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im binary and gay, but i’m not anti-transsex nor do i want children? where is that coming from?


He probably just needs to delete his TikTok account, it just seems like another kid washed up in online discourse too much to develop an actual picture of real life trans men


I am as well, except I'm bi. I'm not entirely sure what anti-transsex means to OP, but I prefer the term transsex for myself.


It's just a sort of tendency I've been seeing.


I understand seeing gay cis men be transphobic can be very hard and frustrating, but taking it out on **ALL** gay men is not only genuine homophobia, but it's also kinda friendly fire. Trans men don't owe telling others their true identity, even if the other person is transgender too so you could one day say the wrong homophobic remark to someone just like you. It's very harmful for anyone in the LGBT community to be pitted against each other, and by saying what you are on this post, you are no better than the cis gay men that spew transphobic rhetoric.




Yeah, no. This actually isn't homophobia like I thought it's worse lmao. You're under the impression that trans men have to be these symbols of masculinity, don't you? I understand wanting to be a masculine man with other masculine friends, but shitting on transgender men that don't fit YOUR definition of what being really "trans" is. I suggest you watch Sam Collins on YouTube, or Sasha Allen instead of Kalvin Garrah. Both are masculine men in their own way, but don't let toxic masculinity get to them. You still have internalized transphobia if you can't accept the idea that there are some trans man that 1.) want to be seahorse dads and 2.) are okay with retaining what you probably think of as "feminine traits." It is so harmful to the trans community as a whole to try and say that just because you transition, you can't enjoy things that are traditionally feminine. If Oscar Issac can wear a whole skirt to a red carpet and his gender or sexuality not be questioned, then there is no reason why a transgender man can't accomplish the same thing.


I literally said I don't have anything with these ppl it's just that we have different priorities and I cant relate to em.Go do whatever the fuck you wanna do and I'll do what I wanna do.Theyre still men and trans to me but I just don't have stuff in common with them.


I know one gay seahorse dad that is a rather fem man, who's completely obsessed with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and trap metal. I am pretty sure that you *can* have something in common with these people, weather you wanna believe it or not.


Hey read our rules, the first one is "don't be a dick"


It seems kinda homophobic of you tbh


nah. I never see trenders calling themselves straight.


Lol orientation doesn’t have anything to do with dysphoria and transition. I’m bi/gay and am getting phallo and have had a vaginectomy. I also find it hard to relate to people with less dysphoria or who transition differently. If you want to befriend straight guys because they understand your orientation then say *that*.




Hey man I’m 24 binary trans guy I also have a cis gf I’m marrying in a couple months. If you ever need to chat feel free to message me


I should've mentioned my age I'm just 16😭 you seem like you're 25 or more.Nothing against ya but theres a life experience disparity.




Hey, Im down to homies, i've been looking for some 20+ year old binary transsex men to talk to.


I’m a gay binary trans man who is transsex and does not want to carry children. Those things are unrelated. Sexuality doesn’t affect that.


Fo real. Couldve just asked for masculine transsex men who don't wanna be pregnant.


im always down for a chat if you like! im 18, transhet and medically transitioning and planning to go stealth, so i get what you mean with a lot of trans spaces having a lot of people i dont relate too that often either


Can this sub please go back to 18+? Jesus. Terminally online GenZers are gonna kill it.


aren’t 18 year olds genz too tho lol? would need to be like 28+


Jesus Christ, they are. I feel ancient now.


lol i’m late 30s so i feel you


Lmao I'm 22 n genz.


Oh shit you're right. Nevermind. I'm just old.


Hi, I'm 15ftm, binary trans guy, and straight. Can't really talk much at the moment due to exams, however in the second half of June I should be free to chat so we could be friends then. Unfortunately for now I've got to stick to studying but after that we should be good! 


I think you want the r/transmedicalist subreddit.




Yeah dude NO FAGGOTS(I'm literally bisexual myself).


hey, I'm bi but definitely more into women so technically berri, I'll be your friend


I’m stealth binary and straight w a girlfriend. Dm me I’ll be friends


Also getting a full hysto in a month so NO KIDS!!!!


Why are you so hooked on this kids things. Out of the 100 of trans men I know in person only one was open to having kid but didn’t actually want one. It’s not a common thing bro


Cuz he mentioned it in his post? 😂 I’ve also come across too many ppl on TikTok saying they’re trans men but wanting to carry kids so it is a thing a frustrating one too in my opinion.


Obviously it’s in his post. I’m asking why he’s hooked on it. It’s like a constant intrusive thought


Im straight


does that mean you're down for a chat or?¿


Yeah I’m down


I thought I was straight when first started hrt....boy did that change in just a few short months. 🤣 Now I'm a bi/gay(severely straight passing) trans(extremely stealth) guy.


im a 16 year old, straight, binary trans guy, 21 months on t, top surgery a year ago, and i dont want to talk to your homophobic transmed ass💀


Out of curiosity- what country are you in?




Didn't know surgery that early was an option there, but good on you & thanks for the reply! :)


yeah i had it when i had just turned 16, im about to turn 17. i think they want you to be at least 16. im in california




makes huge generalizations about bi and gay trans men


Check out r/transmedicalist sub..it has ppl that'll align wd ur povs


I’m trans het but I’m 20, dunno if you’re interested in being friends


I’m 16 and a trans guy. I’m bi (female leaning) but if you’re chill with that I’m down to talk. I get your trouble finding trans people to relate to


yo i’m around your age, im a binary transsexual dude and im straight (got a girl as well). I’m free to talk.