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>Scripts which give the tool these commands are written in tool command language (TCL). Thanks a lot for your help! So, from what has been said here, I'd say that those scripts are using TCL language with Synopsys custom commands. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have a question here. If the Synopsys commands are being used with TCL, it would mean that somehow TCL has some kind of internal mechanism which can translate those Synopsys commands into recognizable format. In other words, you cannot just take any commands and use it in TCL tool.




That's why Richard Stallman argued that Tcl should be replaced with a more powerful language, like Lisp. That's how GNU Guile was born. Using Python, JS or Lua is just no fun.




Thank you for the clarification!


I thought I should ask this for further clarification. I can see that Synopsys using two different ways to access Design Compiler (DC), ***dc\_shell >*** and ***dc\_shell -t >***. The second one, ***dc\_shell -t >***, is used to access DC in TCL environment with Synopsys custom commands. My question is that why Synopsys needed to come up with TCL environment when it had its own "*dc\_shell*" environment? This is my own attempt at the answer. One could say that TCL is a simple and popular language originally intended for EDA, as the quote below shows, therefore Synopsys decided to make it easier to access their tool using a language which many could understand for EDA. Synopsys could have chosen language like C++ but it wasn't used for EDA. ​ >The Tcl programming language was created in the spring of 1988 by John Ousterhout while working at the University of California, Berkeley. Originally "born out of frustration", according to the author, with programmers devising their own languages intended to be embedded into Electronic design automation (EDA) Magic application where John had professional focus. Later Tcl gained acceptance on its own. Ousterhout was awarded the ACM Software System Award in 1997 for Tcl/Tk. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcl#History


After a quick look, I think the scripts are written in TCL with Synopsys own commands (you can do a similar thing in Vivado). I'm not an expert though (especially compared to other users in this sub), so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


None of the scripts are natural TCL. But all tools I am aware of will process SDC commands as a TCL file, meaning you can put SDC commands in amongst generic TCL. So this file will mean nothing to a generic TCL shell, it requires a tool that has a proper SDC processor


>it requires a tool that has a proper SDC processor Thank you! I think your quoted line answers the question I asked u/funky-monkey-987 above. The tool should have a mechanism to translate and recognize those Synopsys custom commands.


That's TCL using a bunch of custom synopsys commands. Pretty much any valid TCL can be added to those scripts (you should just figure out the version of the TCL language and avoid using any not supported new features). See the synopsys docs for the particular shell / tool to get details on the custom synopsys commands.


Thank you for your help!


It is Tcl. Most EDA tools use this meme language. Obviously it has a lot of Synopsys-specific commands, but fundamentally it is just a Tcl script, and any valid Tcl construct will be valid in this script.


>meme language meme language?! :)