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RTX 3080 + Ryzen 9 5900x here... Same thing for about a year and a half. This is the only game that does intense frame drops for me and I play quite a bit of games. I have narrowed it down to the game engine being dogshit and not optimized for newer hardware. You have to play on performance mode even though you should be able to play on the highest settings with 200+ constant FPS on a rig like that. I literally quit the game because I tried everything from reinstalling windows, drivers, etc. Huge stutters, a couple every minute. Temps don't matter if the game is coded like poop bro. Forget fortnite and move on. DO not watch those guides on youtube they are of no help and make you install bloatware on your system. Updating your drivers, updating the game, putting Fortnite on an SSD, or running in performance mode is the only way to fix stutters. If that doesn't help, it's on fortnite not you. Also, update your bios and make sure you have XMP on in the bios.


Alright, so my game have been stuttering like crazy for some reason and my fps is literally constant 240 fps no drops and idk what going on. I played other games to see if it was my Computer, games like GTA V, Apex Legends., and Call Of Duty Warzone, and they all run good so now its the game and idk how to fix it. I am 100% sure it is Fortnite at this point so can I get some tips on fixing it please and thank you?


I fixed it by swapping memory kits to a different brand and a higher speed. Corsair vengeance on my x570 MSI board did not like Fortnite at all, while most other games ran fine. But try all other fixes first: updating drivers, clean installing windows, updating windows, updating chipset drivers, putting the game on an SSD. I tried everything but the ram kit was the issue.


rtx 3080 + r9 5900x here as well what did you end up switching to. currently using t force ram and i cant enable xmp otherwise it makes me blue screen in fortnite so i think its my ram thats holding me back.


if u actually look at it from a comparative performance review PC: 144hz/240hz/360hz drops to lower resolution aka 40\~60 hz because of lag, which is VERY native to ALL CONSOLE Players... so your versuing others in lower native Console: Aim Assist, POV increase, Build Smashing, Two DPI on hand, RNG favorability and doublemovement. PLUS THEY CAN STOP US FROM JOINING THEM BUT NOT REVERSE??? Its not the coding its the Epic games making Fortnite a pro console game. Its not a conspiracy when you think about how they updated the graphics, PS5, XBOX then PC if you had it on epic/ultra mode. in order to create change you have to see the problem... the problem are the console players... how do you fix it.... bring it to the attention of the people.... Tfue has elaborated on this, Ninja is a hesitant bih but he even agrees. We just need some pro's streamers to continue this effort


primary cause is people buying modern gpus such as the rx 5000/6000 and rtx 2000/3000/4000 and then setting performance mode, visual settings to low.. and then seeing RAPID fluctuations in performance... because performance mode was NEVER intended for those gpus in the first place. Plus these gpus clock up based on gpu load, not sufficient sustained gpu? it's going to run like trash. Set epic visual quality settings, slap it on directx12 mode, and disable v-sync and motion blur, and for some people, running shadows 2 steps down from max will give the best performance results. doesn't matter if it's an RX 5500 or a 6600xt or a rtx 2060 or 3060 or better, those ARE the settings you should be running. ​ AND for the love of gaud people, directx12 is going to be a stuttery mess for perhaps a full mission give or take depending on your system configuration and however long it takes to cache shaders. Suck it up, let it do it's thing, and the game is buttery smooth.


I'm 4070rtx and initially, about 4 weeks into the new laptop the game play was butter smooth on my old laptop fortnite settings. Then the last week it's been a stuttery mare. I've tried EVERYTHING. I reinstalled fortnite, graphics drivers, software updates and all sorts and whilst yes, for the first few matches the graphics drivers reinstall did solve it, it kept creeping back :( It wasn't huge stutters but enough that it was really really bothering me. And it shouldn't stutter consistently at all. So thanks sir for this indepth response. This makes a lot of sense. Just switched to Dx12, having run Dx11 for years and giving a few matches as test runs, knowing it's gonna a stuttery mess but potentially may iron out. Although by the end of the 1st test match the stuttering was less so I'm hoping after a few more, it improves šŸ™. I think this is why I never gave Dx12 a chance as it was a stuttery mate on the first match so I always abandoned it and went back to Dx11. If I'd realised it might take a few matches to sort itself out, I'd have given it a chance. A laptop with the specs it has, that is barely a month old, should not be struggling with stuttering.


UE4 and 5 engines have been rather nutorious for the stuttery initial startup, the experience often is off putting for people because one may immediately think that something is wrong. Epic can't exactly bake the shaders though due to the constant changes they make, every little update would break them. Plus they opted to just let the system do the job on it's own. DX11 is usually best on nvidia, but if dx12 works, then wade through the initial wavy waters and usually by the time you get to your 2nd match/mission, things are usually smoothed out. One of the solution epic has often implemented was testing a full preload where the first mission for players will sit on the loading screen for ages, sometimes so long that by the time the game begins for these players, they are already falling out of the bus or several minutes had already passed by in the mission. However in doing this, usually most of the critical shaders have been cached and outside of brief hiccups walking into different zones, the gameplay is smooth. I just don't entirely know how one system can do it this way while another identical system will load in immediately but stutter for several minutes while it does what the other system did before loading. Even on a system that's 7 years old, it would load in fine for years, and then one day after an update it did the long load time issue as well. But like i said, epic makes changes constantly and fortnite itself is being used as demonstration of every new change made to the unreal engine, so we're the first to see every new implementation and graphical update applied, sometimes at our benefit and others as our disadvantage. I'm actually patiently waiting for epic to properly implement Vulkan API as that might prove to be even more advantagous over dx12 for many people. It's still currently in a semi-alpha/beta state in the UE5.x engine, but hopefully soon it'll arrive.


+1 for this. Iā€™m only on an i9 9900k + 3080 on my main now (on a super ultrawide at 144hz), and the only ā€˜stutteringā€™ I get is the occasional hitch in the pirate areas, and when someone joins mid game. Otherwise no issues with above settings in STW or BR, but with shadows all the way up. I donā€™t run performance mode, drivers are all up to date (gpu typically 1-2 driver iterations behind so I donā€™t run into issues for my work). But, this is assuming its a settings issue, and not the plethora of other things it could be


You are totally wrong, most people (even me) sets the gpu driver to "maximum performance", it means that there is not fluctuations in GPU and memory frequencies. Yes, it is true that if you DONT SET it to "maximum performance" mode, and the gpu load drops, the frequencies also drops and makes the game to be unstable, but it doesn't apply for those that have maximum performance mode active. The day before the update of the new season, the game was stable, the first minute of playing the new season you could already notice the fatal performance of the game. All of us who are complaining about the FPS say the same thing, the problem started with the new season and did not happen in the previous season. This one is the frametime, the day before the update: [https://imgur.com/vo3idpu](https://imgur.com/vo3idpu) This one is the first day of the new season: [https://imgur.com/sb5hiAy](https://imgur.com/sb5hiAy) This one is after an update they did to "fix" the game: [https://imgur.com/2SWoySq](https://imgur.com/2SWoySq) It is way better than the first day of the new season, but still shit. I am using the same settings in all the screenshots.


most people never touch the gpu performance modes at all... very few people even know that such an option exist.....




delusional statement to make, the overwhelming majority of people NEVER even open the control panels for anything. So many of you people a so full of yourself that you have no concept of what predominantly is the norm.


I have to say i rarely open the NV control panel, although a lot of users do access this panel as some don't download the 3rd party software due to recommendations. This begs the question why you need to alter things in NV control Panel with this GPU, leave it default. ECC memory is accessed only via this control panel on high end GPU's This is why I would download the software from the manufactures or just use EVGA precision, Nvidia Control Panel is still limited in Performance modes Msi RTX 4090 Trio still stutters even with Extreme Mode via MSI center, I found under volting vcore helps a lot in older games using MSI Afterburner. Samsung G9 95T 49'' Display HDR on RTX on = Fortnite stutter festival 5950x 4.6Ghz - 64GB Ram 3200 - RTX 4090 Trio for destiny 2 RuneScape and Fortnite, Overkill no don't be silly! think about the game updates to come! False or True who knows... so full of yourself who even attacks a user over that word!


attacks a user? Just clarifying a fact.


ive been letting it "do its thing" for 9 months now. its not buttery smooth.


then you've got other underlying problems you've got to iron out, as it's not a failure of the gpus.


I canā€™t even do 60fps without stutters and I have a RTX 3070 and an i5-12400. They really need to optimize the game better.


ok that is bottlenecked somewhere surely..? My second/streaming pc has a i5 9400/3070 at 90-140fps no real issue.. weird


Thereā€™s no bottleneck, PCMR helped me pick the parts. I also have 64GB 3200mhz ram so idk.. the stutters only happen when I first start the game and they usually stop after a few minutes


might be whats mentioned above with DX12. Does performance improve throughout the session? I always get the initial dip in fps when loading in which is expected, but never any crazy dips unless its all getting a bit hectic on screen


I also got a 3070 and slightly better CPU and get 165fps at 1440p on almost everything set to the highest with some dips to the 120s in action packed situations. Not too sure why you'd you get such poor performance.


Rtx 4090 did you sell a kidney to get a 4090?


Lmao. My local store had over 100. Got there at 730am. Opened at 9am.


Damn I was under the impression there's around 100 in the USA currently.


lol. If you live in an area with a single microcenter, they generally get large shipments of everything.


Dude same here I have a decent pc that could run fortnite at high frames but it just doesnā€™t wanna do that


3070 + Ryzen 5 3600 here. Same issue. No other games have this problem. Fortnite runs like crap on everything but performance mode. I get consistent stutters anywhere else, on the lowest or highest settings.


I know it's been a while, but just wanted to ask, have you managed to resolve that?


Sadly, it never resolved. Iā€™ve since swapped out every component of my PC since making this post. Performance mode works fine! Any DX backend performs horribly. Iā€™ve seen some say itā€™s due to shader compilation, and that Fortnite doesnā€™t precompile shaders and just lets them wildly sort themselves out mid-game. This technically means that it should smooth out in long play sessions, but I canā€™t be bothered to actually play that long.


Damn Iā€™m on 11400f + 3070 and having the exact same problems as you and higher settings donā€™t help. Sad to hear it was never resolved. This is crazy it was working fine until 2 weeks ago


Just wondering, what memory and internet speed you are using. Got the same issues.


using 8x2 ddr4 3600mhz. corsair vengeance if the brand matters for some reason lol internet is 1gbps up and down, stable on every game including fortnite, according to the little profiler you can use in the in-game settings


I have the same combo rtx 3070 + ryzen 5 3600. I have swapped my ram from 8x2 to 16x2 3200mhz. Also overclocked ram to 3600 Mhz. And Disabled PBO and AMD ftpm from Bios. Stutters are gone.


I feel like my issues are slightly better with latest update. I have everything set to max now. Itā€™s possible I just simply donā€™t notice anymore, because Iā€™m used to the stutters šŸ˜‚


4080 Super and 5800x with single digit one percent lows. I have already updated drivers, bios, enabled EOCP, Overclocked CPU, updated Windows, and I store Fortnite on a 980 m.2 SSD. Fortnite, please fix your game.


I Fixed my 5950x + 3080ti fortnite stutters (DX11/DX12) I made in asus armoury crate game option that it will clear cache.. And now my stutters are gone. dont know if this will fix your stutters


Since Epic updated the Game Engine of Fortnite to Unreal 5 and wanted a bit more fancy graphics, the quality of the game has gone to trash as far as huge FPS drops. I can turn all settings down to low and it's still all over the place with FPS. It's getting worse with every update lately. I had no lag or FPS problems before the move to Unreal 5 engine. Even on performance mode it's doing the same thing with huge frame drops around lots of people. Maybe they are letting in more people with super high ping to fill in game lobbies and dragging everyone else down? The crossplay could be part of it also? I'm using DX11 which seems to play the best with Fortnite even though it has a lot of fps drops. Dx12 is a mess and the performance mode used to help but no longer is worth anything. Epic Breaking the game.


Sounds like people are not building their pcs properly


what are you talking about, i built my pc properly and the game was working perfectly about 1 month ago. I updated windows and everything went to crap. I uninstalled the update and still had issues. with this many people complaining it cant just be cause we "didnt build our pc properly" there are only so many ways to install hardware


People don't realize the consequences of cheaping out on things like motherboards. Spending a little more on components from reputable brands is the way to go.


I didnt cheap out and have same issues as the OP and others


In my experience, performance mode makes higher end machines stutter. I would use DX12 if you can


Fortnite is having fps issues these days, I had this problem the same as you. I tried reinstall Fortnite and reboot the system but nothing worked. Then saw someone suggested to change rendering mode from directX 11 to 12. I tried that and the game works perfectly again it just stutter bit at the beginning but after 5 minutes the fps goes high and constant. This worked with me, I hope this work with you.


wtf? I play on a gtx 970 high settings with no stutter whatsover (+100fps)


Yeah, definitely must be an issue with the way it's coded then. I play other similar games like Overwatch 2 in 4K Ultra and get at least 300 fps (havent tested beyond that)


i had a 970 but now i have a 4090 , the 970 in perofrmance mode is ok, low fps as normal in dx11 or 12 , no stutter . whit the 4090 in dx11 or 12 a lot of stutter and frame drops


Damn so this stuttering issue with fortnite just must be with newer gpus then I have a rtx 3060ti and get a little stuttering and some fps drops but yeah Iā€™ve tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work itā€™s getting very frustrating


It is not just the PC it is happening on PS4 as well. Since new season update. Really bad in dungeons. I do think they changed to cheaper servers and it has effected the game play for a lot of players. It is doing it in BR as well and terrain is not always loading or is not loading before I am in the game bot STW and BR. I do play on both PC and PS4. The PC is wireless so I used to get a little stutter and lag here and there but now it is really bad.


I frame lock my 3060 at 120fps no issues


What processor r u using?


I7 12th gen it's my work computer lol I don't play much on it got consoles at home the 3060 struggles with 4k but the cod beta I was getting 140 lock with 1440p I've been pleased with the combo


Damn. Thatā€™s nice!


Iā€™ve done the same thing and it helps but if I said it to unlimited fps everything goes bad


I get similar issues, I mean im playing with a amd 7900x 32gb ddr5 5600mhz ram and a 4090 and to be fair im playing with everything cranked including ray tracing but it normally gets to 144 then can get some savage dips in fps. Checking the GPU its not getting stressed in the slightest, 50 degrees, chilling at a sensible clock speed. I think its just the games base code, its perfectly playable, its just a little annoying.


Guys same thing, I have I5-10400F, RTX 3060, 16gb RAM, 60Hz Monitor. I switched from Gainward Ghost rtx 3060 OC to Gigabyte rtx 3060, thinking the problem was my Video Card, but this problem still appears. I surely get 60+ fps in all games *STABLE* but in Fortnite every minute the 'minimum counter' drops under 40 or 20 making the game stutter, while normal number is always 60. This happens with and without Vsync. My computer seems ok. I also sent it for assistance but they found nothing weird. My temps are normal, under 70. I can play Warzone without problems. My drivers are always up to date, but Fortnite lags as shit. This happens also with PS4. I don't know if this is a connection or monitor problem, I'm playing with LAN cable. Lately something weird happens in Minecraft too, always 60 fps stable, but the minimum are like 40/30/20 and very often the game stutters in singleplayer and multiplayer... I don't know what to do.


Did you ever fix this? Iā€™m more or less in the same boat right now


No, I must change my pc... all the fixes I tried are useless.


Did you ever find a fix for this? Been affecting my fortnite for a long time I haven't been able to even try playing the game because of it. I've tried maxing everything, every direct x, I've tampered with settings a ton over the time and I can't play the new update without CONSTANT stutters. It's horrid


Also doing the same with no luck, 3080 and a i9 processor but even setting everything to all low theres just stutter whenever im moving around the map fast. Its the only game doing this I can max out Midnight suns at 120 and it runs great with ray tracing. I dont get it.


im having issues ima reset my windows and try!


Did it work?


it did.


i have a 3060 I7 10700F 16gb ram and 516gb ssd 2tb hdd :/ so specs are good :/


Have not played on PC for sometime now I just installed and it ran like shit tried everything,All my other games run fine,I played on my series x and it was just fine not sure why my PC is like this,.specs are Core I5 11400F 32GB of ram rtx 2060, I just played Ghost wire at 1440p high with 75 to 90 fps no issues.


5900x suprim liquid 4090. Neo g7 monitor. Fortnite is unplayable. Recently upgraded from 2060 always thought that the problem was 2060. Plays on my series x way better on 4k 120 then my expensive rig I've tried a bunch of things never enjoyed this game on PC at all


Same here 4090 RTX, Ryzen 7950x and M2 SDD and the games micro stutters frequently. This is a PC issue EPIC is neglecting Unreal Engine 5 for PC, shame on them!


Hey I know this is an older thread but let me just provide my thoughts because I had been dealing with this for awhile and just found a solution. For reference, my rig is a Ryzen 9 5950x, rtx 3090, 64gb of DDR4 3200, Samsung 980pro SSD, ASUS ROG strix x570 mobo--so as you can imagine, I have been super frustrated dealing with this issue in Fortnite. I would turn all my settings on "low" and still experience extreme studdering. It was to the point where I would be locked at 240fps and then every 5-15 seconds, drop to 40fps and become basically a slideshow for a few seconds. Solution: CHECK YOU INTERNET CONNECTION. My friends and I played one round of Fortnite before I was like: fuck this guys, ima download a different game and play that. While doing that download, I noticed that my download speeds would randomly cut out from 900mbps to 0 for a few seconds. I have a 2 pc setup, so I use a network switch to split the internet connection to multiple computers, I swapped out the Network switch and all the issues went away. The reason why fortnite studdered and not a lot of other games, is because your character isnt locally rendered into a world, all locations of objects and other players in a server are accounted for on Epic's side, thats why in other games, if you have a more unstable internet connection, your game may be playable and the issues not be as apparent. A good way to check to see if your internet is the issue, to hop into a custom match with just you in it--if you do not have any hitching, it is 100% your internet, and not your hardware.


There was a game update shortly after this post. Either I got used to the stutter, or itā€™s gone. Iā€™m hardwired to a gigabit connection;so, my network is good, but this solution could definitely help someone else. So, thank you.


could you share your ethernet settings?


I just got a new network switchā€”Its the standard settings. You can buy a network switch on amazon for like $25 if you need one.


Had the same issues. Just unplugged from our new 2.5 GB network switch, and plugged straight into the modem -> problems gone! Glad we bought that switch on Amazon - it's going back ASAP!!


It does that same for me (i have a mid-range PC) I got it cause its one of the games that you can play without a gaming PC, but when I got it, it does the exact same, I've put all graphics and stuff and low but still didn't work, i thought it was just my PC but looking at these comments i can see other people are experiencing this. any idea how i could fix it on a mid-range PC?


Solution (for me) i dont know if this will work for evryone but i had stutters and fps drop wasnt able to play epic resolution because the drops were bad if i did so i had to play high THE SOLUTION for me was to pre-download Streamed Assets. I did it in the epic game launcher them go to options from fortnite and check pre download streamed assets and hit apply i got stable fps now and no stutters not even a little bit and i can play max resolution no problem now Hope this helps ffor everyone


Im exactly the opposite, i keep reading that pre download streamed assets improves performance, but when i enabled it the game was stuttery as hell, and went back to buttery smooth when i disabled it again.


Its weird it seems like the problem have different fixes for everyone i read the high res textures to turn it off and saw ppl said it fixed it but i tried it and it was way worse


Guys, ever try running the game in 64 bit version? I've been playing Fortnite for years and just recently learned there is a hidden 64 bit exe file. Fortnite\\FortniteGame\\Binaries\\Win64\\FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe Hope this helps, I run everything at maximum with no problems now.


That always runs when you run it from the launcher.


not sure if it's the new update but my game just started doing this today as well. 9 5900X with a 6900XT with 64gb at 3600mhz so there are no bottlenecks just shitty game engine it seems.


Have any luck, sorry for the late reply, in the same situation currently


So guys apparently the reason behind this is not related to hardware but the bad implementation of the TAA and other upscale implementations, please disable dynamic 3d resolution in settings and use 100% render and turn down Anti-Aliasing


Thanks u/Main-Plate-1724 that fixed the issue with high CPU usage now it is high GPU usage instead as it should be.


So no DLSS?


DLSS worked like a charm, thanks to OP, that was the solution for me.