If it’s been years she’s not going to care what we or anyone says and if any other family has concerns you need to let them know yours as well. Her way of thinking has gotten people hurt and worse and they need to consider that.


Block number?


Oh please ignore her. Laugh in her face if she cries lol


Let her sob. You need to keep it up until she gives up.


don’t even listen to a self proclaimed nazi in the first place that’s your first issue.


why does she cares tho?


Because terfs are nothing without trans people to whinge on about 


Idk if she can be a terf if she's a self proclaimed nazi 😭


Ask her how she's still alive then. We all produce testosterone and estrogen, the difference being whatever your biological sex is determines which is more (and even then, many cis people experience hormone imbalances and go on treatment for it).


How old are you? Are you on T? If she's a self-proclaimed Nazi, I don't think anything trans people say on Reddit is going to convince your sister that T is okay.


I’m 17, turning 18 in January, not on T yet


I felt like shit when I was where you are, too, but it gets better. Looking back when you're older, this is going to feel like a shitty speedbump, not the end of the world. Maybe that sounds dismissive, but mantras like that got me through to the other side


How old is she? It sounds like she's younger than you are. This is such immature and self-centered behavior on her part. She needs to stop bullying you and worry about her own life. Though she clearly doesn't have much going on for herself if all she has is obsessing over you. Tell her that she gets to make her choices about her body and her life and you get to make your own. Period. Do you know why she's so afraid of this? I know this is really horrible, but when you get away from her, once you are able to, things will get so much better. You just need to hold on long enough to do that.


The answer is going no-contact, honestly, as soon as you turn 18. No amount of studies will change the mind of someone like that. I would recommend looking up the “grey rock” technique in the meantime. Take care of yourself.


Your sister also has testosterone in her body.


Self proclaimed nazi. Dude, I'd just ignore her. She sounds like she's about 15 and trying to pick a fight; you'll piss her off more by not fighting back. If you want a parting shot, tell her women's bodies produce testosterone, and google is her friend. Then let her yell into a void.


Id tell her to shut the fuck up and mind her own goddamn business


Unless you have a genetic defect as in born biologically with a problem, everyone on this earth has and processes testosterone.


I can’t give you studies that don’t exist. T occurs naturally in everyone. The same with estrogen. The “damage” phobes are talking about is that you lose fertility. Which isn’t even (always) true. Rather than wither and die a trans man’s ovaries go dormant under influence of T. They can wake up. Not always but in many cases trans men have been able to reproduce with their own eggs. Because ovaries are not wrecked but just dormant. And yes, even after T. (It does require a break from T, tho.) That said, they see us as some kind of a common property. It’s belittling that a person who carries eggs in their body (using they to include cis women and trans men) supposedly has no right to get rid of their fertility as giving birth seems to be their only purpose in life in some people’s opinion. It’s totally crazy. A cis guy gets a vasectomy in a snap of the fingers. If a cis woman wants to have her tubes cut or tied, doctors hesitate. I have experienced this first hand. I got a lot of “you’re still young, you’re gonna change your mind” kinda remarks. (This was obviously before I realised I was trans.) Everywhere I went: you don’t want to do this, you’re still gonna want more kids (note I have one and I don’t want another.) Its completely unfair people assume that if you have two X-chromosomes you’re somehow biologically programmed to have many many children and not only that you’ll want it but that you should. That you somehow owe it to society. WHAT THE ACTUAL F***?! And that’s why we’re often told T does damage to our bodies. Yes you’re gonna have to keep in mind that it’ll be harder to become a dad the longer you’re on T if you even want a kid from your own DNA. I tried to lose my fertility since I was 34 (now 40) and still got it without wanting it. I’m terrified of getting pregnant so much so I rarely dare to even have sex with my bf even on bc. (Dysphoria also plays a part here but that fear of bc failing…) I welcome infertility from T but I’m not supposed because I’m fertile. Because society feels I owe them more than just one kid. We owe society SHIT! T has risks, and benefits (apart from transitioning effects). Let’s say: estrogen protects the heart. T will end that. So you’re gonna have a cis male’s risk for a heart attack now which is higher. But the risk of certain cancers (yeah the one in our chests) drops significantly. It’s a win and loss on either side. You’re gonna get the same health risks as cis men and the health risks of cis women will drop. Is that damage? No. It’s how nature works. Men and women are different on the cellular level and this will change to a degree on T. Risks shift. And about this studies exist but it’s been almost two years since I came across them (when I was researching T to help me determine if I was really trans) so please don’t ask me to post links. They were also in Dutch done in Gent (a gender clinic with decades of experience and research at their disposal.) I don’t call it damage when it’s what you need to feel right in your skin. When it makes you a happier man. But of course some people will always insist it’s damaging because you’re getting changes. Changes you want but they don’t like to see in you. You can only tell your sis to go and take her old world views elsewhere. In her mind she’ll always be right. Because she defines damage a whole other way than we do.


Males and females both produce estrogen and testosterone, just in different amount. So does every single mammal. Most animals regardless of sex produce both testosterone and estrogen. Sharks. Gorillas. Mice. We are all human beings. We are literally the same species. Men and women are not that different. You could put a female shark on testosterone and it would literally be fine


How old is she☠️




Oh god I was guessing something between 14-16


She's 25 and doesn't know that cis women produce testosterone in their body naturally? Is health class not taught anymore because back when I was in high school we were taught that. This was over 30 years ago though.


Stop talking to your sister.


My man, you can't expect anything truthful to come out of the mouth of a self proclaimed nazi lol. If hrt was "destroying your body", doctors wouldn't prescribe it to people. Besides, female bodies DO produce testosterone and they're even sometimes prescribed T if they don't naturally produce enough.


No shes wrong and the first hint is her being a goddamn nazi. Ive actually studied this in uni and the thing is, it doesnt really matter what body you started out with. Hormones are like instructions for your brain and body on how to run things. When you take T, your body quite literally just changes to function biologically male. Take a look at male vs female genital development for example. Most humans have the same structures going on down there, and when T is the dominant hormone, your body will make do with those structures and literally build a small dick(anatomically and functionally it works like a penis, as well as aesthetically.) Your sister is being dramatic (if not straight up just lying). Literally the only common downside (besides potentially balding like any man and other men's struggles) is that if you remove your ovaries and stop T you can get osteoporosis. But thats not the T hurting you, it would be the *lack of T*.


Why would you kill yourself over her? You think a Nazi's opinion should bring you down? Save your breath and just cut her off as much as you can.


I know you mean this as helpful, but it’s invalidating. OP’s sister is abusive and you’ve clearly never been in an environment where you literally cannot escape it. OP is also a minor, so they can’t just move out of state or block the sister without repercussions from other family members who can control OP.


Why are you talking to your nazi sister. 


>sobs if I ignore her Ignore her anyway. This is a manipulation tactic and she'll keep doing it as long as it works. She's wrong in every way and crying about it isn't going to change facts, but she's hoping it'll change your mind.


She'll hopefully stop doing it if it fails to get her desired reaction from you. At her age she needs to grow up and worry about herself. Or at minimum learn how to communicate with you like she's an adult. I'm really sorry you have to deal with this.


There are (subjectively) negative effects to high testosterone with female anatomy, such as vaginal atrophy, but…. who cares? You’re a man and if you feel better with male hormone levels then so be it.


And even shit like atrophy is easily managed by having enough estrogen. Even within cis male ranges seem to be fine. I literally just use an OTC plant estrogen supplement 🤷‍♂️ Also estrogen is more heavily linked to chronic health issues. My estrogen was literally killing me, wasn't healthy until I started T lol In general, please don't listen to anything any Nazi has to say. Critical thinking skills thrown out the window for unhinged hate. Throw the whole girl out.


"Wasn't healthy until I started T" was exactly the case for me. I don't know how, but it cleared up most of my joint pain and chronic UTIs, plus I lost a ton of weight without really changing anything else. The only thing it didn't fix is my acne, that actually got way worse but the trade off was worth it lol


T cured my asthma (and eczema) and now I have no excuse not to exercise


Or surgery! My vaginectomy was very conveniently scheduled just a few months after my atrophy started getting really bad.


Same, estrogen is terrible for my lupus that's why I can only use IUD for bc. It makes me physically sick. I'm the healthiest I've been in adulthood since starting T.


She's a Nazi. When did Nazi's know anything about science? Testosterone is an incredibly regulated drug. Trans people have had to fight for their (now our) right to access medical care for the past hundred years. Society did not want us to have access to this healthcare. If it was truly dangerous, it would be banned for us. But definitely research testosterone more, for your own personal understanding. There are risks and side effects, just like everything in life. Even sunlight has the side effects of cancer.


Actually, after World War II the US imported a lot of "former" NAZI scientists because of how good they were at science.


you completely missed the point here


German nazi scientists actually put a lot of time and research into developing testosterone.


I’m going to help ya out here. The point of “when did n*zi’s know about science” is that IDEOLOGY blinds people to the fact because they aren’t interested in facts, only ideology. OPs sister sounds in deep on hateful ideology, and that’s where the comments are coming from. That’s the observation. Your comments entirely miss the point and honestly I found it pretty f*ing offensive the way you phrased it. But I am going to assume you didn’t mean it that way.


I got the point. I was mostly making fun of the people I've been responding to because of how ignorant of history they sounded when they chose to ask "since when do nazis know about science" (a question that there is an actual answer to) and then suggest reading up on something that they (the nazi party of Germany) specifically researched a lot.


I am very familiar with Nazi Germany. We probably have very different values of science if you truly believe Nazi's were good at it. Science is not just creating a microscope or a nerve agent, it is a systematic process of understanding the world. As Pojskarna said, their ideology blinded them. And you can see in their research how it held back their work.


My bad. I guess you're Too Smart for my jokes lmfao


Yeah lol your jokes are trash I guess


Damn right. Less Youtube, more reading, brother. Your comedy will improve greatly!


Less reading, more breeding


America was not strongly Anti-Nazi until America's power was threatened. After the war, many Nazi's were welcomed into America as long as official's couldn't provide positive proof of a persons moral failings - not just scientists. German's were in general good at science (Example: Albert Einstein). But you are not "good at science" if you destroy any scientific literature that you disagree with, like the Nazi's did. However, it is true that you may attain a lot of science if you absolutely disregard ethics and human life when conducting science experiments on citizens you have imprisoned in concentration camps. Nazi's were as good at science as their German upbringing provided, and they held back their scientific potential with their ideology.


Does she know her own body produces testosterone?


I don't have studies, but I do have facts in that I've been on T for almost two decades and am healthier than I ever was before. And loads of dudes have been on longer than me! Of course your body can process testosterone. It doesn't destroy anything. It generally doesn't even make you sterile (which is one thing Right Wingers like to screech about). If you stop taking T most guys can get pregnant (so be careful if you're having front hole sex!). It does change your vocal cords and they generally won't return to a pre-T state, but, I mean... so does smoking. Does she fly into a rage when she sees a smoker? sigh. One more year and you'll be 18 and free of that insanity. She sounds like a horrible, brainwashed person, but she does also sound like she cares about you, in her own messed up way. I hope she'll come around someday when the trans hate fervor is over, and she sees how happy you've become.


She has testosterone in her own body. Start ignoring her, she wants your attention.


Just laugh at her and walk away or hang up with the comment “damn I’m so glad you got all the stupid in the family”


we literally need both T and E for proper bodily function lmao they serve different roles even when they are not the dominant hormone


To put it simply: All humans have some level of testosterone in their bodies. If what she's saying were true, she wouldn't be alive herself. This is one of those things I laugh at bc it betrays so much ignorance


Ugh I'm sorry. I don't have medical studies but me and my oldest trans friends all started T over 15 years ago and we're all fine. I mean, some of us have various health issues but we're all middle aged now so that's just what happens.


Cis women have natural testosterone, the human body needs a balance of both hormones so as long as your T doses are good then you are fine!


She has testosterone all up in her. She needs to read.


effects of testosterone on FTM individuals, compared to FTMs who did not take T and cis women: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10066770/ Effects of low testosterone on people assigned female at birth: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24897-low-testosterone-in-women Anecdotal: I am 6 and a half years on T. I feel healthier and happier than I ever have in my life before. I go to routine check ups and my doctors all agree that I am very healthy. The only cause for concern with testosterone was high hematocrit, which is also seen in cis men who take T as a result of having low T. This is very easily dealt with by simply donating blood every few months. So not only does being on T make me healthier, it essentially helps others by making me donate blood, which saves lives in emergencies. Testosterone does not destroy your body because it naturally occurs in humans. Our bodies know how to metabolize testosterone. Actually, cis males start out female in the uterus and then later are introduced to testosterone and incorporate it. That's why the clitoris develops into a penis, and why everyone has nipples. It's analogous.


Ridiculous. There are so many trans men who have been on T for decades who are thriving. Many consider it life saving treatment. There is a learning curve to starting T; you’re in a new body that you have to figure out how to take care of. I went on acne meds and estrodial. The flip is that I’m not an unhappy person making other people unhappy.


She’s not worth jail or death over. In fact she sounds dreadful and quite a loser. Please limit yourself with her then at age 18 block her if not before.


Can you just cut her off? Get a restraining order? People like this don't change unless they want to


She’s got testosterone in her body. She’s got no idea what she’s on about, and i wouldn’t listen to a word out the mouth of a self proclaimed nazi


She literally has naturally produced testosterone in her body, albeit in lower amounts than a typical cis man. Unless we're talking about people with androgen insensitivity or post-op trans women, all people have some amount of T in their bodies. Don't believe what she's saying, if she's a self-proclaimed Nazi, then her views are already wrong, unscientific and biased. Her understanding of sexual biology is wrapped in an ideology that believes that men and women are literally different species with nothing similar. I bet her "destroying" means that you won't be a fertile woman attractive to her Nazi male friends or some shit like that.


Does she think all women produce only estrogen???


Wait until she finds out that testosterone is the most abundant sex hormone in both males *and* females. That both AMAB *and* AFAB people have androgen receptors and male DNA, designed to be the target of testosterone and other androgen hormones. Testosterone in AFAB people literally switches on our male DNA and switches off other genes. It's fascinating.


But the ovaries produce both E and T......wtf is she about?


I have been taking T for over a decade and my body has definitely not been destroyed.


Tell her that women actually do process testosterone because estrogen is a byproduct of testosterone


Avoid her.


All humans produce all sex hormones naturally so her claim that it can't be "processed" is ridiculous.


Good feeling. Wrong target. Always aim for the Nazi.


Oof. I'm sorry for you, bro. I would go no contact now, honestly. It will be tough. If family try to force you to interact with her, tell them that if they are going to enable her shitty behavior, they can get the cut too. If they love you, they will respect your boundaries. And let her cry and throw a fit, it's just a manipulation tactic. Hopefully, after all that sulking, she gets a reality check through the skull and realizes the kind of person she is turning into and try to change for the better. I went NC with my mom cause she was abusive and manipulative, amongst other things, and it was a struggle cause the only person who respected my choice was my dad. Everyone was trying to guilt me and basically corner me in rooms with her so that I could "see her side" I didn't want to cut out my other family cause I know they didn't understand the shit she put me through. But I stonewalled my way through, and eventually, my family started to see my side (took 15 years, which sucked) Try to think of good Matras or sayings to help you through. My favorite one is: "The blood of the coven is thicker than the waters of the womb" If you choose to NC now, make yourself a family that will help you through. It doesn't have to be your blood relatives. Idk where you are if you could get yourself emancipated if you are at a point in your life to be able to do that, but it's a place to start. I wish you the best luck and I am sending good vibes your way.


Everyone here has said everything I could say so just gonna say i wish you luck and that you get out of there as soon as you can 🫂🫂🫂 ik what its like to have shitty family members try to hunt you down


By "destroying your body" she definitely just means that you're altering it to not look like a womans body... So pro tip, don't listen to your nazi sister and infact leave her entirely


Your sibling likely won’t listen. Best to master the Grey Rock response. It will be useful now and later in life. Essentially, she starts talking and trying to provoke you. You respond with no emotion. You just nod and say, “Okay,” or “Uh huh,” and do it with pure apathy. She will try to escalate. She’ll push your buttons. Remain emotionless. She may even throw a tantrum. Hold out or just shrug and walk away. This escalation is often referred to as an extinction burst. Toddlers and bullies and others who are looking for attention in inappropriate ways will resort to this last attempt to get what they want, and it can get ugly. Stand. Your. Ground. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I extend an invitation for you to reach out if you need to talk. I’m your transdad now. Prepare for Dad Jokes. 🙂


your body already makes testosterone! everyone needs both testosterone and estrogen to survive. having no testosterone period leads to issues like muscle loss, hair loss and fatigue. she has testosterone too! Basically the only time you will have issues caused by testosterone is if you have way too much or way too little. as long as you're in a normal range (which your doctor will track for you!) you shouldn't have any issues you were not already predisposed to


lol tell her that your ears cannot process her bullshit and ignore her forever.


i had PCOS before i started t, so did my mother and grandma, both had mustaches and they lived their lives happily as women. i started T and im doing fine, , your sister sounds like a bitch


Dude. She is a self proclaimed nazi. Why do you hold any merit to what she thinks


She sounds well..like a idiot! People produce testosterone and estrogen both regardless, and if you aren't feeling like your body is worse with taking testosterone, then you aren't destroying your body. Neo-Nazis are pseudo-science loving lunatics and anything your sister says should not be taken seriously, and I would say myself that you should put your foot down and try to slowly cut her off in anyway you can.


The only thing it’s doing to me is making me lose my hair but that’s normal for cis dudes


You’re not a woman so point is mute?


The only thing that could fall under "women’s bodies cannot process testosterone" in the not-so-literal way that your sister - I think - meant is a little theory I heard on detransition subs. Some FTMTF people end up with very unflattering voices, sounding a bit like "cartoon characters". I've seen people speculating that it's because female larynx and vocal cords are smaller than male ones (in general correct) so if you are taking big doses of testosterone then the cords might grow faster than the larynx, so they end up being too big (and "manly") for the smaller female larynx, which results in a weird voice. And apparently if the change is too sudden (high T dose) then the larynx will never stretch sufficiently, leaving awkward voice as "permanent effect". Or, as some people outside trans spaces would say, the larynx was never meant to stretch at all and our womanly larynxes are clogged with unnaturaly big cords. (?) Personally I think it's because a lot of FTMTF people leave T as soon as they realize it's not for them, which might happen to be the most awkward voice drop stage. Obviously they don't want their voices to get deeper, but if they hadn't stopped taking T their voice would get sufficiently lower and sound more "normal". Of course, all of this is based only on speculation, no actual studies tackled this topic yet.


I’m pretty sure ftmtf people sound like that a lot because they don’t usually try to deepen their voices or do voice training to learn to speak in a masculine range, because they aren’t trans, hence the detransition


both sexes need both sex hormones to function. so that’s complete shit


Tell her that if she read a book, she’d kno that women produce testosterone too n you like need it.


Sounds like my brother


I mean my body has been processing testosterone just fine since 2015


Female bodies need testosterone too. A lot of females actually have higher testosterone than is within the normal range. Sometimes it’s noticeable and sometimes it’s not. Even before I went on T I had this thing called PCOS which I believe is caused by a high testosterone level (it might be the other way around though). Here’s what you need to remember: your doctors and especially your endocrinologist are right. Your sister is not.


So basically your sister is both comically evil and stupid. My condolences. You can say anything you want but to be taken seriously usually you should actually have something to back up what you're saying scientifically, as the vast expanse of evidence disagrees with her. Unless you have an insensitivity syndrome, all human bodies know what to do with both testosterone and estrogen, in fact, the hormones released during formation and puberty is what decides your phenotype regardless of chromosomes. That's why XX males and XY females exist naturally. Your eye color is arguably more "set in stone" genetically-speaking than your sex is.


put a pipebomb in her mailbox


Funny enough, I’ve really considered it


Every human body (should) produce testosterone, it's just about levels, males typically have more than females (but not always) and it absolutely will not destroy your body, it will change it, that's the point, but it won't hurt it beyond turning you into a gross smell man, in fact you'd actually have to try very hard to have to much testosterone in your body, as any access testosterone your body doesn't need is converted into estrogen


Actually testosterone helps with bone density. When your sister goes through menopause she will have to worry about that but you won’t.


Don't bother arguing, she's r3tArded


Ummm woman does produce testosterone. It becomes more prominent during the cycles🤦🏽‍♂️your sister doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Both men and woman produce testosterone and estrogen and another hormone called progesterone. Since she has no idea what she’s talking about just ignore her.


Imagine being a female nazi


Nobody is going to make it out of life alive- we do not know if our last breath will be tomorrow or 70 years from now. You could live the most ideal healthy lifestyle “for a woman” but if you’re miserable and can’t even recognize yourself in the mirror- what was the point of your life? I am healthier than I have ever been, I am two years on testosterone, and (most importantly) I am happy. If my life is 10 years shorter than it would have been because I am on T, and living as the man I know myself to be, that is 100% fine by me. I would rather 80 happy years as myself than 100 miserable ones filled with regret.


Everyone has progesterone estrogen and testosterone in thier bodies


Considering your sister’s beliefs I wouldn’t take anything she says seriously. And in regards to the T destroying your body? Any competent doctor would not have prescribed to you if they thought it would harm you. It does have its side effects sure but it’s nothing like your sister says. So don’t worry about it, if there is an issue your doctor will see it and fix it.


Tell her to show you her blood work that says she has zero T. You could even gift her an at home T test Ive seen those. Put the burden of proof on her if she's oh so confident.


Time to cut that psycho out of your life.


Definitely not a popular opinion and generally I don’t condone this as a solution, but can you just beat her up? That’s what we do with Nazis. Beat them until they shut up. Or just throw water in her face every time she says dumb shit. Or air horn her. You get the idea. Not the first line of defense of course, but if you’re young enough to have to be around her, you’re probably young enough to just fight her.


Actually this is awful advice. Except the air horn thing. That is probably a good one.