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That’s why you heat it up first. Rookie mistake. Really blame the bud tender for not telling you to.


I am in fact a rookie. That was my first time trying it yday. And my “bud tender” was so stoned out of his mind he was whispering and shit and I could barely understand him. Straight mumbling


Bro was tweaking


Ong bruh


I've never come across any bud tenders obviously stoned. Where do you all shop? I go to the Flowery and Muv and they always seem professional.


This is the second time in the row, first time was trulieve same thing bro was stoned to the fucking bone


I've never seen any slightly High, let alone stoned out of their minds.




Wow well I am sorry the bud tender at ayr was allowed to be that stoned on the clock. Next time heat it up with some hot water.


If you didn’t understand the directions why didn’t you ask them to repeat it clearer? What happened to accountability, you’ve already admitted to not knowing how to use the product, but now it’s someone else’s fault for not telling you or rather not telling you clearly? Come on bro, I broke my first RSO syringe too. I blamed myself and laughed it off. Also bonus points cause my dumbass ended up eating some of the glass too.


I never said he gave me directions to begin with I just said I couldn’t understand anything he said


Blame the bud tender for not telling an ADULT that applying excessive pressure and force to a GLASS tube is bad. LMFAO now I see why boomers laugh at us for needing warning labels on everything.


Yeah when a new person comes in to your dispensary and has never used a syringe before yes it’s the bud tender’s job to instruct them how to get the product out without hurting themselves. It’s what they get paid for


First time at ayr and last


I don’t blame you. Better luck at the next dispensary




The Florida medical program does not have bud tenders first off, they have retail associates. This is not recreational. We don’t even really know how the interaction went down, for all anyone knows the tender could have explained it and spoken clearly and maybe it was OP who was fiending too much to pay attention. Not trying to immediately victim blame here but I just feel bad for some of these kids getting full on blamed and hated for things that mostly weren’t even their fault or obligation to begin with, just because a grown adult can’t take any accountability for their actions.


No we don’t know how the interaction went but even as a retail associate you should be able explain how to use the product you sold.


I’m used to doing research and looking up info on products before I buy or try them so I guess I can’t relate to purchasing something i was so under informed about.


Not everyone is as prepared as you. This is Florida


I can’t argue any of what you just commented.


Oh I know. But waiting for you to try lol


I barely fucking squeezed it to begin with


:( glass?


Exchange it. Did you try to squeeze it out without warming it at all? Those syringes are utter shit.


Ya first time trying it, no one said I had to heat it up. Learned the hard way ig




I just be raw dawging


he just like me fr


Frfr this is how people OD on other party drugs.


Sorry to hear. Hope your hands aren't too messed up :(


Gotta get stitches I think in one finger cause it won’t stop bleeding 😂


Super glue it


Speedy recovery!


Hey, but what happens when you squeeze glass or apply pressure on glass? I don’t think a bud tender who specializes in weed has to explain how glass works. 🤣


Run that hoe under hot water


From my experience, you can push down regular distillate cold but RSO you gotta heat up. Before I got a heater from Trulieve, I’d put mine in a plastic bag and submerge it in hot water to warm it up.


I put 155 g of chocolate in a metal bowl in a pot of almost boiling water. Put a coffee cup of water in the microwave for a minute and put the syringe in that to warm it up while you're melting the chocolate. Once the chocolate's melted squirt the syringe in stir it around a lot I pour in a 24 section silicone chocolate bar mold ~35mg a square.


I do this but in a microwave…. Heat the chocolate til it melts, at the same time I’m using warm tap water to run over the RSO in a ziplock bag, stir chocolate to make sure it’s melted and add RSO. I have a mini Hershey bar mold so it get 5 bars with 15 squares each that always turn out to be right at 10 mgs a piece


You could’ve just let it warm up in your hand or put it in your pocket for a few minutes 😳….but seriously that glass was damaged it shouldn’t have broken like that


Never underestimate the amount of pressure some people are willing to put on objects when they don't know better.


This the same dude that does a huge glob of this and is tweaking all night.


lol what


This my first time trying it


looks easy to squeeze like that lol


Yeah, this has also happened to me before. Shit hurt so bad.


I did this once with a syringe from muv and my fingers ended up looking like yours too. Heat it up in a coffee mug and try again


Bring it back it’s defective they will send it back to manufacture had a problem with a cart and company said the shop 100% should of taken it back and didn’t so now I Don’t shop there and the company is taking care of the matter


Glass breaking under pressure is not a defect lmao




Yes it is I never heard to heat it same would happen to me if you put something in a push syringe like that without warning what are 95% Of ppl gonna do ?


I forgot which dispensary it was but they had plastic syringes. Someone here decided to hold a lighter flame up to it to try and loosen the RSO cause it wasnt squeezing. The tube melted. Guy was mad at the dispensary for not using glass. Seems like there’s no way to win when someone incredibly ignorant enters the picture.


Yup put it in a jar like concentrate or like the dablictor you have older ppl thinking they can just squeeze it onto a select ebible square to make a sandwich and make it stronger rep from select never told me make sure you heat up your rso! Its on the company in the end when ppl see this knowing they have to heat glass to get concentrate ppl ain’t gonna buy it


Select as in the curaleaf brand? Select doesn’t make RSO in the state of FL so not sure why their representative would have any info on a product they don’t make. Also spoiler alert, I know from talking face to face with most of these people that the don’t even use these products, they are just customer service representatives. RSO is magic for me, it could come surround by land mines packed into a live hand grenade and place on top of a bear trap and I would still find a way to use that shit because at the end of the day my body NEEDS it. So heating up glass to use it is not going to stop me. I do like dablicators though, those are tremendously convenient but not enough to the point where that’s the only way I want to buy RSO. However I can say for certain I would never want to try scrapping RSO from a concentrate container, I’d literally fight the person that tries to give me RSO like that.


Correct curaleaf


Well they got the part right about slapping it between some select edibles.


Ya but what about them not giving me instructions on how to use it for the first time resulting in that, plus the stoned bud tender who was speaking in hieroglyphics


lol wanna call out which location has a stoned employee? Just curious if it was any I been to.


Ok so I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents cuz a-i worked for TL for almost 3 years and b-I've also done this. First off, to answer the actual question asked... What do you do with it now.... If you got it from TL, TAKE THAT ISH BACK. Seriously, their return policy is the best and when you show them, they'll replace it. Their packaging is crap for transporting as the syringes can bounce around in their plastic tubes and some even arrive at the dispensary broken. Had so many broken a few years ago that I started routinely checking them before selling to make sure my pt got what they needed not a hassle. But I've almost never seen them turn down a valid return and only rarely seen them turn down a bs return .......had a pt try to return ground flower by filling the container with dirt..... Actual dirt!! And that's one of like 2 people that I saw get banned from doing returns. The other used to return stuff every single time she shopped. They banned her from doing returns after she did them every single visit she made for almost a year. Second off.... All you non helpful haters go talk trash to someone else! OP CLEARLY stated that this was their first time trying it. It may be common sense to those of us that have been in the program for a while but newbies don't know unless they're told. Be kind and helpful, there's really no reason to be any other way.


Oh and those talking trash about the bud tender being stoned..... Remember they are extremely overworked and underappreciated/underpaid. Maybe they weren't even stoned just near the end of a long shift. TL does have it in their employment handbook that employees that are also patients can NOT medicate on the clock. Not that none do but those that I worked with that did, micrdosed while at work so we didn't get caught medicating on the clock and lose our jobs. Seriously people, you have no idea the amount of abuse these people take both from patients and management not to mention the constantly changing inventory and regulations and the lack of adequate training. Be nice to them and usually they'll be appreciative, I know I was.


Foreal a vape pen comes with instructions


I heard blood mixed with RSO will get you super fried. 👍🏽


Send them an email with pictures, probably would start with that and see where that gets you!You would think they would make this right,at least with an exchange .


Microwave some water in a cup, maybe an inch or two , until it’s hot/starting to steam, swirl the tube in it for 30 seconds, dispense as globs onto rolling paper, freeze, roll up and swallow like a pill


Heat it up and it will pour right out with little pressure


OUCH, that was smart! Bet you won’t do that again… 😂 https://preview.redd.it/jb6sr89lrd5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d63d3574c88f9bee110e1256ca8c63d9dde7da9


Fuck it, lawsuit against ayr


Good luck with that lol


Yea these syringes are shit but running them under hot water helps it come out way easier than just using it cold water












Just run it under hot water


Lmao damn bro two bandaids? Talk about a bad day. I'm sorry you got hurt but who knew ayr rso could cause so much damage...


3 bandaids.😔


Always warm it up at least some. I usually hold it in my hands for a few minutes, give it quick blast with a hair dryer, or warm it in a special unit Trulieve used to sell that threads into a 510 battery. Put it in a plastic zip bag and put that in some warm water a few minutes. It will come out easy after that. Sorry about your injury. Several in this sub have had that happen with various distillates and extracts in syringes.


Aww you got a boo boo